for the rest, otherwise : cetera
for which reason, on which account, why :
for, in fact, truly (may often be omitted) : enim
for : nam
forbearance : patientia
forbidden, prohibited, not allowed : inconcessus
force, compulsion, coercion : coactum
force, power, strength, might, influence : vis vires
force : vis
ford, shallows : vadum
forehead, brow, front : frons
foreign, strange, outlandish : alienigena
foreign : exter, externus
foreigner : advena
forerunner : praecursor
sely : valde intention, declaration : propositum intention, plan, aim, design, purpose : intentio intentionally, on purpose, designedly : consilio intercession by saint with god, church province : suffragium intercessor, one who pleads on behalf : deprecator interchanged, mutually, reciprocal / reciprocity : mutuus internal, inner : intestinus interrogation, inquiry : interrogatio interval, space : intercapedo interval : interpolatio interval : spatium intimacy, nearness, closeness : propinquitas intricate, thorny : scrupulosa inundation : eluvio invader : pervasor invaluable : inaestimandus invective, scolding : invectio investigate, ask, inquire/ vote, ordain, resolve : scisco investigation, interrogation : quaesitio, quesitio investigation : indagatio invigorating : vegetabilis invocation, an invoking : invocatio inward, inner, internal, interior : penitus Irish : Hirenses, Irenses iron : ferrum, -i (n iron implement : ferramentum iron, sword : ferrum iron-clad : ferratus ironically, with a smile : irrisorie ironically : ironice irrational : insensatus irregularly, in a disorderly manner : incomposite irremediable : desperata irreproachable, chaste : integer island : insula it causes shame : pudet it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good : placet it is certain : constat it is clear, clearly, namely : videlicet it is finished /right away, immediately : ilicet it is fitting, it is proper, reasonable, becoming : oportet it is needful, it behooves : oportet it is proper, one should, one ought : oportet it is raining, a shower is falling : pluit, pluvit it is right, it is fitting, it is lawful : fas est it is seemly, comely, suitable, proper : decet it is worthwhile : operae pretium est javelin, spear, arrow, bolt, dart : telum jaw : mala jay, magpie : pica jealousy : zelus joke, jest, jape, gag : iocus joy, delight, happiness : gaudium joy, gladness, delight : laetitia joy, rejoicing : tripudium joyous, glad : laetabilis letabilis judge, juror : iudex judge : censor judgment, case/ plea, litigation / defense : placitum judgment, decision, opinion, trial : iudicium judgment : arbitrium judicial investigation : quaestio just as if : proinde quasi, proinde ac si just as many : totidem just as, in whatever manner/way : qualiter just as : proinde ut, proinde quam just short of : iuxta just so : secus, non secus, haud secus just, right, equitable, fair, lawful, proper : iustus justice, fairness, equity : aequitas, equitas justice, fairness, equity : iustitia justice, law, right /broth, soup : ius iuris jutting out, standing out /a projection : prominens keen scenter, sharp nosed : odorus keeness, edge, sharpness, battle-line, battlefield : acies keep back, hold back, reserve /keep, preserve : reservo keeper of a bathhouse : balneator keeper of a tomb : tumbarius kidnapper, plagiarist : plagiarius kill : neco, necare, necavi, necatum[Verb] killed : necatus[Adjective] kin : parentela kind, friendly, generous/ abundant, bounteous : benignitas kind, generous / nourishing : almus kind, generous, helpful : benignus kind, generous, obliging : beneficus kind, sort, class, category : genus kindly, generously : benigne kindness, benevolence, kindliness : beneficentia English-Latin Dictionary -29 kindness, culture, refinement : humanitas kindred : cognatio king : rex regis kinsman : propinquus kneeling, entreating, suppliant : supplex knowing, acquainted with, expert : gnarus knowledge, science, skill : scientia knowledge : gnaritas knowledge : scientia knowledge, information, data, notes : notitia label, title, placard : titulus labor, work, toil : labor laboris laboriously, with great effort : laboriose lack of culture, state of being uncivilized and/or uncouth : barbaria lack of hospitality : inhospitalitas lack of restraint, incontinence : incontinencia lack, want, penury : penuria, penurium lad : pusio lady, mistress : domina, domna laid up store, foundation, establishment, making : condita lame : claudus lamentable, deplorable, woeful : lacrimabilis lamentable, doleful : flebilis lamentable, mournful : lamentabilis lamentation, mourning, grief : luctus lamentation, mourning, weeping : ploratio lamp-stand : candelabrum lamp : lucerna lamp : lucinaria lances : lancea land, country, soil, ground/ bottom, floor, foundation : solum land, countryside, fields : ager language, tongue, speech : lingua Laon : Laudunum large crowd, audience, assembly : celebratio large stone : saxum large, great, important : magnus maior