Những mẩu hội thoại thường gặp - Phần 2
The Professor advises ANNE on what to do next.
I don’t know what to do.
I think you should go to the police.
But he says I shouldn’t look for him.
Yes, well he might have felt that way then. But a year’s a long time. If I were you, I’d report your
brother missing.
Should I tell my parents about the letter?
STEVE It’s the cops! They pull over, and the policeman approaches. POLICEMAN Can I see your licence please? STEVE Here you are. I’m sorry officer, what’s the problem? POLICEMAN I’m afraid you were travelling at seventy kilometres per hour in a sixty kilometre zone. Also, I see you have a passenger in the back seat who was not wearing a seat belt. Do you know that you must wear a seat belt when you’re travelling in a vehicle, ma’am? SARAH I’m sorry. I forgot. You see officer, my friend here has been looking for her brother who she hasn’t seen for two years, and we’ve just discovered the address. STEVE We were driving there when you pulled us over. 13 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 POLICEMAN Yes, well, you hear a lot of stories in this job. I haven’t heard that one before. SARAH But it’s true! ANNE I’m really sorry. It’s all my fault. I was only thinking about my brother, and now you’re in trouble. STEVE It’s okay Anne. It was my fault we were going too fast. POLICEMAN Look, just stick to the speed limit, okay? STEVE Thankyou officer. Thankyou so much. POLICEMAN But that’s no excuse for not wearing a seatbelt. Right now be off with you. I hope they find your brother, ma’am. STEVE Thanks officer. Episode 36. This is your nephew ANNE meets her brother’s family ROSE You’d better come in. ROSE You didn’t tell me you had a sister. (Turning to the others) David hasn’t told me very much about his family. DAVID I’m so sorry. Anne, I feel very bad about not contacting you. ANNE I just can’t believe it. I was looking for you, thinking that something terrible must have happened and here you are playing house! DAVID There’s someone you should meet. He takes ANNE to a corner of the room where there is a crib with a cover over it. He folds back the cover. There is a baby there. DAVID This is our son, Sam. Sam, meet your Aunt Anne. ANNE David! My little brother – a father! He’s beautiful! David, why didn’t you tell me about Rose. Why didn’t you tell me you were a father? ROSE I think I would like to know that too. ANNE I would have come and helped you. DAVID It’s hard to explain. ANNE I have some friends outside who helped me find you. I think you need to tell us all what happened. ROSE I’ll go and get them. DAVID picks SAM up out of his crib, and passes him to ANNE. ANNE I’m an aunt! ROSE comes in with the others. 14 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE Sarah, Steve. This is my brother David and his partner, Rose. And this is my nephew Sam. SARAH He’s gorgeous! DAVID (to STEVE) I know you. You… STEVE …shop at your stall. Yeah. DAVID Green apples. He always wants green apples. STEVE That’s right. You have a good memory David. ROSE I think you’d better all sit down. Episode 37. I had to find a job ANNE What happened? Why did you stop writing? DAVID I started my course at University. It was very difficult. Computer science isn’t for me. ANNE Did you fail your exams? DAVID Yes. I let everyone down. I just wanted to die. Dad must be so angry. ANNE He’s just worried about you, David. DAVID I didn’t know what to do. I was so confused. I had to find a job. I couldn’t use father’s money any more. So, I applied for a job at the Markets. Phil was very kind. He agreed to give me a job if I could get a working visa. ANNE How did you? DAVID I went home and applied for it. ANNE You mean you went back to Singapore? DAVID Yes. I was too ashamed to see anyone. I’m such a failure. ROSE takes David’s hand. ROSE I don’t think you’re a failure. 15 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 DAVID Anyway, I returned here, and I started work. I met Rose, we moved in together, and, well, then Sam came along. STEVE It’s an amazing story. SARAH I think it’s wonderful. DAVID Mum and dad won’t think it’s that wonderful. ANNE They’ll be so relieved you’re safe. We didn’t know what to think, David. Episode 38. You Should Ring Your Parents They discuss what DAVID should do. ANNE They’ll be so relieved you’re safe. We didn’t know what to think, David. DAVID Can’t I just disappear? You can pretend I don’t exist. ANNE You should have told me. I could have helped. Didn’t you realise we’d come and look for you? DAVID I just couldn’t face Dad. ANNE You could have told your sister. DAVID I ought to have told you Anne. I should have trusted you. I’m so sorry. ANNE He’s so beautiful David. You can’t keep him from Mum and Dad. ROSE They’re your flesh and blood, David. They’re Sam’s grandparents. Don’t you think they’ll want to see him? Don’t you think I want to meet your parents? ANNE Rose is right David. Mum and Dad so much want to be grandparents. DAVID But not like this! STEVE Your secret’s out now. SARAH Steve! ANNE It’s alright Sarah. Steve’s right. I