The effects of using mock conferences to teach interpretation skills to the 4th year cadets of the english department at military science academy
Mock conference has been documented as an effective way to prepare interpreters for future
professional careers in many institutions. In Vietnam; however, its effectiveness remains
inconclusive as research on this activity has been rarely reported. Hence, this study presents
the findings of effects of applying this activity to teaching interpretation skills to the fourthyear cadets of the English Department at Military Science Academy. An action research was
conducted in one intact group at Military Science Academy via deploying three main instruments.
Similarly, the effect of using the model was measured by statistical data. Thus, the effect of the
mock conference on the cadets’ performance could be triple-checked. The findings revealed that
the new activity did improve cadets’ interpretation skills as it brought about seven key benefits.
Hence, it can be concluded that this activity may be a feasible solution to improving the quality
of teaching interpretation skills to the fourth year cadets at Military Science Academy so that they
can lay a good foundation for their future career as interpreters.
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Benjamins Translation Library. 23KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY v APPENDICES 1. Survey questionnaire SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE This survey questionnaire is designed to investigate the effects of using mock conferences to teach interpretation skills to the 4th year cadets of the English Department at Military Science Academy. You are eligible for the study as you have already finished your interpretation subject. Your support in fulfilling the survey will be highly appreciated. You can be confident that you will not be identified in any discussion of the data. Thank you very much for your cooperation. I. Personal information: Please cross (x) in the box that is true for you 1. Your gender: Male Female 2. You have been learning English for 10 years more than 10 years II. The followings are the statements concerning the effects of the mock conferences you have applied in your interpretation lessons. I would like you to indicate your opinion of each statement by choosing the option that is true for you. Your option should be indicated by a cross (x). Numbers Questionnaire Items Totally agree Agree Quite agree Totally disagree Disagree 1 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons are useful learning experiences. 2 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons are captivating experiences. 3 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons are worthwhile experiences. 4 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons are beneficial experiences. 5 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons are motivating experiences. 6 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create motivations for me to study my interpretation subject better. 7 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create a good learning environment for me to study my interpretation subject. 8. The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create inspirations for me to study my interpretation subject better. 9 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons facilitate my acquisition of the interpretation subject better. 10 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons build up confidence in my acquisition of the interpretation subject. 11 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons ease my pressures on my acquisition of the interpretation subject. 12 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create more opportunities for me to take turns in delivering interpretation in the booth. 24 KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) v LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY 13 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons capture my creativeness in my acquisition of the interpretation subject. 14 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons arm me with more background knowledge and interpretation skills. 15 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons familiarize me with real-life interpreting situations. 16 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons provide me with more opportunities to be exposed to situated contexts of interpreters. 17 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons enable me to manage my time more scientifically and rationally. 18 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons lay a good foundation for me to earn higher academic attainments in the interpretation subject. 19 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons harness my collective wisdom in acquiring the interpretation subject. 20 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create more opportunities for me to interact with my group members in my acquisition of the interpretation subject. 21 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create more opportunities for me to bring all the existing facilities and resources into full play in my acquisition of the interpretation subject. 22 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons maximize my pro-activeness in training interpretation skills. 23 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons make full use of my free time in acquiring the interpretation subject. 24 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create more room for me to train interpretation skills. 25 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons equip me with a good job-orientation for my future career as an interpreter. 26 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train my visualizing skills. 27 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train reformulating skills. 28 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train simplifying skills. 29 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to monitor production. 30 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to share attention between listening ahead and note-taking. 31 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train anticipating skills. 32 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train summarizing skills. 33 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train reconstruction tactics. 34 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to bridge the gaps between two cultures. 35 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to comply with professional ethics. 36 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train comprehension tactics. 37 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train my self-reflecting performance.. 25KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY v 38 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train on-site problem solving skills. 39 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train note-taking skills.. 40 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train short-term memory. 41 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to prepare real-life-oriented conferences. 42 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train preventive tactics. 43 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train public speaking skills 44 The mock conferences I have taken part in in my interpreting lessons create opportunities for me to train concentration Thank you very much for your cooperation. 2. Introspective interview THE INTROSPECTIVE INTERVIEW Câu 1: Đồng chí có suy nghĩ gì về sự cần thiết của việc áp dụng hội thảo mẫu trong học môn dịch nói? Câu 2: So với việc tuân thủ tất cả các nội dung liên quan đến các kỹ năng dịch trong giáo trình Dịch Nói, đồng chí có nhận định gì về những ưu điểm, nhược điểm của việc bổ sung hội thảo mẫu trong việc học môn dịch nói? Câu 3: Đồng chí có hứng thú với việc tham gia một buổi hội thảo mẫu không? Vì sao? Câu 4: Đồng chí cảm nhận thế nào khi phải chuẩn bị tất cả các bước cần thiết cho hội thảo mẫu? Câu 5: Đồng chí có cảm thấy hài lòng với kết quả đạt được sau từng buổi hội thảo mẫu không? Vì sao? Câu 6: Đồng chí có áp dụng được phần lý thuyết được giảng viên cung cấp vào các hội thảo mẫu không? Nếu có thì đó là những kỹ năng nào? Câu 7: Đồng chí có nhận định gì về những lợi ích mà hội thảo mẫu mang lại trong quá trình học môn dịch nói? Câu 8: Đồng chí có nhận định gì về những khó khăn mà đồng chí gặp phải khi tham gia thực hiện hội thảo mẫu trong quá trình học môn dịch nói? Câu 9: Nếu đồng chí được giao nhiệm vụ thực hiện hội thảo mẫu khi học môn dịch nói một lần nữa, đồng chí sẽ làm gì để đạt được hiệu quả cao nhất? Câu 10: Đồng chí có khuyến nghị gì đối với giảng viên, các nhà quản lý giáo dục cũng như các phòng, khoa, ban và hệ để thực hiện tốt hoạt động hội thảo mẫu, góp phần nâng cao chất lượng học môn dịch nói tại Khoa tiếng Anh? Xin trân trọng cảm ơn đồng chí đã trả lời cuộc phỏng vấn hồi tưởng này.
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