OUTCOMES Pre-Intermediate Answer Key
A: Anna from Poland, Maya’s brother.
1 How long have you been here?
2 How do you know her?
3 When did you do that?
4 Is she just visiting?
5 What does he do?
6 Why did he go there?
7 How old is he?
8 Do you get on well?
is the most complicated game I’ve ever played. 5 It’s the funniest book I’ve read in a long time. 6 That’s the smartest I’ve ever seen you look. 06 HOME pp. 145 HAVE TO, DON’T HAVE TO / CAN Exercise 1 1 We have to tell 2 My sister can stay 3 My friend Juan has to find 4 You don’t have to do it 5 I can drive you home. 6 but I can’t afford it. 30 Exercise 2 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 f WILL / WON’T Exercise 1 1 won’t 2 ’ll 3 won’t 4 ’ll , won’t 5 ’ll , won’t 6 won’t 7 won’t 8 ’ll Exercise 2 1 is coming 2 won’t bite 3A What’re you doing 3B I’m just going to go 4 is getting 5 I’ll help 6B I’m going , I’ll post 07 MIND AND BODY pp. 146 GIVING ADVICE Exercise 1 1 You shouldn’t eat so much! 2 You should watch less TV! 3 You really should go and see a doctor about it. You shouldn’t just ignore it. 4 I guess I should take it back to the shop and complain! 5 The government should do more 6 ... you really shouldn’t miss the cathedral there. Exercise 2 1 Why don’t you go on a diet? 2 You should put some cream on that rash. 3 What do you think we ought to do? 4 Why don’t you phone and make an appointment? 5 Selling pirate DVDs ought to be stopped. 6 Maybe you should drink less coffee. IMPERATIVES Exercise 1 1 Don’t panic. Stay calm. 2 Don’t whisper. Speak up. We can’t hear you. 3 Be careful. Don’t slip. 4 Don’t just sit there. Do something. 5 Take your time. Don’t rush. 6 Be quiet. Don’t make so much noise. 7 Get up. Don’t be so lazy. 8 Don’t wait for me. Go ahead. I’ll catch you up. Exercise 2 1 Could you pour me some water, please? 2 You should try talking to someone about it. 3 Could you bring me the bill, please? 4 Could you help me carry these bags to the car? 5 You shouldn’t drive if you’re taking that medication. 6 You shouldn’t call him now. It’s too late. 08 GETTING THERE pp. 147 ARTICLES a, an and the Exercise 1 1 We hired a boat and sailed down the River Nile. 2 I usually come to school by train. 3 Our friends have a lovely cottage in the Black Forest. 4 I’m meeting a friend of mine later. 5 One day I’d love to try and climb Mount Everest. 6 My father is a pilot, so he’s away from home a lot. 7 Happiness is more important than money. 8 I don’t like eggs. I don’t know why. I just don’t. Exercise 2 1 The food in Laos was quite strange. Most days, we had spicy noodles for breakfast – sometimes with an egg on top. 2 I’m from Quito – the capital of Ecuador. 3 Life always seems better when the sun is out! 4 The hotel we were in had a great view of the sea. 5 Did the police fi nd the guy who stole your luggage? QUANTIFIERS AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 1 much 2 little 3 many 4 much 5 much, few 6 lot 7 Hardly 09 SCIENCE AND NATURE pp. 148 THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE Exercise 1 1 ’d seen 2 ’d forgotten 3 ’d left 4 ’d been, had never met 5 hadn’t been told the class had been cancelled 6 had done, had cheated Exercise 2 1 After they’d had one date, he asked her to marry him. 2 I rang you as soon as I had heard the news. 3 I had never been on a plane until I went to Japan. 4 They had had an argument before I arrived, so there was a bad atmosphere. It was quite uncomfortable. 5 I was fed up after I found out I hadn’t got the job. 31 REPORTING SPEECH 1 Exercise 1 1 said 2 told, said 3 say 4 were asked 5 were told 6 asked, was told 7 was asked, told 8 said 9 were asked Exercise 2 1 I told him to stop, but he ignored me. 2 correct 3 My science teacher said we only use 10% of our brains! 4 correct 5 My teacher told me not to text in class. 6 I asked my dad if I could go to the party, but he said no. 7 correct 8 He asked me to help him with his Chemistry homework. 10 EDUCATION pp. 149 FIRST CONDITIONALS Exercise 1 1 d 2 b 3 e 4 f 5 c 6 h 7 a 8 g Exercise 2 1 If I go to England, my English will get better. 2 You won’t do well at the interview tomorrow if you don’t dress well for it. 3 correct 4 If I find the website address, I’ll send it to you later. 5 correct 6 If I don’t go to university, my parents will be really upset. HAD TO / DIDN’T HAVE TO / COULD / COULDN’T Exercise 1 1 could 2 had to 3 didn’t have to, have to 4 couldn’t, had to, can Exercise 2 1 We couldn’t come yesterday, because of the train strike. 2 correct 3 We didn’t have to do exercise 4 – we only needed to do exercise 3. 4 The question was so difficult, I couldn’t answer it. 5 When I was at school, we always had to stand up when the teacher came into the classroom. 6 correct 7 He had to re-take the test twice before he passed. 