Giáo án tiếng Anh 9 - Bùi Thị Lệ
II.The past simple.
1.The affirmative form: S + V+ed/2nd column.
2.The negative form : S + did not +V(bare infinitive).
3.The interrogative form:Did +S+V(bare infinitive) ?
III.The present continuous tense.
1.The affirmative form: S+am/ is/ are+ V-ing.
2.The negative form : S+am/ is /are+not+V-ing
3.The interrogative form: Am/ Is/ Are +S+ V-ing?
IV.The past continuous tense.
1.The affirmative form: S+ was/ were +V-ing
2. The negative form : S+ was/ were +not+V-ing
3. The interrogative form: Was/ Were+ S+ V-ing ?
V.The near future tense.
1. The affirmative form: S +am/ is/ are+going +to V.
2. The negative form : S +am/is/are+not+going+to V.
3. The interrogative form: Am/ Is/Are+ S+ going +toV?
We use< going to(do)> when wesay what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future.
87 A. Objective :After the lesson, students will understand the text about a space trip B. Language content : Vocabulary :to push up, orbit, totally, marvelous, physical condition C. Teaching aids : pictures of a spaceship, posters D. Procedure Activities Content Check up Warm up -Show the pictures and ask Ss some questions to involve Ss in the topic of the lesson. Pre-reading Pre-teach -Eliciting (mime ) ( picture ) (synonym ) (synonym ) (translation ) -Checking Set the scene : If we want to travel in the space, what should we do ? What can we see from outer space ? - Show the poster of 5 statements on the board. -Ss work in pairs to put the statements in order to show what they need and get in joining a trip into space. While reading -Ss open the books and read the text and check. - Read the text again and answer the questions. - Group work [ a.2 b.1 c.LN! d. 5 e.LN! f .4 g.3 ] - Individually speaking Post reading -Group work ( 4 ) The leaders write down the ideas and display before the class. Talk about what may there be on other planets. * Chatting - Do you want to travel ? Have you ever traveled in our country or abroad ? -Who was the first man to the moon ? -Have you ever dreamed of a trip to space ?- Do you want to be an astronaut I.Vocabulary -(to) push – up :hít đất -(to) orbit :di chuyển theo quĩ đạo -totally = completely (adv):hoan toan -marvellous =wonderful(adj):tuyet vời -physical condition:tình trạng thể lực * Slap the board II.Ordering statements 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 ( p. 87 ) * Reading and checking a (4) – b( 1)- c (5 ) – d ( 2) – e ( 3 ) III.Comprehension questions: LN ! Answers: [1.We’ll have to run a lot, swim every day,do aerobics and push ups to have an excellent physical condition. 2.We must get a letter from the doctor. 3.We can see pictures of the earth: our country, interesting places, the oceans, the big rivers, the mountains. 4.We can see those scenes 16 times a day. 5.We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling like a circus.] * Recall IV.Discussion * If you were able totake a space trip, what would you do to prepare for the trip ? What would you like to bring along ? Homework : _ Learn the words by heart. _ Summarize the text _ Write –it – up from the discussion. _ prepare section WRITE Evaluation April 2008 Peroid : Week: UNIT TEN LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 4 Section : _ Write P.88 , 89 A. Objective :After the lesson Ss will be able to write an exposition about the existence of UFOs. B. Language content Vocabulary :imaginartion, trick, man-like creature, mysterious, flying saucer C. Teaching aids : Word cards, posters D. Procedure Activities Content Check up Warm - up : Use 5 cards Gr 1 Jumbled words Gr 2 ___ ___ ___ Pre- writing -Eliciting ( translation ) a cunning action (definition ) an alien ( synonym ) (translation ) ( picture ) - Checking -Do the exercise 6a on p. 88 - Read the outline of an exposition in column A and put the paragraphs in B in order to match the section in A - Read the dialogue in pairs -Answers: No ,he doesn’t. Yes, he does. -He thinks that it might be people’s imagination. - Because newspapers talk a lot about UFOs and many people around the world say they have seen flying saucers -There are plenty of photos of them and mysterious circles on the fields. * Ask and answer in pairs While-writing -Write individually and share with their partners T: go round and help Ss. Post-writing - Collect some writings to correct the mistakes before the class. - Call on some Ss to read aloud their writings. Talk about what you would do If you take a space trip. * Jumbled words _ ucinionttrod = introduction _ oybd = body _ nculcoonsi = conclusion _ taimnenterent = entertainment _ caret = trace _ peapaceran = appearance I. Vocabulary - imagination (n) : sự tưởng tượng - a trick (n) :mưu mẹo - a man- like creature:sinh vật như người - mysterious (adj) : bí hiểm - a flying saucer : đĩa bay * What and where II. Matching 1.Introduction : I don’t believe ..... them 2.Body :Firstly, .................ground. 3.Conclusion :Therefore ............. III.Reading the dialogue * Answer the questions 1.Does An believe there are UFOs ? 2.Does Ba believe in UFOs ? 3.What does An think about UFOs ? 4.Why does Ba think UFOs exist ? 