Teaching and learning legal English in businessrelated majors: Advantages and disadvantagesx
Economic performance in Vietnam has been gaining much development in recent
years. As one of the major forces of the economy, import and export continuously achieve
success year after year. In 2017, there was a considerable increase of 21.2% in exports in
comparison with that of 2016, reaching 214.02 billion USD, while imports remained under
good control (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2018). Undoubtedly, the number of deals
settled successfully goes hand in hand with that of trade contracts to be signed, which put a
great pressure on the company’s human resource to be responsible for contract negotiation
and signing. Moreover, the trade conflicts have been an inevitable issue in business.
Ministry of Industry and Trade (2018) confirms that until December 2017, as a World
Trade Organization (WTO)’s member, Vietnam has taken legal action in three antidumping cases against Indonesia and the United States of America (USA) and brought
them to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO
TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM TP HỒ CHÍ MINH TẠP CHÍ KHOA HỌC HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION JOURNAL OF SCIENCE ISSN: 1859-3100 KHOA HỌC GIÁO DỤC Tập 16, Số 8 (2019): 241-252 EDUCATION SCIENCE Vol. 16, No. 8 (2019): 241-252 Email: tapchikhoahoc@hcmue.edu.vn; Website: 241 Research Article TEACHING AND LEARNING LEGAL ENGLISH IN BUSINESS- RELATED MAJORS: ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGESx Chau The Huu Ho Chi Minh University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology Corresponding author: Chau The Huu – Email: chauthehuuftu@gmail.com Received: March 18, 2019; Revised: June 13, 2019; Accepted: July 18, 2019 ABSTRACT This paper is composed specifically to point out the pros and cons of Legal English learning and teaching in universities which includes business-related subjects in their curricula. The methodology employed is qualitative method, conducted through collecting and analysing secondary data in combination with observations and experimentation in daily classroom activities. It has been found out that, besides such advantages as learners’ English fluency, both practical and theoretical material diversity and up-to-date curricula in business-related universities, lack of materials for learning, time-consuming preparation and insufficient passion are among many issues to be addressed in teaching and learning Legal English in universities. Keywords: business, contract, economics, ESP, Legal English. 1. Introduction Economic performance in Vietnam has been gaining much development in recent years. As one of the major forces of the economy, import and export continuously achieve success year after year. In 2017, there was a considerable increase of 21.2% in exports in comparison with that of 2016, reaching 214.02 billion USD, while imports remained under good control (Ministry of Industry and Trade, 2018). Undoubtedly, the number of deals settled successfully goes hand in hand with that of trade contracts to be signed, which put a great pressure on the company’s human resource to be responsible for contract negotiation and signing. Moreover, the trade conflicts have been an inevitable issue in business. Ministry of Industry and Trade (2018) confirms that until December 2017, as a World Trade Organization (WTO)’s member, Vietnam has taken legal action in three anti- dumping cases against Indonesia and the United States of America (USA) and brought them to the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the WTO. Those are the issues which Cite this article as: Chau The Huu (2019). Teaching and learning legal english in business-related majors: advantages and disadvantages. Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science, 16(8), 241-252. Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Tập 16, Số 8 (2019): 241-252 242 mainly concern with trade policies from a macro-economic viewpoint, obviously followed by a great number of other micro-cases between businesses. A key point for Vietnamese enterprises when they have to get involved in such cases is their understanding towards contract content and language. It is an advantage that almost all contracts signed between Vietnamese and businesses from other countries are made in English language – an international communication tool for global citizens. However, this also poses some challenges for people who have just started running or are currently operating their businesses due to their insufficient language skills, especially those of Legal English. Although many universities and training centers have organized classes to equip their students with necessary understanding and application in the English of Law and specially, English for contracts, there are still many things to be done concerning from both the aspects of learners and teachers. For the purpose of analysing the current situations and proposing some recommendations, I have decided to conduct a study on the topic “Teaching and learning Legal English in Business related majors: Advantages and Disadvantages”. The study aims to figure out the pros and cons in teaching and learning Legal English situation at some universities which organize classes in business majors, including Foreign Trade University HCMC Campus (FTU HCMC), HCMC University of Foreign Languages – Information Technology (HUFLIT) and University of Education HCMC (HCMUP). It holds a vital position in deciding the current status and suggesting appropriate guidelines for both lecturers and students in these educational institutions specifically and others generally. The limitation of the study lies mainly on the timing and scale of research, which is limited within the three universities. Furthermore, as most examples listed hereunder refer to real context in business contract, more study needs to be conducted in other legal documents such as legislation terms, company’s internal documents, as well as other types of contract, namely the charter party, insurance policy, etc. However, as the distinction of these documents is mostly concerned with content, and format other than language, the suggestions in this study are still applicable to some extents for the above-mentioned documents. 