Episode 8 The Landlady’s Cousin
ANNIE [Reading note]
"Dear Tenants, my cousin, your landlady, is on holiday this week, so I am in charge. The same rules apply: no pets, no parties, no visitors, especially boys. Yours, Eunice Mountain."
Eunice Mountain? She sounds terrible! Worse than the tarantula.
If that’s possible.
RIDGET OK, let's have a drink before we begin. Milk, Annie? ANNIE Yes, please. BRIDGET “I owe you, Nick.” There! Well, no milk. Would you like some sparkling water? ANNIE Right. BRIDGET "I owe you, Nick." "I owe you, Nick." "I owe you, Nick!" How dare he? Aha! Would you like some cola? NICK Thanks, Bridget, I was looking for that. BRIDGET Nick! NICK Huh? Sorry. BRIDGET Add it to the list. Or ask your flat mate to buy your food. NICK Huh? Wow! BRIDGET You didn't know Hector was rich? NICK No. BRIDGET I'll speak to you later! HECTOR Wow, what are all these boxes? ANNIE Our new shelves, Hector. HECTOR I can help you build them. Where are the instructions? NICK Hector, my friend, rule number one: never read the instructions. ANNIE Ohhh, I see you have a note from our new landlady then. BRIDGET Eunice Mountain! NICK Eunice Mountain. I bet she's the same size. [Sound of intercom buzzing] Hello? It's Eunice Mountain. Who am I? I'm Nick, from Flat B. Oh, you want Flat A? This is... [Sound of intercom buzzing] Hello? Yes, this is Flat A. Yes, I am Nick from Flat B. Yes, I know this isn't my flat. EUNICE MOUNTAIN I want to see you downstairs - now! NICK Sorry. OK. Right away. BRIDGET Well? NICK Eunice Mountain wants to see me downstairs now. HECTOR Oh, bad luck, man. ANNIE Oh dear. BRIDGET Ask her if she has any milk, bread and biscuits. NICK Ha-ha.. ANNIE OK, so: "First open box A and take out shelf number 1." BRIDGET But which is box A? HECTOR This is box C. ANNIE And I've got box D. HECTOR Ah, I've got it. This is shelf number 1. ANNIE No, Hector. This is shelf number 1. BRIDGET No, this is shelf number 1. ANNIE Oh, this is a nightmare. HECTOR OK, Annie, read out the instructions. ANNIE [Reading instructions] "Put shelf 1 against the wall." Hector, I think the books will fall off. Sound of door to flat opening and closing BRIDGET So what's Eunice Mountain like? NICK You know, not bad. HECTOR Are you in trouble? NICK Probably. HECTOR I've got it - put pole B on the left and pole A on the right and the shelf on top. Bridget. BRIDGET Like this, Hector? Have you put up shelves before, Hector? HECTOR Many times. BRIDGET Or do your servants do it for you? NICK I'll do it! HECTOR No, no, no, I'll do it. NICK Drop! Drop! Ha! I laugh at instructions. BRIDGET Oh, that was clever. HECTOR It's OK. I can straighten it. NICK Aha! Stand back and watch the master at work! Sound of wood being sawed NICK Da-daaa! ANNIE Oh, well done, Nick. BRIDGET Hmm. HECTOR Wow! BRIDGET So where does this piece go? Sound of knocking on door EUNICE MOUNTAIN Hi, I'm Eunice Mountain, your new landlady. BRIDGET [Composing email] ‘Anyway, guess what I have discovered? Hector's family - the Romero Family - is one of the richest in Argentina! Can you believe it?!’ NICK Wow! ANNIE [Composing email] ‘The good news is: our landlady has gone on holiday! The bad news is: her cousin - Eunice Mountain - is our temporary landlady. She sounds awful.’ EUNICE MOUNTAIN Hi. BRIDGET Hello. I, I, I, I am Bridget, and this is Annie. ANNIE Hello. BRIDGET And this is Hector from Argentina. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Well, hello, Hector. BRIDGET Hector lives next door with Nick. EUNICE MOUNTAIN I've met Nick already, haven't I, Nick. NICK Oh yes, that's right. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Hmm, we need to talk about your rent - in private. NICK Gre-at – uhhh!! HECTOR [Reading instructions] "Measure the distance between the shelves." Oh. Aha. Annie, hold this, please. Aha, that's it, uh-huh. And this should be it! ANNIE Hector, do you think that's correct? These shelves are for mice. BRIDGET Can I speak to you please, Hector? HECTOR Hmm? BRIDGET So, Hector, one of the richest families in Argentina, the Romero family. There you are, Hector! So why the secret? HECTOR Because I wanted you to like me, not my money. BRIDGET Oh Hector, of course I do. Who else knows? HECTOR Nick. BRIDGET I thought so. HECTOR But not Annie. Don't tell Annie - yet. BRIDGET Why, Hector? HECTOR Because Bridget, I ..., because... BRIDGET Yes? HECTOR Because I - I am in love with Annie. NICK Nick has entered the building! BRIDGET So where are you going looking like John Travolta? EUNICE MOUNTAIN He has a date with me, haven't you, darling. HECTOR Another date? BRIDGET But that's three times this week! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Four. We've been to dinner, to the theatre, to the cinema and last night - salsa dancing! BRIDGET Can you salsa? NICK & EUNICE Whooo!!! EUNICE MOUNTAIN I am the salsa queen! BRIDGET Yeah, with two left feet. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Pardon? BRIDGET Nothing. HECTOR It sounds great. BRIDGET What is it tonight? Ping pong? NICK Tonight's it's karaoke. EUNICE MOUNTAIN And I am the karaoke queen! Let's go. Bye! “I love yo-u-u!” BRIDGET [Mimicking Eunice] "I am the karaoke queen!" I bet she sings like a toad. ANNIE So, Hector, where were we? HECTOR OK, I think I've got it, Annie. Assorted b/g noises/music EUNICE MOUNTAIN I did knock, but the music was so loud, you didn't hear me. I thought we'd have a little chat. Rule number two: no underwear on the radiator. ANNIE Oh, well, it's dry now. Give it to me. Give it to...., thank you. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Let me repeat the rules. No parties and no visitors, especially boys. Especially boys from next door. Especially Nick. He's mine! Get the message? ANNIE Erm, yeah, we get the message. EUNICE MOUNTAIN See you later. Oh, by the way, that shelf is not straight. Bye! BRIDGET Well, I have never! What does she..., who does she think she is? ANNIE The landlady's cousin? BRIDGET Oooh, I know that, but no Hector and no Nick? How dare she? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Coo-eee! Coo-eee! NICK [groaning] NICK [groaning] HECTOR How is Eunice? NICK [groaning] HECTOR Problems? NICK She is very nice. HECTOR But? NICK But - she's just not my type. HECTOR What do you mean? NICK Look, presents. More presents. Flowers. More presents. Chocolate. And her energy! I'm exhausted! Sound of knocking on door EUNICE MOUNTAIN Nick! Ooh, Nick! Coo-eee! Let's go dancing! NICK Hector, get rid of her! HECTOR Get rid of her? How? NICK Say something! HECTOR What shall I say? NICK Anything! Tell her I'm not well. I've eaten a hedgehog. I've gone to the moon. EUNICE MOUNTAIN [Knocking on door] Oh, Nick, are you in there? NICK Go on! HECTOR OK, OK! Oh, hi. EUNICE MOUNTAIN You're not Nick. HECTOR No. Nick.., Nick's hedgehog has gone to the moon. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Pardon? HECTOR Nick's hedgehog is not well. Nick is sad. EUNICE MOUNTAIN So, he must come dancing to make him happy. HECTOR No, no! He cannot dance! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Why not? HECTOR He stood on the hedgehog without shoes. Very painful. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, very messy! HECTOR So he cannot dance. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, that's a pity. Well, never mind. HECTOR Yeah, sorry. Bye. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Da-da-da-da! You'll just have to come instead! HECTOR Pardon?! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Come on, let's dance! ANNIE [Composing email] ‘Yes, Hector is still building the shelves. I don't know why he is so keen to help! Still, I like it!’ ANNIE Do you think that’s correct? ANNIE ‘And poor Nick! He looks exhausted! He's going out with Eunice. They've been to the theatre, the cinema, a restaurant, a salsa club and a karaoke club. She is the Karaoke Queen!’ NICK & EUNICE Oooooohhhhhh! ANNIE I don't think Bridget likes her. ANNIE "And tighten the screws." Annie, you are a genius. Hi, Hector. HECTOR Hi, Annie. ANNIE What's the matter? Are you OK? HECTOR I am exhausted. ANNIE What happened? HECTOR Last night, Eunice and I... ANNIE Yes? HECTOR She made me... ANNIE Yes? HECTOR Go dancing. ANNIE Oh! HECTOR Annie, she dances like a rhinoceros. Whoa! Annie! The shelves! You finished them! ANNIE Oh, just a bit more measuring. HECTOR I will help you. ANNIE Oh. HECTOR Oh. ANNIE Sorry. HECTOR Sorry. ANNIE It's OK. It happens when people work together. So, where were we? Ah! "For the final shelf, take..." oh! Hector! Oohhh! NICK Help! Hide me! Wooo!! HECTOR Eunice? NICK Eunice. Oh Bridget, save me! BRIDGET Why? NICK It's Eunice. EUNICE MOUNTAIN [Knocking on door] Nick! Coo-eee! Oh, Nick! NICK Oh, there she is! She's too much! EUNICE MOUNTAIN I know you are in there, Nick. Bridget, Annie, I said no boys. BRIDGET Shall I get rid of her, Nick? NICK Oh, yes, please! But how? BRIDGET I'll think of something. Annie, let Miss Mountain in. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Ah, there you are, Nick. And Hector! Bridget, I thought I said no boys. BRIDGET Yes, you did! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Especially boys from next door. BRIDGET Yes, yes, you did! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Especially BRIDGET Nick, he’s mine!! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oooh! Well just wait until I tell my cousin! Oh, by the way, Hector, I’ve got a fax for you. HECTOR Oh? Oh, please, give it to me. EUNICE MOUNTAIN It's from your father. It says, "Coming to London to meet... the Prime Minister? My jet arrives at midday. Will phone. Father." Ooh! Actually, Hector, I think you're more my type. ANNIE I, I don't think so, Eunice. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh! Goodbye. ANNIE Oh, and don't slam the... door. Oop! So Hector, your father is flying to London in his private jet to meet the Prime Minister? BRIDGET Well, they are one of the richest families in Argentina. NICK So Bridget, where were we? BRIDGET No, Nick. NICK Huh? BRIDGET The trick worked. Eunice is gone. HECTOR Annie, I will buy you a million shelves. ANNIE Ooh, well, we better start measuring for them then. HECTOR Oh-ho-ho! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Nick dresses up, Bridget is working hard in television and Hector goes for an audition! EXTRA, don't miss it!
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