5.What evidence makes Ba believe in UFOs ? IV.Writing [ I believe UFOs exist because there are a lot of other planets besides our planet and articles and reports in newspapers talked about their appearance. Firstly, many people from different countries reported that once saw flying saucers. Secondly, there are many photos of flying saucers and some of the photographers said they saw man-like creatures get out of the saucers. Moreover, people are discussing the mysterious circles on the fields in the countryside of Great Britain. So I think UFOs are not human’s imagination.They are real and we should be ready to welcome their visits. ] V.Exhibition Homework :- Write an exposition, using An’s opinion. -Prepare section LISTEN and LF 1 ,2 . Evaluation April 2008 Period : Week: UNIT TEN LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 5 Section :-Listen P. 86 -Language focus 1 P.89 ,90 A. Objective: After the lesson, Ss will know more about the moon by listeng and how to use modal verbs may , might fluently . B. Language content Vocabulary: an expert, a crater , one-sixth, two-fifth. C. Teaching aids : a tape recorder , posters , pictures with cue words D. Procedure Activities Content Check up Warm up Pre-listening -a person who has special knowledge , skill or practice (definition ) ( picture ) ( visual ) -Checking - Set the scene : You will listen to the description of the moon. But before listening, you should read the statements on p.86 and guess which is correct and which is incorrect. While-listening -Listen and check - Listen again and answer the questions [ Because there is no air on the moon. There are about 30,000 craters on the moon. -If I weigh 50 kilos, I’ll weigh only a little more than 8 kilos. -No, We won’t. Because one day lasts for two weeks on the moon.] - Ask and answer in pairs Presentation -Set the scene : What is there in my hand ?[ It may be a... ]. Yes / No. - Target language ./ Concept check Practice -Pair work Production -Group work Talk your opinion on UFOs. * Shark attack _ _ _ _ ( MOON ) _ _ _ _ _ (WATER) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( MOUNTAIN ) _ _ _ _ ( LAKE ) _ _ _ (AIR ) I. Vocabulary - an expert (n) :chuyen gia - a crater (n) :hố (bom), miệng nui lửa - one-sixth :một phần sau - two-fifths :hai phần năm * ROR II.Prediction Gr 1 Statements Gr 2 a. b. --- III.Listening and checking [ a , c , d , f , i, j ] IV. Comprehension questions 1.Why are there no sounds on the moon 2.How many craters are there on the moon ? 3.How much will you weigh on the moon if you 50 kilos on the earth ? 4. Will you sleep very well on the moon ? Why ? Why not ? V.Modal Verbs : May and Might *Form : May/ Might + Verb ( without to ) * Use: - May /Might is used to talk about present or future possibility. - Might is normally a little less sure than May. * Picture and word cue drill: a._______ f. (p. 89, 90 ) * Guessing game A: What is there in this box ? B: It may be a doll./ a key ./ a pen ... Homework :_ Practice talking to descibe about the moon. _ Do the exercises 1 , 2, 3 0n p 65, 66, 67, 68. (WB) _ Prepare LF 2 ,3 ,4 Evaluation April 2008 Period : Week : UNIT TEN LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS Lesson 6 Section :_ Language focus 2 ,3, 4 (p. 90, 91 ,92 ) A. Objective: After the lesson, Ss will be able to use conditional sebtences. B. Language content : Conditional sentences Type 1 and 2 C. Teaching aids : Textbooks, Posters D. Procedure Activities Content Check up Warm up Gr 1 Jumbled words Gr 2 ___ ___ Presentation Set the scene : Tomorrow is Sunday. What will you do If the weather is fine , Hoa ? - Target language - Concept check -Usage Practice - Work in pair - Call on some Ss to read their sentences before the class. Presentation -Set the scene :Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the world. Complete this sent. If Ba ... rich , he .... around... - Target language - Concept check - Usage Practice -Work in pair - Look at the pictures and words to complete the sentences. _ Give feedback and correct Production _ Matching game _Group work Gr 1 write If clause and Gr 2 write main clause -Pick up 2 pieces of paper from 2 teams and call out the sentences - 4 groups : each group discuss and write down. Read them aloud [ If I met an alien, I would take some photos of him. / her, I would invite my home and talk to ...] _ Display , feedback and correct. Talk what are there on the moon. * Jumbled words - isrh = rich , dnoociintal = - lockc = clock , conditional - alrma = alarm , ntecsnee = sentence I. Revision of conditional sent. type 1. * Model sentences _ If the weather is fine tomorrow, I will go to the seaside. * Form: If clause Main clause Simple present Simple future * Use :We use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the If clause will happen in the future or is true in the present. * Drill: Complete the sentences on p.90 a.____ e II.Conditional sentence type 2 * Model sentence If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world. *Form :If clause Main clause Past subjunctive Would/ should / Could/ might + V *Use : We use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikely present or future situations. We often use “ If I were you “ to give advice. * Picture and word cue drill (p. 90 ) a. _______ g. * Matching Gr 1 If clause + Gr 2 Main clause *Writing “ What would you do If you met an alien from outer space ? “ Homework _ Learn the lessons by heart for the examination. _ Do the exercises 4, 5, 6, 7, on p.68, 69, 70, 71,72 ( WB) Evaluation
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