Episode 27 Can You Live Without?
It’s time for Can You Live Without And here’s someone you just can’t live without – it’s MARTY!!
MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera]
But what Sharon doesn’t realise is we’ve got a camera in the bathroom. Ha-ha-ha!!
Oh, that’s disgusting!
She must know that we can see her!
o be contestants on Can You Live Without MARTY ROSS Oh, I wish I could help you, but it’s not my decision, it’s the producer’s. Now, I must go. BRIDGET Erm, you can’t help me. Well that’s a shame. MARTY ROSS Yes it is. BRIDGET Because I’d hate for the newspapers to see this. Ah-huh. Or this. Hmm. MARTY ROSS Where did you get them? BRIDGET Hah! Don’t you remember? I’m Eunice’s researcher. I research! Oh, I wish I could help you, but it’s not my decision, it’s the newspapers’. MARTY ROSS All right, all right. I’ll see what I can do. ANNIE [Composing email] I love the TV show Can You Live Without ANNIE It’s time to persuade Marty that we want to go on Can You Live Without ANNIE [Composing email] I think Bridget, Nick, Hector and I should go on it. Sometimes I wonder whether Hector can live without chewing gum! ANNIE Hector, I wish you’d stop chewing gum! BRIDGET [Composing email] Guess what! I persuaded Marty Ross to get us on Can You Live Without BRIDGET Because I’d hate for the newspapers to see this. Ah-hah. Or this. BRIDGET [Composing email] If we can live without our favourite things, we’ll win a super holiday. NICK We could do it! It’s just twenty four hours of giving up our favourite things! BRIDGET [Composing email] It will be easy for me, but I don’t know about the others. Loud thumping noise NICK Ow!! TV VOICE OVER It’s time for Can You Live Without And here’s someone you just can’t live without – IT’S MARTY!! MARTY ROSS Hello darlings! Do you want to spend the next twenty four hours with me?! AUDIENCE YEAH!! MARTY ROSS Correct answer! Yes, let’s see what the people who live – here, can live without. But huh, it looks like they live without anything, anyway! Now, let’s meet the contestants Sound of cheering/applause MARTY ROSS You first, pretty lady, what’s your name? BRIDGET Oh, you already know my name, Marty. MARTY ROSS Hah-hah-hah, we have a pretty joker here! Don’t get smart, sweetie, this is my show, photo or no photo. BRIDGET Erm, Bridget. MARTY ROSS Good luck, Bridget. Applause/sound of wolf whistles MARTY ROSS And who do we have here? ANNIE Hello. My name is Annie and I’m Hector’s girlfriend – and I love Charley, erm, my, my dog. MARTY ROSS So, which one could you live without? ANNIE Oh, erm MARTY ROSS Ha-ha, enough said! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Sound of applause MARTY ROSS And this is Hector. So, Hector, Annie loves her dog more than you, ha-ha-ha-ha! Mind you, Hector does sound like a dog’s name, doesn’t it! Here Hector, here boy! Oh-oh, don’t bite! And, last of all and least of all, ha-ha-ha-ha, it’s erm, hello, is anybody there? I know, you’re a fish, ha-ha-ha-ha! NICK Ahm, hi [sound of Nick clearing his throat/stumbling over words] Erm, Nick. MARTY ROSS Hi, N-N-Nick! And what do you like? NICK [sound of Nick stumbling over words] MARTY ROSS Bananas! NICK Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba MARTY ROSS Baboons, you like baboons! You are a baboon then! You’re a small baboon! NICK Ba-ba-ba MARTY ROSS It’s not baboons. You like b-babes! NICK B-irds MARTY ROSS Sorry, this is Nick and he likes babes. Sound of applause MARTY ROSS Well, let’s get on with it. As usual, each of these contestants has picked one thing that their flatmates cannot live without for twenty four hours! Bridget – you must live without chocolate [ah!] mirrors [ah!] and makeup! [Ahh!] Sound of applause MARTY ROSS Annie, you must live without touching Hector, sucking your thumb and most of all, you must live without Charley! Sound of applause MARTY ROSS Hector, you must live without – touching Annie and chewing gum. Sound of applause MARTY ROSS Nick, you must live without talking about babes, or talking about motorbikes! And all of you must live without television, magazines and music – twenty four hours of living without starts now!! Sound of applause MARTY ROSS Come on, Charley. You’re coming with me. Sound of Charley whining MARTY ROSS Don’t forget – I’ll be watching! Sound of applause NICK No television! ANNIE & BRIDGET Aah! BRIDGET No touching. If you touch, we lose points and we won’t win a big prize. Aaah!! No makeup, what must I look like? Ah!! ANNIE Ah-ah-ah-ah, and no mirrors! NICK [Makes baboon-type noises] MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ha-ha-ha-ha! Look at that guy, he looks like a monkey at the zoo! So how will they do? Top points could mean a holiday in the Caribbean! But- if they fail they lose points and their prize holiday could be this! Of course we might give them one or two temptations to make interesting television. Join me after the break! NICK [Composing email] So, Bridget has to