Episode 24 Pilot Nick
One for the party and one for the party hostess. One for the party and one for the party accountant.
Hey, it's Builder Barbie!
Ha-ha, very funny.
Eunice wants some building work done and guess who has to organise it?
Builder Barbie?!
Hey! Not for you, for the party.
. But now we have work to do. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain Chip Hardy speaking. We will now go through the safety routine. Exits are here, here and here. In the event of cabin decompression, place oxygen masks over your face like so, but please attend to your own mask before helping children. Life jackets can be found under your seat. In case of forced landing, adopt the following position. BRIDGET Oh, Eunice, I've got the builders on the phone. EUNICE MOUNTAIN About time. BRIDGET Hello. You can start today? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, Jean-Pierre, how nice to hear from you. BRIDGET Well we really need the job done quickly. EUNICE MOUNTAIN We should meet tonight? Oh yes. BRIDGET Ah yes, where to start. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Where? Hmm, that's a very good question. BRIDGET Where would you like the building work to start? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Well, I was thinking in my flat. BRIDGET In your flat? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, yes, in my flat. BRIDGET Hello? We want you to start in Eunice's flat. Yes, that's right, Eunice's flat. EUNICE MOUNTAIN It's 31 Evergreen Street. BRIDGET It's 31 Evergreen Street. That's right. Bye. HECTOR Tea, coffee? NICK No, no, no! Make it musical. Feel the words. Tea or coffee? HECTOR [Impersonating air hostess] Tea or coffee? NICK Thanks. HECTOR Hey, Nick, do women really go for you in that uniform? NICK Yeah. HECTOR Oh, but do they know that you are not a real pilot? NICK Well, hmm. HECTOR You tell them you are a real pilot. NICK Maybe. Sound of mobile phone NICK Oh, aha! Hello? Captain Chip Hardy speaking. Oh, hi, Tiffany! I love this uniform! Yes, that's right, sweetie. Currently flying at 20,000 feet heading for Barbados. [Hector makes engine noises in background] Yeah, that's right darling, above the clouds, above the clouds. HECTOR [Makes engine noises/impersonates pilot] NICK No, no, no. We're just... HECTOR Ahhh.. .. ... ... .. NICK ....We're not being attacked, it’s just a bit of turbulence. Look, I've got to go. Bye-bye! HECTOR Aaah!! Sound of footsteps/coughing/spluttering EUNICE MOUNTAIN Nooooooo! BRIDGET Oh, hi, Eunice. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Bridget, guess where this came from? BRIDGET Erm..., DIY shop? EUNICE MOUNTAIN No, from my flat. BRIDGET Ah yes, have the builders started? Excellent. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Excellent? Excellent? My flat is a mess! You told the builders to work in my flat. BRIDGET Yes, you said. EUNICE MOUNTAIN But the builders were supposed to work at Channel Nine. Your mistake, you fix it. BRIDGET But.... EUNICE MOUNTAIN And until you do, I'm going to stay in your flat. BRIDGET Nooooooooo! BRIDGET [Composing email] Oh no. Eunice is so angry! I made a tiny little mistake at work. BRIDGET We want you to start work in Eunice’s flat. Yes, that’s right, Eunice’s flat. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Nooooooooo! BRIDGET [Composing email] And now she's coming to stay with us. BRIDGET Nooooooooo! BRIDGET [Composing email] Oh, what am I going to do? NICK [Composing email] Dan, forget about fast cars, forget about exercise in the gym, forget about cool clothes. You have to get a pilot's uniform. It's magic with women. NICK Captain Chip Hardy, pilot extraordinaire. EUNICE MOUNTAIN BRIDGET!! BRIDGET I wanna ride the pony! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Bridget, I want my breakfast now. BRIDGET Of course. What would you like? EUNICE MOUNTAIN I want fresh coconut milk, two rashers of crisp bacon, preserve of Morello cherries on French toast, and coffee. Italian coffee. BRIDGET Fresh coconut milk, Italian coffee? I don't have.... EUNICE MOUNTAIN So you have to go out and buy them for me. Oooh, ohhh, horrible. Assorted background noises HECTOR Oh! Captain Hardy, what are we going to do? NICK It will be OK. HECTOR I am too young to die! You have to save us! NICK Try to be calm. HECTOR But what about my family? What about my cat? NICK Hold yourself together, woman. HECTOR What... Slapping noise NICK Excellent! You were really good! That was like Catherine Zeta-Jones. HECTOR You didn't have to slap me for real. NICK Oh, sorry, but I... oop! Sound of mobile phone ringing NICK Hello? Captain Chip Hardy speaking. [Sound of Hector in background making assorted noises]. What? Oh... OK, it's the director! Shh! What? What?! Erm, just a minute. The actress? She's ill? But we must still do the play? No, we don't have much time. Look, don't worry. I know the perfect person to play the part. Oh, yes, the perfect person. Bye! Hector? Hector! HECTOR Huh? NICK I have an extra ticket for Paris. Do you want to come with me? HECTOR Paris? NICK Oui, oui. HECTOR Excellent! NICK & HECTOR Ho-ho-ho-ho! EUNICE MOUNTAIN You call this a breakfast? Euurgggh! That's what I think of this! Ooh! Eurrh! And this! Aahh! And this! Poofff! And I have a little washing for you. [Sound of clicking fingers] In the bedroom. Now, what shall I eat? Hmm! BRIDGET You call this a little washing? