Problems encountered by English - Majored students at Duy Tan university in using English collocations built on the pattern “I + cognitive non - factive verb and epistemic adverb” for communication
This study aims at examining the problems that English-Majored students at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Viet Nam encounter in the use of the English pattern “I + Cognitive Non-factive Verb + Epistemic Adverb”. The pattern is herein referred to as “I + CNFV and EA” for short. The participants of the research were 162 English-majored students and 2 lecturers of English who specialize in English speaking skill teaching at Faculty of English, Duy Tan University. The students were asked to give answers to a questionnaire. The teachers were invited to participate in semi-structured interviews on their students’ knowledge of the “I + CNFV and EA” and on the problems that students are likely to encounter in using this pattern in communication. The findings showed that most of the students did not or rarely used this English pattern. They could not communicate successfully via this type of collocation since they were not fully aware of the usages and the effectiveness brought about by “I + CNFV and EA” for conveying such pragmatic features as decreasing complaining/admonishing, giving counselling, and reducing boasting. On account of this, it is hereby expected that the article will provide readers with some understanding of recognizable problems in using English collocations along with the possible tentative solutions that might be offered to the identified problems
Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 132 Problems encountered by English-majored students at Duy Tan university in using English collocations built on the pattern “I + cognitive non-factive verb and epistemic adverb” for communication Những vấn đề sinh viên chuyên ngữ Trường Đại học Duy Tân gặp phải trong việc dùng kết ngôn tiếng Anh trong cấu trúc “tôi + kết ngôn giữa động từ phi thực hữu và trạng từ nhận thức” trong giao tiếp Tran Thi Minh Gianga,b* Trần Thị Minh Gianga,b* aInstitute of Linguistics, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Viet Nam aViện Ngôn ngữ, Trường Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam bFaculty of English, Duy Tan University, Danang 550000, Viet Nam bKhoa Tiếng Anh, Trường Đại học Duy Tân, Đà Nẵng, Việt Nam (Ngày nhận bài: 28/5/2020, ngày phản biện xong: 11/9/2020, ngày chấp nhận đăng: 30/9/2020) Abstract This study aims at examining the problems that English-majored students at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Viet Nam encounter in the use of the English pattern “I + Cognitive Non-factive Verb + Epistemic Adverb”. The pattern is herein referred to as “I + CNFV and EA” for short. The participants of the research were 162 English-majored students and 2 lecturers of English who specialize in English speaking skill teaching at Faculty of English, Duy Tan University. The students were asked to give answers to a questionnaire. The teachers were invited to participate in semi-structured interviews on their students’ knowledge of the “I + CNFV and EA” and on the problems that students are likely to encounter in using this pattern in communication. The findings showed that most of the students did not or rarely used this English pattern. They could not communicate successfully via this type of collocation since they were not fully aware of the usages and the effectiveness brought about by “I + CNFV and EA” for conveying such pragmatic features as decreasing complaining/admonishing, giving counselling, and reducing boasting. On account of this, it is hereby expected that the article will provide readers with some understanding of recognizable problems in using English collocations along with the possible tentative solutions that might be offered to the identified problems. Key words: Cognitive non-factive verbs; epistemic adverbs; collocations, modality; problems. Tóm tắt Nghiên cứu này nhằm tìm hiểu những vấn đề mà sinh viên chuyên ngữ Trường Đại học Duy Tân gặp phải trong việc dùng những kết ngôn tiếng Anh trong cấu trúc “Tôi + những kết ngôn giữa động từ phi thực hữu và trạng từ nhận thức”. Tham gia nghiên cứu này là 162 sinh viên chuyên ngữ và 2 giảng viên dạy kỹ năng nói tại khoa Tiếng Anh, trường *Corresponding Author: Tran Thi Minh Giang; Institute of Linguistics, Duy Tan University, Da Nang, 550000, Viet Nam; Faculty of English, Duy Tan University, Danang 550000, Viet Nam.. Email: 05(42) (2020) 132-145 Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 133 Đại học Duy Tân. Các sinh viên được yêu cầu đưa những câu trả lời cho một bảng câu hỏi. Giảng viên được yêu cầu tham gia những cuộc phỏng vấn bán cấu trúc về kiến thức của sinh viên về kết ngôn tiếng Anh này và những vấn đề mà sinh viên có thể gặp trong việc sử dụng loại kết ngôn này. Sinh viên hiếm khi hoặc không bao giờ dùng loại kết ngôn này vì họ không biết cách dùng và hiệu quả của kết ngôn này mang lại qua những đặc trưng ngữ dụng của nó như giảm lời phàn nàn, đưa ra lời khuyên, và giảm sự khoe khoang. Mong rằng bài báo sẽ giúp độc giả nhận ra được các vấn đề khi sử dụng