Episode 28 Christmas
Christmas music
Mmm. I love this time of year! Sleigh bells, mince pies, presents under the tree!
What? Easter?
No, silly! Christmas!
et if you cross a chicken with a clock? HECTOR I don’t know. NICK An alarm cluck! An alarm cluck! Ha-ha! HECTOR I don’t get it. NICK An alarm cluck! Cluck-cluck-cluck, one a cluck, two a cluck, cluck-cluck-cluck! HECTOR A clock?! Christmas music ANNIE [Composing email] Oh, I love Christmas. Mince pies, mistletoe. HECTOR Mistle-toe? ANNIE It’s an English tradition, when you stand under it, you can kiss someone. ANNIE [Composing email] Poor Nick is having a difficult time playing Father Christmas. NICK I was holding this baby – coo-goo-goo-goo, when suddenly ! ANNIE [Composing email] Those naughty children! He-he-he! BRIDGET [Composing email] I hate Christmas! I had so many exciting parties to go to. BRIDGET It’s so difficult being so popular. BRIDGET [Composing email] But stupid Nick left his stupid sleigh in the hall. NICK Oh, my sleigh! I forgot! BRIDGET [Composing email] I fell over it and broke my leg! Crashing noise/scream Christmas music HECTOR Boom-dikka-ding-boom-ding-ding-ding – right, mince pies! First, the pastry! And now the minced meat from the best butcher! Christmas music HECTOR Mmm, they smell good, don’t they Charley. Sound of door opening/closing ANNIE Phew! Well I’ve finished all my Christmas shopping. HECTOR Oh madam! Refreshment? Mince pie? ANNIE Mince pies? Oh Hector, you are clever. HECTOR I followed the rec-eep. ANNIE ‘p’. HECTOR Mince ‘p’? ANNIE No, no, no. Rec-ipe. HECTOR Oh, rec-ipe. ANNIE Mmm. HECTOR Hmm. ANNIE Umm. HECTOR Good choice, madam. Merry Christmas! ANNIE Yuk!! HECTOR Something wrong? ANNIE It’s dal-icious, delicious ahm. Erm, you know, Hector, Christmas is all about sharing. Erm, would you like some, Charley? ANNIE & HECTOR Hmm/Mmm/Umm. ANNIE Hey, it’s Saint Nicholas! NICK Oh! HECTOR Nick, what happened to your beard? NICK Ah, one Christmas candle, one small child – woomph! Laughter NICK Hey, mince pies, yummy, yeah! HECTOR With best mince from the best butcher. Mmm. ANNIE Erm, Hector. HECTOR Hmm? ANNIE What did you put in the pies? HECTOR Mince meat – from the best butcher. ANNIE This is mincemeat. This is minced meat. HECTOR Isn’t it the same thing? ANNIE Not quite. NICK Ha-ha! Delicious! ANNIE Hey, I’ve got an idea! Let’s make this a special Christmas, just for Bridget. Sound of knocking on door/Christmas music MALE NURSE Night-night. ANNIE Hey Bridget, do you want to come carol singing? HECTOR Who is Carol? ANNIE Carols are Christmas songs. You knock on people’s doors and sing to them for money. NICK Let’s do it! Hmm! ANNIE For charity! For poor little children. NICK Huh! ANNIE Some children have no Christmas. BRIDGET Just like me. ANNIE And your job as Santa Claus is so important. You help children to believe in Christmas! NICK Yes, you’re right, Annie, I do. My job is important! I help children to believe!! Christmas music ANNIE Right, let’s go! BRIDGET I’ll go, only if we can sing Abba songs. HECTOR And that will make you happy? Here, have a mince pie. BRIDGET Oh, all right. Christmas music BRIDGET Ugh! BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK “Away in a manger ” OFF SCREEN VOICE Dog in a manger, more like, good night! BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK “Silent night ” OFF SCREEN VOICE I wish you were, all night! BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK “We Three Kings of Orient are one on a scooter, one in a car .” OFF SCREEN VOICE Get lost! BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK “Merrily on high ” OFF SCREEN VOICE Get ‘em Gnasher. Sound of dog barking BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK “O Come All Ye Faithful, joyful and triumph ” Sound of dogs barking BRIDGET [Voice fades into background singing ‘O Come All Ye Faithful] Christmas music HECTOR Hi Annie, I like the tree. ANNIE Oh thank you, it’s nearly finished. HECTOR Please, use these. My decorations. ANNIE Oh, sweet, Hector. Are they from Argentina? HECTOR No, Oxford Street. Aren’t they great! ANNIE Oh, great. Sound of door opening/closing ANNIE Oh, hi Nick. How was your last day as Santa Claus? NICK Great! Such nice children. One of them let me play with his binoculars! ANNIE Really. NICK Oh, and I’ve just finished my Christmas shopping. ANNIE But the shops are shut now. NICK No, the petrol station was open. Look I’ve bought my mum this. HECTOR A map of Watford. ANNIE But your mum doesn’t live in Watford. NICK Oh I know. She might go there one day, though! I bought shampoo for my sister. HECTOR Car shampoo. NICK Yeah, and after shave for my dad. Ha-ha-ha! Mmm. I like the tree. Ooh, but I love these! Hey, I’ve got some too, it was the last day of the grotto today, so they were throwing these away. Ha-ha, can you