Relative clauses or adjective clauses
A. Relative pronouns :
1. Defining clauses (Restrictive clauses) :
- The scientist who discovered a new planet has won the Nobel prize.
- The old castle which we visited was really interesting.
2. Non-defining clauses (Non-restrictive clauses) :
- Jack , who lives next door to my house , is very handsome.
- The TItanic , which is over 200 miles long , is known as the red planet.
(Meänh ñeà quan heä hay meänh ñeà tính töø)
BIEÂN SOAÏN : NGUYEÃN THÒ THANH TRIEÂU A. Relative pronouns : SUBJECT OBJECT POSSESSION FOR PERSONS WHO WHO(M) WHOSE FOR THINGS & ANIMALS WHICH WHICH OF WHICH WHOSE B. Relative adverbs : WHERE : in which, in the place , at that place WHEN : on the day, at that time WHY : for the reason - I don’t know the reason why she is absent today. - She couldn’t remember the place where she was born. 1. Defining clauses (Restrictive clauses) : - The scientist who discovered a new planet has won the Nobel prize. - The old castle which we visited was really interesting. 2. Non-defining clauses (Non-restrictive clauses) : - Jack , who lives next door to my house , is very handsome. - The TItanic , which is over 200 miles long , is known as the red planet. RELATIVE CLAUSES OR ADJECTIVE CLAUSES (Meänh ñeà quan heä hay meänh ñeà tính töø) THE USAGE OF TENSES (Caùch söû duïng caùc thì) TENSE (Thì) USAGE (Caùch söû duïng) EXAMPLES (Ví duï) (* es : s, x, sh, ch, z, o) 1. General statement or truth (Söï thaät hieån nhieân khaúng ñònh) 2. Present action (Haønh ñoäng hieän taïi) (always, often, usually, rarely...) 3. Habit in the present (Thoùi quen hieän taïi) [every(day, week, month, year)] 4. Stative verbs, verbs of perception, emotion, possession or mental state (Ñoäng töø chæ traïng thaùi, giaùc quan, tình caûm, sôû höõu hay tinh thaàn) (know, realize, recognize, doubt, need, feel, taste, see, sound, smell, envy, want, possess, belong, exist, cost,) 1. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. 2. My father works in a bank. 3. We get up at 6 every day. 4. - His propose sounds wonderful. - The game begins in 10 minutes. SIMPLE TENSES (Thì ñôn) 1. An action happening at a definite time in the past (Haønh ñoäng xaûy ra vaøo thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong quaù khöù) [last night, yesterday, last (week, month, year, )] 2. A completed action in the past (Haønh ñoäng hoaøn taát trong quaù khöù) (ago) 3. Historical facts or past events (Söï kieän lòch söû hay söï kieän trong quaù khöù) 1. Mary saw that film last night. 2. His uncle lived in Hanoi 5 years ago. 3. Ñieän Bieân Phuû battle happened in 1954. to)(- Will Shall V ¿ ¾ ½ - An action or state in the future. (Haønh ñoäng hoaëc traïng thaùi ôû töông lai) [tomorrow, next (week, month, year)] - The students will have a test tomorrow. column2 ed ndVS Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANHÁ 2 SIMPLE PRESENTI SIMPLE PASTII SIMPLE FUTUREIII es* s It She He V ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ ° ¿ ° ¾ ½I You We They V CONTINUOUS TENSES (Thì tieáp dieãn) ing are is am V ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ 1. An action happening at the present time (Haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra ôû hieän taïi) right now, now) 2. A plan or an action in the near future (Haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra ôû töông lai gaàn) 1. - - 2. The teacher is explaining the lesson at the present. It is raining now. We’re having a party tomorrow. ing Were Was V ¿ ¾ ½ 1. An action going on at a certain point of time in the past. (Haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra ôû moät thôøi ñieåm nhaát ñònh trong quaù khöù) (at this time, by this time) 2. An action going on when another action happening in the past. (Haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra khi moät haønh ñoäng khaùc xaûy ra trong quaù khöù) 3. Two actions going on at the same time in the past. (Hai haønh ñoäng cuøng ñang xaûy ra trong quaù khöù) (while) 1. Tom was watching TV at this time last night. 