Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành quản trị kinh doanh - Phần 14
Bài này giới thiệu một sốloại độc quyền trong hoạt động kinh doanh, và ảnh hưởng của đầu
tưviễn thông đối với sựphát triển kinh tế. Bạn sẽ được thực hành kỹnăng đọc hiểu và ôn luyện
các hiện tượng ngữpháp có liên quan nhưthì quá khứ đơn, cách cấu tạo từ.
Học xong bài này bạn có thể:
- Được trang bịmột lượng từvựng nhất định sửdụng trong lĩnh vực thịtrường và độc
quyền, về ảnh hưởng của đầu tưviễn thông đối với sựphát triển kinh tế.
- Phân biệt được các loại độc quyền khác nhau trong hoạt động kinh doanh.
- Trảlời được các câu hỏi trong phần đọc hiểu, tìm từ đồng nghĩa.
- Sửdụng thành thạo thời quá khứ đơn ởcác thểkhẳng định, phủ định, nghi vấn.
- Biết cách chuyển từdanh từsang động từvà tính từ.
- Luyện kỹnăng nghe và làm bài tập nghe hiểu vềchủ đề“distribution”.
aker and monopolies 134 e. It’s a gift for your daughter’s birthday. ……………………………………………………….. f. As the price was too high, she didn’t buy the bicycle. ……………………………………………………….. g. She is only a housewife, but she talks as if she were a professor. ……………………………………………………….. h. Since she was sleepy, she went to bed. ……………………………………………………….. i. We must speak English for she doesn’t speak Vietnamese. ……………………………………………………….. j. He became an animal doctor since he liked animals. ……………………………………………………….. 3. TEXT 6.2 THE IMPACT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS INVESTMENT ON THE ECONOMIC GROUP Bạn hãy đọc kỹ phần nội dung về ảnh hưởng của đầu tư viễn thông tới sự tăng trưởng kinh tế dưới đây và làm các bài tập ở sau bài đọc. Bạn có thể tham khảo bảng từ vựng ở cuối bài để biết nghĩa của các từ mới. The telecommunications industry has been growing at a higher rate of growth than the overall rate of growth of all industries in most countries. The industry has also been subject to high rates of growth in product innovation and process innovation. However, the pace of technological change can also benefit the incumbent if it uses new technologies and services to strengthen its market position. The argument that the telecommunications market was static in size, often used by incumbent monopolist to argue for no or limited entry, was often accepted in the past by policy makers. The evidence, however, overwhelmingly contradicts this argument. On the contrary new entry and competition have helped expand markets to a significant extent especially by placing downward pressure on price and stimulating demand (e.g. in mobile communication). Telecommunications is playing an important role in OECD economies so that efficient service provision important. General consensus has emerged that efficiency is best achieved through competitive structures, hence the importance of regulatory reform. Telecommunications can lead to incremental national economic growth in several ways. The sector plays a significant role in reducing the transaction costs of doing business, the costs of ordering, gathering information, searching for services and using services, and as the role of information in economies and the service sector increases its share in overall output, the importance of communications is enhanced. Further, telecommunication services provide significant externalities increase as the Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 135 information content of production increases. That is as the communication intensity of the production processes increase. Several studies have been undertaken to try and show the impact of telecommunications investment on economic growth. For some of these studies, the purpose has been to show that improved telecommunications investment and increased consumption of telecommunications (which would result from a competitive market environment) would have more broad positive impacts on the economy. Analysis in Japan suggests that investment in communication broadcasting facilities had a multiplier effect of 2.08 in terms of increased production in the Japanese economy. Analysis has been undertaken in the United States on the impact of introducing more competitive market structures and changing regulatory frameworks. These studies focused on the impact of eliminating the regulatory restrictions which were imposed on the Regional Bell Operating Companies by the Modification of Final Judgement. For example, the United States Council of Economic Advisers estimated in 1995 that, the legislative proposal which had been put forward at that time the Administration aimed at opening the telecommunications markets to more competition (much of which has been incorporated in the Telecommunication Act of 1996), could add $100 billion to GDP over the next decade. Further the estimates indicate that the share of the telecommunications and information sector in GDP could double by 2003 and that there could be a net increase of 1.4 million jobs in that sector. Incremental capital investment over the next decade is estimated to reach $75 billion. The significance of the Council of Economic Advisers’ study is the underlying recognition that existing regulatory frameworks are an impediment to investment, service development and employment growth. A similar study estimated that by eliminating line of business restrictions on the BELL Operating Companies (the