Structure and written expression
Skill 1: be sure a sentence have S and V
Skill 2: Be careful of objects of preposition
A preposition is followed by a noun or pronoun that is called an object of preposition. If a word is an object of preposition, it is not the subject.
Skill 3: be careful of Appositive
An oppositive is a noun that comes before or after another noun and is generally set off from the noun with commas. If a word is an oppositive, it is not the subject. The following oppositive structure are both possible in English
Skill 4: Be careful of present participbles (V-ing)
A present participble is a –ing form of the verb. The present participble can be part of the verb or an adjective. It is part of the verb when it is an accompanied by some form of the verb “be”. It is an adjective when it is not accompanied by some form of the verb “be”.
answer the questions. 2. Look ahead at the questions o determine what types of questions you must answer. Each type of question is answered in a different way. 3. Find the section of the passage that deals with each question. The question-type tells you exactly where to look in the passage to find correct answers For main idea questions, look at the fisrt line of each paragraph For directly and indirectly answered detail questions, choose a key word in the question, and skim for that key word (or a ralated idea) in order in the passage. For vocabulary questions, the question will tell you where the word is located in the passage. For overall review questions, the answer are found anywhere in the passage. 4. Read the part of the passage that contains the answer carefully. The answer will probably be in the same sentence (or one sentence before or after) the key word or idea. 5. Choose the best answer to each question from the four answer choices listed in your test book. You can choose the best answer according to what is given in the appropriate section of the passage, eliminate definitely wrong answers, and mark your best guess on the answer sheet. A. QUESTIONS ABOUT THE IDEAS OF THE PASSAGE Skill 1: ANSWER MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS CORRECTLY MAIN IDEA QUESTIONS How to identify the question What is the topic/subject/main idea of the passage? What is the author’s main point in the passage? With what is the author primarily concerned? Which of the following would be the best tittle? Where to find the answer The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by looking at the first sentence of each paragraph. How to answer the question Read the first line of each paragraph Look for a common theme or idea in the first lines Pass your eyes quickly over the rest of the passage to check that you really have found the topic sentence(s) Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remain choices. Skill 2: RECOGNIZE THE ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS How to identify the question How is the information in the passage organized? How is the information in the second paragraph related to the information in the first paragraph? Where to find the answer The answer to this type of question can generally be determined by looking at the first sentence of the appropriate paragraph. How to answer the question Read the first line of each paragraph Look for words that show the relationship between the paragraphs. Choose the answer that best expresses the relationship. B. DIRECTLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS Skill 3: ANSWER STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS CORRECTLY STATED DETAIL QUESTIONS How to identify the question According to the passage,…. It is stated in the passage… The passage indicates that…. The author mentions that…. Which of the following is true…? Where to find the answer The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage How to answer the question Choose a key word in the question Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word or idea Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully Look for the answer that restates an idea in the passage Eliminate the definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. Skill 4: FIND “UNSTATED” DETAILS “UNSTATED” DETAILS QUESTIONS How to identify the question Which of the following is not stated…? Which of the following is not mentioned…? Which of the following is not discussed…? All of the following are true except…. Where to find the answer The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage How to answer the question Choose a key word in the question Skim in the appropriate part of the passage for the key word (or related idea) Read the sentence that contains the key word or idea carefully Look for the answers that are definitely true according to the passage. Eliminate those answers. Choose the answer that is not true or not discussed in the passage. Skill 5: FIND THE PRONOUN REFERENTS PRONOUN REFERENTS How to identify the question The pronoun “…” in line X refers to which of the following? Where to find the answer The line where the pronoun is located is generally given in the question. The noun that the pronoun refers to is generally found before the pronoun. How to answer the question Find the pronoun in the passage (the line where the pronoun can be found is generally stated in the question) Look for nouns that come before the pronoun Read the part of the