2. Overview of Legal English There have been variations in understanding and interpreting the term Legal English. Based on purposes, ESP (English for Specific purposes) practitioners prefer to use other terms as classification, such as EGLP (English for general legal purposes), EALP (English for academic legal purposes), and EOLP (English for occupational legal purposes) (Northcott, 2013). In this study, I mainly focus on some features relating to Legal English in the case of being used in business contracts. Like other professions, law has its own Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Chau The Huu 243 complexity, which requires learners to put much effort in order to master the principles and contents of every single sentence, as well as paragraph. In case the terms are written in mother tongue, readers still face difficulties in reading and comprehending the meaning of words and sentences. Moreover, where English, or other languages, is used in composing such provisions, the challenge becomes greater not only for common readers, but also for those specialized such as lawyers, researchers or negotiators, etc. Northcott (2013) confirmed that one of the sources of Legal English’s difficulty was put down to the Common Law system, which heavily depends on precedents. In terms of application, it is undoubted that Legal English is widely useful in life, work and study. People need to read and understand the laws passed by legislative body as those can affect their daily life such as new regulations on tax, shopping or transportation. Students have to read regulations in schools and other educational institutions so as to duly follow. In business, Legal English finds itself of great importance when being made use of in various cases such as internal documents, and, more significantly, commercial contracts and agreement. For the above reasons, teaching and studying Legal English remains a crucial part in education in general, and some business – related majors in particular. Due to the little use of Legal English in non-business related major, I primarily concentrated on analysing the pros and cons in training this type of ESP only in business-related curricula. It is worth noticeable that so far has this topic been studied and mentioned in a number of research studies and books domestically and internationally. In his study namely “Teaching Legal English: contexts and cases”, Northcott (2009) evaluated the current situation of training Legal English for law professionals of second languages. He concluded that ethnographic skills and partnerships between language specialists and law experts should be strictly considered and applied in other to achieve high result in training (Northcott, 2009). The research study set up general understanding of educating Legal English internationally nowadays. Meanwhile, the article “Terminology translation in teaching Legal English” by Mishchenko (2010) approached translation of legal terms as a pedagogical method. The author confirmed that a teacher of Legal English, especially when he or she is not a legal expert nor a native speaker, requires remarkable cognitive effort and huge amount of time in preparing for good lessons. Mentioning the training of Legal English in business context in Vietnam, the book “International trade contracts” by Nguyen (2007) marked an advancement in raising the awareness of both educators and learners towards this special field. Eleven parts and two appendices in the book demonstrated the relationship between the law and contract, instructed basic and advance notes for learners and illustrated those points with real examples (Nguyen, 2007). The limitation of the book lies in its lack of Vietnamese explanation and interpretation, which makes it difficult for readers and students who have only basic skills in English to follow. Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Tập 16, Số 8 (2019): 241-252 244 To make it easier for students who are not good at English, Nguyen (2011) published a book, namely “Hợp đồng xuất nhập khẩu tiếp cận từ khía cạnh pháp lý, nghiệp vụ, ngôn ngữ - tiếng Anh (Import-export contracts - Legal, Operational and Linguistic approach)”. As put forward in its name, the book includes three chapters discussing three distinctive aspects of composing commercial contracts in foreign trade operations (Nguyen, 2011). In spite of the useful and various guidelines to be found in the book, the drawback of this publication is that it is lack of necessary system of exercises and practice for learners. Therefore, many readers just consider it as a book mainly for reading but not practicing. What can be considered from the above literature is that teaching and learning English of Law have caught much attention internationally. However, there are still many things to be done so that such pedagogical approach in educating this kind of language in business major in Vietnam is well applied. 3. Teaching and learning Legal English in business-related majors 3.1. Advantages Studying and teaching Legal English requires good English skills from both learners and lecturers. It is inevitable to see that the ability to listen, read, speak and write in English of Vietnamese people has been rising strongly so far thanks to the good attention in high school education and a stress on achieving international certification (such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International language testing system (IELTS), or Test of English for International communication (TOEIC)) in English from the young nowadays. This growth does help raise confidence in learning and teaching Legal English courses. Another advantage of training Legal English currently is the availability of materials, especially those published online. In the past, it was not easy to get access to international contracts signed by companies and their foreign partners due to the issue of confidentiality. Such documents could mostly be achieved only through mutual relationship between researchers (i.e. teachers and students in this study) and someone in the corporation. Thanks to the development of Internet and electronic commerce, many companies specializing in import-export are also organizing training courses for students, whom they consider potential recruits. As one part of their marketing strategy, a great number of business documents are shared both publicly and separately for the one who registered. Taking advantages of this, students and teachers can look for various examples for their purpose of mastering Legal English. Moreover, the curricula in some universities, like Foreign Trade University HCMC Campus (FTU HCMC) or at the Department of International Business Administration of HCMC University of Foreign languages – Information technology (DIBA – HUFLIT), include teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) together with other specialized Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Chau The Huu 245 subjects. Take FTU HCMC’s curriculum of External Economics major as an example, students in their third and final year have to deal with classes on ESP which are very close to their other subjects to be learned in the same semester. For instance, they study Commercial Correspondence and International Business Contracts in their ESP classes in correlation with International Trade Transactions or Law on External economics activities as specialized subjects. These above subjects all mention the Sales contract and its structure as illustrated