Giáo trình Listening III (Phần 2)
I. Listening Skills
• Listening for gist
• Listening for details
• Listening to tone of voice, pitch and stress to find out speaker'sfeelings
• Listening to make guesses and check guesses
• Listening to respond appropriately
II. Key Language and Structures
- coupon /'ku:pοn/ (n) : vé, cuốn vé, phiếu mua hàng
- Nope /noup/(adv) (Am. sl.) : không
- errand /'er↔nd / (n) : việc lặt vặt
What did you think was the best song? Celia : Well, er .. the .. the song of the show .. like, for instance "Memory" and "Don't Cry for me, Argentina", the song of the show is Stephanie Lawrence's "Only You", which has been released as a single. Er .. yes, all the songs were well performed. UNIT 19 STRA TFORD LEISURELINE Welcome to Stratford-upon-Avon Leisureline Service for visitors and residents. I will first give details of the places of historical interest, followed by entertainments and events during the coming months. The places of interest to see are : Shakespeare's Birthplace and Center in Henley Street; Anne Hathaway's cottage, the home of Shakespeare's wife, in Shottery village; New Place, the site of Shakespeare's retirement home; Hall's Croft, where his daughter and son-in-law lived; and Mary Arden's house, his mother's home, situated at Wilmcote. Details of opening times and admission charges are obtainable from Stratford-upon-Avon 204016. Visit the mediaeval parish church, Holy Trinity, where Shakespeare and his family are buried. In Waterside you will find the World of Shakespeare Theater, giving a half- hour audio-visual show of Elizabethan life. And the Shakespearian theme is continued at Louis Tussaud's waxworks in Henley Street. This is also Harvard House in High Street, the home of Catherine Roggers, the mother of the founder of Harvard University, USA. And in Shakespeare Street you can visit the motor museum. A brass-rubbing center is in the Royal Theater Summerhouse, adjacent to the theater. Other places within easy reach are : Charlecote House, Ragley Hall, Coughton Court, Warwick Castle and Kenilworth Castle. Many guided tours to these and other places are operated by Guide Friday Ltd, Henley Street. Ring Stratford-upon-Avon 294466. Forthcoming entertainments and events of interest for the month of January are as follows : The Royal Shakespeare Theater plays in current performance are : Macbeth, Much Ado, King Lear, The Tempest and the Taming of the Shrew. For booking information, please ring the booking office, Stratford-upon-Avon 295623. On 1st January, there's a sale of old toy trains at the Parish Church Hall from 10.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. On the 6th, 7th and 8th of January Shottery Youth Theater presents The Land of Make- Believe at the Shottery Memorial Hall. We hope you enjoy your visit to Stratford-upon- 74 75 Avon, truly in the heart of England. For more information, ring the Tourist Information Center on Stratford-upon-Avon 293127, winter office hours 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Thank you for calling. UNIT 20 Announcer : Good morning. This is Nick Swift on Radio Sussex with our usual Wednesday morning phone-in. This morning the topic is you and the law, and with us in the studio is our resident solicitor, Mr Charles Andrews. Charles : Good morning. Announcer : Mr Andrews has been looking at some of the letters sent in by our listeners and is now ready to give us the benefit of his professional advice. And the first caller, waiting expectantly on the line is Mr Stephen Lawson from West Denham. Stephen, can you hear me? Stephen : Yes, yes I can. Good morning, Mr Andrews. Charles : Good morning Mr Lawson. Yes, your problem is a very common one, I'm afraid and in order to decide whether you're a protected tenant or not, legally, I mean, I'd like to ask you a few questions. Stephen : Yeah, yeah, of course. Charles : Now firstly, what kind of agreement do you have, if you don't mind my asking? Stephen : Well, we haven't signed anything, if that's what you mean -er, we've got a rent book and we pay rent every month. Charles : Ah, you do have a rent book, and you pay every month. Does the landlord live on the premises? Stephen : No, no, in fact we hardly ever see him, he lives in another part of the country. Charles : So he doesn't provide any services for you - by that I mean, breakfast, linen, that kind of thing? Stephen : (laughing) : No, nothing like that - unfortunately. Charles : Ah, well, actually it is better for you that he doesn't. Now he's written to you formally asking you to leave, I take it? 76 77 Stephen : No, no, he just keeps phoning up and keeping on at us - it's really getting us down. Charles : Yes, quite so. Well a couple of things here, Firstly, he must inform you in writing, or else it's not legal. And after that, since you pay monthly he's got to give you a month before you leave anyway. Now secondly, he's not allowed to keep pestering you like this until he has got a court order for possession - you could sue him for