Exercise of Articles
1. Articles: a/an. Insert a or an if necessary.
1. My neighbour is photographer; let’s ask him for advice about colour films.
2. We had . fish and . chips for lunch. That doesn’t sound . very interesting lunch.
3. I had a very bad night; I didn’t sleep wink.
4. He is . vegetarian; you won't get . meat at his house. He’ll give you nut cutlet.
Last time I had nut cutlet I had indigestion.
5. . travel agent would give you . information about . hotels.
6. We’d better go by . taxi – if we can get . taxi at such . hour as 2 a.m.
7. . person who suffers from . claustrophobia has . dread of being confined in small space, and would always prefer . stairs to lift.
8. Do you take . sugar in . coffee?
9. I used to, but now I'm on . diet. I'm trying to lose weight.
it. When Titanic was crossing Atlantic she struck and iceberg which tore a hill hole in her bow captain captain ordered crew to help passengers into boat. Everywhere man has cut down forests in order to cultivate ground, or to use wood as fuel or as building material. But interference with natural often brings disaster tree-feeling sometimes turns fertile land into a dustbowl. people think that lead is heaviest metal, but gold is heavier. Our air hostess said, ‘rack is only for light articles heavy things such as bottles must be put on floor.’ windows are supposed to let in light; but windows of this house are too small that we have to have electric light on all time. There’ll always be a conflict between old and young young people want change but old people want things to stay same. You can fool some of people all time, and all people some of time, but you can't fool all people all time. power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. 3. Articles: a/an, the. Insert a, an or the if necessary. There was knock on door. I opened it and found small dark man in blue overcoat and woolen cap. He said he was employee of gas company and had come to read meter. But I had subscription that he wasn’t speaking truth because meter readers usually wear peaked caps. However, I took him to meter, which is in dark corner under stairs ( meters are usually in dark corners under stairs.). I asked if he had torch; he said he disliked torches and always read meters by light of match. I remarked that it there was leak in gaspipe there might be explosion while he was reading meter. He said, ‘As matter of fact, there was explosion in last house I visited; and Mr Smith owner of house, was burnt in face.’ ‘Mr Smith was holding lighted match at time of explosion.’ To prevent possible repetition of this accident, I lent him torch. He switched on torch, read meter and wrote reading down on back of envelope. I said in surprise that meters readers usually put readings down in book. He said that he had had book but that it had been burnt in fire in Mr Smith’s house. By this time I had come to conclusion that he wasn’t genuine meter reader; and moment he left house and I rang police. Are Jones and Mary cousin? No, they aren’t cousin; they are brother and sister. fog was so thick that we couldn’t see side of road. We followed car in front of us and hoped that we were going right way. I can't remember exact date of storm, but I know it was Sunday because everybody was at church. On Monday post didn’t come because roads were blocked by fallen trees. Peter thinks that this is quite cheap restaurant. There’s been murder here. Where’s body? There isn’t body. Then how do you know there’s been murder? Number hundred and two house next door to us, is for sale. It’s quite nice house with big rooms back windows look out on park. I don’t know what price owners are asking. But Dry and Rot are agents. You could give them ring and make them offer. postman’s little boy says that he’d rather be dentist than doctor, because dentist don’t get called out at night. Just as air hostess (there was only one on the plane) was handing me cup of coffee plane gave lurch and coffee went all over person on other side of gangway. There was collision between car and cyclist at crossroads near my house early in morning cyclist was taken to hospital with concussion driver of car was treated for shock witnesses says that car was going at seventy miles hour. Professor Jones, man who discovered new drug that everyone is talking about, refused to give press conference. Peter Pipe, student in professor’s college, asked him why he refused to talk to press. We’re going to tea with Smiths today, aren’t we? Shall we take car? We can go by car if you wash car first. We can't go to Mrs Smith’s in car all covered with mud. He got job in south and spent next two years doing work he really enjoyed. It is pleasure to do business with such efficient organization. day after day passed without news, and we began to lose hope. Would you like to hear story about Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman? No, I've heard stories about Englishmen, Irishmen and Scotsmen before they are all same. But mine is not typical story. In my story Scotsman is generous, Irishman is logical and Englishman is romantic. Oh, if it’s fantastic story I'll listen with pleasure. My aunt lived on ground floor of old house on River Thames. She was very much afraid of burglars and always looked up house very carefully before she went to bed. She also took precaution of looking under bed to see if burglar was hiding there. ‘modern burglars don’t hide under beds,’ said her daughter. ‘I'll go on looking just same,’ said my aunt. One morning she rang her daughter in triumph. ‘I found burglar under bed last night,’ she said, ‘and he was quite young man.’ apples are sold by pound. These are forty pence pound. It was windy morning but they hired boat and went for sail along coast. In afternoon winds increased and they soon found themselves in difficulties. 