Tài liệu học ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh
Editorial team 2
Introduction 2
Note on Examples 7
Guide to the Use of the Grammar 8
Glossary of Grammatical Terms 9
Cobuild Grammar Chart 18
Chapter 1 Referring to people and things 19
Nouns 21
Pronouns 38
Determiners 48
Chapter 2 Giving information about people and things 61
Adjectives 62
Possessives 89
Quantifiers 91
Numbers 97
Qualifiers 107
Chapter 3 Making a message 113
Transitivity 113
Complementation 139
Phase 147
Chapter 4 Varying the message 153
Mood 153
Negation 162
Modality 169
Chapter 5 Expressing time 188
Verb tenses 189
Adjuncts of time 197
Chapter 6 Expressing manner and place 213
Adjuncts 213
Manner 216
Place 223
Chapter 7 Reporting what people say or think 235
Chapter 8 Combining messages 254
Subordination 255
Coordination 274
Chapter 9 Making texts 282
Cohesion 282
Ellipsis 290
Chapter 10 The structure of information 293
The Reference Section 317
Index 338
l in negative clauses 5.140 in adjuncts of duration to indicate when something stopped 5.140 from... until 5.142 in time clauses 8.20, 8.24 us 1.104-106 used to 4.258-262 instead of would to refer to irregular events in the past 4.115, 4.259 in reported clauses 7.54 V various 1.230 verbal nouns see '-ing' nouns verbs =>compound verbs 3.118-126 =>delexical verbs 3.33-46 =>ditransitive verbs 3.74-83 =>ergative verbs 3.60-68 =>intransitive verbs 3.9-14 =>link verbs 3.137-148 =>performative verbs 10.102-105 =>phrasal verbs 3.84-117 =>reciprocal verbs 3.69-73 =>reflexive verbs 3.27-32 =>reporting verbs 7.5-13 =>transitive verbs 3.15-26 list of verbs followed by adjuncts of direction 3.13 list of verbs followed by adjuncts of position 3.13 verbs used in transitive or intransitive clauses 3.48-55 list of verbs which are transitive in some meanings and intransitive in others 3.49 omitting the object 3.50-53 lists of normally transitive verbs which can be used without an object 3.51, 3.53 verbs which take a direct object or prepositional phrase 3.56-59 verbs which act like link verbs when followed by certain prepositions 3.148 position of main verb in 'yes/no'-question 4.12 list of verbs used to specify position 6.58 concord with place names 6.104 verbs that do not refer to speech or thought but can be followed by a 'that'-clause 7.82 choice of tense in time clauses 8.9 using and to link identical verbs for emphasis 8.156 lists of verbs usually used in the passive 10.18 lists of verbs rarely used in the passive 10.19 list of verbs referring to needs or wants that can be used in cleft sentences 10.30 list of verbs which can have impersonal it as object 10.35 list of verbs used with impersonal it to describe the weather 10.36 verbs used with impersonal it as subject 10.40 verb forms R52-79 forming participles R59-70 pronunciation R55, R57, R59 list of verbs with irregular past forms and past participles R72 forms of auxiliaries R80-87 formation of tenses R89-119 verbs not usually used in continuous tenses R120-122 non-finite verb groups R123-135 very as emphasizing adjective 2.43 as submodifier 2.145 submodifying like 2.170 submodifying superlatives 2.173 submodifying general determiners 1.233 vocatives 10.115-119 position in sentence 10.116 using titles and surnames 10.117 voice see active, passive W want in phase structures 3.192, 3.199, 3.213 used in making requests 4.240 way the way, in a way, and in the way, used like conjunctions in clauses of manner 8.78 we 1.97-103 well after could, might, or may to express strong possibility 4.128 were in conditional clauses with a 'to'-infinitive 8.33, 8.36 instead of was after as if or as though 8.81 what as interrogative pronoun 1.150-152 in 'wh'-questions 4.17-21, 4.29 what about or what of in questions without a verb 4.41 in nominal relative clauses 8.113 in cleft sentences 10.28-30 in exclamations 10.107-108 whatever in 'wh'- questions 4.30 in conditional clauses 8.42 whatsoever 4.92 when in 'wh'-questions 4.17-21, 4.25 in relative clauses 8.104-105 whenever 8.13, 8.24 where in 'wh'-questions with adjectives such as necessary or possible 8.24 in place clauses 8.74 in relative clauses 8.104-105, 8.114 whereas 8.66 whereby 8.107 whereupon 8.21 wherever in 'wh'-questions 4.30 with adjectives such as necessary or possible 8.24 in place clauses 8.76 whether 'whether'-clauses used to report questions 7.32 list of verbs that can come before 'whether'-clauses 7.33 in 'to'-infinitive clauses, with or 8.40-41 which as relative pronoun 1.145, 1.147, 8.84, 8.91, 8.94 as interrogative pronoun 1.150-152 in 'wh'-questions 4.17-21, 4.24 of which instead of whose in relative clauses 8.102 in relative clauses commenting on the whole of the main clause 8.110 in clauses commenting on a situation or time 8.111 whichever in conditional clauses 8.42 in nominal relative clauses 8.115 while in time clauses 8.11, 8.24 in concessive clauses 8.66, 8.71 whilst in time clauses 8.11 in concessive clauses 8.66, 8.71 who as relative pronoun 1.145-146, 8.84, 8.90, 8.93 as interrogative pronoun 1.150-152 in 'wh'-questions 4.17-22 use of who contrasted with whom 4.22 whoever in 'wh'-questions 4.30 in conditional clauses 8.42 in nominal relative clauses 8.115 whom as relative pronoun 1.145-146, 8.84, 8.90, 8.93 as interrogative pronoun 1.150-152 in 'wh'-questions 4.17-22 use of whom contrasted with