Nghiên cứu về giao tiếp liên văn hóa: Việc đáp lại lời than phiền giữa người Việt Nam và người Anh
Trên nền tảng lý thuyết của hành động lời nói, lời than phiền là một phần tất yếu trong cuộc sống
hàng ngày của chúng ta và trong môi trường đa văn hóa hiện nay. Quan trọng hơn là chúng ta
cần trau dồi cho những người giao tiếp từ những nền văn hóa khác nhau với những kiến thức
cần thiết về việc giải quyết như thế nào với lời than phiền. Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích điều
tra các chiến lược ưa thích mà người Anh và người Việt Nam sử dụng để đáp lại lời than phiền.
Hơn thế nữa, bài viết còn nhằm tìm hiểu sự khác biệt khi người giao tiếp sử dụng những chiến
lược trong những tình huống khác nhau và những người đối thoại khác nhau. Với mục đích điều
tra kỹ lưỡng các chiến lược đáp lại lời than phiền, phương pháp định tính và định lượng được áp
dụng trong quá trình phân tích dữ liệu. Kết quả cho thấy, có 13 chiến lược ưa thích được sử dụng
khi người Việt Nam và người Anh đáp lại lời than phiền và thực sự có nhiều sự khác nhau trong
việc lựa chọn chiến lược của họ. Có thể kết luận rằng, một số lưu ý về văn hoá đã được gợi ý cho
những người đang sinh sống, học tập và làm việc trong môi trường đa văn hóa bao gồm cả Anh
và Việt Nam.
entle way that the Vietnamese use to more easily ease Vietnamese’s anger. Cultural values in responding to complaints Some of the most dominant similarities and differences when responding to other’s complaints in social interaction between Vietnamese people and British people have been discussed in the previous part. However, it is only one side of a two 88 KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰSố 09 - 9/2017 v NGHIÊN CỨU - TRAO ĐỔI – sided coin whose fulfillment calls the importance of understanding thoroughly cultural values such as politeness and impoliteness, group harmony and individualism in across cultural context. Responding to complaints appropriately seems to be one of the most effective means of communication that might establish and maintain social relationship among people in different cultural backgrounds. After discussing, we can conclude that there are a lot of similarities and differences in British and Vietnamese complaint responses and both of them are useful information that helps communicators understand more about cross – cultural communication. Specifically, British communicators used Rejecting strategy more than Vietnamese ones, who tended to combine strategies in responding to complaints. This is because each country has difference cultural backgrounds. As explained earlier, there are some cultural features such as the collectivist orientation, a high PDI and a long – term orientation which has effects on the way Vietnamese people respond to complaints. Vietnamese people believe that when being complained, especially by a high – status person, combinations strategies is considered as the effective ways to avoid impolite and save the Hearer’s face. In contrast, affected by individualism, a low PDI, a short – term orientation, British people are regarding as agreeing with some negative strategies to show the belief in their own identity. Additionally, they seem to communicate with each other in a direct way with self – assertiveness. The frequency of single strategies is higher than those of combination strategies in British people; therefore, compared with the Vietnamese, British people are too straightforward. In cross cultural communication, the Vietnamese, especially foreign language learners, should pay much attention to pragmatic transfer in order to adapt themselves easily to the new environment. Moreover, responding to complaints is regarded as a problematic social speech act; consequently, the Speaker and the Hearer need to raise awareness of importance of understanding the cultural values of each country comprehensively because carrying an inappropriate complaint response strategy might cause misinterpretations, misunderstandings and even arguments in cross cultural communication. Thus, communicators should widen their knowledge on the cultural values of different countries so that they might achieve success in cross cultural communication. Especially, the relationship between communicators affecting their choice of language was paid much attention in the current study. For instance, there were some interlocutors like complaints from parents, boss, friends, younger sisters/brothers, colleague or even subordinates. Additionally, the researcher provided not only reasons for similarities and differences in the choice of strategies but also cultural values in responding to complaints. Overall, the researcher has been successful when answering all four stated research questions to find out which are favored strategies of the British and Vietnamese together with figuring out some differences and similarities between the habits of responding to complaints in British and Vietnamese ways. Some suggestions for British and Vietnamese people were revealed to avoid misunderstandings and displeasure, and to improve communicative competence between the Speaker and the Hearer in the conversation. 5. IMPLICATION The relationship between a Vietnamese and British might be on the edge of rocks if they lack understanding about each other’s traditions or values; therefore, the study aims to shorten the distance between the two countries and minimizing misunderstandings when people from Vietnam and Britain communicate with each other. As for those who are in a multicultural environment or those who frequently communicate with the British or Vietnamese, this paper gives hints for communicators to take these cultural differences into consideration in order to achieve success in their communication targets. In terms of English language teaching, for the purpose of successful intercultural communication, 89KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰSố 09 - 9/2017 NGHIÊN CỨU - TRAO ĐỔI v learners should be taught what strategies are favored in target language, and how to use them effectively. Moreover, language instructors are likely to offer students an orientation toward the adoption of communication strategies in order to improve communicative competence. Therefore, students may master the target language and use it natively and naturally. 6. CONCLUSION In sum, the purpose of the study was to figure out the British and Vietnamese‘s strategies in responding to complaints and to give those who are potential communicators in British – Vietnamese communication some recommendations to improve their competence of dealing with complaints. Firstly, the paper has realized British people have a tendency to use strategies which are short and straight, while Vietnamese ones are keen on employing strategy combinations which are more detailed and thus, more sincere in their perspective. Then, after analyzing the responses in each case, the researcher made a conclusion that no one can affect the strategies used by the British except for their boss. Meanwhile, Vietnamese people are impacted by different types of interlocutors. With their close relations, they are more casual while communicating with more powerful people; they would show their sincere respect and repentance. Next, different situations have effects on how the respondents choose their language style. Where they find it is necessary to show repentance, they would sincerely apologize while where they find it is not, they would show their attitude to protect their face. Ultimately, cultures reflect on the behaviors of its people./. Reference: 1. Albert, S. (2010). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2. Blum-Kulka, S. (1982). Learn how to say what you mean in second language: A Study of the Speech Act Performance of Learners of Hebrew as a Second Language. Applied Linguistic 3, 29-59. 3. Boxer, D. (1993). Complaining and Commiserating, a speech act view of Solidarity in Spoken American English, Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., New York. 4. 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The study is aimed at investigating the preferred strategies that the British and Vietnamese use to verbally respond to complaints. Furthermore, it intended to figure out whether there exists difference in the way they use those strategies and in accordance with different situations and difference interlocutors. For the purpose of investigating the dimensions thoroughly, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in data analysis procedures. The results revealed that there are thirteen strategies used when the Vietnamese and British respond to complaints and there are actually several differences in their choice of strategies. It is also concluded that there are some cultural notes and discussions suggested for those who are living, studying and working in a multicultural environment consisting of the British and Vietnamese. Keywords: respond to complaints, multicultural environment, British, Vietnamese. Received: 31/5/2017; Revised: 16/6/2017; Accepted for publication: 30/8/2017
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