kết ngôn này cùng với những giải pháp có thể cho những vấn đề này. Từ khóa: Động từ phi thực hữu; trạng từ nhận thức; các kết ngôn; tình thái; những vấn đề. 1. Introduction In linguistics, modality has been one of the major concerns among linguists because of its complexity and variety. Modality can be seen as the soul of the utterance. According to Perkins, “Doing research on modality is very similar to trying to move in an overcrowded room without treading on anyone else’s feet” [41, 4]. There are a lot of lexical devices expressing modality such as modal nouns, adjectives, adverbs and lexical verbs. Combinations of modal lexical devices with other elements employable for communication have aroused so much interest that Hoye [22, 3] claimed “Modal elements frequently combine and interact dynamically”. Up to now there have been several studies on such collocations. However, most of the studies so far conducted only focus on the theoretical side of modality collocations and there have not been any surveys on the actual use of these collocations in reality. As a matter of fact, employing these collocations for verbal interaction is not an easy task for learners of English. Therefore, it is useful to conduct a mixed-method research consisting of both qualitative and quantitative analysis with the survey using a questionnaire and semi- structured interviews and the participation of 162 English-majored students and two English teachers in order to find out the problems encountered by learners of English in using collocations built upon the pattern “I + Cognitive Non-factive Verb and Epistemic Adverb” herein referred to as “I + CNFV and EA” whereby the epistemic adverb (EA) is mobile, i.e. it can occur either initially, medially or finally in the collocation. This is herein set forth as the major concern of the article; and as indicated in the title of the article, the scope is narrowed down to the problems encountered by English-majored students at Duy Tan University in using these collocations. The study is specifically aimed at (i) examining problems that English-majored students at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Viet Nam encounter in using “I + CNV and EA” collocations for communication and (ii) tentatively finding out possible solutions to the problems identified. In harmony with the specific aims mentioned above, the following research questions are set forth as further elaborations: 1. What are the problems encountered by English-majored students at Duy Tan University in using English “I + CNFV + EA” collocations for verbal interaction? 2. What are the possible tentative solutions to the problems identified? In reality, the paper used to be presented orally in an international convention, VietTESOL in October, 2019 in Hue city ; however , it has never been published in any proceedings or articles so far. Before sending to DTU Journal of Science & Technology Studies, the paper had been improved better, so hopefully it will contribute something useful and practical to English language in general and learners of English in particular on the use of the English modal pattern “I + cognitive non- Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 134 factive verb and epistemic adverb” more effectively in daily communication. 2. Literature review There have been research works on collocations of modal lexical devices by linguists such as McIntosh [32], Lyons [26], Coates [11], Perkins [41], Hoye [22], Cappelli [7] [8], Vo Dai Quang [52], Tran Thi Minh Giang [50] [51], Luu Quy Khuong and Tran Thi Minh Giang [28]. McIntosh [32] gave a clear and comprehensive definition of collocations. Later, Lyons [26], Coates [11] and Perkins [41] made brief introductions to collocations. Next, Hoye [22] conducted a study of modal adverb collocations. He found out a marked tendency for epistemic modals to attract adverb satellites. Then, Cappelli [7] also mentioned modulating attitudes via adverbs but she only presented her general overview of adverbs co-occurring with cognitive verbs. For collocations, Vo Dai Quang [52] discussed the possible collocations of adverbs and cognitive verbs; however, it is just a general introduction. Anyhow, his study advocated a basic theoretical ground of modality that has inspired us to the appearance of our research. Noticeably, Tran Thi Minh Giang [50] investigated the harmony between adverb satellites and non-factive verbs. Tran Thi Minh Giang [51] continued her study on the harmony of cognitive non-factive verbs immediately followed by epistemic adverbs along the line of certainty and possibility conveyance. In addition, the study by Luu Quy Khuong and Tran Thi Minh Giang [28] makes clear one of the pragmatic features inherent in English “I + CNFV and EA” collocations: speech-act modality with such uses as decreasing complaining/admonishing, giving counselling, and reducing boasting. 