Episode 25 Art
It's Friday, it's 7 o'clock!
Yes, it's time for an evening with Marty Ross!!
Hi darling, Marty Ross here. Let's spend this evening together.
[Sound of rewind on TV] Hi darling, Marty Ross here. Let's spend this evening together.
[Sound of rewind on TV ]Hi darling, Marty Ross here. Let's spend this afternoon together.
he dragon - Eunice. BRIDGET Oh. Oh no. Marty, you're so funny! MARTY ROSS Has Eunice got any tickets for Damian Pollasco's latest exhibition yet? BRIDGET Who? MARTY ROSS Damian Pollasco. The most important artist this century. He's so raw, so angry. BRIDGET Of course he is. Silly me. I forgot. Good old Damian. MARTY ROSS Anyone who is anyone will be there tomorrow night. [Clears throat] So of course I must be there. BRIDGET Oh yes. MARTY ROSS So tell the dragon if there are no tickets, I will not present Saturday's show. BRIDGET But you must, Marty! You're the star! MARTY ROSS But if there are tickets, then I will take her out to dinner. In fact, I'll take anyone out to dinner who gets me those tickets. Anyway, must go. I've got fans to ignore! Well? Carry on. BRIDGET Oh! MARTY ROSS [On TV] Hi, darling. Marty Ross here. Let's spend this evening together. MARTY ROSS What a professional! BRIDGET So if I get tickets for Damian Pollasco, I get dinner with Marty Ross! Who do I know, who do I know? I know! Dave! He's crazy about me! [Sound of telephone number being dialed] Hi, Dave? It's Bridget. I've got a little favour to ask you. HECTOR Is anybody home? Annie, is that you? Is that Ziggy? I think you should let her out. ANNIE Oh no, it's OK. We're seeing what it's like to be a battery chicken. HECTOR A chicken that runs on batteries? ANNIE No! A chicken that is kept in a small box to lay her eggs. Poor thing. HECTOR But isn't Ziggy a bit... ANNIE Oh no. It makes it more real, doesn't it, Ziggy. Tomorrow there is a big Farm Animal Freedom Protest in Trafalgar Square and we will be demonstrating. NICK Demonstrating what? ANNIE What it's like to be a farm animal. NICK Oh! Sounds exciting! ANNIE Boggy and Moss are coming from Manchester. ZIGGY Yay! HECTOR Boggy and Moss? ANNIE Boggy and Moss are very, very serious eco-warriors. HECTOR Eco-warriors? ANNIE They fight for the environment. And you two will help us prepare. NICK Ah-ah-ah-ah! Agh!! ANNIE Won’t you, boys! BRIDGET [Laughing] Bye! Good old Dave. I knew he'd help me. He just can't resist me. Now, Marty. Sound of mobile phone MARTY ROSS Hi. BRIDGET Oh, hi, Marty. It's Gigi. MARTY ROSS Gee-Gee? ... ... Bridget who? BRIDGET Bridget! Eunice's researcher. MARTY ROSS Have we met? BRIDGET Well, only about a hundred times! Listen, I've got two preview tickets for Damian Pollasco. MARTY ROSS Oh, that Bridget. How could I forget you? How about meeting for drinks at your place first? BRIDGET I'd, er, love to, but it's just a simple loft-style apartment. MARTY ROSS Well, I'm sure it's very arty. I can tell a lot about a woman from her art. They call me Arty Marty, you know, and if I like your art, Bridget, maybe dinner afterwards? BRIDGET Oh, Marty! What a surprise! I'd love to! MARTY ROSS See you tomorrow, baby! BRIDGET [Giggling] Bye! MARTY ROSS Ciao! BRIDGET Dinner with Marty, dinner with Marty, dinner with Marty, dinner with Marty! What shall I wear? My flat - arty? [Flashback sequence] - Annie, look at this flat. ANNIE Sorry, Bridget. BRIDGET Right, I've got twenty four hours. ANNIE [Composing email] It is the Farm Animal Freedom Protest tomorrow and Ziggy and I want to demonstrate what it is like to be a poor farm animal. HECTOR I think you should let her out. ANNIE Oh no, it's OK. ANNIE [Composing email] Boggy and Moss the eco-warriors are coming from Manchester! ANNIE Boggie and Moss are very, very serious eco-warriors. ANNIE [Composing email] Oh, it’s so exciting! ANNIE And you two will help us prepare. BRIDGET [Composing email] Guess what? Marty Ross and I are going to the preview of Damian Pollasco's exhibition! BRIDGET I’ve got two preview tickets for Damian Pollasco. BRIDGET [Composing email] He’s coming to our apartment for drinks first. Marty says he can tell a lot about a woman from her art! MARTY ROSS They call me Arty Marty, you know. BRIDGET And what is going on this time? ANNIE Oh, hi, Bridget. I'm feeding Hector cornflakes. BRIDGET Oh really? And why? ANNIE He's a turkey. BRIDGET Ah yes, of course he is. ANNIE Turkeys are made to eat lots for Christmas. BRIDGET Well, we all eat lots at Christmas. ANNIE No, it's cruel. It's to make them fat for humans to eat. BRIDGET Let me guess - he is a baby cow? ANNIE Nearly. He is a veal calf. Poor thing. We're preparing for our Farm Animal Freedom Protest. BRIDGET Oh no you're not. You're preparing this flat because Marty Ross is coming for drinks. NICK Not Marty Ross? “Hey, darling, let's spend the evening together.” BRIDGET Shut up, Nick. Go back to your bottle. ANNIE So this preparation, what is it? BRIDGET I want this flat to look like the coolest art gallery in London -- the