2. The tourist lost his camera while he was traveling around the city 3. While my mother was cooking, my father was fixing his car last night Will + Be + V+ ing 1. An action that will be happening at a certain point of time in the future (Haønh ñoäng dieãn tieán vaøo thôøi ñieåm nhaát ñònh trong töông lai) (at this time next (month, year,), by the time) 2. An action that will be happening when another action takes place in the future (Moät haønh ñoäng ñang xaûy ra khi moät haønh ñoäng khaùc xaûy ra trong töông lai) 1. At this time next year, my brother will be studying in America . 2. When you arrive, they will be studying music lessons. (at the present, at the moment, Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 3 PRESENT CONTINUOUSI PAST CONTINUOUSII FUTURE CONTINUOUSIII Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 4 Have Has .PP ¿ ¾ ½ Had .PP HaveWill .PP PERFECT TENSES ( Thì hoaøn thaønh) S (Thì hoaøn thaønh tieáp dieãn)PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE 1. An action happening at an indefinite time in the past (Haønh ñoäng xaûy ra ôû moät thôøi ñieåm khoâng xaùc ñònh trong quùa khöù) 2. An action happening in the past and continuing up to the present (Haønh ñoäng xaûy ra trong quaù khöù coøn keùo daøi ñeán hieän taïi) (up to now, up to the present, so far, for, since, lately, recently, already, never, ever) 3. A repeated action in the past (Haønh ñoäng ñöôïc laäp laïi nhieàu laàn trong quaù khöù) (many times, several times, repeatedly, over and over) 4. An action that has just happened. (Haønh ñoäng vöøa môùi xaûy ra) (Just) 1. My sister has lost her keys. 2. The students have studied English for five years. 3. They have heard that song many times. 4. Her sister has just had dinner. - An action that had happened before another action in the past (Haønh ñoäng ñaõ xaûy ra tröôùc moät haønh ñoäng khaùc trong quaù khöù) - When they arrived, we had gone to the movies. - An action that will have finished at a certain point of time in the future (Haønh ñoäng seõ hoaøn taát ôû moät thôøi ñieåm nhaát ñònh trong töông lai) - By this time next year, their brother will have completed his English courses. ingBeenHave Has V ¿ ¾ ½ BeenHad ingV ingBeenHaveillW V Perfect Continuous Tense nhaán maïnh ñeán tính lieân tuïc, khoâng giaùn ñoaïn cuûa haønh ñoäng. PRESENT PERFECTI PAST PERFECTII FUTURE PERFECTIII PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS I PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS II FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS III CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (Caâu ñieàu kieän) Notes : * Unless = If . . . not - These plants will die unless you water them regularly. * Inversion of subject and verb (Ñaûo chuû ngöõ vaø ñoäng töø) - If she had more practice, she would speak English better. o Did she have more practice, she would speak English better. - If I had seen her, I would have given her your letter . o Had I seen her, I would have given her your letter . * Simple present - If it rains , we won’t go shopping. Will Can May )to(V ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ * Past subjunctive )to(V Might Could Would ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ (Be : Were - caû 3 ngoâi) - If I were you , I wouldn’t do that. * Past perfect Might Could Would ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ P.PHave - If it hadn’t rained yesterday , we would have gone to the beach. CONDITION (Ñieàu kieän) IF CLAUSE (Meänh ñeà IF) MAIN CLAUSE (Meänh ñeà chính) Future Possible Past Unreal Present Unreal CAÙC DAÏÏNG ÑOÄNG TÖØ SAU “ WISH “ Öôùc muoán ôû töông lai Öôùc muoán ôû hieän taïi Öôùc muoán ôû quaù khöù Ñoäng töø ôû caâu “ coù thaät “ Ñoäng töø sau “ WISH “ I can’t fly to Hanoi tomorrow. He isn’t going to help me. He won’t find it for me. I wish I could fly to Hanoi tomorrow. I wish he were going to help me. I wish he would find it for me. I don’t have enough time to study She is drinking beer right now I can’t speak several languages I wish I had enough time to study. I wish she weren’t drinking beer right now. I wish I could speak several languages .. Mary didn’t understand this story Mary couldn’t understand this story I wish Mary had understood this story. I wish Mary could have understood this story. Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANHÁ 5 SUBJECT - VERB AGREEMENT (Söï hoøa hôïp giöõa chuû töø vaø ñoäng töø) 1. Chuû ngöõ soá ít o Ñoäng töø soá ít - Her only concern is her children . 2. Chuû ngöõø coù AND noái giöõa o Ñoäng töø soá nhieàu/ soá ít, tuøy vaøo nghóa - Mary and Susan are students . - Love and to be loved is everything. 4. Chuû ngöõ ñöôïc noái vôùi nhau baèng EITHER OR, NEITHER NOR, OR o Ñoäng töø theo yeáu toá gaàn nhaát - Either you or I am going to be punished . 5. Chuû ngöõø ñöôïc noái vôùi nhau baèng ALLBUT, BOTH ANDo Ñoäng töø soá nhieàu - All but Tom pass the exam . 6. Chuû ngöõø ñi sau EACH, EVERY o Ñoäng töø soá ít - Every girl likes present . 7. Theo sau ñaïi töø baát ñònh : ANYBODY, ANYONE, EVERYBODY, EVERYONE, NONE OF, SOMEBODY . . . o Ñoäng töø soá ít - Is - None of us is as strong as all of us. everyone hot ? 8. Moät caâu baét ñaàu baèng THERE hoaëc HERE o Ñoäng töø ñöôïc chia theo chuû töø ñi sau noù - Here comes the bus. - There come the dishes. 9. Danh töø taäp hôïp o Ñoäng töø soá ít khi noù ñöôïc ñeà caäp nhö moät toång theå - Your family is happy . 10. Danh töø taäp hôïp o Ñoäng töø soá nhieàu khi noù chæ soá nhieàu caùc phaàn töû - The team are working together well . 3. Chuû ngöõø ñöôïc noái vôùi nhau baèng WITH, TOGETHER, ALONG WITH, AS WELL ASo Ñoäng töø theo yeáu toá ñi tröôùc - My sister as well as her friends goes shopping every weekend . with along with together with Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANHÁ 6 11. Caùc töïa saùch, taïp chí, phim, kòch, moùn tieàn, khoaûng thôøi gian o Ñoäng töø soá ít - A billion dollars is a lot of money. 12. Nhöõng moân hoïc (Economics, Mathematics, Dynamics, Statistics, Physics...) o Ñoäng töø soá ít - Physics is my interesting subject . - 13. Danh töø tröøu töôïng o Ñoäng töø soá ít All this information is very important . 14. Chuû ngöõ laø danh ñoäng töø, ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu vaø meänh ñeà o Ñoäng töø soá ít - To speak English requires much practice . Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 7 1. CAN, COULD a. CAN : - Khaû naêng coù theå thöïc hieän ñieàu gì. (Can you speak any foreign languages ?) - Duøng ñeå yeâu caàu, xin pheùp (Can I have a drink ?) b. COULD : - Moät khaû naêng naøo ñoù trong quaù khö.ù (She could run 2 miles without stopping when she was young.) - Moät söï cho pheùp trong quaù khö.ù (I could do anything I wanted.) - Duøng ñeå yeâu caàu, xin pheùp, nhôø vaû moät caùch lòch söï. (Could you pass salt for me, please ?) 2. MAY, MIGHT - Chæ moät haønh ñoäng coù theå xaûy ra trong töông lai hay moät öôùc ñoaùn. (Take an umbrella with you. It may rain later.) - Ñeå xin pheùp, yeâu caàu, ñeà nghò coù tính caùch lòch söï. (Might I say sth ?) 3. MUST : - Vieäc caàn thieát coù theå xaûy ra. (You must remember to go to the bank today.) - Ñöa ra moät lôùi khuyeân. (You really must see that film. It’s wonderful) . - Khaúng ñònh moät ñieàu gì ñoù. (You must be very hungry.) - Moät vieäc baét buoäc phaûi ñöôïc thöïc hieän. (I must get a hair cut.) 4. SHOULD : - Moät söï baét buoäc nheï nhaøng hoaëc lôùi khuyeân. (You should study hard.) - Duøng ôû phuû ñònh (SHOULDN’T) ñeå chæ moät lôøi khuyeân. (The children shouldn’t sit so close the TV.) MODAL VERBS (ñoäng töø khieám khuyeát ) TENSE ACTIVE PASSIVE Simple present - My mother gives me money today. Am / is/ are + P.P - I am given money today by my mother. Present continuous Am / is/ are + V + ing - The teacher is asking many questions. Am / is/ are + Being + P.P - Many questions are being asked by the teacher. Present perfect Has / Have + P.P - They have used this dictionary for 10 years. Has / Have + Been + P.P - This dictionary has been used for 10 years. Simple past - We found the book in his bag. Was / Were + P.P - The