3. Research Methodology 3.1. Research participants The majority of participants in the study were 162 English-majored students from 4 second year English classes at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Viet Nam (male: 33.9%; female: 66.1%) in the academic year 2018-2019. They all are third-year English- majored students aged between twenty-one to twenty-three. These students were asked to give answers to a questionnaire. The other participants were 2 lecturers of English with more than three years of English language teaching experience. They were invited to take part in semi-structured interviews. 3.2. Research methods As mentioned above, the aims of the study are to find out the problems encountered by English-majored students at Duy Tan University and to tentatively provide some possible solutions to the identified problems; therefore, a mix-method study was conducted along the line of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The survey, by means of using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, was implemented with 162 English- majored students and 2 English lecturers who specialize in speaking skill teaching. Data collection, data analysis and presentation of findings were conducted in line with descriptive research method to make explicit the usage frequency of English “I + CNFV and EA” collocations used by English-majored students at Duy Tan University in Da Nang, Viet Nam. 3.3. Research instruments and contents of the questionnaire and the interviews The three research instruments employed for data collection are a questionnaire, semi- structured interviews and observation. Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 135 The questionnaire for students consists of two parts: background and content. The former is designed to seek students’ background information on gender, age, knowledge of the English “I + CNFV and EA” collocation type. The latter consists of questions on the usage frequency of the specified English collocations via the use of these three adverbs of frequency: often, sometimes, never. The semi-structured interviews include two main interview questions and other follow-up questions. These questions were used to collect in-depth information about the problems encountered by the students in their classroom speaking activities. One of the three above-mentioned research instruments which is really necessary to conduct the study is observation. During the speaking classes, all English-majored students were under observation in order to find out in reality whether the students knew how to use the English pattern “I + CNFV and EA collocations” and how often they use it in communication. 3.4. Data collection procedure The 162 copies of the questionnaire (see Appendix B) on students’ background information (gender and age) and knowledge of the English “I + CNFV and EA” collocation type were delivered to the English-majored students in the 4 English classes. These participants were given fifteen minutes to provide their answers to the questionnaire before their answers were collected. Another source of data came from the answers by the two lecturers of English who specialize in teaching speaking skills. These two lecturers were invited to participate in several 30-minute interviews (see Appendix A) on the problems the students encountered in their classroom speaking activities, and especially these interviews were carried out individually in Vietnamese and their answers were recorded for later analysis. 4. Theoretical background The concepts and issues given in the following report on English “I + CNFV and EA” collocations, to a large extent, constitute the theoretical background for the research. 4.1. Epistemic adverbs Epistemic adverbs are often considered as one of the most popular lexical devices transmitting modality because, in communication, the speaker almost always employs them to impart his/her commitment and attitudes towards the possibility of the states of affairs. This modal meaning embraces the propositional content being conveyed in the same way as the outer hard part of an oyster embraces its inner soft part. According to Biber et al. [4], there are three kinds of epistemic adverbs: epistemic stance adverbs, attitude stance adverbs and style stance adverbs. He argued that epistemic stance adverbs often used in communication are single word adverbs such as certainly, perhaps, probably, possibly, maybe, surely, definitely, etc,.For example: (1) Perhaps you’ll be hurt just a little in the foot. [20, 149] (2) That is certainly the simplest explanation. [31, 58] Luu Quy Khương and Tran Thi Minh Giang [27], however, support the division of epistemic adverbs into two kinds: assertive epistemic modal adverbs such as certainly, surely, definitely, clearly and non-assertive epistemic modal adverbs such as probably, possibly, perhaps, maybe. Based on the scale of certainty by Givón [15], assertive adverbs can be presented on the continuum below: Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 136 Surely/Clearly Definitely Certainly Figure 1. The scale of certainty expressed by assertive epistemic modal adverbs Palmer [39] suggested that epistemic modality should involve any modal systems indicating the degree of commitment by the speaker to what he or she says - the extent to which the truth of a proposition is possible. Therefore, non-assertive epistemic modal adverbs can be described as possibility-based. The degree of possibility can be presented as follows: Maybe / Perhaps Possibly Probably Figure 2. The scale of possibility conveyed by non-assertive epistemic modal adverbs In this study, epistemic adverbs are also classified in accordance with the scale of certainty and possibility. Epistemic adverbs are divided into two kinds: assertive and non- assertive epistemic adverbs. 