who 4.22 of whom instead of whose in relative clauses 8.102 whose as relative pronoun 1.149, 8.84, 8.101 as interrogative pronoun 1.150-152 in 'wh'-questions 4.17-21, 4.23 replaced by of which or of whom in written English 8.102 'wh'-questions 4.17-30 word order 4.19-20 questions without a verb 4.21 use of who and whom 4.22 use of whose 4.23 use of which 4.24 use of when and where 4.25 use of why 4.26 use of how 4.27 how combined with other words in 'wh'-questions 4.28 use of what 4.29 what combined with if or for in 'wh'-questions 4.29 use of whatever, wherever, and whoever 4.30 use of what about or what of with no verb 4.41-42 negative 'wh'-questions beginning with why to make suggestions 4.42 reporting 'wh'-questions 7.34 'wh'-words list 4.18 word order in 'wh'-questions 4.19-20 used after a preposition, followed by a 'to'-infinitive 7.93 nominal use of 'wh'-clauses 7.92 used to report 'wh'-questions 7.34 verbs that can come before clauses starting with 'wh'-words 7.35 see also 'wh'-questions why in 'wh'-questions 4.17-20, 4.26 negative 'wh'-questions beginning with why used to make suggestions 4.42 use of why and whereby in defining clauses 8.107 will negative form won't 4.105 shortened to 'll after a pronoun 4.108 referring to the future 4.111, 5.53, R104 replaced by would in report structures 4.114 expressing likelihood 4.124 expressing certainty about the future 4.133 will not used to express prohibition 4.153 used in instructions 4.162 used to ask for help 4.162 used to give an order 4.172 used to make an offer or invitation 4.178 used to state intentions 4.195 will not used to express unwillingness to do something 4.201 used to express the necessity of an action 4.217 used with dare 4.255 used to form the future tense 5.53, R104 used in reported clauses 7.52 with after predicative adjectives 2.52 main use as preposition 2.301 use in report structures 7.75 use in passive constructions 10.15 lists of verbs used with with in the passive 10.16 within in adjuncts of duration 5.130-131 wonder as reporting verb 7.21 used with an 'if'-clause or a 'whether'-clause 7.33 used to make a polite request 7.63 won't as shortened form of will not 4.105 used to express unwillingness to do something 4.195, 4.201 word order position of adjectives 2.19-23, 2.58-66 position of numbers 2.230, 2.236, 2.250 position of objects of ditransitive verbs 3.80 position of objects of phrasal verbs 3.102-105 position of preposition in phrasal verbs 3.116 order of subject, verb, and complement 3.128 'yes/no'-questions 4.12 negative non-finite clauses 4.53-54 negative statements 4.49-52, 4.60-62, 4.73, 4.208 position of broad negatives 4.84-88 position of adjuncts 5.41, 5.70-83, 6.7-13 time expressions 5.98 order of subject and verb after adjuncts 6.15 position of adverbs 6.24, 6.48, 6.50, 6.90 position of objects of prepositions 6.57 order of prepositional phrases and after a verb 6.122 position of prepositional phrases 6.58-63 order of subject and intransitive verb after a prepositional phrase 6.63 quote structures 7.19-21 report structures 7.24, 7.28 adverbial clauses 8.7 putting the verb first in some conditional clauses 8.36 result clauses 8.54, 8.62 of sentences containing result clauses 8.62 concessive clauses 8.70 place clauses 8.75 relative clauses 8.98-99 position of non-finite clauses 8.119, 8.132 order of elements in a clause 10.1-2 position of complement in passive constructions 10.21 position of focusing adverbs 10.90 position of vocative 10.116 worse as superlative of badly 6.32 as adverb of degree 6.52 as superlative of bad R28 worst as comparative of badly 6.32 as adverb of degree 6.52 as comparative of bad R28 would negative form wouldn't 4.105 shortened to 'd after a pronoun 4.108 used instead of will in report structures 4.114 referring to regular events in the past 4.115 referring to the future in narrative 4.116 with not to express past reluctance 4.117, 4.202 expressing likelihood 4.124-125 expressing possibility in the past 4.141 used in instructions 4.163 asking for help 4.163 would like used to give an order 4.171 would like used to make a request 4.175 used to make an offer or invitation 4.179 would like used to express a wish 4.207 would not used to express a negative wish 4.208 would rather or would sooner used to express a preference 4.210 expressing a wish about the past 4.211 followed by a 'that'-clause to express a wish 4.213 used in expressing an opinion 4.226 used with dare 4.255 used in reported clauses 7.51-52 wouldn't as shortened form of would not 4.105 used to make an offer or invitation 4.179 used to express past unwillingness to do something 4.202 Y -y added to colour adjectives 2.36 'yes/no'-questions 4.12-16 position of auxiliary, subject, and main verb 4.12 position of the auxiliary do 4.13 be or have as main verb 4.14 tag questions 4.15 rhetorical questions 4.40 reporting 'yes/no'-questions 7.32 yet used with comparatives and superlatives 2.165, 5.80 referring to an expected situation 5.78-79 used after adjuncts of duration with for 5.127 used to link clauses 8.140, 8.145 used to link adjectives 8.175 used to link adverbs 8.176 you 1.97-106 used to refer to people in general 10.13 your 1.192-207 yours 1.110-113 yourself 1.115-122, 3.27-32 yourselves 1.115-122, 3.27-32
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