4. Articles and possessive adjective. Insert a, an, the or my, his, her, our, your, their if necessary. He took off coat and set to work. Why are you standing there with hands in pockets? At most meetings people vote by raising right hands. The bullet struck him in foot. They tied hands behind back and locked him in a cellar. He took shoes off and entered on tiptoe. Someone threw eggs which struck the speaker on shoulder. I have headache. I have pain in shoulder. The windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut in face by broken glass. He was very tall man with dark hair and small beard, but I couldn’t see eyes because he was wearing dark glasses. He tore trousers getting over a barbed wire fence. Brother and sister were quite unlike each other. He had fair wavy hair; hair was dark and straight. She pulled sleeve to attract his attention. She pulled him by sleeve. ‘Hand up!’ said the masked man, and we all put hands up. Ask woman in front of you to take off hat. He stroked chin thoughtfully. If you’re too hot why don’t you take off coat? I saw him raise right hand and take oath. The lioness bit him in leg. You should change wet shoes or you’ll catch another cold. There was a shot and a policeman came out with blood running down face. We shook hands with host. He fell off his horse and injured back. The barman seized the drunk by collar. Leave coats in cloakroom; don’t bring them into theatre. He fell down a flight of stairs and broke rib. He pointed to a woman in green dress. He is thoroughly selfish man; he wouldn’t lift finger to help anyone. You’ll strain eyes if you read in bad light. She was on knees, scrubbing kitchen floor. He has horrible job; I won't like to be in shoes. You’ve got shirt on inside out. ‘Pull up socks,’ said his mother. I hit thumb with a hammer when I was hanging the picture. 5. A /an and one. Insert a, an or one if necessary. of my friends advised me to take taxi; another said that there was quite good bus service. friend of mine lent me book by Meredith. I've only more chapter to read. Would you like loan of it afterwards. No, thank. I read of his books few years ago and didn’t like it. Besides I have library book to finish. If I don’t take it back tomorrow I'll have to pay fine. man I met on the train told me rather unusual story. Most people like rest after hard day’s to work, but Tom seemed to have inexhaustible supply of energy. I've told you hundred times not to come into room with hat on. It’s unlucky to light three cigarettes with match. That’s only superstition. Only idiots believe in superstitions. He says caravan is no good; he needs cottage. plate is no good; we need dozen. Last time there was fog here plane crash-landed in field near airport. The crew had lucky escape man broke his leg; the rest was unhurt. You’ve been great help to me; day I will repay you. My car broke down near bus stop. There was man waiting for bus so I asked him for advice. He took quick look at my car and said, ‘buy new .’ There was woman there. The rest were men. There shouldn’t have been even woman. It was meant to be stag party. Don’t tell soul! Not even your wife. OF course not! I'll never tell secret to woman. Most of the staff had been there for only very short time, but man had been there year and half, so he knew little more than the rest. Could you lend me dictionary, please? I'm trying to do crossword puzzle. I'm afraid I've only got dictionary, and Tom’s borrowed it. chop won't be enough for Tom; he’ll want two; he’s small man but he’s got big appetite. ‘I want volunteers for dangerous job,’ said the captain. There was long silence. Isn’t there even man who will take risk?’ he asked. voice called out from the back, ‘Will there be reward?’ I have flat on the top floor. You get lovely view from there. day a new director arrived. He was ambitious, bad-tempered man, and the staff took instant dislike to him. Suddenly bullet struck street lamp little to Bill’s left. He looked up and saw man with gun standing at open window. Bill fired back twice, bullet hit the wall, the other broke pane of glass. He heard angry shout. day –it was dry day with good with visibility – Tom was driving along country road in borrowed car. You’re making mistake after another. Have you hangover, or something? No, but I had very bad night last night. The people next door were having party. bad night shouldn’t have such effect on your work. I often have three bad nights in succession. I live in very noisy street.
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