4.2. Cognitive non-factive verbs There are a lot of modal lexical devices as modality-expressing means such as modal nouns, modal verbs, modal adjectives, and modal adverbs. Among them, modal lexical verbs are the modal devices with the highest frequency of usage in both languages (i.e. English and Vietnamese), especially in English with 75.11%” (Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy [36, 60]). According to Kiparsky [23], modal lexical verbs are divided into two main types: factive verbs and non-factive verbs. Non-factive verbs work as operators to mitigate the commitment and bring open-hearted atmosphere to the cooperation. In his research, Ngu Thien Hung [38] deals with three main types of non-factive verbs: (i) cognitive non-factive verbs: believe, think, expect, suppose, guess, hope..., (ii) perceptive non-factive verbs: look, feel, sound, seem, appear... and (iii) reportive non-factive verbs: say that, tell, hear, it is said that, etc.... Cognitive non-factive verbs do not inform the listener or hearer of the subject’s action, but show the speaker’s attitude towards the propositional content. From the views on cognitive non-factive verbs by Palmer [39], Thompson & Mulac [49], Halliday [19], and Hann [18], it is observed that, syntactically, to become a modal lexical device, propositional attitude verbs like non-factive verbs must satisfy the following distinctive features: - The subject is always in the singular first person. - The verb is in simple present tense. - Adverbial phrases of cause or purpose must not be added in the sentence. - In tag questions, the tag only aims at the subject of proposition (complement clause) - As a modal device, these structures can occupy different positions in the sentence such as initial, medial, and final. Besides, they function as adjuncts. - The complementizer that is often omitted (in about 90 % of the cases). For example, (3) I think you're really rude to throw off on my poor hands. [33, 347] (4) The advance of Red China, the challenge to Democracy, the role of the West - these, I suppose, were the complete works of York Harding. [16, 549] Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 137 (5) They ragged him about me at the café, I guess. [21, 242] 4.3. Mobility of Epistemic Adverbs in the Matrix Clause According to Quirk et al. [45, 991], a whole sentence containing a main clause and a subordinate clause is called a superordinate clause in which the main clause is known as a matrix clause like in the following example. (6) “I really believe you’re quite glad to see me.” [30, 727] The following Figure 3 will make the above example (6) clearer with such terms as Matrix Clause, Subordinate Clause, Superordinate Clause Sentence Superordinate Clause S VP A I really believe Subordinate Clause Matrix Clause S V C Adv Adj Pre V pro You are quite glad to see me Figure 3. Matrix and subordinate clause in the superordinate clause “I really believe” is known as the matrix clause, and “you’re quite glad to see me” as the subordinate clause. Therefore, structures like I certainly think, I possibly believe, I suppose perhaps are derived from purely the matrix clause, they behave more like modal auxiliary adverbs and they show signs of grammaticalization. Furthermore, these epistemic adverbs are so mobile that they can occur at various places in the matrix clause (medially, and finally). Initial position: at the beginning of the matrix clause Medial position: in the middle of the matrix clause. Final position: at the end of the matrix clause. (7) “Certainly I think the election of John Kennedy and all he stood for was one that really was an inspiration.” [5] (8) “My own appetite came back miraculously. I am ashamed to record it, but I really believe I forgot Dora for a little while. I am satisfied that Mr. and Mrs. Micawber could not have enjoyed the feast more, if they had sold a bed to provide it.” [14, 392] (9) “Remarkable - most remarkable! I think perhaps, we had better go down to Tredannick Wartha without further delay. I confess that I have seldom known a case which at first sight presented a more singular problem.” [12, 830] In (7) the position of the EA, certainly at the beginning of the matrix clause makes an emphasis in displaying the speaker’s attitude to the truth of the content of the proposition. In (8) and (9), together with cognitive non- factive verbs, epistemic adverbs such as really, perhaps occur in the middle and at the end of the matrix clause, they occupy a marked position. The different positions of epistemic Tran Thi Minh Giang / Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Đại học Duy Tân 05(42) (2020) 132-145 138 adverbs in the matrix clause show us vario
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