Một số hoät động 'hót" của IELTS Fighter trong thời gian tới
Một số điểm lưu ý khi sử dụng tài liệu:
1. Các em nên sử dụng kèm với các tài liệu IELTS Writing khác
- Đåy là tài liûu sĔ dĐng đù lçy ý (ideas) cho phæn thi IELTS Writing task 2
nên các em cæn phâi cæn có các tài liûu khác đ÷ luyûn kĠ nëng Viøt cĎa
- Các em có thù tham khâo thêm bċ tài liûu IELTS Writing cĎa IELTS Fighter
(inbox fanpage đù hđęng dén cách nhên bċ tài liûu nhé)
2. Khi nào nên học IELTS Writing?
- Các em lđu Ğ rìng, Writing là ĔkĠ nëng raĕ (phæn này cĆ đã nĂi khá kĠ
trên fanpage rći) nên các em Beginner thì không nên hąc IELTS Writing
ngay mà têp trung vào Listening và Reading – là 2 ĔkĠ nëng vàoĕ. Khi đät
tęi band điùm 4,0-4,5 thü các em nön Ĕtêp tànhĕ vęi Writing bìng task 1
và task 2 sau đĂ.
- Ngoài ra, khi các em hąc Listening và Reading sô câi thiûn khá nhi÷u
phæn ideas cďng nhđ các kĠ nëng khác đù bĉ trĜ cho IELTS Writing và
may find themselves homeless. homeless (a): không có nhà cĔa, vô gia cđ - to find sb/sth + adj: thçy rìng ai/cái gì nhđ thø nào đĂ to find themselves homeless: nhân ra rìng mình không có nhà cĔa, vĆ gia cđ Unemployment causes frustration and stress. frustration (n): sĖ thçt bäi, tâm träng thçt vąng = disappointment = annoyance = dissatisfaction Jobless people may become involved in crime as a means to get money. to be involved in sth: liön quan đøn, dýnh lýu đøn đi÷u gü đĂ = to be engaged in sth 198 - jobless (a): không có ngh÷ nghiûp, không có viûc làm = unemployed The unemployed need career advice. career (n): ngh÷ nghiûp, sĖ nghiûp to choose a career: chąn lĖa ngh÷ nghiûp career advice: tđ vçn ngh÷ nghiûp Governments need to provide vocational courses and retraining. vocational (a): liön quan đøn ngh÷ nghiûp = occupational vocational course: khóa hąc v÷ ngh÷ nghiûp, đào täo ngh÷ nghiûp vocational guidance: hđęng dén v÷ ngh÷ nghiûp vocational school: trđĘng däy ngh÷ Unemployment Benefits: Positives Some governments pay unemployment benefits in order to help jobless people Unemployed people need financial support until they find a new job By claiming benefits, they can continue to pay for their major life expenses The benefits system helps to reduce poverty, homelessness and crime Some governments pay unemployment benefits in order to help jobless people. benefit (n): lĜi ích, trĜ cçp, phúc lĜi unemployment benefits: trĜ cçp thçt nghiûp maternity benefits: trĜ cçp thai sân medical benefit: phúc lĜi y tø - Unemployed people need financial support until they find a new job. financial (a): thuċc v÷ tài chính, liên quan đøn tài chính 199 = fiscal finance (n): tài chính fiscal year: nëm tài chýnh - By claiming benefits, they can continue to pay for their major life expenses. claim (v): thþnh cæu, đāi = demand = ask = assert expense (n): chi phí life expenses: chi phí sĈng, chi phí sinh hoät = living expenses - The benefits system helps to reduce poverty, homelessness and crime. poverty (n): sĖ nghèo nàn, thçp kém = impoverishment = poorness >< wealthiness (n): sĖ giàu có, thĀnh vđĜng wealthy (a): giàu có, thĀnh vđĜng Unemployment Benefits: Negatives Some people claim benefits rather than working They become dependent on the government They are not motivated to find a job The benefits system is a burden on tax payers All citizens should work to make a living and support themselves Receiving benefits affects peopleēs self-esteem Some people claim benefits rather than working. A rather than B: thých cái A hėn so vęi cái B They become dependent on the government. to be dependent on sb/sth: dĖa dém vào ai/cái gü đĂ = to be reliant on sb for sth 200 They are not motivated to find a job. motivate (v): thčc đèy, täo đċng lĖc đù làm đi÷u gü đĂ = stimulate = drive = galvanize = inspire = incline The benefits system is a burden on tax payers. burden (n): gánh nðng = anxiety = pressure = strain All citizens should work to make a living and support themselves. make a living: kiøm sĈng = make money = earn money = earn a salary Receiving benefits affects peopleēs self-esteem. self-esteem: lòng tĖ trąng = pride = dignity = self-respect - affect (v): ânh hđĚng, tác đċng = influence = disturb Work/Life Balance It is important to achieve a balance between work time and leisure or family time Too much work can result in stress and poor health Workaholics may neglect their families and friends People need to take regular holidays Companies should expect employees to work overtime Nowadays, many people work part-time or have flexible working hours 201 Technology allows people to work from home, telecommuting is possible Many companies provide childcare facilities Striking a balance between a good life and a good work can raise job satisfaction Happy, healthy workers are more productive It is important to achieve a balance between work time and leisure or family time. balance (n): sĖ cân bìng = equilibrium = equity = harmony a balance between A and B: sĖ cân bìng giĕa cái A và cái B Too much work can result in stress and poor health. to result in sth: gåy ra