present Act has in effect eliminated them), the economy would gain 3.6 million additional jobs over the next 10 years, 0,5 per cent in manufacturing output and $247 billion would be added to GDP. Irrespective of the magnitude of the economic impact of information infrastructures, the most important factor for policy makers is to understand the social cost of inefficiencies in non- competitive markets or insufficiently competitive markets. These costs arise in particular from lower output in the less competitive markets, slower development and diffusion of application, and higher price. Given that the communication industry and the main using industries, especially the service sector, from an increasing part of the economy, this can result in high social costs. Empirical results have shown that the spillover effects from information and communication technologies also have an important influence on the productivity level of the whole economy, and inefficient markets will limit these spillover effects. Exercise 1 Answer the following questions based on the text. (Hãy trả lời những câu hỏi dưới đây dựa vào nội dung bài khóa) 1. How is efficiency best achieved according to the consensus? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 136 2. How many ways can telecommunications lead to increment national economic growth? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. What did the US studies focus on? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. What is the most important factor to policy makers? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. What form an increasing part of the economy? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 2 Find the verb or adjective from the text that corresponds to the following nouns. (Hãy tìm động từ hoặc tính từ trong bài khóa tương ứng với các danh từ sau) Nouns Verbs or adjectives Argument Argue Similarity Regulation Investment Consumption Competition Elimination Significance Estimation Incremental Exercise 3 PRODUCT Theo qui tắc cấu tạo từ thì mỗi một gốc từ có thể cấu tạo được nhiều từ có từ loại khác nhau và ý nghĩa khác nhau. Dưới đây là các biến thể của từ PRODUCT. - Product (n): something produced. (sản phẩm) - Production (n): the act or process of producing. (sự sản xuất) Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 137 - Productive (adj): producing or capable of producing, used especially to talk about ability to produce abundantly. (sản xuất, khả năng sản xuất) - Productivity (n): rate of production; the quality of being productive. (năng suất, sản lượng) - Produce (v): to make or manufacture. (sản xuất) - Produce (n): agricultural products and especially fruits and vegetables. (sản phẩm nông nghiệp – nông sản) Use the words given above to complete the sentences: (Hãy sử dụng các từ trên để hoàn thành các câu sau) 1. He is the most _________________ man in the group. 2. What should we do to reduce _________________ cost? 3. His labour _________________ is low because the work doesn’t suit him. 4. Could you tell me about your _________________ plan? 5. They decided to _________________ more items. 6. That part of the market sells _________________ while this part sells meat. 4. LISTENING: DISTRIBUTION Sandra Parr is giving Kevin Hughes his telephone messages. K.H: Hello, Sandra. Did anyone phone while I was out? S.P: Yes, I’ve taken these messages for you. MESSAGE: 1 Can he send a container to Turin by trailer? Taken by: Sandra Date: Time: 9.30 MESSAGE: 2 Do we carry live animals? Taken by: Sandra Date: Time: 9.42 MESSAGE: 3 Is it cheaper to send goods to Hamburg by road or rail? Taken by: Sandra Date: Time: 9.45 MESSAGE: 4 Can we collect goods from their factory? Taken by: Date: Time: MESSAGE: 5 Do we handle containers? Taken by: Sandra Date: Time: 10.45 MESSAGE: 6 What are our European trailer charges? Taken by: Anne Date: Time:10.34 Unit 6: Maker and monopolies 138 Exercise 1 Listening comprehension Listen to the disc and decide which person from which company asked which question in the telephone messages. (Hãy nghe và xác định xem ai từ công ty nào hỏi câu hỏi nào trong các tin nhắn qua điện thoại nêu ở bảng trên) PEOPLE COMPANIES Mr. Grey Mr. White Mrs. Scarlet Mr. Black Miss Green Ms Brown Dyers Spectrum Tanners Prism & Co Rainbow Co. Ltd Colour Co Exercise 2 Reported questions.(Lối nói gián tiếp) Khi ta chuyển lại một lời nói ở một thời điểm khác, tới một đối tượng khác ta thường dùng lối nói gián tiếp. Khi sử dụng lối nói gián tiếp ta cần lưu ý mấy điểm sau: - Về ngữ pháp thì phải lùi một thời. Ví dụ: Am, is --> was Are --> were Do --> did Did --> had done Will --> would Can --> could - Về các đaị từ chỉ ngôi, tân ngữ, tính từ sở hữu cũng phải thay đổi cho phù hợp khi cần thiết. Ví dụ: You --> me Your --> mine - Về trạng từ chỉ thời gian thì cũng phải chuyển cho phù hợp. Ví dụ This morning --> that morning Yesterday --> the day before Đối với câu hỏi gián tiếp, bạn cần lưu ý đến vị trí của chủ ngữ và trợ động từ - đó không còn là trật tự của một câu hỏi nữa mà là trật tự của câu trần thuật. Để hiểu chi tiết hơn về hiện tượng ngữ pháp này bạn hãy xem kỹ phần Tiếng Anh 2. Bây giờ bạn hãy viết về những câu hỏi mà mọi người hỏi trong các bản tin ở bài tập số 1 theo mẫu.
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