luxury, extravagance, opulence : luxuria
lying on one's back : resupinus
lying : falsidicus
lyre, string : fides
m, before mentioned : praefatus-i
m, companion : socius-i
m, cunning : astus
m, founder : fundator
m, model, example : exempoator
m, motion (earth quake) : motus-us
Maastricht : Traiectum
machete : gladium
machine : machina
mad : furiosus
made of canvas : carbaseus
e, mass : congeries piles, heaps, masses : strues pillaging, looting, sacking, plundering, robbing : depopulatio pillow : lodix, -icis[Noun] pillows : lodices pincers, tongs : forceps pine wood : pinetum pious, dutiful, compassionate, respectful, gracious : pius pit, abyss /the underworld : barathrum pitch-pine torch : taeda pitfall, snare, trap : forca pity, mercy : misericordia place for keeping fruit : oporotheca place where two ways meet : bivium place, location, situation, spot : locus placed near, approaching, appropriate, appositively : appositus plague (Vulgate), affliction, scourge : plaga plague, epidemic, pestilence /destruction, curse : pestis pestis plague, pestilence, calamity : lues plain, simple, direct, open, straightforward : directus plainly, clearly : plane plainly : enucleate plaintiff, complainant : postulator plaintive : postulativus plant, shoot, sprout, twig, sprig : planta planted with trees : arbustus planter, father, creator : sator platform, raised place : suggestus platform, stage : pulpitum playful, means arbitrary, capricious : ludicer pleasant [of a place] : amoena pleasant, delightful : jucundus pleasant, one devoted to pleasure : voluptarius pleasantness [of a place] : amoenitas pleasure, charm : iucunditas pleasure : voluptas plenteousness, richness, fertility : ubertas plentifully furnished, fertile : fecunda pliant : flexilis plough-coulter : culter, cultri ploughshare : vomer plow : aratrum plowman, cultivator : arator plowshare : socus plowshare : vomer plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey : praeda, preda plundering, looting, stripping, robbing : spoliatio plundering, taking booty : expilatio poem, verse, rhyme : poema poematis poetry, poem, song : camena point, the pointed end /spear, javelin /cooking spit : cuspis pointed down, sloping down : fastigatus poise, balance : libramen poison : toxicum poisonous, magical /witch, wizard, caster of spells : veneficus poisonous : venenifer pole, heavens : polus poll tax : capitagium pompous, swollen, puffed up, inflated : inflatus poor, helpless, in need, needy, wthout resources : inops poor, with few means, poverty-stricken : pauper poppy : papaver populace, laity : populus populace, lower classes, the mob : plebs popular : populus portent, omen, monster : monstrum portent : monstrum porter, pall-bearer, carrier of a burden /steward : baiulus position, place, arrangment : positus possession, property : possessio posterity : posteri poultice / alleviation : fomentum pound, talent, endowment, aptitude : talentum power to command, authority, command, rule, control : imperium power, ability, authority /opportunity : potestas power, means, opportunity, capacity, ability, stock : facultas practical judgment, discretion : prudentia practice in oratory : declamatio practice, preparation, getting ready : meditatio praise : laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum[Verb] praise : lauda (command)[Verb] praise, commendation : laudatio praise, glory, fame : laus English-Latin Dictionary -39 praised : laudatus praiser : laudator praiser : laudator praisers : laudatores, -ium (m praiseworthy, laudable : laudabilis prating, chattering, talkativeness : garrulitas pray : orare[Verb] pray : precari[Verb] pray : rogare[Verb] prayer : imploratio[Noun] prayer : precatio[Noun] prayer : preces[Noun] prayer, beseeching : precatus prayer, wish, desire /vow, promise to God : votum prayer : deprecatio prayer : oratio prayerful : supplex[Adjective] praying : precatio[Noun] praying : preces[Noun] preach : docere[Verb] preach : orationem habere[Verb] preach : praedicare[Verb] preacher : praedicator[Noun] preaches : docet[Verb] preaches : orationem habet[Verb] preaches : praedica[Verb] preaching (s), foretelling (s), condemning : praedicatio preamble : exordium[Noun] preambles : exordia[Noun] precept, preconception : praecepio, precepio precipice : praeceps precise : subtilis precision : subtilitas predecessor : antecessor prediction, divination : divinatio preferring : malens prefix meaning half- : sem pregnant : gravida prelates, chiefs, magnates : proceres preliminary exercise, prelude : prolusio preparation, fitting out, equipment : paratus prepare, provide /draw up an order of battle : instruo prepared or ready for battle : procinctu prepared, ready, equipped, skilled : paratus presence, presence of mind, effect, power : praesentia presentiment : praesagium presuming, haughty : arrogans presumption : arrogantia pretense, : simulatio prettily, handsomely, charmingly : belle pretty : pulchellus