cái gü đĂ, dén đøn cái gü đĂ = to lead to sth = to account for sth >< to result from sth: xây ra là vü đi÷u gì đĂ Workaholics may neglect their families and friends. neglect (v): sao lãng, thĘ ė = to be indifferent = disregard = ignore = spurn People need to take regular holidays. to take a holiday: đi nghþ, đi du lĀch = to go on holiday = to go on vacation Companies should expect employees to work overtime. overtime (adv/a): thêm giĘ, quá giĘ to work overtime: làm thêm giĘ, tëng ca overtime pay: phæn lđėng trâ cho 202 viûc làm thêm giĘ Nowadays, many people work part- time or have flexible working hours. part-time (adv): bán thĘi gian >< full-time (adv): toàn thĘi gian work part-time: làm viûc bán thĘi gian work full-time: làm viûc toàn thĘi gian Technology allows people to work from home, telecommuting is possible. to work from home: làm viûc Ě nhà, làm viûc tĒ xa telecommuting (n): viûc liên läc tĒ xa, thông tin tĒ xa Many companies provide childcare facilities. facility (n): cė sĚ vêt chçt, đi÷u kiûn thuên tiûn childcare facilities: nhĕng phđėng tiûn, cė sĚ vêt chçt thuên tiûn cho viûc chëm sĂc tró em transport facilities: nhĕng phđėng tiûn thuên tiûn cho viûc vên chuyùn Striking a balance between a good life and a good work can raise job satisfaction. to strike a balance between A and B: tìm ra cách đù cân bìng giĕa A và B satisfaction (n): sĖ hài lòng, sĖ thăa mãi to be satisfied with sth: câm thçy hài lòng v÷ đi÷u gü đĂ = to be pleased with sth to be dissatisfied with sth: câm thçy không hài lòng, bçt mãn v÷ đi÷u gü đĂ Happy, healthy workers are more productive. productive (a): cĂ nëng suçt, có hiûu quâ production (n): viûc sân xuçt 203 produce (v): sân xuçt producer (n): nhà sân xuçt Technology and Work The internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life Workers can communicate via email, online networks and video conferencing Technology can connect workers in different countries from around the world It gives people more freedom It can also save time, energy and money Some people believe that offices could disappear in the future Virtual online offices may replace them The internet, fax and mobile phone technologies have revolutionized working life. revolutionize (v): cách mäng hóa, thay đĉi hoàn toàn = transform Workers can communicate via email, online networks and video conferencing. via (prep.): thĆng qua, theo đđĘng = through = by Technology can connect workers in different countries from around the world. connect (v): køt nĈi to connect A to/with B: køt nĈi cái A vęi cái B = to combine sth = to link A with B = to join sth It gives people more freedom. to give sb sth: trao cho ai cái gü đĂ = to offer sb sth = to grant sb sth 204 It can also save time, energy and money. save (v): tiøt kiûm = economize = spare (v): đù dành Some people believe that offices could disappear in the future. disappear (v): biøn mçt = vanish = dissipate >< appear (v): xuçt hiûn = show up = turn up = come into sight = present Virtual online offices may replace them. replace (v): thay thø = take the place of sth = put sth in place of sth = take over sth Child Labor In some countries, children are exploited They do boring and repetitive jobs for very low pay Children are often used in agriculture and factory work The employment of children is prohibited in other countries Many people think that children should be free to enjoy their childhood Governments should make education a priority They should build new schools They should supply the necessary resources to educate children Children need to be given the knowledge and skills for adult life In some countries, children are exploited. exploit (v): khai thác, bóc lċt, lĜi dĐng = take advantage of sth = misuse = abuse = profit from/by sth = utilize 205 They do boring and repetitive jobs for very low pay. repetitive (a): lðp đi lðp läi = repetitious = repeated - Children are often used in agriculture and factory work. factory (n): nhà máy, xđĚng = manufacturing plant The employment of children is prohibited in other countries. prohibit (v): cçm = make impossible = ban = forbid = impede = outlaw = restrict Many people think that children should be free to enjoy their childhood. childhood (n): tuĉi thė motherhood (n): tình méu tĔ fatherhood (n): tình phĐ tĔ brotherhood (n): tình anh em sisterhood (n): tình chĀ em neighborhood (n): tình làng xóm, khu vĖc hàng xóm Governments should make education a priority. priority (n): đu tiön to make sth a priority: đu tiön cái gü đĂ They should build new schools. build (v): xây dĖng = construct = form = set up 206 They should supply the necessary resources to educate children. to supply sth to sb: cung cçp cái gü đĂ cho ai đĂ = to provide sth to/for sb educate (v): giáo dĐc = cultivate = enlighten = tutor = instruct = train Children need to be given the knowledge and skills for adult life. adult (n): ngđĘi lęn, ngđĘi trđĚng thành adult (a): trđĚng thành = grownup 207 - The end - www.ielts-fighter.com
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