to draw out, draw on, produce, recall to the
colors : evoco
to draw out, lead out, march out/bring up, rear/
issue : educo
to draw out, rpotact, defer, make known :
protraho (protractus)
to draw over, cover/ lead against / pass, spend :
to draw together, bind up : substringo
to draw together, tighten, compress, compact / :
to draw up : instruo
lebrate/ (of words) to mean : sono to make a public statement / to declare oneself : profiteor to make an agreement, covenant, pact : paciscor to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, invent : novo to make bloody, stain with blood : cruento to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind : claro to make cheerful : exhilaro to make clear, reveal, disclose : promptu, in promptu ponere to make clear, serene, make calm : sereno to make clear : enucleo to make clear : explano to make dark, blacken : infusco to make dizzy : caligo to make firm : consolido to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve : commodo to make for, go to, seek, strive after : peto to make for, seek out, relate to : peto to make friendly, procure the favor, bring together : concilio to make full use of, to abuse : abutor to make greater, add, increase, augment : adaugeo to make happy, to bless, to prosper : fortuno to make haste : festino to make known, publicize, make patent : pando to make known, say, speak, narrate : narro to make lasting, secure, affirm : firmo to make losses good/ fulfil, discharge (duties) : expleo to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify, appease : mitigo to make progress, advance : proficio to make public : manifesto to make public : propalo to make resistance : repugno to make sad or gloomy : contristo to make sad, cause sadness, sadden : tristifico to make uneasy, to anguish : anxio to mangle : discerpo to mangle : lanio to manifest joy, congratulate : grator to march back, retreat, return : regredior to march forward : progredior to marine, sometimes the surface of the the sea : aequoreus to mark beneath, notice secretly, write underneath : subnoto to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey : contemplor to marvel at, admire, wonder : miror to mean, signify, denote : volo (sibi velle) to measure, traverse : permetior to meditate upon, roll on or onwards : volvo to meet with, devise, hit upon, discover, find : reperio to meet : condeco to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled : tabesco to mingle : commiscere to miss, want / seek to know / obtain, get : quaero, quero to mitigate, relieve, make better : lenio to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate : tempero to mix, mingle, blend : misceo miscui mixtum to mock, cheat : deludo to mock, make fun of, ridicule : illudo illusi illusum to mock : subsanno to moderate, diminish, direct, govern : moderor to molest : infesto to mould : plasmo to mourn, be in mourning, grieve/(tans,) to lament, bewail : lugeo to move away, remove, take away : emoveo to move away, remove, take out, shift : amoveo to move forward : incedo to move to, bring up, apply : admoveo to move violently, disturb, shake /excite, upset : commoveo to move violently, stir up, excite, arouse : concito English-Latin Dictionary -69 to move, arouse, affect, influence : moveo moti motum to muffle up : obvolvo to mutilate : decurto to need, lack, want, be without : egeo to needle : subscalpo to needy : egens to no purpose : incassum to nod assent : adnuo to nod, consent, give assent to /approve, favor : annuo to notice secretly : subsentio to notify in return, send back word, respond : remando to obey : obtempero to obliterate, destroy, annihilate : annullo to obliterate, efface : deleo to observe : conspicio to observe : contemplor to obtain by service, earn completely, deserve well : emerio to obtain, acquire, get possession of : usurpo to obtain, get, acquire : adepto to occupy oneself, perform, do, execute : fungor, fungi, functus to occupy, keep, hold : teneo to occupy, seize, appropriate, confiscate, commandeer : occupo to occur / run to meet, attack /oppose, work against : occurro to occur, come about, happen : occuro to offer a price, to offer to buy, bid, proffer, tender : liceor to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow : praebeo, prebeo to offer, throw in someone's teeth : obicio obieci obiectum to offer : praebeo to omit, leave out /let go : omitto to one's gaze fixed and frozen : definxu obtutu to oppose, defend, stand against : obsto to oppose, resist, fight back : adversor to oppress, burden, make suffer : gravo to ordain : monstro to order, bid : iubeo to order, command /tell someone to do : iubeo iussi iussum to otherwise bring upon, enter, be troublesome : infero to overcloud : obnubilo to overcome, bend : flecto to overcome, conquer : convinco to overcome, to demonstrate : convinco to overflow, abound, : exundo to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood : redundo to overtake, arrive : supervenio to overthrow, prostrate : prosterno