Episode 13 A Wedding in the Air
ANNIE [Reading on screen advert]
Pet Weddings, the wedding for you and your little friends.
Oh, Hector, it’s perfect!
Yeah, perfect!
Oh – Hector, you have mail!
Ah, and they’re all from your mother.
Shall I?
le. NICK Hi Bridget BRIDGET Oh, hi Nick. Come and sit down. NICK OK. What are you reading? BRIDGET Oh, a magazine about weddings. I love weddings, don’t you? NICK Erm BRIDGET The problem is I’m always the bridesmaid, never the bride! NICK Oh, wow! BRIDGET Isn’t it lovely! NICK Yeah! The Ferrari Testarosa. What a great car! BRIDGET I meant her dress! Do you like it, Nick? NICK Well, it wouldn’t suit me! Ha-ha! BRIDGET [Laughs] Nick - you’re so funny! I love funny men. NICK I need a drink! Would you like one? BRIDGET And good looking ones. I’d love to marry a funny, good looking man. NICK [Makes loud burping noise] BRIDGET By the way, Nick, I saw London on Fire – you’re very good in it. NICK Really? Did you think so? BRIDGET In fact, I wondered if NICK Yeah ? BRIDGET If you want to NICK Yeah BRIDGET Will you ? NICK Yeah ?!! BRIDGET Will you do an interview with me for Channel 9? NICK Oh – yeah. ANNIE [Composing email] Nadia. I really want a small wedding, but Hector’s mother keeps interfering. ANNIE She must not interfere, it’s too much! BRIDGET [Composing email] I don’t have any luck with men! Eunice says I should think about Nick. BRIDGET Interview Nick?! EUNICE MOUNTAIN Hmm-hmm. BRIDGET But all he talks about is girls – oh and motorbikes. BRIDGET [Composing email] Anyway, I’m going to interview him on Stars at 9. BRIDGET Will you do an interview with me for Channel 9? NICK Oh – yeah. Sound of knocking on door DELIVERY MAN Courtesy of Mrs Romero – Reception Venues. Sound of knocking on door DELIVERY MAN Courtesy of Mrs Romero – Wedding Dresses. Sound of knocking on door DELIVERY MAN Courtesy of Mrs Romero – Honeymoons. ANNIE Hector’s mother is driving me mad!! Maybe I should just cancel the wedding. BRIDGET Really? Well I wouldn’t! I suppose marriage will mean sacrifices. No more shaving your legs on the toilet. No more soaps on TV. ANNIE Oh no!! BRIDGET No more midnight chocolate feasts! ANNIE [Gasps] BRIDGET But then you will be Mrs Romero! NICK Do you think Bridget is ill? HECTOR No why? NICK She’s being very nice to me – very nice. HECTOR Well maybe she is ill. NICK She’s talking about weddings, you and Annie. HECTOR You don’t think she wants to get married too, do you? NICK Ha! Who to? HECTOR Well – you said she was being very nice to you. NICK No! You don’t think?! BRIDGET Annie – I have something to tell you. ANNIE What? BRIDGET Nick. ANNIE Nick what? BRIDGET I fancy Nick. NICK Aagh! She did mean me! Oh Hector – help! Once you’re married – they’ve got you! ANNIE You fancy Nick? BRIDGET Yes I do, I do! ANNIE But you don’t like Nick. BRIDGET I do like Nick. ANNIE No you don’t, you think he’s an idiot! BRIDGET Yes, but he’s so macho! ANNIE You think he’s vain! BRIDGET But he’s so good looking! ANNIE Huh! You don’t like his clothes! BRIDGET But now he wears a fireman’s uniform. ANNIE Ah, so that’s it! The uniform. BRIDGET He’s so sexy in London on Fire. ANNIE So, what are you going to do? BRIDGET Tomorrow I will interview him for Channel 9 ANNIE And then? BRIDGET You’ll just have to wait and see. NICK There’s one good thing about getting married. HECTOR Yeah, love. NICK No – no! The Stag Night! HECTOR The what? NICK The Stag Night. It’s when the bridegroom – that’s you, is taken out by his best man, that’s me to say – goodbye. HECTOR Goodbye? NICK Yep. Goodbye to your fantastic life as a single man. HECTOR Oh. NICK Goodbye to drinking beer and watching football in bed. HECTOR Oh. NICK Goodbye to eating curry for breakfast. HECTOR Oh. NICK And worst of all – goodbye to Kylie Minogue!! HECTOR and NICK Oh!! NICK Don’t worry Hector – we will face this together! HECTOR Oh thank you Nick – you are a real friend! NICK Anyway – this stag night! What are we going to do? HECTOR Go to the cinema? NICK Wha ?! In England – we do crazy things! We party, we go to Brighton, we dress up HECTOR As what? NICK Women! BRIDGET So, I am here with Nick Jessop – or Pierce Steele, straight from the set of London on Fire – Nick. NICK Good evening. BRIDGET Do you think London on Fire accurately reflects the pressures on London’s emergency services? NICK Dunno! But the women are good looking! [Laughs] BRIDGET Erm, do you get very hot? NICK When? BRIDGET In the flames, when you’re filming. NICK No, not really. BRIDGET Do you take your jacket off sometimes? NICK Yeah, sometimes. BRIDGET When it gets very hot? NICK Yeah. BRIDGET Do you want to take your jacket off now? NICK Erm, eh, no, not really. BRIDGET Erm, and what about the women? NICK The women? BRIDGET The women you rescue. You carry them out of the house that is on fire. NICK Oh yeah. BRIDGET They must