live without make-up, mirrors and chocolate. BRIDGET Aah! NICK [Composing email] Annie mustn’t suck her thumb and Hector must stop chewing gum. Oh, Hector and Annie mustn’t touch each other. MARTY ROSS You must live without touching Hector. NICK [Composing email] Me? I mustn’t talk about babes and motorbikes. MARTY ROSS Nick, you must live without talking about babes, or talking about motor bikes. NICK [Composing email] That doesn’t stop me dreaming about them, though! MARTY ROSS Twenty four hours of living without starts now! NICK I think it’s going to rain. ANNIE Do you? HECTOR I agree. NICK Manchester United are doing well. ANNIE Are they? HECTOR I agree. NICK I think it’s going to rain. BRIDGET Weather and football, is that all you can talk about? NICK No, well yesterday I met this really cute b ANNIE, HECTOR & BRIDGET Aaah! ANNIE Don’t say it! Do not talk about babes or motorbikes! HECTOR Hey! ANNIE Careful! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Bridget, no mirrors, you lose ten points! BRIDGET But it’s not a mirror, it’s a kettle! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Don’t argue! You lose another ten points! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Well, it’s all quiet now! Ha-ha-ha! What about some temptation! BRIDGET Hector, what is in your mouth? HECTOR Nothing. ANNIE Are you chewing gum, Hector? HECTOR No. BRIDGET No he’s not. He’s chewing this! ANNIE Open! BRIDGET That was from the Red Sea, it cost a lot of money. Ah! Grr! I could kill for some chocolate! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ha-ha-ha-ah! This should be fun! BRIDGET [Reading note] Bridget, I love the show, oh, love from, oh, Orlando Bloom! Ah! Ah! Orlando Bloom, watching me! Oh, I hope you didn’t hear me say that! Ha-ha-ha-ha! What do I look like? Oh, what do I look like?! Oh!! Sound of Charley whining HECTOR What are you doing, Annie? ANNIE Oh! I’m talking to Charley! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Annie, you must live without Charley, you lose ten points! Ha-ha-ha! ANNIE What?!! ANNIE Hector, don’t move! HECTOR What is it? ANNIE It, it’s OK, just don’t move! HECTOR I’m not going anywhere! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ooh, what Hector doesn’t know is that we’ve put that spider on his jumper! Ooh, this is wonderful TV! ANNIE Oh, think, think! Ah, one minute! Ah-ha! That’s better. Now, we’ll just brush this little fellow off. HECTOR Don’t touch it! ANNIE It’s, it’s OK. I’m sure it’s not poisonous! HECTOR How do you know? Anyway, if you touch me, we will lose points! NICK [Making kissing noises] Thank you, thank you – oh – mmm – prrr- prrr –prrr! Yeah! [Sound of kissing] Ah! ANNIE OK. Now – stay still! Hah! HECTOR Oh, oh-oh!! ANNIE Don’t move! Hang on a minute! HECTOR Oh! ANNIE Hector! This is a toy! HECTOR Oh, ha-ha-ha! I knew that! ANNIE Oh Hector, you were so funny! Marty has played a trick on us! HECTOR Yeah, very funny! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ooh! Who’s a cross boy?! Things are getting really hot now and they’ve still got over twelve hours to go! ANNIE You know Hector, I really think we can do this! We can win that holiday! HECTOR Mmm. BRIDGET Hello Annie. ANNIE Bridget, what are you doing in there? BRIDGET I’m erm, just reading the electricity meter. ANNIE Come here. And why are you wearing dark glasses? BRIDGET I don’t want Orlando to see me without make-up. ANNIE Bridget! Is that chocolate?! BRIDGET Erm, no! Oh! But they’re from Orlando! Oh! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ha-ha-ha, no chocolate, Bridget, you lose one hundred points! Sound of motorbike revving NICK Nick has entered the building! BRIDGET Nick! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Yes! Annie and Hector touched, they lose two hundred points! ANNIE What?! HECTOR It was an accident! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] Ha-ha-ha! And best of all Nick, you can’t live without motorbikes! So you lose five hundred points! BRIDGET No, no, no, no! You said, no talking about motorbikes, actually, big nose! NICK Yeah, Marty, so thanks for the present, you can keep your holiday! Hah! MARTY ROSS [Speaking via hidden camera] What?! You can’t do that! NICK Baby, fancy a ride? BRIDGET Ye-ah! Oh Hector, this is for Marty, or should I say – Martina! Sound of laughter NICK So Marty, if you want the bike, come and get it! HECTOR Sorry Marty, we can live without you! Goodbye! Oh, and Marty I think your audience will love this picture of you! MARTY ROSS Oh-no-no-no!! HECTOR Come on Annie, we have lots of catching up to do! ANNIE Oh Hector, catch me! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA! Nick plays Santa, while Hector and Annie play under the mistletoe BRIDGET, HECTOR, ANNIE & NICK Oh come all ye faithful, joyful and triumph COMMENTARY [v.o.] EXTRA, don’t miss it! BRIDGET Oh come ye, oh come ye to da-da-da-da!
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