Teaching english to young learners
The course provides a comprehensive overview of the issues surrounding the teaching of young learners:
theory and practice;
classroom techniques;
clear examples, tasks.
Instructor: Nguyen Thi Hoai Minh, M.A in TESOL*Course overviewWhat do you expect to learn from the course?*Course overviewThe course provides a comprehensive overview of the issues surrounding the teaching of young learners:theory and practice;classroom techniques; clear examples, tasks.*Course objectivesAt the end of the course, the students will be able to:understand the special characteristics of children as language learners;manage children language classes; create, adapt and analyse activities and resources for YLapply theoretical background into practice of teaching language skills.*Course requirementThe students have to:attend 80% of class timeparticipate into class activitiesbring blank paper, a pencil, a rubber, color crayons/pencils to classdo homework assignments*CoursebooksPinter, Annamaria. 2006. Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford University Press.Moon, Jayne. 2000. Children Learning English. Macmillan Publishers Limited.*Course assessmentAttendance : 10%Group teaching practice: 20%Final exam: 70%(true/false, multiple choice, ordering,matching, lesson planning)**Defining a young learnerAge: 5/6 – 11/ 12 years old (Philips 1993); Starting formal schooling *Characteristics of young learnersWhat characteristics do children bring to class?What do you know about how children learn languages?Brewster 2002, task 1, p. 13Moon 2000, task 1, p. 2*Contexts for learning EnglishTime for learning EnglishExposure to EnglishA real need for EnglishVariety of inputMeaningful input(Moon 2000, pp. 1-2)*Children as language learnersUsing language creativelyGoing for meaningUsing chunks of the languageHaving funJoining in the actionTalking their heads offFeeling at home*Supporting young language learnersCreate a real need and desire to use EnglishProvide sufficient time for EnglishProvide exposure to varied and meaningful inputProvide opportunities for language practice and use in contextCreate a friendly atmosphereProvide feedback on learningHelp children notice the underlying patterns in language(Moon 2000, p. 10)*Teaching Demonstration (Moon 2000, p. 11)What did I do tocreate a real need and desire to use Englishprovide exposure to varied and meaningful inputprovide opportunities for language practice and use in contextcreate a friendly atmosphereprovide feedback on learninghelp children notice the underlying patterns in language**Techniques – using languagerepeating pupils’ answersrephrasing pupil’s answersprompting through a rise in intonationframing sentencesusing gestures and actions*More techniquesactivating background knowledge giving positive feedbackcreating meaningful purposes for using languageencouraging predictionsusing visual reinforcement*Techniques (Moon 2000, p. 75)*DemonstrationThe wheels on the busGo round and roundRound and roundRound and roundThe wheels on the busGo round and roundAll day long*The driver on the busTurns right and leftRight and leftRight and leftThe driver on the busTurns right and leftAll day long*The children on the busJump up and downUp and downUp and downThe children on the busJump up and downAll day longThe driver on the bus said,‘move on back’‘move on back’‘move on back’The driver on the bus said,‘move on back’All day long**Group discussionWhat factors influence children’s attitude to learning English? **It is not complicated and it is a beautiful language.That way I have more culture. I can understand computers and game instruction.My English is poor. I feel a bit behind.What influences children’s attitudeTeachers and teaching methodsSeeing the needs for English outside schoolParental and peer influencesPersonal preferences, interest in language*Ways of developing positive attitude towards EnglishIdentify the problems Find solutions(Moon 2000, tasks 4 & 5, p.p. 20 – 23)*
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