to produce, show, display, offer, allow, cause :
exhibeo exibeo
to profane, desecrate : temero
to promise in return, promise again : repromitto
to promise to God, vow, pray for : voveo, vovi,
to promise, offer : polliceor
to prop up, bolstered : suffulcio
to prophesy : praesagio
to propitiate : lito
to protect, defend, support, patronize :
to protect : protego
to prove : declaro
avio to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress : conculco to tread under foot, trample : protero to tread, trample upon, tread under foot : calco to treat briefly : transcurro to tremble, shake, quake /be afraid of : contremisco to tremble, shake, shudder : tremo to tremble, shake : contremo to tremble : trepido to trip up : supplanto to trouble, draw together : ango to trust confidently, believe : confido to trust, venture, dare : praesumo to try, endeavor : conor to try, test, experience, prove : experior (experiri, expertus ) to try, test : tento to tumble down : proruo to tumble : corruo to turn around, cause to turn /to adopt the monastic life : converto to turn aside, deflect, turn away : declino to turn aside : diverto to turn attention to : respicio to turn away, avert, avoid : averto to turn away : declino to turn from the straight road : devio to turn into, tranform : verto to turn out well, ascribe, refer : verto in prosperum to turn out, throw out, eject / dislodge, overturn : everto to turn round like a wheel, rotate, turn, go around : roto to turn sideways, turn aside : obliquo to turn the mind to, take notice of, see, perceive : animadverto to turn towards, direct one's attention to, attract : adverto to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow : perverto to turn, turn around, turn up / to put to flight, rout : verto to turn, turn awry, brandish : torqueo to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort, test : torqueo to twist, distort : pertorqueo to twist, wrench, dislocate /extort by force : extorqueo to twist : contorqueo to uncoil, undo : explico to uncover, lay bare, disclose : detego, detectum to uncover, lay bare, reveal, make clear : aperio to undergo, receive, take up, sponsorship at baptism : suscipere to undergo : luo to undermine, overhtrow, destroy : subruo subruti subrutum to understand, comprehend, see : intellego intellexi intellectum to understand, overtake : deprehendo to undertake, go in, enter, get in : invado to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt, presume : conor to unfold, unroll, disentangle / explain, expound : explico to unharnass/ separate, detach : abiungo to unite by an oath, conspire : conjuro to unite : conjugo to unite : conjungo to unloose, explain, expound /pay off a debt, pay : persolvo to unroll a book, go over again, repeat : revolvo to untangle, extricate, detach, disclose, explain : evolvo to uphold, guard, protect : tueor to urge or incite to action : admoneo to use abusive language / use a word incorrectly : abutor to use, employ, possess, enjoy : utor, uti, usus to value highly : diligo to vanish /be forgotten /pour out, leak, seep /become known : effluo to vanish : evaneo to vanquish, finish a war, fight out : debello to vanquish, outstrip : supero to vanquish, overmatch, excel : vinco to vault : suspendo to vent one's rage, rage : saevio to vex, annoy, irritate /shake, toss/ harrass : vexo to violate, pluck away : revello to violate : profano to vomit forth : evomo to vomit, vomit forth, throw up : vomito to vow : voveo to wage war against, rebel : rebello English-Latin Dictionary -79 to wage war, be at war, be in a state of war : belligero to wage war : bello to wage war : bellor to wail : ejulo to wait for, stand ready : praestolor to walk into, enter, make one's way into : intro to walk : ambulo to wander out, stray off : evagor to wander through, travel through : peragro to wander, deviate, escape : aberro to wander, stray, rove / be mistaken, err, go astray : erro to wane : decresco to war with, storm : oppugno to warn, admonish /teach, instruct : paecipio to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell : praedico, predico to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct : moneo to warp /change, sway, affect : inflecto to wash away, wash clean : proluo prolu prolutum to wash beneath /(rivers) flow beneath : subluo to wash out, rinse cleanse /squander, waste : eluo to wash, bathe/ moisten, get wet / wash away : lavo to wash, clean, cleanse : abluo to waste slowly away, decline in health : contabesco to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve : servo to waver : titubo to weaken /shake /invalidate, annull/disprove : infirmo to weaken, disturb /shake violently : labefacto to weaken, ennervate, sap, exhaust : debilito to weaken, ruin, rub against, rub away, erode : attero to weaken[en], wear away, wear down : attero, attritus to weave together, stitch, plait : vieo to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build : texo to weep, cry, shed tears, sob : fleo