Learner autonomy in learning english reading skills
Learner autonomy in learning English reading skills is an area not being extensively explored in
Vietnam so far. This study aims at investigating first-year English majored students’ perceptions
of learner autonomy and their practices of learner autonomy in learning reading skills at a
university in Vietnam. Instruments used in the study consist of a questionnaire survey and indepth interviews. The structured questionnaire was administered to 99 participants and an indepth interview was followed up with 11 students who were selected by their mark range from
below average, above average and very good mark. Two instruments were employed to triangulate
data to fulfill the main aim of the research. The results of the survey and the in-depth interview
reveal that almost all the students understood the concept of learner autonomy and were aware of
learning autonomous activities. However, the in-depth interview results indicate that the students
still wanted to be reliant on their teachers in class to gain better results. It is suggested that teachers
should make learners independent in their learning process. In addition, teachers should create
favorable learning environment to facilitate learner autonomy in learning reading skills.
cognitive strategies, the researchers asked the question “Can you tell your experiences in learning reading skills?” The researchers realized that the participants knew to move towards the task completion. They usually read reference books, foreign articles and magazines or do exercises to improve reading skills. It meant that the cognitive strategies were used most commonly Figure 4.5. Overall compensation strategy used by first year students Figure 4.3. Overall cognitive strategy used by students under research Figure 4.4. Overall metacognitive strategy used by the first year students 55KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY v by the students because they were easy to practise in learning language. A range of responses was elicited, six of eleven interviewees shared the experiences to learn reading skills: However, some students reported to encounter difficulties with learning reading skills “The curriculum is boring and inactive, the teacher only check the key or “I’m lazier in studying”. Very few students are not autonomous learners and dependent on the teacher. The researchers also wanted to know how the students learn the skills by asking “What do you do to learn reading skills such as scanning and skimming?”The responses of the interviewee illustrated that the students completed the reading skills by different ways such as watching the tips on the internet or asking their teachers for help. However, some still do not care about skills of reading and only do exercises freely. By analyzing two questions above, the researchers realize that the cognitive strategies were used commonly by the students because they were easy to practise in learning language. Regarding metacognitive strategies, Chamot and Kupper (1989) mentioned that metacognitive strategies involved thinking about the learning process, planning for learning, monitoring the learning task, and evaluating how well one has learned. All interviewees reported their use of planning, monitoring and evaluating the process of the learning reading. In order to check interviewee’s habits in setting goals, planning, or evaluating reading skills, the researchers asked the first question “Do you have any objectives in learning reading skills at the beginning of the semester?” The results demonstrated that the majority of those who responded to this item felt that they had objectives when the semester began. Implications In accordance with the findings in the discussion part, the study is concluded with several recommendations for improving students’ learner autonomy in learning reading skills. Firstly, the strategies, i.e., cognitive, metacognitive and compensation should be introduced to the students at the beginning of the semester. Because some of them had an exact plan at the beginning of the semester but they could not carry out those plans. If they were supported with the strategies instructions clearly from the teacher, they may gain more positive results at the end of the semester. For this reason, the teachers should engage their students in a strategy awareness and focus them more on the metacognitive strategies, which should be developed in advanced level of language learning. Secondly, it is essential for language teachers to encourage students to be active in the classroom and use English outside classroom as much as possible such as participating in seminars and forums, making friends with foreigners. The results indicate that students would like to change the way they are learning but they wish their teachers to control their studying so the teachers may need to understand this psychology to have suitable methods to motivate their study. Also, practical actions are suggested in order to help students experience outside activities. 5. CONCLUSONS This study explores first-year English majored students’ perceptions on learner autonomy, and their practices in learning reading skills. In addition, based on the findings of the study, useful recommendations are proposed to foster learner autonomy in mastering reading skills not only inside the university of this research but also in new contexts. The most significant findings are made relating to learner autonomy perception. 56 KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) v LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY The data from the questionnaire survey illustrated that the students understood the concept of leaner autonomy. However, they still wanted to rely on the teachers in choosing the materials or creating learning motivation. In the second place, the study examines what the students’ practices in EFL reading learning reveal about their learning autonomy. Most students did not frequently take part in activities (joining reading clubs or forums and seminars) that require arrangements, efforts or plans but they tended to use the available documents on the internet that reflects the changes in their studying at a university. Last but not least, students knew to combine three types of strategies, i.e., cognitive, metacognitive and compensation in the process of learning and they chose particular strategies for each phase of one semester. However, they tended to use more cognitive strategies for reading skill learning./. References: Đinh Thị Hồng Thu (2017), Tổng quan về nghiên cứu tính tự chủ trong dạy học học ngoại ngữ ở Việt Nam, Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Nước ngoài, Tập 33, Số 5, 123-130. Benson, P. (2001). 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TELL, Vol. 3, No. 10, 81-99. 57KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰNo. 19 (5/2019) LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY v NĂNG LỰC TỰ CHỦ TRONG VIỆC HỌC KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC TIẾNG ANH NGÔ PHƯƠNG ANH, ĐÀO THỊ HỒNG THÚY Tóm tắt: Tự chủ trong việc học kỹ năng đọc tiếng Anh là một lĩnh vực chưa được khai thác nhiều ở Việt Nam.Nghiên cứu này nhằm mục đích điều tra về nhận thức về việc tự chủ của người học và thực hành quyền tự chủ của người học trong việc học kỹ năng đọc của sinh viên chuyên ngành tiếng Anh, tại một trường đại học ở Việt Nam. Các công cụ thu thập số liệu được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu bao gồm một bộ câu hỏi khảo sát và một cuộc phỏng vấn cấu trúc sâu. Bộ câu hỏi khảo sát được thực hiện với 99 người tham gia và một cuộc phỏng vấn sâu đã được thực hiện với 11 sinh viên có điểm đọc tiếng Anh trung bình, trên trung bình và rất tốt. Hai công cụ đã được sử dụng nhằm củng cố số liệu tìm được và thu thập số liệu phục vụ mục đích chính của nghiên cứu. Kết quả khảo sát và phỏng vấn sâu cho thấy hầu hết tất cả các sinh viên đều hiểu khái niệm tự chủ trong học tập và nhận thức được các hoạt động tự chủ trong học tập. Tuy nhiên, kết quả phỏng vấn sâu cho thấy, các sinh viên vẫn muốn phụ thuộc vào sự hướng dẫn và bài giảng của giảng viên trong lớp để đạt được kết quả tốt hơn. Một số ý kiến cho rằng, giảng viên nên làm cho người học độc lập trong quá trình học tập hoặc giảng viên cũng nên tạo môi trường để người học được tự chủ trong việc học kỹ năng đọc tiếng Anh. Từ khóa: tự chủ trong học tập, người học tự chủ, chiến lược học đọc Ngày nhận bài: 27/4/2019; ngày sửa chữa: 07/5/2019; ngày duyệt đăng: 17/5/2019
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