prevail upon, beg : exoro previous, former : praevius price, vaue, reward : pretium pride, arrogance : superbia pride, haughtiness : fastosus prison, cell, jail, dungeon : carcer prithee : sodes private, unofficial, a private person : privatus privy counsellor : secretarius privy to : conscius probity, uprightness, honesty : probitas procedure, theory : ratio procession, progress : processus procurer, go-between : leno prodigious : ingens prodigy, portent / monster, unnatural thing : prodigium produce, bring forward, bring out : producto produxi productum producer, someone who causes something : effector, effectrix producing : exhibitio productive, fertile, abundant, rich : uber profane, desecrate : profano profit, a source of profit, gainiing, getting : quaestus questus profit, favorable condition, requirements : commodum profit, the use of something : ususfructus profitable, fond of gain, rich : quaestuosus questuosus profitable, gainful : lucrosus profusely : profusius profusion, prodigiality : prodigentia prohibition, restrain, forbidding : prohibitio project, thrust forward : exsertus exertus prolong, protract/ bring forward : extraho promise, assurance, word of honor, engagement : fides promise, offer : promissum promise, trust, faith, belief, truth : fides promise : pollicitatio promised, a promise : pollicitus promote, divulge, bring to light : producto produxi productum promoter : fautor promptly, resolutely, readily : prompte promptly : expedite proof, evidence, witness, indication : testimonium proof, evidence : argumentum English-Latin Dictionary -40 proper, fit, commodious : commodus proper, worthy, fitting, deserving, capable : idoneus properly, fittingly, suitably : decens, decenter prophetic : praesagus propitious : prosper proposal, proposition : propositio proposition, thesis : thesis propped up, supported : subnixus subnisus propriety, decency of behavior : decentia propserity, good fortune : prosperitas proscenium : proscaenium, -i (n prosecutor : condemnator, -oris (m prosecutors : condemnatores, -ium (m prospect : prospectus, -us (m prospering : prosperans, -ntis[Noun] prosperity : prosperitas, -atis (f prosperous : prosperus[Adjective] prosperously : prospere[Adverb] prostitute : prostituo, -ere, -ui, -utus[Verb] prostitute, whore, harlot : meretrix meretricis prostrate : prosterno, -ere, -stravi, -stratum[Verb] prostrated : prostratus[Adjective] protected, safe, secure : tutis protection, custody : custodia protection, guard, charge /guardianship, tutelage : tutela protonotary : prothonotario proud / alert / anxious /cheerful : erectus proven, rich in material : argumentosus provided with grain : farratus providence, foresight, prudence : providentia provisions, supplies, victuals : penus, us provocative : incentivus prow : prora prudent, wise : prudens prudent : provida pruner : putator public : forensis publication, promulgation (of a law) : promulgatio publish, bring forth, appoint /abandon, betray : prodo publishing, spreading abroad : divulgatio puffed up : elatus puff-up, proud of oneself, arrogant : elatus punish, fine, mulct : muto punisher, avenger : punitor punishment : supplicium pupil of the eye : pupula pure, free from, spotless, without stain : purus pure, unadulterated, unpolluted : incontaminatus pure, unmixed, unadulterated : putus purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely : caste purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness : sanctimonia purity, chastity, state of being unpolluted, morally clean : castimonia purple dye, purple cloth /high rank, emperorship : purpura purple, red : puniceus purple : blatta purse, little bag, little sack : sacculus pursuer, hunter, suiter : sectator, sector pursuing the matter many times : multis prosecutionibus push aside, thrust away : depulso push forward, move ahead, advance : promoveo promovi promotum put away, remove / hide, conceal : abdo put forth, give out : edo put in peril, endangered : periclitatus quadrangular : quadriangulus[Adjective] quadruped : quadrupes[Noun] quadruple : quadruplex[Adjective] quaestor : quaestor[Noun] quagmire : palus[Noun] quail : coturnix[Noun] quails : coturnices[Noun] quaint : mirus[Adjective] quake : tremere[Verb] quaking, dread : pavor qualified : aptus[Adjective] quality, property, nature : qualitas quarrel, altercation, brawl : iurgium quarrel : rixa, rixatio quarrelsome servant : servus scandali queen : regina quick, speedy : citatus quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast : celer quick, sooner, faster : ocius quickly, rapidly, speedily : cito quickly, rapidly, swiftly : velociter quickly : concite quiet, rest, peace / a resting place / sleep / a dream : quies quiet, still, gentle : placidus quietly, calmly : quiete quite equally : peraeque quitely, gently : placide quivering, quaking : tremulus rag, patch, piece of cloth : pannus rage : insanio
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