Sample Business Letters (101-200)
101. Commitment Form (Advertising)
102. Company Bonus Letter
103. Company Credit Account Approval Letter
104. Company Credit Account Denial for Unfavorable Report
105. Company Credit Account Denial Letter
106. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Difficulty
107. Complimentary Letter to Employee on Handling of Emergency
108. Complimentary Letter to Hotel
109. Complimentary Letter with Individual Commendation
110. Confidential Information Agreement
111. Confidentiality Agreement Between Firms
112. Confirmation of Acceptance of Employee Suggestion
113. Confirmation of Extension of Payment Date
um, payable $_ per month in advance, in lieu of the rent contained in the original Lease. It is further provided, however, that all other terms of the Lease shall continue during this extended term as if set forth herein. Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_. _______________________________ Landlord _______________________________ Tenant Fictitious Name Certificate - By Corporation Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - By Corporation Certificate KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That the undersigned corporation hereby certifies that it is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of ___________________, under the fictitious name of _______________; and that the principal place of business of said corporation in the State of __________ is located at _____________________, in the City of ________________, County of _________________________. Dated: ___________________ _______________________ (Name of Corporation) (Corporate Seal) By _______________________ (/S/ Corporate Officer) (ACKNOWLEDGMENT) Fictitious Name Certificate - Individual Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - by Individual Certificate KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned does hereby certify the following: 1. The undersigned is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of _____________ under the fictitious name of ______________________________________. 2. The principal place of said business is located at ______________________________________. 3. The full name of the undersigned is _________________. 4. The place of residence of the undersigned is _________ _______________________________________. Dated _______________ ________________________ (Signature) Fictitious Name Certificate - Partnership Certificate of Transaction of Business Under Fictitious Name - by Partnership Certificate IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The undersigned are the partners of a ____________ (general or limited) partnership that is transacting or proposes to transact business in the State of ____________, under the fictitious name of _____________________________. 2. The principal place of said business is located at _________________________________________. 3. The full names and places of residence of the undersigned are : _________________________, whose place of residence is ___________________________________________. _________________________, whose place of residence is __________________________________________. Dated: ________________ /S/__________________________ /S/__________________________ Fifth Overdue Payment Reminder, Notice of Credit Hold Dear It is because we do not want you to experience unnecessary embarrassment, that we are writing this letter to you. As we have reminded you, your account is past due and I am sorry to inform you that if you were to present your charge card at our store today, our sales personnel could not accept the charge without an okay from the credit department. This would necessitate your going to the credit department to discuss the status of your bill before the charge would be approved. You have been too good of a customer in the past to have to go through this procedure, but unless we receive your payment we have no other alternative, due to our company policy. We have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience and are requesting that you please mail us your payment today. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Final Demand for Payment on Delinquent Account Dear Your account has been referred to me with instructions that I make final demand for payment of this debt. Inasmuch as the outstanding balance is sizable, I have outlined a payment plan for you as a method to retire the entire balance over the next (number) months if you are unable to forward the full amount at this time. Amount Due $ Payment $ Monthly Due Date $ This offer is being made to you as our expression of wanting to settle your account in an amicable manner. If we do not receive your first payment by the date indicated above, we will have no choice but to refer your account to a collection agency. We do not wish to take any action which might impair your credit rating and therefore request that you give this matter your most immediate attention. Final Notice Before Legal Action FINAL NOTICE BEFORE LEGAL ACTION Date: _ To: _ (Customer) We have repeatedly requested payment of $_, on your overdue account. Our demands for payment have been ignored. Accordingly, we shall turn this account over for collection within the next ten days unless payment, or an acceptable proposal for payment is obtained. Enforced collection on this obligation may result in additional legal or court costs to you and may impair your credit rating. Very truly, Final Notice of Impending Litigation Dear The postmark of this letter is registered with our office. Unless you contact us at (telephone), you will run the risk of your local Sheriff serving you with a Summons and Complaint to appear in Court without further notice to you. Filing of suit will initiate a series of events that will cause you considerable inconvenience and expense. In addition to the above mentioned balance, you may be liable for court costs and interest. In the event you should fail to contact us immediately, we will assume that this debt is valid. Should you have any reason to dispute the validity of the debt or any portion thereof, this office will obtain verification of the debt or obtain a copy of the Judgment and mail you a copy of same. This office will also provide you with the name and address of the original creditor if different from the current creditor. PLEASE GOVERN YOURSELF ACCORDINGLY. Final Warning Before Dismissal FINAL WARNING BEFORE DISMISSAL Date: _ To: _ (Employee) You have been previously notified of certain problems in your performance as an employee, which problems appear to continue. Any further violations of company policy or failure to perform in accordance with our standards shall result in immediate dismissal without further warning. Financing Statement FINANCING STATEMENT ____________________________________________________________ Debtor (Last Name First/Individual) Social Security Number ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City, State Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Additional Debtor - (If Any) Social Security Number ____________________________________________________________ Mailing Address City, State Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Debtor's Trade Names or Styles Federal Tax Number ____________________________________________________________ Secured Party Social Security No. Name Federal Tax No. or Address Bank Transit and City, State A.B.A. No. Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ Assignee of Secured Party Social Security No. Name Federal Tax No. or Address Bank Transit and City, State A.B.A. No. Zip Code ____________________________________________________________ This FINANCING STATEMENT covers the following types or items of property (include description of real property on which located and owner of record when required). ____________________________________________________________ Products of Collateral are also covered Yes______No______ ____________________________________________________________ Debtor is a "Transmitting Utility" Yes______No______ ____________________________________________________________ Date: Signature(s) of Debtor(s) _____________________________________________________________ Type or Print Name of Debtor _____________________________________________________________ Signature(s) of Secured Party(ies) _____________________________________________________________ Type or Print Name of Secured Party _____________________________________________________________ Return Copy to: _____________________________________________________________ Firm Letter on Past Due Account Dear On (date) we called your attention to your account balance in the amount of $ According to our records we have not received either a reply to our letter or a remittance to clear this account. We extended credit to you on your account in good faith and expected payment under our normal thirty day terms which we feel are most reasonable. So that no further action on our part will be necessary, we shall expect a remittance by return mail or the courtesy of a reply to our letter as to why payment is being withheld. Five Day Demand for Payment Dear Our accounting department has turned your past due account over to me hoping that I could persuade you to bring it current prior to forwarding your file to our legal department. When our firm extends credit to an individual such as yourself, it bases its decision on that applicant's previous credit history and ability to pay. When you requested credit from us, you met all of these criteria. Today, however, your account has reached the critical stage. You can avoid any additional costs if you mail your check in the amount of (amount) I must hear from you within five days. Follow Up Letter, Travel Agency Dear Thank you for giving (name of agency) the opportunity to make your travel arrangements for your recent trip to (destination) We hope that you were pleased with the air travel and the hotel accommodations that we arranged for you. We encourage your comments, insofar as that is the best means that we have for learning first hand if the representations of quality that are made to us are accurate. We will look forward to hearing from you and hope that you will afford us the opportunity to help you plan your next vacation or business trip. Thank you.
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