love it! NICK Well they are acting. BRIDGET And do they ask you to ? NICK Do they ask me to what? BRIDGET Take your jacket off. NICK Oh, erm, no. BRIDGET Will you take it off now? NICK Er – OK. [Nervous laughter] BRIDGET Could you carry me?! NICK When?! BRIDGET Now! Carry me like you do on London on Fire! NICK Er – OK. BRIDGET Oh you’re so strong! This is Bridget Evans with Nick Jessop for Channel 9. Ah! NICK Shall I put you down now? BRIDGET Oh, do you have to?!! Thumping noise/sound of Bridget screaming ANNIE Oh, hi Hector. HECTOR Hi Annie. ANNIE/HECTOR Em, Hector/Annie HECTOR Oh, no, you go first. ANNIE Oh, no, you first. HECTOR OK. Annie, this wedding ANNIE I was going to say “this wedding ” HECTOR Oh, OK, you say it then. ANNIE Oh – no – you. HECTOR OK, let’s write it down. ANNIE Good idea. HECTOR Ready? ANNIE Uhuh. HECTOR One, two, three, show! ANNIE Oh, yes Hector, let’s wait! This wedding is a nightmare! HECTOR Yeah! ANNIE Let’s celebrate not getting married! HECTOR Yeah! ANNIE OK, erm, I’m going shopping now, but meet me at Leo’s Café at 5pm. HECTOR I’ll be there! Sound of kissing ANNIE You must tell your mother! Thank goodness she’s thousands of miles away in Argentina! Sound of telephone ringing HECTOR Hola, Mamá. MRS ROMERO Hector, cariño. ¡Vengo a Londres! ANNIE Make sure you tell her before she leaves. HECTOR Escucha, Mamá Annie y yo... MRS ROMERO Mi avión llega a las cinco a Heathrow. ¡Hasta pronto! MRS ROMERO Gracias, Antonio. HECTOR Oh no!! ANNIE Meet me at Leo’s café at 5pm. HECTOR Annie – or Mum? MRS ROMERO Mi avión llega a las cinco a Heathrow. HECTOR Mum – or Annie? NICK [Composing email] Bridget is very nice to me, it’s very strange! BRIDGET Nick, you’re so funny! NICK [Composing email] Hector thinks she wants to get married too! NICK Oh-ha! NICK [Composing email] Mm – anyway, as best man I am organising Hector’s stag night. NICK The stag night! HECTOR The what? NICK [Composing email] We are practising tonight! NICK We dress up! HECTOR As what? NICK Women. BRIDGET [Composing email] But you know, Nick is very cute. NICK Ah-uh! BRIDGET Especially in his fireman’s uniform! BRIDGET Oh you’re so strong! Sound of plane landing Sound of door opening and closing HECTOR Oh hi Nick, did you have a good day? NICK Gre-at! I saved London again. Oh, and I was interviewed by Bridget. Man, I thought she was going to ask me to marry her! Ha-ha! HECTOR Gre-at. NICK OK, what’s up? HECTOR My mother is coming to London. NICK Ooh! Does Annie know? HECTOR No. NICK Oops! HECTOR But we have cancelled the wedding. NICK Wow! Does your mother know? HECTOR No. NICK Whoops! HECTOR It gets worse. I was supposed to meet both of them this afternoon in different places! NICK Ha-ha-ha – triple oops! Oh Hector, don’t worry. Women always forget. HECTOR Hmm. Sound of telephone ringing HECTOR Oh. HECTOR Hola, Mamá. MRS ROMERO Hector. ¿Dónde estás? HECTOR Mamá... hay un problema... MRS ROMERO Oh no importa. Tomaré un taxi. Sound of telephone ringing HECTOR Hi Annie. ANNIE Hector, where are you? HECTOR Annie, listen! ANNIE I’m glad we’re not getting married! NICK Ha-hmm. So they didn’t forget! Sound of vegetables being chopped HECTOR Annie please, listen to me! ANNIE What, or who is more important than me? BRIDGET Tut-tut-tut. First marriage row! HECTOR AND ANNIE We are not getting married! BRIDGET Pardon me! HECTOR Annie, today was difficult, impossible. ANNIE I don’t want to know! HECTOR Annie – it’s my mother! ANNIE What about your mother?! Sound of knocking on door MRS ROMERO Heeere’s mother!! Hector darling! Mw-mw. HECTOR Hola, Mamá. MRS ROMERO Oh, speak to me in English. I’ve taken lessons! Where is Annie, where’s my little bride? What a beauty! Hector! You’ve kept her beauty a secret! HECTOR No, Mamá – this is Bridget. This is Annie. MRS ROMERO Oh!! Donatella can help you. HECTOR Annie is the prettiest, sweetiest, kindest girl in the world. MRS ROMERO Really? ANNIE Didn’t you tell her the wedding is off? HECTOR I didn’t get the chance. ANNIE Well now’s the time. HECTOR [Clears throat] Mum. MRS ROMERO Yes. HECTOR Annie and I have decided to ANNIE Wait a few years before we get married. HECTOR No nos casamos todavía. MRS ROMERO No wedding! Oh no!! [Sound of crying] Oh, thank you Bridget. [Sound of crying/nose blowing] Do you have a boyfriend? BRIDGET I hope so, Mrs Romero. MRS ROMERO Oh – is he handsome? BRIDGET Yes, he’s very handsome – and muscular! MRS ROMERO I love macho men. What’s his name? BRIDGET Nick – Nick Jessop! MRS ROMERO Nick?! Hector’s best man! BRIDGET Yes, that’s him. NICK Time to party! HECTOR Mama – meet Nick. BRIDGET So, have you booked Westminster Abbey yet?! COMMENTARY [v.o.] Next time in EXTRA – Bridget tries to change Nick. Hector’s mother comes to dinner, but why does Annie behave badly? EXTRA – don’t miss it!
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