Language attitudes of vietnamese undergraduates towards english: an investigation at school of advanced studies of ho chi minh city open university
The investigation reported in this paper is carried out with 444 undergraduates enrolled in the first semester of
academic year 2014-2015, which seeks to examine language attitudes towards English language achievement and
formation of ethnic identity of Vietnamese undergraduates at Ho Chi Minh City Open University (HCMCOU). The
investigation surveys this topic by discussing the study of language attitudes, effects of language attitudes on
language achievement, English in Vietnam and awareness of Vietnamese ethnic identity and issues about the
relationship between language attitudes and language achievement. The questionnaire survey is conducted to
examine students’ language attitudes, which is adapted from Axler et al. (1998) as cited in Liu & Zhao (2011). The
results show that students hold positive attitudes towards English and are extrinsically and intrinsically motivated to
learn English. They show their sense of Vietnamese patriotism in preserving linguistic and cultural identity on
account of nearly 60 per cent of wishing to learn Vietnamese well. Concurrently, they illustrate their appreciation of
English status in light of 40 per cent showing their preference to learn good English first.
guage is not a danger to Vietnamese identity as also found in Liu & Zhao (2011); Axler, Yang, & Stevens (1998). The finding further recommends that ethnic awareness should be intergrated in the the language teaching curriculum since the social status of a foreign language as English is so high in Vietnam and nearly half of the research population wish to be successful in learn English rather than Vietnamese. 5. Concluding remarks In conclusion, this present study is conducted to investigate undergraduates’ attitudes towards English with regard to their learning motivation and national identity formation. The results reveal that HCMCOU students hold positive attitude towards English and they are extrinsically and intrinsically motivated to learn English. They show their sense of Vietnamese patriotism in preserving linguistic and cultural identity on account of nearly 60 per cent of wishing to learn Vietnamese well. Concurrently, they illustrate their appreciation of English status in light of 40 per cent showing their preference to learn good English first. The findings further suggest (1) that instead of forcing students to learn English, teachers should encourage their learning with a practical, real, and convincing story of typical users’ success, (2) that their learning materials should be interested and unchallenging. In addition, (3) teachers should know how to build up their confidence in expressing English; and (4) ethnic identity component should be included in the teaching program. In the meantime, the study is conducted in the center of Vietnam with the participants from the School of Advanced Studies at the university. This picture of findings seems different if being conducted in different groups of students in the normal training, in other remote area of Vietnam, in other levels of study (secondary or high school, graduate, etc.), for example. 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