Những mẩu hội thoại thường gặp - Phần 1
SARAH How come?
ANNE He’s missing. One reason I came to Australia is to find him.
SARAH I’m so sorry. Have you had any luck?
ANNE Not yet. I’ve hired a private investigator.
SARAH Goodness! Do you think he’ll find him?
ANNE Perhaps. I don’t know. It’s been a long time since David last called.
SARAH What do you think’s happened to him? Have you any idea?
ANNE I really don’t know. I can’t help thinking the worst.
SARAH I’m sure he’s alright. If something bad had happened, you would
have heard.
wineries later in the week. STEVE Oh. When are you going? ANNE Ah,Wednesday. STEVE Oh, good. What are you doing tomorrow? ANNE Nothing. Why? STEVE Well I have the day off, and I was just wondering... well I was just wondering whether you wanted to go to a wildlife park... with me. You said you’d like to go to the zoo. ANNE That’s right, I did. Yes, thankyou Steve, I’d love to go. STEVE Alright! I’ll meet you in the foyer. Ten o’clock? 13 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE Okay, ten. I’ll see you then. STEVE Great! Goodnight Anne. ANNE Goodnight Steve. She hangs up, pleased. Episode 14. Are there some kangaroos? ANNE and STEVE go to a Wildlife Park ANNE and STEVE are buying tickets. STEVE pays for the tickets and gives her one. STEVE Two, please. And a bag of food. SHOP ASSISTANT There are your tickets. Have a nice day ANNE How much do I owe you? STEVE That’s okay. It’s my treat. ANNE Thankyou. I’ll buy lunch. Is there somewhere to have lunch? STEVE Of course. There’s a café just over there. What do you want to do first? ANNE I really want to hold a koala. Is there a koala here? STEVE Yes! It’s the most popular animal! We might have to queue though. ANNE I don’t mind. What else is there? Are there some kangaroos? STEVE Of course. There are lots. ANNE And birds? I’ve heard Australian birds are amazing. STEVE Don’t worry. You’ll get to see lots of birds. ANNE What shall we do first? STEVE Well, the kangaroos are just over there. And I think the birds are next, and next… ANNE …we’ll cuddle a koala! STEVE Sure! And after that? ANNE After that, I’ll buy you lunch. STEVE It’s a deal! They head off into the park. Episode 15. A big grey one Steve and Anne explore the park 14 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE Look at this big grey one STEVE He’s massive. He has very, very strong arms and legs. ANNE And a big strong tail. STEVE Yeah. And ears. Very big ears ANNE His fur looks very soft. STEVE It feels soft on my hand ANNE It’s got beautiful big brown eyes. They walk around. ANNE Oh, look at that little black and white one. STEVE Oh yeah. I think that’s a willy wagtail. They’re very fast and they move around a lot. ANNE It’s cute. It’s got such a long tail. Oh, look at that bird! STEVE Oh, that’s a kingfisher ANNE Oh, we have them in Singapore STEVE Really? ANNE Hmm. Look at its beautiful blue back. STEVE Very colourful, isn’t it? There’s lots in Australia. Big ones and small ones. We have a very big one called a kookaburra. It has a very interesting laugh. Anne cuddles a koala. ANNE He’s so soft and cuddly. STEVE Yeah, like me! STEVE They’ve actually also got really sharp claws. See? ANNE He’s so cute! Can I take him home? STEVE I don’t think they’d be very happy about that. Anne has a moment of sadness. STEVE Oh, look at that one. What’s the matter? ANNE Nothing… I’m just feeling a bit homesick. STEVE Come on, let’s go and get something to eat. RDAY, JUNE 9, 2007 Episode 16. What Would you Like? Anne and Steve have lunch. ANNE and STEVE are at the counter getting some food. The ASSISTANT is waiting for their order. 15 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ASSISTANT What would you like? STEVE Anne? ANNE Ummm…I’ll have a cheese and salad sandwich and a cappuccino thanks. STEVE Do you have wine? ASSISTANT No sir. We don’t serve alcohol. We have coffee, tea, soft drinks and juices. STEVE Okay. I’d like a… orange juice and a pie with chips. Do you have sauce? ASSISTANT Just help yourself. And I’ll bring the food when it’s ready. STEVE Thankyou. They eat their lunch at an outside table. ANNE Is that good? STEVE It’s delicious. You should try one. It’s real Aussie food. ANNE Maybe one day. I don’t eat a lot of meat. STEVE How’s your coffee? ANNE It’s very good. Don’t you drink coffee? STEVE Sometimes. I prefer tea. Or juice. So, was the koala the best? ANNE Oh, definitely. The kangaroos were interesting too. I’ve never seen real ones before. And the birds are wonderful. I think I liked the birds the most. They’re so colourful, and so many different kinds. What about you? What did you like best? Episode 17. I usually catch a bus ANNE and STEVE talk about their different lives. STEVE Tell me about your life in Singapore. What do you do every day? 16 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE Well, I work in my father’s business, importing wines. I live with my family. STEVE How do you get to work? Do you catch a bus? ANNE Usually. Sometimes I go with my father in his car. What about you? What do you do? STEVE I’m a builder. I build houses. ANNE And how do you get to work? STEVE I