in Figure 1, but from different aspects. This helps create a useful link between subjects and enhance motivations for students to follow and concentrate on gaining knowledge and practicing their skills. With the specified advantages, teaching and learning Legal English in business contexts will surely develop more thoroughly if the following drawbacks are carefully considered and solved. Figure 1. Structure of an International Sales Contract Source: (Doan & Kim, 2016) Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Tập 16, Số 8 (2019): 241-252 246 3.2. Disadvantages The first factor is the availability of qualified teachers. Teaching Legal English obviously requires teachers to be fluent at English language. Moreover, a good understanding in the common legal systems around the world plays an important part in their lecturing career. On the other hand, educators need to be aware that students have to apply what they learn into interpreting documents in their own legal system. (Mishchenko, 2010) All of the above put a great pressure on current Vietnamese teachers nowadays as it is not easy for universities and other educational institution to recruit and keep a lecturer who is good at both Legal English and real business operation. The next factor to be of concern is student’s patience and passion for learning. As mentioned before, Legal English is a kind of language that is not so easy to handle, especially for students whose English background are not good. For those who achieve high grade in International English tests like the TOEFL, or IELTS, comprehending English structures in legal context also cause difficulties. I have conducted a small experiment with a group of seven (7) students of different English background and understanding towards legal framework. With the help of online and offline materials, all were asked to translate the following part of a License Agreement between two corporations specializing in oil trading from The United States of America and Vietnam. Figure 2. Terms from AMTECOL License Agreement used in experiment Source: (AMTECOL & INDOCHINA, 2018) Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Chau The Huu 247 The experiment took place in about fifteen (15) minutes. The first student, who have achieved IELTS 8.5 and CPE (Certificate of Proficiency in English) grade A finished the task earlier with only some small mistakes in translation, as shown in Figure 3. The remaining students with level of English equivalent to TOEIC 600 took more time to fulfill the assignment, and their work contained much more mistakes than that of the first. Their translation seemed to be made only by word-by-word technique, regardless of its flow and meaning in Vietnamese language. Figure 3. Translated version of Figure 2’s content It can be inferred from this small experiment that students’ ability in English affects how fluent they are when studying Legal English, even in the case they have achieved high recognition in various English tests. This would impact strongly on their motivation and interest in mastering Legal English. The time for Legal English learning and practice is another main issue to be addressed. Curricula in many universities which have business and economic majors consider Legal English as a small part in their English program. Students of Business English major at English Department, HCMC University of Education spend most of their time in studying many Business English subjects, in which Legal English is mentioned with a small proportion in some units of the textbook. In order to master it, what the students need is a systematic view of the structure, vocabulary and key points in translation. Meanwhile, students studying at DIBA HUFLIT only learn Legal English within fifteen (15) periods in the Subject of Import-export and International Payment, which is insufficient for building the basics of such language. Due to this limitation, the teaching and learning only focus on analysing sample contracts and documents (Chau, 2015). Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Tập 16, Số 8 (2019): 241-252 248 On the other hand, lack of academic materials also raises an obstacle for teaching and learning Legal English. Despite the availability of sample items online, transferring knowledge require a systematic root, which is not mentioned commonly in current Business English textbooks used in university. This is also the reason why teachers have to spend much time preparing for lessons as they have to look for, read and analyse relevant documents in order to produce good lectures. 4. Suggestions for improving teaching and learning Legal English in business- related majors. 4.1. For students 4.1.1. Key points in learning * In terms of grammatical points which are worth memorizing and practicing, I would suggest the following: - Nguyen (2007) concluded that regarding the order and types of clauses, there are four (4) types of sentence structures to remember when learning Legal English in business and contractual context. (1) Main clause + Main clause (together with conjunctions such as and, but, or, etc.) (2) Main clause + Subordinating clause (or in reversed order) (3) Main clause + Subordinating clauses (more than two subordinating clause) (4) Subordinating clause A + Mail clause + Subordinating clause B Among these, type 4 is the most complicated and most commonly used in Legal English. Take a term from a rice export contract as an example “Should any dispute arise between the contracting parties to which no agreement can be reached, these disputes shall be settled by arbitration, which shall take place in Singapore as per arbitration rule number 125 of GAFTA.” (Chau, 2016). As can be seen, the above sentence is composed from the combination of Adverbial clause of condition and an Adjective clause, which makes it complex for readers. - It is also noted that the Simple present tense and the Passive voice are commonly used in Legal English, and sometimes accompanied by “shall” as modal verb, which means “must”. For example, a clause of Force Majeure terms says that “If at the end of Force Majeure period, shipment is still prevented by any of the above causes, the Contract shall be void unless a further extension is mutually agreed” (Chau, 2016). However, the use of passive voice and active voice should be appropriate so as to express the parties’ intention precisely; otherwise, it would lead the reader to unnecessary confusion when interpreting the terms (Nguyen, 2007). Tạp chí Khoa học Trường ĐHSP TPHCM Chau The Huu 249 * Regarding vocabulary to be used in the language of contract, besides terminology which is only available in specific contractual terms such as payment, delivery transportation or insurance terms, archaic terms (such as hereto or aforementioned, ect.) are also worth being paid attention due to their frequent appearance in such
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