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, be quiet and do it. ANNIE Hi! I got some polish for Granny's chest. BRIDGET Nice. ANNIE Oh, I love it so much. It really reminds me of her. Hey! You're eating my party food! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Yes. But it's not very good. Here, Charley boy. BRIDGET Annie, Annie, please. I don't want to lose my job. It's only for a few days. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Now which of you lucky girls is going to cut my toenails? BRIDGET Grrrr! I'm going to kill that woman! ANNIE No, no, let me. NICK Are you having fun with Eunice? ANNIE & BRIDGET Hmm. HECTOR Why don't you stay here while we are away? NICK Yeah. ANNIE & BRIDGET Erm, no, thank you. ANNIE Good luck in Paris! Sound of atmospheric accordion music HECTOR Oh, Paris, c'est magnifique! NICK Hector, where were you? Our play starts soon. HECTOR Oh, OK, good luck. NICK Hector, there's something I've got to tell you. HECTOR Oh, your play starts very soon. Where is the actress who plays the stewardess? NICK Huh! Well, actually she's right here. HECTOR Eh? Good joke! NICK The actress? She's ill. HECTOR Huh? NICK You are going to play the stewardess. Look, there's your costume. HECTOR You are not serious. You are serious? NICK Listen, Sylvia, I am gonna fly this plane. I will need all my crew. You are a professional. I am your captain. Will you fly with me? HECTOR No. No. No, no, no. I am not doing it, hmm! NICK Sylvia! I'm proud of you. HECTOR Oh, shut up. ANNIE What's that? BRIDGET Come and have something to eat. ANNIE Well, the shape looks familiar. EUNICE MOUNTAIN You've guessed. It is that chest. I did some work on it for you. ANNIE Oh! EUNICE MOUNTAIN It looked so boring. I gave it a whole new look. Da-daa! Background atmospheric music ANNIE My grandmother's chest! Ohhh..... BRIDGET Annie. Annie, please... ANNIE Arrrghhhh!! ANNIE [Composing email] Oh, that woman! I can't take much more of her! And I don't know if I can control myself. BRIDGET Annie, Annie, please ANNIE Arrrghhhh!! NICK [Composing email] Paris was great, but there was one problem, Sophie, my actress, was ill. HECTOR Where is the actress who plays the stewardess? NICK Huh! Well, she's ill. HECTOR Huh? NICK [Composing email] And I had to persuade Hector to play her part instead. NICK You are going to play the stewardess. HECTOR Oh, shut up. NICK Oooh, that was close! We nearly missed the plane. HECTOR Look at the reviews. "Irresistible." NICK "Dazzling." HECTOR “And that was just her legs”! NICK "The hostess was beautiful - in a masculine way." NICK & HECTOR Aaarrrghhh! Aaarrrghhh! HECTOR What's going on? P.A. ADDRESS Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some turbulence. There's nothing to worry about, except that the pilot and co-pilot are both ill. Erm, does anybody know how to fly a plane? NICK & HECTOR Aaarrrghhh! NICK Hector! HECTOR Huh? NICK Don't worry. I will fly this plane. HECTOR Nick, you cannot fly this plane! NICK I am Captain Chip Hardy. I can do anything! HECTOR You are just an actor. Captain Chip Hardy is your character. NICK But I have the heart of a pilot. HECTOR Tea? Coffee? Sound of mobile phone ringing BRIDGET Oh, wait a minute. Hello? Oh, really? Oh, excellent! Goodbye. ANNIE Who was that? BRIDGET The builders. Eunice's flat is finished! ANNIE Really? BRIDGET Her flat is ready! ANNIE Wooooohhh! Our flat is ours again! Hoo-hooo-hooo! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Hello, girls. Have you had a nice time? BRIDGET What happened here? EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, just a little party! It was really fun! BRIDGET OK, Eunice. We've spoken to the builders. Your flat's ready. You can go home now. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Oh, I like it here. I think I'm going to stay. Oh Bridget! Where's my coffee! And Annie, bring my new wig. ANNIE & BRIDGET Nooooooooooo! BRIDGET What do you mean? EUNICE MOUNTAIN What do I mean? I am going to stay. HECTOR Aha! We are back! Paris was great and... ANNIE Oh, pilot Ken and stewardess Barbie! HECTOR But he really is a pilot! He flew the plane! NICK Well, for a moment, until the co-pilot punched me! HECTOR What happened here? A hurricane? ANNIE Yes, something like that. EUNICE MOUNTAIN Well, Nick, what's this? A new job? NICK Yeah, sort of. EUNICE MOUNTAIN So Mr Pilot, shall we have some fun? NICK Yeah, OK! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Will you take my flying? NICK Ha-ha! OK! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Shall we stay here or go to my place? NICK Let's go to your place. This place is a mess! Really, girls, you should tidy up a bit. HECTOR It is the uniform. BRIDGET Oh, at last, she's gone! ANNIE Oh, I’m exhausted! HECTOR Well, if you are tired, can I offer you some tea or coffee? COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA, Bridget is interested in modern art, Annie is fighting to free farm animals and who else is coming to dinner? EXTRA, don't miss it!
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