Tate Modern. HECTOR The Tate Modern? NICK No furniture. BRIDGET I want 21st century. I want art! ANNIE So how are you going to do this? BRIDGET I'm not going to do it - you are! NICK Oh. BRIDGET I must get my beauty sleep. See you in the morning. Have fun! NICK [Sound of burping] Well, I'm not doing it. ANNIE Oh, come on, Nick. It won't take long. NICK Uh-uh. ANNIE I'll give Ziggy the keys to your flat. NICK [Sound of nervous laughter] OK, let's get on with it! Sound of snoring BRIDGET There! That's better! Marty will love it! ANNIE The things I do for Bridget's love life. NICK What about Bridget's love life? BRIDGET Right, I'll be back with Marty at 6 o'clock, so Annie, I want nibbles... HECTOR Nibbles? BRIDGET ...nuts, crisps. Hector, you prepare the drinks and Nick... try to be more interesting and don't let me down. NICK “I want 21st century! I want art!” Yeah! I'll show her interesting! Sound of door slamming HECTOR Poofff! I'm taking the day off work today. ANNIE Oh no, you're not. We've got lots to do before tonight. HECTOR Bridget's nibbles? ANNIE No! The Farm Animal Freedom Protest. HECTOR Oh. ANNIE Boggy and Moss are coming here and I want you to look after them, Hector, OK? Come on, Ziggy. NICK Interesting? I'll show you interesting, Bridget Evans. Hmm! Ah! Interesting, interesting! Nah, too Picasso. Whooff! No, too sporty and stupid. Yes! This is the one! Nah. [Imitates sound of cock crowing] Don't be ridiculous. Nearly, not quite. Bingo! NICK [Composing email] What a day! What a night! First I had to pretend I was a veal calf for Annie’s protest photos. ANNIE Poor thing. We're preparing for our Farm Animal Freedom Protest. NICK [Composing email] Ziggy fed me lots of milk. Then, Bridget made us change the flat so it looked ‘arty.’ BRIDGET I want 21st century! I want art! NICK [Composing email] It's all for stupid Marty Ross. NICK “Hey darling, let’s spend the evening together.” BRIDGET Shut up, Nick. Go back to your bottle. Sound of knocking on door HECTOR Oh, ‘Oggy, Moss, mmm. Excuse me, I am not..., Come in, come in. Please sit down. So, you are Annie's friends, huh? I am Annie's boyfriend. Would you like a drink? You would? You wouldn't. Tea? Coffee? Sugar? Oh! Aha! [Sound of mobile phone ringing] It is my phone! I know you know it is a phone, but it is ringing, so I must... excuse me. Annie, I'm so happy you rang. ANNIE Hector, I'm in the ladies toilets in Trafalgar Square. Have Boggy and Moss arrived yet? HECTOR Yes. Annie, they are a bit... ANNIE Aren't they sweet? HECTOR Yes, very sweet. It is just that they... All right, chaps? Won't be a minute. It is just that they are a bit scary. ANNIE Oh, Hector, don't be so silly. HECTOR Oh. ANNIE Tell them to come to Trafalgar Square now. HECTOR Great. Oh! You found something to eat. Good. Ah, you like that? Good, good, good. Annie says you can go to Trafalgar Square. Now. [Sound of mobile phone ringing] Oh! It is the phone again! Phones ring, don't they. They..., excuse me. Hello? BRIDGET Hello, Hector. Did you get the nibbles? HECTOR Oh, the nibbles, the nibbles. Yes, of course Bridget. BRIDGET Well done, Hector. I knew I could rely on you. HECTOR That was Bridget, Annie's friend. NICK Now am I interesting? .. ... bad? Whoa! Hey! This is interesting! HECTOR Nick, what shall I do? It was Boggy and Moss. NICK Oh, look, don't worry. We can tidy this up. Look! See? Look. HECTOR Yeah, that looks much better. NICK Still, at least I brought the drinks. HECTOR And I have the nibbles. NICK What? HECTOR The nibbles. NICK Very good. HECTOR Oh no! Boggy and Moss ate them! NICK Ahh! Look at this! Eh? Mmm! Tastes good. Mmm! HECTOR Mmm! NICK See? Bridget won't even notice the mess. BRIDGET & MARTY [Laughing] BRIDGET Oh, Marty, you're so funny! Anyway, here is my humble home. NICK Mr Ross, I'm a huge fan. BRIDGET What is that? ANNIE It's a pig pen. We stole it from a farm lorry! BRIDGET What a shame, no pig. ANNIE Oh, Boggy and Moss are bringing her later. BRIDGET This place... MARTY ROSS This place is very... BRIDGET I'm so angry! MARTY ROSS Angry! I love it! BRIDGET Yes. Yes, it's my angry art phase. All my own ideas, you know. NICK Cocktail? HECTOR Nibble? MARTY ROSS And this is fantastic. Original? BRIDGET Oh, very original. MARTY ROSS Very Damian Pollasco. Ooh, I love art. They call me Arty Marty, you know. BRIDGET Oh! MARTY ROSS Is it... for sale? NICK The man's an idiot. He wants to buy a wall. Much too expensive. HECTOR Much too precious. MARTY ROSS Name your price. MARTY ROSS Can you deliver them to me tomorrow? NICK Sure. No problem. BRIDGET Nick, what's this cocktail called? NICK Ah, it's an Arty Marty. It's rich, sickly and very thick. Sound of laughter BRIDGET Oh, Nick, your date is here. NICK Of course she is. Sound of pig snorting/laughter COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Nick goes to the dentist, Annie can't speak and why does an inspector call? EXTRA, don't miss it!
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