raging, crazy : rabidus
raging, furious / inspired : furibundus
rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain : imber,
rain shower, rain storm, pelting rain : ymber
rain, shower : pluvia
raised hastily : tumultuarius
rampart : munitio
rank, class, order : ordo
rank, dignity : dignitas
ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming
taxes : redemptio
fragorum stream, torrent : amnis street, courtyard : platea strength : robur strengthening, prop, the main point, support : firmamentum English-Latin Dictionary -48 strict, rigid, stern : austerus strict, severe /hesitating /busy : districtus (f strife, contention/ to cause strife, brawl : jurgium strike, hit, hurt, damage, offend, annoy, violate : laedo ledo striking : conspicuus striking, knocking, hitting against, blow : offensio string, thread : ligamen stripped : exorbatus striving, pursuit : consectatio stroke : ictus strong, brave, powerful, robust, steadfast, courageous : fortis strong, mighty : pollens strong, robust, able : validus strongly, bravely : fortiter strongly, powerfully /very, exceedingly : valde struck senseless : stupidus structure : compages stubbornly, obstinately : pertinaciter stud, boss, formal papal document : bulla stuffed full, crammed, jammed : differtus stuffed, crammed : refertus stuffed, jammed, crammed : effertus stuffing, filling : fartim stumble, lurch : offendo stumbling-block, quarrel : scandalum stunned, thunderstruck : attonitus stunned : stupefactus stupid, slow, dull : bardus stupidly : stolide subject to tribute : tributarius subject, topic, theme : thema subject : subditus subjected : subactus subjugate, subject : subdo subscription, signature / register : subcriptio subsequent, following, next, future : posterus, postremo substance, essence, means of subsistence, property : substantia succeeding generations, offspring, posterity : posteritas succeeding, succession, descent, descendant : successio success : prosperitas succession : successio succor, support aid, incitement, maintenance, resource, : suffragium succulent, delicious, ripe : esculentus such a long time : quamdiu such a trifle : tantillum sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent : repens sudden, unexpected : repentina sudden, unexpected : subitus suddenly, unexpectedly : repente suitable for receiving : acceptius suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use : commodum suitable, appropriate, fitting : aptus suitable, fit : habilis suited to : consentaneus summer camp, quarters, bivouac : castra aestiva summer : aestas estas summit, pillar : culmen summit : apex summoned, called : accersitus summons, call : citatio summons, citation : citatus sumptuous food, banquet, feast : epulo sun : Phoebus sun : sol solis sunset, west : occasus superfluous, unnecessary, extra : supervacuus superfluous : exuberans superintendent : curator, -oris[Noun] superior : excellens superiority, excellence : praestantia, prestantia supernal : superna supplicatingly : suppliciter supplies, foodstuffs, provisions : victualia supplies, troops, forces : copiae copie support, help, assistance : subsidium supporter, defender : defensor supporter, solacer : solator supporter : fultus supress, keep silent /convict : confuto surety, hostage : obses surface, top : superficies surname, family name, nick-name : cognomen surplus : cumulus surrender /hand over /transmit, teach : trado, tradidi, traditum surround, enclose, restrain, confine/ regulate : coerceo surrounded : constipatus survey, contemplation : contemplatio surviving, present, standing : superstes survivor of another's death : superstes suspected : suspectus swaddling clothes : pannus swampy, marshy, boggy : paludosus swddling clothes / infancy, birthplace / source, origin : incunabula English-Latin Dictionary -49 sweet : dulce[Adjective] sweet, pleasant, agreeable : dulcis sweetly, pleasantly, charmingly : dulcidine sweetness, pleasantness, charm : dulcedo swiftly flying : citivolus swine, pig, hog : sus swollen : turgida sword : gladius[Noun] sword, arms, iron, horseshoe : ferrum sword-belt : scapulare sword-fish : xiphias sword's point, sword : mucro sword : ensis sword : gladius sword : gladius swordfish : xiphias sworn : conjuratus sycamore : sycamorus sycophant : sycophanta sycophant, adulator : adulator syllable : syllaba symbol : signum symbolic : typicus symmetrical : concinnus symmetry : concinnitas sympathetic : lenis sympathize : misereor sympathy : consensus symphony : symphonia synagogue : synagoga system, manner, method, procedure, manner : ratio table : mensa tail : penis take annoyance/ moleste fero I take annoyance : moleste take up, support, raise /accept /undertake, begin : suscipio take with moderation, temper : moderor taken, captured, prisoner : captus taking by force, seizure : creptio taking of booty : praedatio taking of booty : praedatus talk, common talk, conversation, rumor : sermo talk, report, rumor, gossip, tradition : fama talkative, loquacious, garrulous : loquax, loquacis tall : procerus taper, candle : candela taste, elegance : sapor tattered : pannosa taught, instructed, learned, tutored : doctus teach, inculcate, indoctrinate : prodoceo teacher : doctor teaching : disciplina tear : fletus[Noun] tear : lacerare[Verb] tear : lacrima[Noun] tear : laniare[Verb] tear : scindere[Verb] tear : vellere[Verb] teardrop : fletus[Noun] teardrop : lacrima[Noun] tearful, mournful, shedding tears, : lacrimosus tearfully : magno cum fletu[Adverb] tearfully : multis cum lacrimis[Adverb] tearless : siccus[Adjective] tearless : sine lacrimis[Adjective] tearlessly : sine lacrimis[Adverb] tears : lacerat[Verb] tears : lacrimae[Noun] tears : laniat[Verb] tears : scissurae[Noun] tears : vellit[Verb] tears /exudations from some plants : lacrima tease : fatigare[Verb] tease : obtundere[Verb] tease : vexare[Verb] teasel : dipsacus[Noun] teases : fatiga[Verb] teases : obtundit[Verb] teases : vexa[Verb] teat : mamilla[Noun] teat : mamma[Noun] teat, breast, nipple : papilla teats : mamillae[Noun] teats : mammae[Noun] teazel : mammae[Noun] temerity : audacia tempest : procella tempestuous : procellosus Templeuve, villa near Cisoing : Templovium ten : decem (indecl tender, delicate, soft, young : tener tenera tenerum tender : tener tent : tentorium tenth : decimus termination, determination, setting of boundaries : terminatio terrible, cruel, horrible, harsh : atrox terrified : exterritus territory, limits, borders : fines tested, tried, approved, experienced : exertus that /sometimes pejorative : iste ista istud English-Latin Dictionary -50 that which can be imitated, : imitabilis that which will endure, abide : mansurus that, the former, the famous /he, she, it : ille illa illud thawed, lukewarm, tepid : egelidus the act of kissing, giving a kiss, being kissed, a kiss : basiatio the age of youth (20-40 years) : juventus the alder tree : alnus the ancients : antiquitas the ankle, ankle bone : talus the aristocratic party : optimates the back /skin, hide, leather : tergus the beginning (especially of a speech) : exordium the color of rust : ferrugo the common people, mob, rabble, mass, multitude : vulgus the common people, the masses, the crowd : plebs the country, countryside, rural area : rus, ruris the dead : silenti etc the desire to fight, pugnacity : pugnacitas the elbow /a cubit : cubitum the elk : alces the enemy : hostes hostium the eye /clearness /understanding : lumen the first man : prothoplastus the fist : pugnus the flea : pulex the gallows : infelix, arbor infelix the godfather of a man's child : compater the gospel : evangelium the groin : inguen the harvest, in-bringing, crop : messis the heel /stone, pebble /lime /goal, aim : calx the herb fennel /a rad to beat children with : ferula the herb savory : thymbra the herb thyme : thymum the highest part /whole, sum : summa the hoopoe (a bird) : epops, epopis the itch, mange, a rash : scabies the juniper tree : iuniperus the keel of a ship /ship, vessel : carina the kingfisher : alcedo the kingfisher : alcyon the lark : alauda the laurel, bay tree / triumph, victory, success : laurus the left hand, left side, left-handed : laevus levus the liver : iecur the Lower World, whale : orcus the lung : pulmo the main verb for weaving of cloth : texo the Milky Way : galactinus the Milky Way : orbis lacteus the north wind : aquilo the one : alter the other, the rest : ceterus the point of the ear, the beard on an ear of wheat : arista the publishing of a book, an announcement : editio the remaining, the rest, the others : ceteri the rest, that remaining : caetera the right hand : dextera the rush : iuncus the same as contra (against, opposite, etc : acontra the same : idem eadem idem the second, the other one : alter altera alterum the shoulder : scapulus the signer of a document : suscriptor the sooner the better : quantocius, quantotius the spruce tree : picea the starting-place of a race course : carceres the state of being mortal/ death, a dying : mortalitas the stomach, belly, abdomen : venter, ventris the tail of an animal : cauda the throat : iugulum iugulus the upper arm /strength : lacertus the very greatest : permaximum the waiting for, expectation : praestolatio prestolatio the whole, total, universe, world /university : universitas the wild grape : labruscum the work of a hangman, execution /torture : carnificina the world, the Earth : orbis terrarum the Zodiac : orbis signifer theater space reserved for the Senate / senators : orchestra theater : theatrum theft, robbery : furtum theme, title, epigram : lemma theme : thema thematis then, at that time, next, and then : tunc thence : inde[Adverb] thence, from there, for that reason, thereafter, then : inde thence, furthermore : exinde
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