harassment. Stephen : Oh, I see, that's interesting to know. Charles : Now do you happen to know his reasons for wanting to regain possession of the house? Stephen : No, we assumed he wanted to sell or something, but... Charles : Yes, because if he needs it for himself or a member of his family then I'm afraid you've got problems. Otherwise it seems to me that you've probably got a pretty good chance of staying put, at least for a year or so. Stephen : That would be wonderful, because we leave college then, anyway. Charles : But er, I have to say that this whole issue is so complex that you'd be better off going and speaking a solicitor in more detail. We haven't got time in this phone call to cover everything, I'm afraid. Stephen : OK, well thanks very much. Charles : And remember if you're a student you are protected by Legal Aid, which means you don't have to pay the fees yourself. Stephen : Great! Thanks again. Announcer : I'm sure Stephen is much more optimistic already. Next on the line is Mrs Mary Peters from Townley and she has a problem with a jacket she wants to return to the shop. Mary : Hello. Charles : Hello Mrs Peters. Yes, I think your case may be a little more simple. The main question is, was there anything wrong with the jacket at all, was it faulty in any way? Mary : No, it was just too small - it was my mistake. Charles : Ah yes, because in that case I'm afraid they're right, they are not legally obliged to give you your money back or even exchange on sales item. However, if the goods are faulty in any way then they must, sale or no sale. Mary : So there's nothing I can do? Charles : I'm afraid not Mrs Peters. Actually, I think you were unfortunate. Most big department stores would at least have given you a credit note as long as you had a receipt and had returned the item fairly soon after the purchase. It's not worth having bad customer relations, you see. Mary : No, this was quite a small shop. Oh well, not to worry. Thanks anyway for your time - I'll know next time, won't I? Charles : Yes, you certainly will. 78 79 ANSWER KEYS TO FURTHER PRACTICE UNIT 1 1. 10 Bridge Street 2. writing/ writing class 3. Mrs Green 4. July 15(th)/ 15(th) July/ 15/7 5. 1/ one 6. May 31 (st)/ 31 (st) May/ 31/5 7. June 4(th)/ 4(th) June/ 4/6 8. 3/three (days) UNIT 2 1. angry; at home 2. her husband (or her older child?) 3. books or papers? (toys??) 4. the children (from school) or some people (from the station?) 5. indifferent or defiant? 6. wants to avoid conflict? UNIT 3 1. True 4. False 2. False 5. True 3. True UNIT 4 Likes : House in beautiful position, nice restaurant, market, lovely food, bowls/ basket Dislikes : Too many English people a. Every year b. Tiny c. A cowshed d. Windsurfing, sailing e. Bowls/ Baskets UNIT 5 1. died (in 1900) 2. co - educational 3. ten/10 4. teacher/ university teacher 5. tolerance/debate/discussion UNIT 6 1. 9 2. 11 (p.m.) 3. 11.30 (p.m.) 4. 9 5. 9 6. Thurs/ Thursday UNIT 7 1. 4 5. Closing 2. Cork 6. BA560 3. 9 7. 22 4. AI 141 8. Closing 80 81 UNIT 8 1. garbage 4. paper 2. garbage 5. charity 3. garbage 6. filters UNIT 9 1. A 2. D 3. F 4. G UNIT 10 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C UNIT 11 1. No. He doesn't like the design. 2. Yes 3. No. Its brand is new to them. (They don't know the company that makes it) 4. No. The shop doesn't have the bigger size. 5. Yes 6. No. The shop doesn't have the notebooks with more pages (100 or 150 pages). UNIT 12 1. 3.30 4. 2.15 2. <1.10 5. Friday 3. First Love UNIT 13 1. C 2. D 3. 9.575.000 km2 4. 21% 5. A : Shanghai B : 9.500.000 C : 8.000.000 D : 6.600.000 UNIT 14 1. Kenji's vacation was great. He went to Vancouver, visiting a fantastic garden, and eating in some great restaurants. 2. Laura's vacation was nice, very relaxing. She stayed home, reading, going to the beach and swimming. 3. Lisa's vacation was really exciting. She flew to Brazil with her husband, relaxing on the beach in Rio, visiting some old mining areas, i.e. diamond mines; gold mines ..., visiting some fantastic buildings in Brasilia, meeting friendly people, enjoying good food. 4. Dave's vacation was pretty boring. He visited his aunt and uncle and watched TV. UNIT 15 1. True 5. False 2. False 6. True 3. False 7. True 4. True 8. False UNIT 16 1. 3.00 5. 7.30 2. 4.00 6. 8.30 3. 5.00 7. 9.40 4. 6.00 82 83 UNIT 17 1. True 5. True 2. False 6. False 3. True 7. False 4. False UNIT 18 1. B 4. B 2. C 5. B 3. A UNIT 19 1. 204016 2. 30/ thirty minutes/ half an hour 3. High Street 4. Motor (Car) 5. 294466 6. toy trains 7. 3.30/half past three 8. Hall 9. 11 a.m./ eleven o'clock 10. Sunday(s) UNIT 20 a. 1. signed 5. month 2. rent 6. his family 3. landlord 7. tenant 4. provides b. 1. obliged 4. credit note 2. exchange 5. receipt 3. sale 84 85 ChÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm néi dung: Ts. NguyÔn v¨n hßa Biªn tËp: Tæ c«ng nghÖ th«ng tin Phßng kh¶o thÝ ®¶m b¶o chÊt l−îng gi¸o dôc §¬n vÞ ph¸t hµnh: trung t©m ®µo t¹o tõ xa - ®¹i häc huÕ
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