believe it! Ha-ha! Christmas music ANNIE No! Christmas music HECTOR & NICK Perfect. ANNIE Well, it might make Bridget laugh. HECTOR Why? ANNIE I know, if Bridget can’t go to her parties, let’s have a party here! NICK When? ANNIE Oh, I don’t know. In about fifteen minutes! BRIDGET Oh! Oh! Look at the Christmas tree! ANNIE I know. It makes me want to cry too. BRIDGET What’s the point of having Christmas if I can’t go to my Christmas party?! Now Christmas just makes me cry! HECTOR Oh, Bridget, cheer up. Tomorrow is Christmas Day. BRIDGET [Sound of crying] HECTOR Have you got your stocking? BRIDGET Yes. NICK Hah, yes, and I’ve got mine! ANNIE What are you hoping for? A motor bike? NICK Ye-es! Why not? BRIDGET The only thing that will make this Christmas worse is if you invited all my friends round for a surprise party to cheer me up. Sound of knocking on door ANNIE Ah. ASSORTED VOICES Surprise!! BRIDGET Oh!! ANNIE [Composing email] Hector made us mince pies. HECTOR And now the mince meat, from the best butcher! ANNIE [Composing email] The problem is, he used minced meat, instead of mincemeat. ANNIE Yuk! ANNIE [Composing email] Oh well! He did try! HECTOR They smell good, don’t they Charley. HECTOR, NICK, BRIDGET & ANNIE “Silent Night ” NICK [Composing email] To cheer Bridget up, we went carol singing. ANNIE, NICK, BRIDGET & HECTOR “We Three Kings of Orient are one on a scooter, one in a car ” OFF SCREEN VOICE Good night! NICK [Composing email] People loved us! BRIDGET “Joyful and triumph ” ANNIE [Composing email] I also organized a surprise party for Bridget, she was surprised! Sound of knocking on door ANNIE Ah. ASSORTED VOICES Surprise!! BRIDGET No-oo! ANNIE [Composing email] Tomorrow is Christmas Day and Bernard is coming for lunch. What fun! Christmas music/sound of knocking on door ANNIE Hang on, I’m coming! BERNARD Ho-ho-ho, merry Christmas! ANNIE Oh, hello Bernard, merry Christmas. I’m sorry, we had a little party last night. BERNARD Erm, I’m here for dinner. ANNIE Isn’t it a bit early? BERNARD Ten o'clock, time for a sherry. ANNIE Bernard, where’s your mother? BERNARD At church. Sound of TV being switched on ANNIE Well I’ll just go and get dressed. Christmas music NICK “To Bernard, Love from Annie.” Ha-ha. BERNARD Sherry. Thanks, Annie. Nearly finished this one. NICK “To Bridget, Love from Annie.” BRIDGET A – a flea collar. I haven’t got fleas! ANNIE I’m sorry, Bridget, wrong label. It was meant for Charley! NICK Hah! Is she sure it was meant for Charley?! Ha-ha! “To Bridget, from Hector.” Ooh! BRIDGET Oh thank you Hector, you shouldn’t have. What to Wear at Christmas Parties. Oh!! HECTOR I bought it before you BRIDGET I’ve got a little something for you, Nick. NICK Whoo-hoo, goody! ‘Gorilla – because you are the original man.’ Whoo, ha-ha, it smells like a gorilla. BRIDGET Well, you should know. NICK Ooh, I wonder what this could be. Ah. HECTOR Merry Christmas, sugar plum. ANNIE Merry Christmas, snugly-puppykins. One heart, forever. BRIDGET This will stop it! ANNIE Bridget, nothing will stop my love for Hector. Sound of coughing ANNIE Well Christmas music/sound of knocking on door EUNICE MOUNTAIN I just called to say Merry Christmas! Ah! Mmm! Christmas music EUNICE MOUNTAIN Ah! Hector, Mmm. Bridget, what has happened to you? BRIDGET I had an accident. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, what a pity! You’ve missed some fabulous parties, especially at the Beckhams. Elton John, he’s a very naughty boy! Ha! Still, never mind, there is always next year. OK, must dash. Off to a top restaurant for lunch. BRIDGET Erm, Eunice. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Yes. BRIDGET Before you go, have a mince pie. Nick. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh. Spraying noise EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, I shouldn’t. But, it’s Christmas. BERNARD It’s true, there is a Santa! And she’s a woman! Wait for me! I want to tell you what I really want for Christmas! NICK Ha-ha-ha! HECTOR Hey, can you smell something? NICK Yeah. Is something burning?! HECTOR Ah, I forgot - the turkey! Christmas music/assorted noises/shouting HECTOR Water, water, we need water! Not on me! On the turkey! NICK Oooh! Assorted noises/shouting HECTOR Move! Move! Assorted noises/shouting HECTOR There, the fire is out. NICK Anyone for turkey?! ANNIE Shall we just have pudding? BRIDGET Erm, no mince pies, thanks. HECTOR Oh, I have another surprise for you. Another English Christmas tradition. Chocolate log. One slice or two? Christmas music/sound of sawing COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Nick wants to join the SAS, Bridget and Annie train the boys for action and why is Hector home so late? ANNIE Hello, Hector! COMMENTARY [v.o.] EXTRA, don’t miss it!
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