thence, next/ thereupon, after that,
then/accordingly : exinde
thenceforth : inde[Adverb]
theologian : theologus[Noun]
theologian : theologus
theologians : theologi[Noun]
theological : theologicus[Adjective]
theology : theologia[Noun]
theorem : theorema
there, at that place, therein, in that matter : illic
there : ibi
o to commit oneself to : se astringo to commit, entrust, order, command : mando to commit : commendo to compare, contrast /compete : contendo to compare : comparo to compel, restrict, confine : cogo to complain /contain, measure /need, require : postulo to complain excessively, whine, gripe : queritor to complain loudly : conqueror to complain, lament, bewail (dogs) whine, whimper : queror to complete, accomplish, perform : perpetro to compose with great labor : elucubro to compress /to press around, gather around /attend (a person) : stipo to conceal, disguise, keep secret : dissimulo to conceal : contego to conceal : presso to conceal : tego to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw, give up : concedo to concern oneself about the future or about others : sollicito to concern, meet with, attain : contingo to conclude (an agreement)/ to reduce, contract, constrict : contraho to concur : concurro to condemn, damn : damno to condemn, judge, try : judico to condemn : damno to conduct one's self, walk, live : gradior to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on : se gero to conduct, lead forth : conduco to confess (one's sins), to take a monastic oath : profiteor to confess, admit, allow, reveal, make known : fateor to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge : confiteor confessus to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege : claudo (clausus) to confine : coangusto to confine : coarto to confirm, approve, authenticate : auctorizo to confirm : confirmo to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress : conturbo to confute /restrain, check, repress : confuto to confute : redarguo to congeal, harden, freeze : congelo to connect : annecto to conquer, subjugate, enthrall, defeat : evinco to consecrate, sacrifice, devote /curse, execrate : devoveo to consider carefully, weigh, ponder : consulto to consider oneself indebted, receive, learn, take : accipio to consider, deliberate : delibero to consider, perceive : inspicio to consider, recall, comtemplate : recolo to consider : expendo to construct, build, arrange : construo, construxi, constructum to construct : fabrico to construct : perstruo to consult + acc : consulto to consume by fire : cremo to consume, burn up : concremo to contemplate, inspect : considero to contend, fight to the finish : decerto to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat : certo to contend, strive, struggle, hasten : contendo to contend, struggle : dimico to continue, proceed, go on with : pergo to contrive/do maliciously : maligno to convert : converto to convey : transveho to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease : tepesco to correct : corrigo to cough : tussio to count, count up, enumerate : enumero to count, estimate/prune, cut off : deputo to couple : copulo or copulor to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield : tego, texi, tectum to cover, shield, protect, defend : contego to covet, aim at, desire eagerly : concupisco to covet : concupisco English-Latin Dictionary -59 to cram, stuff, fill : effercio to crawl : repere to create, make : creo to creep out, creep over, creep up : erepo to creep up or crawl up from below : subrepo surrepo to creep, crawl : repo, repsi, reptum to cross a strait, to be taken across a strait : transfreto to crouch down, settle, sink, subside : subsido to crowd in, press in, trample in / impress upon : inculco to crowd, collect in large number, visit : frequento to crowd, visit : frequento to crown, bind around, encircle, surround : redimio to crush : contero to cry aloud, shout : vociferor to cry out, sing, praise, narrate : boo, boare to cry out, utter : sono to cry, shed tears : flere to cudgel soundly : diverbero to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate : recolo to curse : imprecor to cut away, pare : subseco to cut back, cut short, diminish : reseco to cut into : infindo infidi infissum to cut loose : reseco to cut off, to separate, take away : abscido to cut short, lop, mutilate : praecido to cut the throat, butcher, kill, destroy : iuguolo to cut through, dissect, cut away : perseco to cut, hurt, wound, amputate, divide, part : seco, secui, sectum to cut, rend, split/divide, separate : scindo to damage : mulco to dare : audeo to dash to pieces : elido to deceive, dupe, trick, disappoint : frustro, frustror to deceive, dupe : fallo to decide beforehand ie plan : praejudico to decide, determine, settle / to decide to do something : decerno to declaim, orate / speak loudly : declamo to declare in public, affirm, bear witness : protestor, protesto to declare publicly, profess : profiteor to declare, announce, report, give