Episode 6 Bridget Wins the Lottery
BRIDGET [reading horoscope]
Taurus: "Today you will have a change in career which will give you more money."
More money!
Ohhh! It's my lucky day.
Now where was I?
99, 100. Good, that's done.
Now the cushions. In my special order: orange, pink, purple.
ve just been to see Bridget. NICK Yes, I can see. Anyway, where are you going? HECTOR Oh, I am going shopping. NICK Ah, yeah. Wait, wait, wait. Come in here. 7-9-4-6-4-6-4-7. 7-9-4-6-4-6-4-7. Pen, pen, I need a... aha! pen. 7-9-4-6-4-6-4-7. Paper. Paper! 7-9-4-6-4-6-4-7. Hoo! Thanks, Hector. HECTOR What is it? NICK Aha! Today I met a girl called Emily. She is very beautiful - long blonde hair, big... HECTOR Yes? NICK ...blue eyes, and she is crazy about me. HECTOR Where did you meet her? NICK She was in her sports car. [Imitates car revving noise] At the traffic lights. HECTOR Oh! NICK I asked her for a lift. She said 2No”/ but she shouted her phone number – 7-9-6-4-6-4-7. HECTOR Oh, I see. NICK Mwahh, ha-ha-ha! Hey! Maybe she has a friend or a sister. HECTOR Wow, yeah! NICK Let's go out. Today is my lucky day. VOICE ON TELEVISION Now it's time for the National Lottery. BRIDGET Oh good. Is this my lucky day? VOICE ON TELEVISION And the numbers are... Sound of telephone ringing BRIDGET Yes? Oh, hello, Mother. Yes, well, I'm a bit busy. Can I call you - back? Ahhh! I've won! Mum! I've won! I must go. VOICE ON TELEVISION And those were this week's lucky numbers. BRIDGET Oh, whooaaaahhhhhh! ANNIE What is it? BRIDGET Annie! Ahhhhh! ANNIE Bridget, I can't understand you! BRIDGET Annie, I have won the National Lottery! BRIDGET and ANNIE Aaahhhhhhhhh!!!!! Whooahhhhhhh! BRIDGET From now on, it will be a life of luxury. Designer clothes! ANNIE Exotic holidays! BRIDGET Luxury homes! The very best restaurants! ANNIE Or mixing with the stars! [Ah ]. BRIDGET But of course I will give a lot of money to charity. No more work, no more bosses. In fact I’ll call now and resign. Dialling sound on mobile phone VOICEMAIL MESSAGE Hello, this is Harry Bowler. Leave a message and I'll ring you back. BRIDGET Harry, it's Bridget. I resign! I quit! I'm off! Keep your job. Goodbye! ANNIE Oh dear. BRIDGET From now on, no more bosses for Bridget. Bridget is the boss! Now I'll just get my lucky little ticket. BRIDGET Ah!! ANNIE What is it? BRIDGET My Lottery ticket has disappeared. ANNIE What?! BRIDGET But the dry cleaning ticket is still there. Hector has taken the wrong ticket. We'll go to the dry cleaner's. BRIDGET [writing email] ‘Today was Lottery day and, as usual, I did exactly the same thing to bring me luck. I brushed my hair 100 times – 99, 100. I arranged the cushions in my special order. I did my yoga.’ ANNIE [writing email] ‘Guess what? The good news is, Bridget has won the Lottery.’ BRIDGET and ANNIE Ahhhhhhhh! ANNIE The bad news is, her winning Lottery ticket has disappeared. Bridget asked Hector to collect her dry cleaning, but Hector took the wrong ticket! HECTOR Got it! ANNIE Oh dear! Poor Bridget! BRIDGET My Lottery ticket has disappeared. HECTOR and NICK Hey . Hey . Ay!!! HECTOR Hey, Nick, that waitress really likes you. NICK Two girls in one day. Call me Mr. Irresistible, ooh-oh! Hi, girls. HECTOR Hi, Bridget. Oops! Your dress, Bridget. I forgot, sorry. I..., how did you collect the cleaning when I had the ticket? BRIDGET No, Hector - darling. You have the wrong ticket. HECTOR I have the wrong ticket? BRIDGET You have the wrong ticket. Now give it to me. HECTOR Yes, I have it here, Bridget. BRIDGET You have got the ticket, Hector. HECTOR Yes, I have got the ticket, Bridget. I have lost the ticket. BRIDGET You have lost the ticket, Hector? HECTOR I have lost the ticket, Bridget. NICK You've lost the ticket, Hector. You can't have lost the ticket! Emily's number is on the back! BRIDGET Oh-wah-wah-ah!! HECTOR Are you OK, Bridget? BRIDGET The ticket you took from the board was not the dry cleaning ticket. It was my Lottery ticket. My winning Lottery ticket. HECTOR Oh. BRIDGET I am a multimillionaire. But with no ticket! And you, you can stop smiling, because this is your fault too! ANNIE OK! Nick! Hector! Where have you been? HECTOR Well, first we went to the CD shop. NICK No, no, no. First we went to Leo's Café. Remember the waitress? HECTOR Oh yeah! She was ... ... ... BRIDGET Yes, and...? HECTOR Then we went to the CD shop. NICK Then we went to Cool Man. HECTOR And then we went to the motorbike showroom. NICK Yeah! Sound of Nick and Hector imitating motor bike noises BRIDGET Stop! So, you are going back to look for it! HECTOR and NICK Yes, ma'am! BRIDGET And don't come back until you've found it, OK? HECTOR & NICK OK! BRIDGET The ticket must be claimed by 10 o'clock tonight. Now get going! HECTOR & NICK Yeah, ... ... ... BRIDGET Understood? HECTOR and NICK Understood! ANNIE Cancer: "Today there is trouble at home." BRIDGET Grrrrr!!! ANNIE You can say that again! NICK OK, Hector. I