to overthrow : subversio to overturn, destroy : subverto to overwhelm, destroy : obruo to owe, to be morally bound to, to be bound by : debeo to pacify, make peace, reconcile : pacifico to paint, embroider, draw : pingo, pixi, pictum to pander, flatter, make up to /to promote, advance : lenocinor to pardon, forgive, excuse : indulgeo to pardon : ignosco to pass away, be destroyed, perish : pereo to pass away : defungor to pass betond, go beyond : praetorgredior, pretergredior to pass beyond : transgredior to pass judgment : judico to pass over, pass by, omit : praetereo, pretereo to pass through, go across : transeo to pass through, survey, look, examine : perlustro to pass through : permeo to pass time, live : degero to pass, to have been : abeo to pass : transigo, transactum to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor : satago to pay the penalty : poena dare to penetrate /sting, annoy, harrass : pungo pupugi punctum to perceive, experience, hold an opinion, : sentio to perceive : cerno to perish, be utterly ruined : depereo to perish, die, go to ruin, decay : intereo to perish, die : intereo to perish : dilabor to persecute, hunt down, track, trail : persequor to persist, persevere, continue : persevero to persist, persevere : persisto to persist, remain firm : persto to pertain to, relate to, concern : pertineo to pick out, select, choose : eligo to pierce through : transverbero to pilfer : surripio to pillage : depopulo to pillage : depopulor to pity : misereo, misereor to placate, appease : placo English-Latin Dictionary -70 to place /leave in the lurch, abandon, : destituo to place an interdict : interdico to place between, interpose /intervene : interpono to place near, put to, serve, put on the table : appono to place, intrust, join : committo to place, put, arrange : colloco to place, put, position : loco to place, set, stow /embark /cheat, deceive : impono to plan, arrange, contrive, think out : incogito to plan, search, procure : quaero to plant, breed, produce, give rise to : semino to plant, implant, generate : ingenero to play the fool, to trifle : ineptio to play, sport /imitate, banter /delude, deceive : ludo, lusi, lusum to play/sing to stringed instrument, esp : psallo to plead urgently : efflagito to pledge, agree upon : pango to plow up, dig up /write on a wax tablet : exaro to plow : aro to pluck off / to gather, take away : decerpo to pluck, rescue : eruo to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to : carpo to pluck, twitch /criticize, taunt : velico to plunder, lay waste, pillage, ravage : depraedor depredor to plunder, tear to pieces : diripio to plunder : praedor to plunge : demergo to poison, taint, corrupt : inficio infeci infectum to polish, instruct : erudio to polish, smooth / instruct, teach, educate : erudio to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc : sceleratus, scelero to pollute, infect : contamino to pollute : foedo to ponder, compass + gen : tracto to ponder, consider, think over : pensito to pound : contundo to pour forth, gush, stream : profundo, profui, profusum to pour out, pour forth, shed, utter : effundo to pour out : effundo to pour together, mix, blend /confound, confuse, trouble : confundo to pour upon : supermitto to pour, pour out (like molten metal), melt, cast : fundo to practise diligently : exercito to praise exaggerate /decorate, adorn : extollo to praise very much, approve highly : collaudo to praise, extoll, commend /name, mention, cite, quote : laudo to prate, chatter : garrio to preach : praedicare to precede, go before /surpass, excell : praecedo, precedo to precede : antecedo to precede : praecedo to prepare, get ready/ set, put/ furnish, supply/ buy : paro to prepare, ready, make ready, arrange : praeparo, preparo to present with something, "gratifier" : munifico to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to : conservo to preserve, serve, guard : servo to preside over, be distinguished : praecello to press down, depress, low-lying : deprimo (depressus) to press down, strike down : praemo, premo to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress : praegravo, pregravo to press together, reduce, abrdiged : arto to press upon, to struggle to reach : conitor to pretend, sham : simulo to prevail upon a person, entreat successfully : exoro to prevail, have power : praevaleo to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid : prohibeo to prick, goad : repungo to prick, puncture, stab /touch, move : pungo pupugi punctum to prick, sting, jab : fodio to pride oneself, boast, glory in : glorior to proceed on the winds : ingredior vi ventorum to proceed, pursue : pergo to proclaim (a person as chosen) : declaro to proclaim, announce, declaim : pronuntio to proclaim, make publicly known, announce, disclose : indico to proclaim : diffamo to procure : impetro to produce, disclose, bring forth : promo prompsi promptum to produce, engender : progenero
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