think David knows what he has to do. DAVID What do you suggest? DAVID Hello Mum. It’s me, David. Yeah, I’m Okay, I’m alright. Anne found me. Yeah, I’m working. Look, I’m so sorry that I didn’t call you. Can you forgive me? Yeah okay, alright. I love you too. Yeah, Alright. Mum’s crying. She’s gone to get Dad. He’s going to be so angry. Hello dad? 16 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 Episode 39. How could you? DAVID talks to his father. DAVID Hello Dad? It’s me, David. NORMAN Do you realise how worried we’ve been? DAVID (V.O.) Yes, I… NORMAN You’re our son! How could you do this to us? DAVID I’m sorry for causing you so much worry dad. I thought you would be angry. That’s why I didn’t tell you I couldn’t study any more. NORMAN Of course I’m angry. Your mother has been sick with worry. But you didn’t have to disappear. What have you been doing all this time? DAVID I’ve been working. I work at the market. I’m going to be a partner in the business soon. And Dad…there’s something else. I’m with someone. And we have a baby boy (silence) Dad…? Are you still there? NORMAN Did you say you were married? DAVID Not exactly. I have a partner. Her name is Rose. And we have a son. Your grandson. Dad? NORMAN I’m here David. There’s too much to think about. I want you to come home. DAVID But I… NORMAN No buts. You need to come home. Bring her. Bring Rose and our grandson. Your mother and I love you, and we want to see you. We want to meet your family. Episode 40. He said he loved me DAVID reports his conversation to the others. DAVID Goodbye. I’ll see you soon. Yeah, I promise. I love you too. 17 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 SARAH Well? What did they say? DAVID My mother said she was glad that I’m okay. She said she was happy to hear my voice. She told me that she’s been very worried. ANNE What about dad? What did he say? DAVID He said he was very angry, but that he forgives me, and he told me that he loves me. ANNE Of course he loves you. He’s your father! ROSE Did he say anything else? DAVID Yes, he asked me to go home. He said they want to see us. ROSE All of us? DAVID Yes. They want to meet you. And Sam. They asked us to go to Singapore. ROSE But we can’t afford it. DAVID He’s sending us tickets. ANNE Of course he is. He loves you, David. We all do. And now there is Rose and Sam too. ROSE I’d love to meet your parents David. And Sam wants to meet his grandparents. They’re our family DAVID I’m so sorry. ROSE It’s okay. It’s all out now. We’ll go as soon as possible. ANNE You can come with me. STEVE What about me? Can I come too? SARAH You’re not family, Steve. 18 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 Episode 41. If I like you ANNE and SARAH, and STEVE and ANNE discuss the future. SARAH Well, you found your brother, you’ve ordered your wine, and tomorrow you’re going home. ANNE Yes, Sarah, thank you for everything. SARAH But you’ll come back, won’t you? ANNE Yes, if the wine sells well, I’ll be back soon. I feel as if I have a second family here. SARAH I’d love to come and see you in Singapore. ANNE Oh yes! I’ll show you around. And you must meet my parents. That’d be great. SARAH Well, if our business goes well, I’ll be able to afford it. ANNE There’s no ‘ifs’ about it. You’re a very good agent. I’m so happy you’re my buyer here. STEVEIf you like, I’ll come to Singapore with Sarah. ANNE I’d like that very much. You can meet my parents too. STEVE Do you think they’ll like me? ANNE Of course they’ll like you. If I like you, they’ll like you. SARAH I think I’d better leave you two alone. Ring me if you need help with packing. STEVE I’ve only just met you. And now you’re leaving. ANNE But I’ll come back. If you want me to. Episode 42. See You Again ANNE, DAVID and his family fly home. ANNE Well, I guess this is it. Sarah, thankyou so much for all your help, and for your kindness. SARAH Please don’t mention it. And thankyou for trusting me to be your business partner. ANNE And my friend. I’ll be thinking of you all the time. DAVID I want to thank you too Sarah, for being so kind to my sister and looking after her so well. I’ll be thinking of you too. 19 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 SARAH Thankyou. It was great to meet you. And you too Rose. I hope everything goes well in Singapore. ROSE I’m looking forward to meeting David’s parents. I hope they like me. SARAH I’m sure they will. I’ll be expecting a postcard from you Anne, so you’d better send me one. STEVE And I’ll be waiting for a postcard too. ANNE I’ll be counting the days until you come to Singapore. ANNOUNCEMENT Attention please! This is the final call for Singapore Airlines flight SQ452 direct to Singapore. Could all passengers for this flight go immediately to gate lounge 3. ANNE Goodbye. See you soon. SARAH Goodbye. STEVE I’ll see you soon. SARAH Goodbye ROSE. Good luck. And you too David. SARAH / DAVID /SARAH Bye. Seeya. Bye. JOHN Wait! I’ve found him. I’ve found your brother! STEVE What. Another one? THE END
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