English for Tourism and Hospitality - Lesson 22: Dealing with a situation
The story
Mona is very worried about her missing father. Whilst she is talking to the hotel manager, her father returns.
Language Point - Suggesting an alternative explanation
Below are some questions that offer alternative explanations regarding Jack’s absence. Read them out loud.
Practise the stress and intonation.
Is it possiblethat your fatheris makinghis ownway back?
Do you thinkhe mightbe on hisway backnow?
Do you thinkhe mayhave gonesomewhere else?
Is he likelyto have gonefor a walk?
Is itpossible that hewent for awalk to thebeach?
Elementary English for Tourism and Hospitality LESSON 22 – Dealing with a situation STUDY NOTES Characters Leo: Receptionist Mona: Guest Jack: Guest Justine: Hotel Manager The story Mona is very worried about her missing father. Whilst she is talking to the hotel manager, her father returns. Language Point - Suggesting an alternative explanation Below are some questions that offer alternative explanations regarding Jack’s absence. Read them out loud. Practise the stress and intonation. Is it possible that your father is making his own way back? Do you think he might be on his way back now? Do you think he may have gone somewhere else? Is he likely to have gone for a walk? Is it possible that he went for a walk to the beach? Language Practice - Introductions Below are some model dialogues for introducing people. You can say ‘nice to meet you’, ‘pleased to meet you’ or ‘it’s a pleasure to meet you’ when you meet someone. Read the dialogues with a friend. The stressed words are in bold. A: Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager. B: Nice to meet you Justine. C: Nice to meet you too. A: Mona White, this is Andrew, the chef. B: It’s a pleasure to meet you. C: Likewise. A: Hello. I’m Joe, the taxi driver. B: Pleased to meet you Joe. A: You too. EXERCISES 1. Key vocabulary Look up the meaning and pronunciation of these words in your dictionary. blame calm check lounge manager necessary possible trouble worker 2. Jumbled sentences - Suggesting an alternative explanation Rewrite the sentences with the words in the correct order. After you have checked your answers, read each sentence out loud. 1. possible that making it back is father own is way your his? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. somewhere he do you gone else have may think? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. for likely he have to is walk a gone? ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. to walk is that it he for possible the went a beach? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Vocabulary Choose a word from the box in 1. above to complete each of the sentences. When you have checked your answers, say them out loud. 1. I ______________________him for everything that went wrong. 2. I would like to see the ______________ please. 3. Is it ________________________ that he went for a walk around the city? 4. I will call the police if it’s __________________________. 5. Could you please take a seat in the __________________? 4. The Chant Practise saying this chant out loud. The guest The guest From Room 22, Would like Would like Would like to speak with you. Su gg es te d A ns w er s. 2. 1 ) I s i t p os si bl e th at y ou r f at he r i s m ak in g hi s o w n w ay b ac k? 2 ) D o yo u th in k he m ay h av e go ne so m ew he re e ls e? 3 ) I s h e lik el y to h av e go ne fo r a w al k? 4) Is it p os si bl e th at h e w en t f or a w al k to th e be ac h ? 3 . 1) bl am ed 2 ) m an ag er 3 ) po ss ib le 4 ) ne ce ss ar y 5 ) lo un ge
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