11 PLACES TO STAY pp. 150 SECOND CONDITIONALS Exercise 1 1 c / a 2 e 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 b Exercise 2 1 was 2 I’d, wasn’t 3 were, wouldn’t, I’d 4 It’d, was 5 would, wasn’t 6 were, could USED TO Exercise 1 1 When I was a kid, we usually went to the mountains during the summer. 2 I used to work as a researcher for a drug company. 3 correct 4 I never used to have lunch at school. I always had lunch at home. 5 correct 6 On Fridays, we used to watch a DVD at home together. 7 Last week, I had to study for my exams. 8 correct 12 PHONE pp. 151 JUST, ALREADY, YET AND STILL Exercise 1 1 Have you spoken to the bank yet? 2 I haven’t had time yet. I’ll do it tomorrow. 3 She’s only just graduated. 4 She’s still trying to decide what to do with her life. 5 I’m afraid he isn’t back yet. 6 Don’t worry. I’ve already sorted everything out. 7 She’s just handed the work to me this second. I’ll put it in the post now. 8 He’s already made $1 million, and he’s only 26! REPORTING SPEECH 2 Exercise 1 1 was in hospital 2 said he was working in an ice-cream factory 3 had had a baby 4 would tell 5 I wanted to work for them 6 my career goals were 7 if I had had any other interviews 8 if there was anything else I’d like to ask them 32 13 FILM AND ENTERTAINMENT pp. 152 -ED/-ING ADJECTIVES Exercise 1 1 confusing 2 excited 3 boring 4 annoyed 5 disappointing 6 amazed 7 amazing 8 bored 9 shocking 10 worried Exercise 2 1 annoying me 2 doesn’t interest me 3 really shocked me 4 worries me 5 surprised me THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS AND PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Exercise 1 1 I’ve been learning Chinese since I was eight. 2 I’ve been going to the gym every day for the last two months / I’ve been to the gym every day for the last few months. 3 They’ve been together for quite a long time. 4 The Conservatives have been in power since the last election. 4 He’s been living there since last year. 5 I’ve been trying to find a job for months. 14 THINGS pp. 153 RELATIVE CLAUSES Exercise 1 1 who 2 which 3 where 4 who 5 which 6 where Exercise 2 1 Sertab Erener is a Turkish singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2003. 2 Storaplan is a very trendy area where there are lots of nice shops and restaurants. 3 Sue Briggs was an English teacher who persuaded me to go to university. 4 A campsite is a place where you stay when you go camping. 5 Shostakovitch was a Russian composer who wrote some amazing pieces of music. 6 Istanbul is a city where Europe and Asia meet. 7 What do you call those machines which do the washing- up for you? 8 I need to buy one of those things which you wear round your waist and keep your money in. MUST/MUSTN’T Exercise 1 1 must 2 must 3 mustn’t 4 must 5 must 6 mustn’t 7 must 8 must Exercise 2 1 People have to pay for throwing rubbish away. 2 You’re not allowed to leave rubbish bags on the street. 3 I mustn’t forget to call him. 4 You must be very excited about going away. 15 THE ECONOMY AND MONEY pp. 154 TIME PHRASES AND TENSE Exercise 1 1 over the last five years; since last year; in the last six months 2 at the moment 3 last month; three months ago; the other week; when I was 4 in two years; in three months’ time Exercise 2 1 The prime minister has lost popularity in the last year. 2 I used to spend a lot more money in the past. 3 I got a loan from the bank the other month. 4 The recession is getting worse at the moment. 5 They are going to invest more money in schools over the next five years. 6 He lost his job three years ago. PRESENT TENSES IN FUTURE TIME CLAUSES Exercise 1 1 before 2 when 3 until 4 After 5 until 6 before 7 As soon as 8 when 9 as soon as Exercise 2 1 We’ll obviously discuss the deal with everyone before we make a final decision. 2 correct 3 We can have something to eat when we get home. 4 After you register, you’ll be able to access your account online. 5 correct 6 correct 7 Inflation will continue to rise until the government does something about it. 8 I won’t believe in UFOs until I see one with my own eyes. 33 16 DATES AND HISTORY pp. 155 PREPOSITIONS AND NOUNS / -ING FORMS Exercise 1 1 After invading Kazakhstan, many of the Mongols settled in the region. 2 Before seeing the film, I knew nothing about the history of slavery. 3 By bringing the two sides together for peace talks, the king basically ended the civil war. 4 Because of rising unemployment, there’s a lot of competition for jobs. 5 Despite having a good education system, health care is poor. VERB PATTERNS Exercise 1 1 I like watching tennis, but I prefer playing / to play it. 2 I’ve decided not to go to university. 3 correct 4 Would you mind going to the shop for me? 5 I don’t really enjoy shopping for clothes. 6 I spent six months travelling round Africa. 7 correct 8 correct 9 correct 10 Sorry I’m late. I stopped to have lunch on the way. 11 Can you please stop making so much noise? 12 correct
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