passage before the pronoun carefully Eliminate any definitelywrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. C. INDIRECTLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS Skill 6: ANSWER IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS CORRECTLY IMPLIED DETAIL QUESTIONS How to identify the question It is implied in the passage that… It can be inferred from the passage that… It is most likely that…. What probably happened….? Where to find the answer The answers to these questions are found in order in the passage How to answer the question Choose the key word in the question Scan the passage for the key word (or related idea) Carefully read the sentence that contains the key word Look for an answer that could be true, according to that sentence Skill 7: ANSWER TRANSITION QUESTIONS CORRECTLY TRANSITION QUESTIONS How to identify the question The paragraph preceding the passage probably…. What is most likely in the paragraph following the passage? Where to find the answer The answer can generally be found in the first line of the passage for a preceding question. The answer can be generally be found in the last line for a following question How to answer the question Read the first line for a preceding question Read the last line for a following question Draw a conclusion about what comes before or after Choose the answer that is reflected in the first or last line of the passage. D. VOCABULARY QUESTIONS Skill 8: FIND DEFINITIONS FROM STRUCTURAL CLUES STRUCTURAL CLUES How to identify the question What is….? What is the meaning of…? What is true about…? Types of clues Punctuation: comma, parentheses, dashes Restatement: or, that is, in other words,… Examples: such as, for example,…. Where to find the answer Information to help you determine what something means will generally be found after the punctuation clue, the restatement clue, or the example clue. How to answer the question Find the word in the passage Located any structural clues Read the part of the passage after the structural clue carefully Eliminate any definitely wrong answers and choose the best answer from the remaining choices. Skill 9: DETERMINE MEANING FROM WORD PARTS A SHORT LIST OF WORD PARTS PART MEANING EXAMPLE PART MEANING EXAMPLE Contra Mal Mis Sub Dec Multi Sol Tri Against Bad Error Under Ten Many One Three Contrast Malcontent Mistake Subway Decade Multiple Solo Triple Dic Domin Jud Mor Spec Terr Ver Viv Say Master Judge Death See Earth Turn Live Dictate Dominant Judgment Mortal Spectator Territory Divert Revive Skill 10: USE CONTEXT TO DETERMINE MEANINGS OF DIFFICULT WORDS VOCABULARY QUESTIONS CONTAINING DIFFICULT WORDS How to identify the question What is the meaning….? Which of the following is closest in meaning to…? The word is difficult word, , one that you probably don’t know. Where to find the answer The question usually tells you in which line of the passage the word can be found. How to answer the question Find the word in the passage Read the sentence that contains the word carefully. Look for the context clues to help you understand the meaning Choose the answer that the context indicates. Skill 11: USE CONTEXT TO DETERMINE MEANINGS OF SIMPLE WORDS VOCABULARY QUESTIONS CONTAINING SIMPLE WORDS How to identify the question What is the meaning….? Which of the following is closest in meaning to…? The word is simple word, , one that you see often in everyday English. Where to find the answer The question usually tells you in which line of the passage the word can be found. How to answer the question Find the word in the passage Read the sentence that contains the word carefully. Look for the context clues to help you understand the meaning 4. Choose the answer that the context indicates. E. OVERALL REVIEW QUESTIONS Skill 12: DETERMINE WHERE SPECIFIC INFORMATION IS FOUND QUESTIONS ABOUT WHERE IN THE PASSAGE How to identify the question Where in the passage…? Where to find the answer The answer can be in any of the lines in the answers to the question. How to answer the question Choose a key word or idea in the question Skim the lines in the passage that are listed in the answers to the question. You should skim for the key word or idea. Choose the answer that contains the line numbers of a restatement of the question. Skill 13: DETERMINE THE TONE, PURPOSE, OR COURSE TONE, PURPOSE, OR COURSE How to identify the question TONE: what is the tone of the passage? PURPOSE: what is the author’s purpose in this passage? COURSE: In which course would this reading be assigned? Where to find the answer TONE: There will be clues throughout the passage that the author is showing some emotion rather than just presenting facts. PURPOSE: Draw a conclusion about the purpose from the main idea and supporting details. COURSE: Draw a conclusion about the course from the topic of the passage and the suppporting details. How to answer the question TONE: 1. Skim the passage looking for clues that the author is showing some emotion. 2. Choose the answer that identifies the emotion PURPOSE: 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and the details used to support the main idea. 2. Draw a conclusion about the purpose COURSE: 1. Study the main idea in the topic sentence and the details used to support the main idea. 2. Draw a conclusion about the course
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