drive. I have to use my car for work. I never go by bus. ANNE Do you enjoy it? Your work? STEVE Mostly. It’s not easy, being a builder. But it’s outside. I prefer to work outside. ANNE I never work outside. Occasionally I travel though – like now. STEVE And what do you do on the weekend? ANNE Sometimes I go shopping. Sometimes I go out. STEVE Where do you go? Nightclubs? ANNE Not really. Occasionally. STEVE Who do you go with? ANNE A bunch of friends. STEVE Boy friend? ANNE Not at the moment. STEVE cheers up. Episode 18. There's a message for you ANNE returns to the hotel, to find a message. ANNE and STEVE return to the hotel courtyard. STEVE Did you have a good day? ANNE Very much. Thankyou for taking me. How about you? STEVE Of course. ANNE Not too boring? You must have been there a hundred times. STEVE Not since I was a kid. It was great. ANNE Hmmm. Do you like Chinese food? STEVE I love Chinese food. ANNE I’m going to cook a Chinese meal for you and your family. 17 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 STEVE Really! That’ll be great. When? ANNE Friday? STEVE Fantastic. I’ll see you then. ANNE Yes, bye. STEVE Bye. STEVE goes, pleased with his day. ANNE goes to collect her key from the CLERK, who doesn’t notice her. She coughs. ANNE Excuse me. CLERK I’m sorry Ms Lee. I didn’t see you. ANNE Could I have my key please? CLERK Certainly. Here you are. Oh, and there’s a message for you. ANNE opens the message and reads it. It’s from JOHN the private investigator. Episode 19. I haven’t found him John tells Anne of his progress in finding her brother. ANNE Have you found my brother? JOHN Not yet. No. Not quite. JOHN But I have found something. ANNE What is it? JOHN I went to the University. You said he was a student. I spoke to his professor, the head of the course he studied. ANNE And what did he say? Does he know what happened? JOHN Well, no. Not exactly. He didn’t know where your brother went. But he told me David had left the university. He stopped going to lectures. ANNE When did he stop? JOHN Oh, about a year ago. He didn’t tell anyone. But he left a letter with the Professor. ANNE A letter! Have you got it? Where is it? JOHN The professor has it. He wouldn’t give it to me because it was addressed to you. He left… ah, his card. ANNE I’ll go and see him. Thankyou. JOHN I found out something else. 18 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE Yes? JOHN Your brother had a girlfriend. ANNE Really! He didn’t tell me. Who is she? JOHN Well, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure I can find her. We’re closing in Ms Lee. Fear not. Episode 20. You walk sadly 19 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 ANNE catches a bus to the University. Anne walks to the bus stop. An elderly lady waiting for the bus watches her walk up. Anne sits next to her. ELDERLY LADY Hello dear. How are you? ANNE Very well thankyou. ELDERLY LADY Are you sure? Is anything wrong? ANNE No, I’m fine. ELDERLY LADY I watched you walking. You walk sadly. I’m old. I walk slowly. But you walk sadly. ANNE Well I do have a problem. ELDERLY LADY Not too serious I hope? ANNE I don’t know. I hope not. ELDERLY LADY Worrying doesn’t help, my dear. Think positively. It helps. Do something, take action. You’ll be alright. ANNE I hope so. Thankyou. ELDERLY LADY Where are you from dear? ANNE Singapore. ELDERLY LADY You speak English very well. ANNE Thankyou. Sometimes when people speak very quickly I can’t understand. ELDERLY LADY Don’t worry. I speak slowly. A bus is coming. The elderly lady squints at it. ELDERLY LADY And I see badly these days. What number bus is that, dear? ANNE It’s one ninety. ELDERLY LADY At last. It was nice talking to you. Episode 21. Single trip or Daytrip? ANNE Does this bus go the University? BUS DRIVER Yes miss. ANNE How much is that? BUS DRIVER Single or day trip? ANNE Sorry? 20 Nguyen van giap 01688206078 BUS DRIVER Are you coming back today? ANNE Yes. BUS DRIVER How long will you be at the university? ANNE I’m not sure. An hour perhaps. BUS DRIVER A single will do. You can use the same ticket to come back. That’s three dollars, please. ANNE How far is it? BUS DRIVER Not far. About four kilometres from here. ANNE How many stops is it? BUS DRIVER About ten. ANNE Thankyou She moves in and sits down. The bus stops outside the university. BUS DRIVER University! This is your stop miss. ANNE Oh, thankyou. Where do I catch the bus to go back? BUS DRIVER Just across the street. Over there. ANNE How often do the buses come? BUS DRIVER Every twenty minutes. You won’t have to wait long. It’s 10.30, the next one’s at 10.40, and then 11-o-clock. ANNE Thanks. Goodbye. BUS DRIVER Have a good day. 9, 2007 Episode 22. Look after yourself ANNE sees the Professor. ANNE reads a sign 'Adelaide University' She enters the university grounds. She walks down a corridor and sees a sign on a door 'Professor GRAHAM Cornish' She knocks on the door. GRAHAM I’m sorry to hear your brother’s gone missing, Miss Lee. ANNE We’re all so worried. I’ve come to Adelaide to look for him. How long did he study here?
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