Giáo án Anh văn 7 - Kỳ 2 - Chung Thị Đạo
I.Objectives: To help sts to listen, read, number the statements get acquainted with some devided verbs in the simple past tense.
II.Language contents:
- Grammar: simple past tense
- Vocab.: about vacations
III.Teaching aids: Textbook ; a posters
3.New lesson:
contents: - Grammar: - Vocab.: The life in the country / big city III. Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster IV.Procedure 1.Organization: 2.Check: 3.New lesson: T’s Ss’ activities Content A.Warm up: * Chatting -Do you like the life in the big city ? Why (not) ? the country ? B.Pre - reading * Pre - teach vocab. (exp.) (syn) (trans.) * Pre - question: - Sts predict ® T collects sts' predictions on the bb. - T checks with WC. C.While reading - Ask Ss to read and check thier predictions - T hangs poster on the bb. Sts read the text again and find out comp. qs.Poster D.Post reading: Listen . Match each name to an activity . - Introduce the aim of the listening . - Ask students to look at the pictures and give the activity of each picture . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Have students guess and write the names next to the pictures . - Ask students to listen to the tape and check their prediction . - Play the tape for students . - Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class . - Play the tape again for students to check the answers - Correct and give the key : 4. Consolidation: - Retell sthe contents of the text *Homework - Read + translate B3 . P151 - Do exercise of B3 . P152. - Prepare: Unit 16: A1,2 1. Newwords Listen and guess - rarely (adv): hiÕm khi - far too = very : rÊt - socialize (a + v) : giao tiÕp 2. Pre - question What did Hoa and her friends do in the evening ? Answer Key: - She went out, visited her friends, they talked and listened to music, she helped her friends, she played table tennis, chess ... 3. Comprehension questions a. Why did Hoa rarely go to see movies or eat out in the evening ? b. Did Hoa like to read ? c. Could Hoa read many books in her village ? Why ? d. Where could Hoa leorrow books in the city ? e. Why did Hoa decide that the city wasn't so bad after all ? Listening Answer key: Ba- b Hoa- a Nga – d Nam – c Lan – f An – e Date of preparation: Date of teaching : Unit 16. People and places Period 96: A1-2 P154 - 155 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to read and talk about famocus places. II.Language contents: - Grammar: Present simple tense with frequency adv. - Vocab.: Famous place in Aisa III. Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster IV.Procedure 1.Organization: 2.Check: 3.New lesson: T’s activities Content adv of frequency A. Warm up Brainstorming usually B.Pre – listening. Pre - teach vocab. (exp.) (trans.) (exp.) (syn = sometimes) (mime) (realia) * Check Vocab: What & Where C.While - listening - Ask sts to read the dialogue in open pair ® closed pair then draw out the sentences in the present simple with adverbs of frequency. (4 sentences) Eg. He usually flies to Hong Kong ... - Ask sts to read the text again (second time) and do matching P155 D.Post listening : - A2 . P155 - T runs through all the table P155 and gives instruction of completing the table ® T models ... -Asks Sts to complete the table P155 - T checks with WC - T gives instruction of talking about famous places - Calls on a strong student do as an example. 4.Consolidation: - Retells the contents of the dialogue *Homework - Read + translate A1 . P154 - Do B2 . P115 - Prepare: A3,4 1. Newwords - a pilot : phi c«ng - as well as : còng nh - region : miÒn - ocasiconally: ®«i khi (sometimes) - (to) fly : bay - an album : quyÓn sæ ¶nh 2. Matching *Answer key: a - D c - B e - A b - F d - C f - E 3. Complete the table ( A2 P 155) Eg exchange T1 : Where does Ba's uncle usually fly to ?S: He usually flies to Bangkok. T: Where is Bangkok / that ? S: It's in Thai Land. Date of preparation: Date of teaching : Unit 16. People and places Period 97: A3 + 4 P156 - 157 I.Objectives: After the lesson sts will be able to listen and read A3 + A4. P156 - 157: Write the Pilot's schedule; Answer comp questions. Do the matching and transformation writing II.Language contents: - Grammar : Modal "May" - Vocabulary: People and places III. Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster IV.Procedure 1.Organization: 2.Check: write new words 3.New lesson: T’s activities Ss’ activities I, Warm up : Matching B.Pre – listening: - T sets the scene ® gives instructions of listening A3. P156. C.While - listening : -Asks Sts to listen to the tape three time and complete the pilot's schedule with the correct place. Tape transcript On Monday, I flew to Bangkok and then to Singapore. I stayed Monday and Tuesday nights in a hotel. Then on Wednesday, I flew to Jakata. I stayed overnight and on Thursday I flew to Bali. I stayed there Thursday and Friday. On Friday night, I went to a cultural show and saw some Balinese dancers. On Saturday, I flew to Hong Kong. I was there over night. On Sunday, finally I flew back to Hanoi. Calls Ss to give answers Gives correct answers A4 . P156 D.Pre - reading : Pre - teach vocab. (trans.) (visua) (trans.) (exp.) (trans.) (visual / realia) (trans.) (trans.) * Check Vocab: R & R E.While – reading: - Asks Sts to read the text again (individually) and find out comp - qs b. Free answer. F.Post - reading : -Asks sts to read "Remember P.157 - Explains part remember * Questions and answer. *Homework : - Read + translate A4 . P156 + Do transformation writing of A4 P156. - Do excercises in the workbook - Prepare: B1,3,5 China - beifing Thai Lan - Bangkok Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur Lao - Vientiane Myanmar - Yangon Indonesia - Jakata. 1. Listening Answer Key: Monday : Bangkok and Singapore Tuesday : Sinapore Wednesday : Jakarta Thursday : Bali mét hßn ®¶o nhá næi tiÕng Friday : Bali cña Indonesia Saturday : Hongkong Sunday : back to Hanoi 2. Newwords -an attraction : sù thu hót, hÊp dÉn an ancient momument : tîng ®µi cæ traditions (Ns) : tËp tôc, truyÒn thèng shadow puppet : Móa rèi bãng ®en a resort : khu an dìng coral (Ns) : san h« (to) sail : l¸i tµu (to) mention : nãi tíi 3. Comprehension questions *Answer Key: a. They're ancient momument / shows / attractions of the sea (resorts). 4. Discussion *What kinds of attractions do you prefer ? * Make meaningful sentences - You may prefer ... - The attractions range from ......... to ............ Date of preparation: Date of teaching : Unit 16: People and places period 98 : B 1- 3 - 5 I.Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss will get more knowledge about Vo Nguyen Giap and historic place. II.Language contents: - Grammar : - Vocabulary: III. Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster IV.Procedure 1.Organization: 2.Check: write new words 3.New lesson: T’s activities Content A.Pre-listening Pre- teach ( Visual) (expl) (expl) (tran) (anton) (trans) (trans) ( trans) ( situa) (trans) Check vocab : What and where T/ F prediction B 1 – P 158 B. While – listening - Ask Ss to listen and check their preditions - Ask Ss to compare with the partners - gives correct answers -Ask Ss to listen and fill in the form ( Post- listening Ask Ss to listen and complete the table B5 – p161 Ss use the table above to write a paragraph about Uncle Ho, using the verbs in the past 4.Consolidation: - Retells content of the text * Home work Do B 3 Write about Vo Nguyen Giap and about his batt Prepare: B2 1. Newwords a quiz : C©u ®è a battle : ChiÕn dÞch The General : VÞ tíng (to) lead : L·nh ®¹o ( to) defeat : ®¸nh b¹i force : b¾t buéc (to) be famous for : næi tiÕng vÒ.... ( to) leave (to) move (to) found (to) form 2. T/ F prediction B 1 – P 158 Key : a. F b. F c. T d. f e.T f. f 3. Filling With answer keys Name : Vo Nguyen Giap Years of birth: 1911 Job : General / Commander In Chief Famous for : Leading the people’s Army of Vietnam The battle : D ien Bien Phu Complete the table (5 P 161) Keys: Uncle Ho Year Place Date of birth 1890 Kim Lien Left of VN 1911 Africa, England, American Work in a hotel 1900s London went to another country 1917 Paris move again 1923 Moscow founded Vietnamese Communist Party 1930 guang zhow Formed Viet minh front 1945 VN become President 1945 VN died 1969 Ha noi 6. Write it up eg: Uncle Ho was born in 1890 in Sen villege, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province. He left VietN am in ...... Date of preparation: Date of teaching : Unit 16: Famous people Period 99: B 2 I. Objectives : By the end of the lesson, Ss able to talk about famous people. II.Language contents: - Grammar : - Vocabulary: III. Teaching aids: Textbook ; a poster IV.Procedure 1.Organization: 2.Check: write new words 3.New lesson: T’s activities Ss’ activities I, Warm up Noughts and crosses Give the past form and make sentences with the verbs. II, New lesson 2. Presentation :B 2- P 158 - Asks Ss to complete the dialogue - Gives correct answers 3. Practice *Words cue drill a. Hong Nhung / Thanh Lam b. My Linh / My Tam c. Bang kieu / quang linh 4. Futher Practice - Ss make their own dilogues abou famous people they know. III, Homework Do excercises in the workbook Prepare: B4 know go work become write invent grow bring be eg : I went to school yesterday. 1. Complete the dialogue Key : 1: like 2 : prefer 3 : guess 4 : favorite 3. Practice Example exchangce S1 : Do you like Hong Nhung ? S2 : I prefer Thanh Lam S1 : Why ? S2 : Because Thanh Lam is pretier than Hong Nhung. What about you ? S1 : My favorite singer is Hong Nhung 3. Futher Practice - Use these adjectives: clever, powerful, strong, gentle, kind, pretty, handsome, funny, fast. Example exchangce S1 : Do you like Hong Son ? S2 : No, not very much. I prefer Ly Huynh Duc. S1 : Why ? S2 : Because he is so funny and he plays better. What about you ? S1 : My favorite player is Hong Son.
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