hope you find the ticket. See you later. HECTOR Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where are you going? NICK Well, I am going to the traffic lights. Emily might return. I can't ring her, because her number is on the lost ticket, remember? HECTOR Yeah, but what shall I do? NICK Look for the ticket, of course. HECTOR Yeah, but what shall I say? NICK Well, you say..., OK, I am the shopkeeper. You are you. HECTOR Great! NICK Great. HECTOR Good afternoon. NICK [pretending to be shopkeeper] Good afternoon. HECTOR I have lost my ticket. NICK [pretending to be shopkeeper] What sort of ticket? HECTOR Oh, my winning Lottery ticket. NICK [pretending to be shopkeeper] Oh, your winning..., wait a moment. You can't say, "I have lost my winning Lottery ticket". HECTOR Why not? NICK Because if they know it is a winning Lottery ticket, they will keep the money, they will hide it. HECTOR Oh. NICK So you must be someone else. HECTOR Who? NICK Ha! Someone who can search the rubbish bins. HECTOR Search the rubbish bins? NICK That's it! A dustman. HECTOR Dustman? NICK Yeah! A dustman can search the rubbish bins. Ha! Great idea, Nick. HECTOR Yeah, great idea, Nick. NICK Come on! You need to prepare! NICK [writing email] ‘What a day! I met a girl called Emily at the traffic lights - she's crazy about me! And she gave me her telephone number. Unfortunately I wrote her number on Bridget's Lottery ticket which Hector lost.’ Emily's number is on the back! BRIDGET ‘So I told them, "Don't come back until you find it.” Now get going! HECTOR and NICK Yeah-yeah-yeah!!!! Sound of mobile phone ringing HECTOR Hello? BRIDGET Hello? Hector? HECTOR Hello, Bridget. BRIDGET Have you found the ticket? HECTOR No, not yet. BRIDGET Well, where's Nick? HECTOR At the traffic lights. BRIDGET What?! At the traffic lights? Well, call me when you've found the ticket! Leo: "Today you will have a big surprise. Your life will be turned upside-down." Hmm! HECTOR Right! ANNIE Leo: “Today you will have a big surprise. Your life will be turned upside-down.” BRIDGET Ohhh!!! NICK [whistling and humming] BRIDGET Well? NICK Well. ANNIE Well? NICK Well, what? BRIDGET Any luck? NICK Well, yes and no. BRIDGET Yes and no? NICK Hmm. The bad news is, I didn't find her. BRIDGET Who? NICK Emily. BRIDGET Emily who? NICK Emily, the girl at the traffic lights. BRIDGET Oh. NICK The good news is... BRIDGET Yes? NICK I made £50 cleaning windscreens. BRIDGET Ahhh! Where's Hector? Where's my ticket? Oh, look at the time. It's ten to ten! ANNIE Ten to ten? I haven't fed Charlie. Oh, where is Charlie? I must find him. NICK Charlie was asleep on my bed this afternoon. ANNIE Oh, thanks Nick. Oh, there you are, Charlie. Charlie? What's this? Ohhhh! Ohhhhh! Bridget! Bridget! I found it! Your ticket! BRIDGET What?! NICK Where? ANNIE On Nick's bed. NICK Who? BRIDGET On Nick's bed! Well, give it to me. NICK No, give it to me! BRIDGET It's my Lottery ticket. NICK Emily's number's on the back! BRIDGET It's mine! NICK Give it to me! ANNIE It's OK, it's OK. I'll stick it back together. BRIDGET and NICK Grrrrrrrrrr! ANNIE Done! Ha! Oh, hi Hector. Oh, poor Hector. I've just found the ticket on Nick's bed. Isn't it exciting? BRIDGET Thank you! Ha! Now I can claim my money! Sound of door being banged ANNIE Oh, poor Hector. I’ve just found the ticket on Nick’s bed. Isn’t it exciting! HECTOR Yeah, great. NICK I can call Emily now! HECTOR Oh, great! NICK When Bridget has finished. HECTOR Great. ANNIE Shh! Shh! BRIDGET Hello! I'd like to claim my prize money, please. My numbers are: 66, 11, 89, 18 and 69. What?! What do you mean, they're not the winning numbers? Well, what are your numbers then? Well, 69, 81, 68, 11 and 99? But how? HECTOR Hey, I know what happened. Bridget, what were you doing while watching the Lottery? BRIDGET My yoga. HECTOR Aha! Which position? BRIDGET This one. HECTOR Exactly. These are your numbers, but this way. BRIDGET Ohhh!! ANNIE Oh, bravo, Hector. HECTOR Hey, it was nothing. NICK Aha! Emily's number. 7-9-4-6-4-6-4-7. Aha, it's ringing. Helloooo. Is Emily there? No? Who are you? Jack's Taxis? Emily! You tricked me! BRIDGET Oh, what an unlucky day. Well, it can't get any worse. Yes, it can. The phone call. My job. We must get that tape back. Now. And I know just the man for the job. ANNIE Well, it can’t get any worse! BRIDGET Yes it can! The phone call. My job. We must get the tape back – now! And I know just the men for the job! HECTOR & NICK Oh no! BRIDGET & ANNIE Oh yes! HECTOR Nick, should we be here? NICK It's OK. Bridget said it was OK. HECTOR Look! There is the answerphone. NICK Quick, get the tape! Sound of dog barking SECURITY GUARD Security! Who's there? COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Bridget's twin comes to stay, Hector asks Annie on a date and why is Bridget being so nice, or is she? EXTRA, don't miss it.
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