book was found in his bag. Past continuous Was / Were + V + ing - My uncle was cutting grass when it began to rain. Was / Were + Being + P.P - Grass was being cut by my uncle when it began to rain. Past perfect Had + P.P - They had bought the novel before I arrived. Had + Been + P.P - The novel had been bought before I arrived. )to(V Must Might May Should Could Can Would Will ° ° ° ° ° ¿ ° ° ° ° ° ¾ ½ M od al V er bs P.PBe Must Might May Should Could Can Would Will ° ° ° ° ° ¿ ° ° ° ° ° ¾ ½ to infinitive Ought Have Has ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ Ought Have Has ° ¿ ° ¾ ½ P.PBeoT PASSIVE VOICE (BE + P.P) Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANHÁ 8 ÑAÏI HOÏC SÖ PHAÏM TP. HCM TRUNG TAÂM LUYEÄN THI ÑAÏI HOÏC VÓNH VIEÃN 115 Lyù Chính Thaéng - Quaän 3 481 Tröôøng Chinh - P.14 - Q.TB (Ñoái dieän Trung taâm daïy ngheà Taân Bình, vaøo 30m) 33 Vónh Vieãn - Q.10 (Tröôøng CÑ Kinh Teá) - ÑT : 846 9886 - ÑT : 810 5851 - ÑT : 830 3795 CAUSATIVE FORM (Daïng truyeàn khieån) P.P HAVE O sb sth meaningpassiveo )to(V O sb sth P.P meaningpassiveo initiveinfToETG - The teacher has the students translate this text into English. o The teacher has this text translated into English. - I got him to repair the radio last week. o I got the radio repaired last week. * Verb + V + ing : - admit, advise, anticipate, avoid, complete, consider, delay, deny, discuss, dislike, enjoy, finish, forget, keep, mind, mention, miss, postpone, practice, protest, quit, recall, recollect, recommend, regret, resent, resist, risk, stop, suggest, understand - can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t help, it’s worth, it’s no use, it’s useless - give up, put off, go on, carry on, . . . * Verb + To infinitive : - afford , agree, appear, arrange, ask, attempt, beg, care, claim, consent, decide, demand, expect, fai l, forget, hope, learn, manage, mean, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, struggle, tend, thre aten, wait, . . . * Verb + O + To infinitive : - advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, challenge, convince, dare, enable, encourage, expect, force , hire, invite, mean, need, order, permit, persuade, remind, require, teach, tell, want, warn, would like * ¯ ® ingV initiveinfTo VERB : - begin, start, continue, try, stop, remember, forget , need, regret ° ¯ ° ® initiveinfToO initiveinfTo ingV VERB MOÄT SOÁ ÑOÄNG TÖØ THEO SAU LAØ DANH ÑOÄNG TÖØ, ÑOÄNG TÖØ NGUYEÂN MAÃU COÙ TO HOAËC DUØNG CHUNG CHO CAÛ HAI Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 9 * Theâm tieáp ñaàu ngöõ (Prefix) vaøo tröôùc töø Prefix Meaning Example dis- in– im- un- mis- co- com- con- bi - re- after- out- over- under- traùi nghóa sai, loãi laàm cuøng vôùi hai laïi, laàn nöõa sau phaùt ra, ôû ngoaøi treân döôùi, keùm * displeasure, dishonesty * injustice, impurity * untruth, unbelief * misbehavior, misconception * co-education, co-author * compassion, confederation * bicycle, bilingual * rearmament, redevelopment * afternoon, afterthought * outbreak, outlaw * overtime, overproduction * undergrowth, undertone * Theâm tieáp vó ngöõ (suffix) vaøo sau töø Suffix Meaning Example -ar -or -er -dom (sau danh hoaëc tính töø) -full -hood (sau danh hoaëc tính töø) -ie -let -ling -ing -ness (sau tính töø) -ship -th (sau tính töø) -ty -ity ngöôøi laøm (tình traïng, lónh vöïc) ñaày (danh töø tröøu töôïng) vaät nhoû beù coâng vieäc (danh töø tröøu töôïng) (danh töø tröøu töôïng) (danh töø tröøu töôïng) (danh töø tröøu töôïng) * beggar, liar * actor, conductor * leader, writer * freedom, wisdom, kingdom * handful, mouthful * childhood,neighborhood, brotherhood * birdie * booklet * duckling * walking, reading, writing, dancing * kindness, usefulness, happiness * friendship, fellowship * truth, warmth, width, growth * cruelty, loyalty * electricity,, profundity FORMATION OF NOUNS (Caùch thaønh laäp danh töø) Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANHÁ 10 FORMATION OF COMPOUND NOUNS (Caùch thaønh laäp danh töø keùp) noun + noun gerund + noun adjective + noun noun + preposition verb + noun schoolboy, classroom dining-car, sitting-room blackboard, grandfather looker-on, passer-by pick-pocket, cut-pocket * Theâm tieáp ñaàu ngöõ (Prefix) vaøo tröôùc töø Prefix Meaning Example a + Verb un, in, im + Adj. ñang khoâng alive, asleep unhappy, unlucky, inactive, impolite * Theâm tieáp vó ngöõ (suffix) vaøo sau töø Suffix Meaning Example Verb + ed Noun + en Noun + ern Noun + ful Noun + ish Adjective + ish Noun + less Noun + like Noun + ly Noun + some Adjective + some Noun + y ñöôïc, bò laøm baèng chaát lieäu (sau ñoäng töø chæ phöông höôùng) ñaày ñuû, nhieàu hôi, coù veû khoâng coù veû gioáng nhö coù veû gioáng nhö (chæ tính caùch) (thuôøng ñi vôùi danh töø chæ thôøi tieát) equipped, pleased golden, wooden southern, northern hopeful, beautiful babyish, reddish, youngish hopeless, homeless fairylike, dreamlike lovely, daily, monthly quarrelsome gladsome rainy, sunny, snowy FORMATION OF COMPOUND ADJECTIVES (Caùch thaønh laäp tính töø keùp) adj + adj noun + adj adj + noun + ed dark-blue, red-hot snow-white, blood-red dark-eyed, bare-footed FORMATION OF ADJECTIVES (Caùch thaønh laäp tính töø) Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 11 ADJECTIVE VERB MEANING NOUNS VERB MEANING able angry black bright broad calm certain cheap civil clean clear dark deep electric equal false fat fertile full glad hot large less light long loose low mad obedient pure quick rich sad safe sharp enable anger blacken brighten broaden becalm ascertain cheapen civilize cleanse clarify darken deepen electrify equalize falsify fatten fertilize fill gladden heat enlarge lessen lighten lengthen loosen lower madden obey purify quicken enrich sadden save sharpen cho pheùp, taïo khaû naêng laøm töùc giaän boâi ñen laøm raïng rôõ, laøm saùng môû roäng laøm laëng xaùc ñònh laøm cho reû hôn laøm cho vaên minh thanh loïc, taåy saïch laøm roõ laøm saãm laïi laøm cho saâu truyeàn ñieän san baèng (tæ soá) laøm giaû laøm cho beùo laøm cho maøu môõ laáp ñaày laøm cho vui söôùng laøm noùng phoùng to laøm giaûm laøm saùng keùo daøi nôùi loûng, thuøng thình haï thaáp laøm (ai) phaùt ñieân vaâng lôøi laøm trong saïch laøm taêng tröôûng laøm giaøu laøm buoàn ñeå daønh laøm beùn, saéc actor addition beauty belief blood circle circulation class colony company competition composition courage creator custom deed description dictation dirt division drama education endurance food friend glory grief growth horror illustration imitation justice knee knowledge life act add beautify believe bleed encircle circulate classify colonize accompany compete compose encourage create accustom do describe dictate dirty divide dramatize educate endure feed befriend glorify grieve grow horrify illustrate imitate justify kneel know live haønh ñoäng coäng, theâm vaøo laøm ñeïp tin töôûng chaûy maùu bao vaây löu thoâng phaân loaïi thöïc daân hoùa hôïp vôùi, ñi cuøng tranh ñua, caïnh tranh saùng taùc khuyeán khích taïo ra, saùng taïo laøm cho quen laøm moâ taû aùm taû, ñoïc ñeå ghi cheùp laøm baån chia ñoùng kòch giaùo duïc chòu ñöïng cho aên giuùp ñôõ laøm veû vang ñau buoàn taêng tröôûng, phaùt trieån laøm kinh hoaøng minh hoïa baét chöôùc phaåm ñònh, minh chöùng quyø goái bieát soáng VERBS FORMED FROM ADJECTIVES AND NOUNS (Caùc ñoäng töø ñöôïc thaønh laäp töø tính töø vaø danh töø) Hoïc nhanhï TIEÁNG ANH CAÁP 3Á Á 12 ADJECTIVE VERB MEANING NOUNS VERB MEANING short simple smooth soft solemn solid strong sweet tight vacant visual wide shorten simplify smoothen soften solemnize solidify strengthen sweeten tighten vacate visualize widen ruùt ngaén ñôn giaûn hoaù laøm phaúng laøm dòu trònh troïng hoaù cuûng coá taêng cöôøng laøm ngoït thaét chaët laøm troáng hình dung môû roäng liquid moisture nation pleasure product proof relief solution success sympathy terror thought liquefy moisturize nationalize please produce prove relieve solve succeed sympathize terrify think laøm loûng laøm aåm quoác höõu hoùa laøm haøi loøng saûn xuaát chöùng minh laøm nheï giaûi quyeát
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