maximus large, spacious, ample /great important, honorable : amplus lashing : verber last will, testament / meaning, sense : voluntas lasting a long time, enduring, long-lived : diutinus lasting a long time, of long duration : diuturnus lasting for fifteen years : trilustralis lasting three days : tricesimus, triduana lasting three days : triduana laudation : praeconium laughter : risus lavish : prodigus law : lex,legis[Noun] law, statute /covenant, agreement : lex legis law : lex lawful, licit, right, proper, legitimate : legitiums lawgiving : legifer lax, weak, wanting in energy, dissolute, profligate : dissolutus lay up, store, hoard : recondo lazy, listless, inert, sluggish cowardly, a coward : ignavus lazy, slow, dull : piger pigra pigrum lazy, unmotivated : desidiosus lead : ducere[Verb] lead, a bullet, lead pipe : plumbum leaden, made of lead /dull, stupid, heavy, opressive, bad : plumbeus leader, guide, commander, general, duke : dux ducis leaf : folium leafy : foliatus lean, thin, skinny : macilentus least, smallest, slightest : minimus leather cuirass : lorica leather sandal worn by pyrenean peasants : auarca leave off, give over, cease, stop, end, desist : desino left behind : relictus left over, to spare, extra, superfluous : susicivus left-handedly, awkwardly : laeve leve leg, shank, shin, also foot : crur, cruris legal competence : potestas legal : forensis, e legatee : legatarius legi, lectum, to collect, gather together, assemble : colligo legion : legio length : longitudo lentil : lens, lentis leopard, panther : panthera let down, lowered, gentle, mild : summissus (from summitto) let slip : amitto lethargic, inactive /slow, lingering : lentus letter (of the alphabet) : littera letter, document : tabellae letter, epistle, missive, message : epistola letter, epistle, missive, message : epistula lettuce : lactuca Leuze : Lutosensis level ground : planum English-Latin Dictionary -30 level place, field, plain : campus level, even, calm, equal, favorable, just : aequus, equus lewd : incestus libation : libatio liberality : probitas license, leave, authorization /freedom, liberty / licentiousness : licentia Liege : Leodie Liege : Leodium Liessies : Lesciense, monastery of life, soul : anima life, way of life : vita lifeless : exanimus light : lux,lucis[Noun] light, lamp, lantern /light of day : lumen light, lamp : luminarium light, slight, trivial /beardless, bald /light-armed : levis light-armed troops : veles light : lux lucis lightly, softly, slightly : leviter lightness, levity /fickleness, inconstancy /groundlesness : levitas like marble : marmoreus like, similar, resembling : similis likeness, face, visage : visio likeness, resemblance/ uniformity : similitudo likewise, equally, in like manner, as well : pariter Lille : Insula limbs : artus limpid, liquid : liquidus line, verse : versus linnen, napkin : linteum lion : leo lioness : lea, leana lip : labia labium lip, edge, rim /bathing tub : labrum lips : labiae liquid : latex litany : letanie litter, bier : lectica little book : libellus little by little : unciatim little tents : magalia little, small, diminutive / a little, a bit : aliquantulus live-giving, life-restoring : vivificus lively, fresh, vigorous : vegetus lively : vivax living, manner of life / nourishment, food : victus lizard : lacerta Lo! Behold! See! : ecce load, burden, weight, trouble / charge, public road tax : onus loaded : oneratus loathing, fiercely hating, despising : exosus loathsome : taeter loftily : sublimiter loftiness, height, elevation, sublimity : sublimitas loftiness : celsitudo lofty, raised, elevated, sublime : sublimis log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club : stipes lonely, unfrequented places : devia long duration : dirunitas long duration : diurnitas long haired : crinitus long, stretching : prolix long : longus longed-for : optatus longer, too long (a period of time) : diutius long-suffering : patiens lonliness, solitude, being alone : solitas look, aspect, appearance : vulticulus loosening /payment /solution /explanation : solutio lord, elder : senior lord, master : dominus lordship, dominion : dominatio, dominium loss, damage, injury /a fine : damnum loss, damage : damnum loss, destruction : perditio loss : amissio, amissus lot, allotment, share, fortune : sors loud or violent speech / declamatio : declamatio love : amare love, affection, infatuation, passion : amor love, solicitude, esteem : dilectio loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty : venustas loveliness : venustas lovely, charming : venustus low down : infra inferius infimus Lower World : Herebus lowly, humble : humilis lucky, fortunate, happy : felix felicis lukewarm : tepidus lump, swelling /pellet, shot /mass of something : offa lurking-hole : latibulum lust-producing : genialis lute : plectrum luxurious, pleasure-seeking : voluptuosus luxuriously, delicately, slowly : delicate
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