to weep, shed tears /exude, drip : lacrimo to weep, wail, lament /(trans : lamentor to weep : fleo to weigh carefully, weigh out / pay : pensito to weigh carefully : perpendo to weigh down, stifle, overwhelm : premo to weigh out / estimate, ponder, consider / pay, purchase : penso to weigh, consider, reflect : pondero to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem : pendo to weight down, aggravate, afflict : ingravo to welcome : hospito to whatever place you will : quovis to which place, to what place, whither, where : quo to whirl : verso to whisper, buzz : susurro to wipe off, clean away : abstergo to wipe out, obliterate, destroy : effligo, efflixi, efflectum to wipe, scour, clean : tergeo tergo tersi tersum to wish a person joy, congratulate (+dat : gratulor to wish for oneself, adopt, select, pick out : adopto to wish for : opto to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to : saluto to wish, want, will, ordain, suppose, maintain that, be willing : volo to withdraw, go forth : exeo to withdraw : secedo to witness, bear witness / judge, arbitrate : arbitro, arbitror to wonder at exceedingly : emiror to wonder at, admire, marvel at, be astonished at : admiror to wonder : miro to work zealously, do, accomplish : facesso to work, labor, toil, take pains : operor to wound, injure, hurt, harm : vulnero to wrangle : rixor to wrap up, cover, : obvolvo to wrap : involvo to write beneath, sign /prosecute, : subcribo to write down, till : exaro to write out, write down, place on record : perscribo to write, compose : scribo, scripsi scriptum to yield obedience to : obedio to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate : subiungo today : hodie together : simul toil, hardship, tribulation : aerumna toilsome, laborious /(persons) industrious, toiling : laboriosus token : titulus English-Latin Dictionary -80 toleap up, spring up : subsilio tomb : sepulcrum tomb : tumbus, tumba tone of voice : affectus vocis Tongres : Tungris too little, too few, not enough : parum too pompous /on a grander scale : inflatius tools made of iron, or shod with iron : ferramenta tooth : dens, dentis toraise, feed : nutritor torch : lampas torment, fine, distrain : multo torment : supplicium torn to pieces, mutilated : laceratus torn, mangled, cut to pieces : lacer torture, torment : cruciamentum torture, torment : cruciatus torture : tormen, tormina total, category, class, number : numerus totally : funditus touched, struck : pulsatus touching, contact /contagion : contactus tough, resistant, tenacious /supple, pliant / : lentus Tournai : Tornacense tower, fortification, rampart, defense : propugnaculum town : oppidum[Noun] town : arx, arces towns : oppida[Noun] trade : nundinae train, retinue, following /war band : comitatus trained, taught : instructus training, wrestling-place : palaestra traitor, betrayer : proditor transfer of property, alienation : abalienato transfer of the body of a saint, celebration of transfer : translatio transgression : delictum transgressors : delinquentes transient, fleeting, slippery : labilis transitory : temporalis-e transparent, bright, clear, evident : perspicuus transport of joy : tripudium trapping for foreheads and breasts of horses, ornaments : phalerae traveller /messenger : viator treacherous, faithless : perfidiosus treachery, faithlessness : perfidia treachery : perfidia treachery : proditus treason, betrayal : proditio treasonous : perfidus treasure, horde /store-room, treasury : thesaurus treasure : gaza treaty, pact, contract : pactum tree, sacred grove : nemus tree : arbor trelated by marriage : affinis Trelon, castle in Hannonia : Trellum trembling : tremor trial, attack, duration, temptation, judgement : tentatio trial, attempt, essay : rudimentum trial, legal investigation, judgement, decision : judicium trial, temptation : temptatio tribulation : tribulatio tributary : vectigalis tributes, gifts, payments : munia Triers : Treverim trifling : frivolus trimodal : trimodus triple : trinus triumphal procession, triumph : triumphus triumphal : triumphalis triumphant, victorious : laurifer Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francois : Trium Fontium troop : chorus troops drawn up for battle in the shape of a wedge : cuneus troubled, anxious, concerned, worried : sollicitus troublesome, disagreeable, annoying : molestus truce, armistice, suspension of hostilities : indutiae true, real, proper, right : verus truly, really, actually, rightly : vere truly, really, indeed : profecto trumpet-blast : bucinum trust, confidence, reliance, belief, faith : fides trustworthiness, confidence, reliance : fiducia trustworthiness, protection : fides trusty : fidus truth : veritas[Noun] truth, truly, in fact : verum-i truth-telling : veridicus truth : veritas truthfulness : veritas tutor : educator tutor : papas twice : bis twinkling, sparkling, shining, gleaming, flashing, glowing : micans
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