notice : renuntio to decrease, grow smaller : decresco to dedicate, consecrate, sanctify/ to curse/ deify : consecro to dedicate : consecro to dedicate : dedico to defend diligently : defenso to defend, ward off, protect, shelter : defendo to defile : contamino to defile : polluo to define, describe, designate : designo to defraud, deprive : frustro to defy : contemno to deign : dignor to delay, impede, hold up : cunctor to delay, postpone / to differ, be different : differo to delight in/ to love : delecto to delight : exhilaro to deliver together, or wholly : contrado to demand earnestly / to make a claim : expostulo to demand, require / desire, strive after, make for : expeto to demand : deposco depoposci to demand : desposco to demolish, destroy, ruin : diruo to demolish : dissipo to denounce : detestor to deny /deny a debt, refuse to return something : infitior to deny by oath : abiuro to deny, refuse a request, deny something to someone : nego to deny, refuse, reject : renuo to deny, refuse : abnego to deny : abnuo to deny : infitias ire to depart from, deviate, leave : discedo to depart, deviate, digress : digredior digredi digressus to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise : proficiscor to depart : intransitive to depend on/ devote oneself to : incumbo to deposit, lay up, store / requite : repono to deprecate, intercede? : deprecor to deprive : viduo to derange : conturbo to describe, carry out : exsequor to describe, dispose : dispono to describe, register, assign : describo to desert, foresake, leave : desolo English-Latin Dictionary -60 to deserve, merit : promereo, promereor to deserve : emereor to design, point out : propono to desire more or much : praeopto to desire, long for/to : cupio to desire, want, strive for/ breathe, live : anhelo to desire, wish for, want : opto to desire, wish, long for, desire : cupio to desist from : desisto to despair : despero to destroy, abolish, annul, do away with, obliterate, efface : aboleo to destroy, overthrow : subvertio to destroy, ruin, demolish, raise, overthrow : everto to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander : perdo to destroy, ruin, wreck : pessum dare to destroy : diruo to destroy : disperdo to destroy : perimo peremi peremptum to determine beforehand, predestine : praedestino to determine, to be determined, resolve : delibero to detest, curse : exsecror to devise, fit out : struo to devise : adinvenio to devour : consumo to devour : devoro to devour : haurio to die, perish, vanish : abolesco to die, wither away, decay : morior to differ, to be diifferent, vary, disagree : discrepo to dig in, bury : infodio infodi infossum to dig out, excavate /to gut : effodio to dig up, pull out / raze, demolish : eruo to digress / change / vanish, disappear : abeo to dine : ceno to dine : epulor to direct, address, apply / to throw to : adicio to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give : tendo to disarm : exarmo to disburse : erogo to discern, know : sapio to discharge one's duties, quit, retire, die, finish : defungo to disclose fully, find out with certainty, lay open : comperio to disclose, expose, open, make open : patefacio to disclose : indico to discolor : inficio to discuss, speak, declare, utter : dissero to disdain : despicio to disembowel : eviscero to disgrace, dishonor : inhonesto to disguise : dissimulo to disinherit : exheredo to dislike, have an aversion to, loathe : fastidio to dismember, cut into pieces, chop up : conseco to dismember, disjoint, sever /divide, break up : discerpo to dismiss, send away, lose, let slip away : amitto to disparage : vitupero to display, hurry on : repraesento to displease : offendo to disregard : neglego to dissipate : discutio to distinguish, recognize as different : dignosco dignosco to distribute, divide : distribuo to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt : perturbo to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse, unsettle : turbo to dive : urino to divest, strip off : exuo to divide, scatter : divido to divide : dispertio to divide : distinguo to do battle : praelior to do one thing and then another : alterno to do penance : penitio to do thoroughly, accomplish, bring : perficio, perfeci, perfectum to do wrong to, injure, hurt, harm : misfacio to do wrong, err, sin, go astray : pecco to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present : praesto presto to do, produce, effect, make/ bring about, cause /prove : efficio to do/contrive evil : maligo to double : gemino to doubt, hesitate : dubito to drag off : detraho to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure : pertraho to drag, handle /treat, discuss, deal with : tracto to drag, pull /derive, get : traho, traxi, tractum to draw back, pull back : retraho, retraxi, retractum to draw back, set aside, take away : removeo to draw blood, let blood, to bleed (someone) : minuo to draw forth : extraho
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