English for automobile engineering - Unit 2: Vehicle components
Petrol engine [''petrɔl,endzin ]
Bonnet ['bɔnit]
Front bumper [frʌnt 'bʌmpə]
Tire [''taiə]
Wheel arch [wi:l ɑ:t∫]
Wheel trim [wi:l trim]
*UNIT 2Lecturer: Lang Van ThangENGLISH FOR AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERINGVEHICLE COMPONENTS*Presentation Petrol engine Manual Alternators Gearboxes Automatic Engines Diesel engineGenerator Dynamo Read the text and label the following diagrams:*Practice 1aPetrol engine [''petrɔl,endzin ] Bonnet ['bɔnit] Headlight ['hedlait] Tire [''taiə]Alternator ['ɔ:ltəneitə]Sunroof [‘sʌn.ru:f ]Front bumper [frʌnt 'bʌmpə] Indicator ['indikeitə] Wheel arch [wi:l ɑ:t∫]Wheel trim [wi:l trim] Roof [ru:f ] Windscreen wiper [''windskri:n'waipə]Logo ['lougou]Petrol cap or flap ['petrəl kæp flæp]Windscreen [''windskri:n] Sill [sil] Wing [wiη] Dynamo ['dainəmou] *151413121110978654321Sill Headlight Indicator Wing Wheel archFront bumperTire Wheel trim Petrol cap/flap Sunroof Roof Windscreen Windscreen wiper Bonnet Logo *Practice 1bAerial ['eəriəl] Badge [bædʒ] Exhaust pipe [ig'zɔ:st'paip] Rear bumper [riə 'bʌmpə] Door Door handleBoot [bu:t] Number plateRear window [riə 'windou] Wing mirror [wiη 'mirə] Clutch [klʌt∫] Accelerator [ək'seləreitə] Side windowRear lightAbsorb [əb'sɔ:b] Crankshaft ['krænk∫ɑ:ft] *20212223272616171819Rear bumperDoor handle Door Boot Number plate Badge Aerial Rear window Side window Wing mirror24Exhaust pipe 25Rear light *a) What is the part/ item to take out water on the windscreen of a car?b) What is the part at the top of a car?c) What protects from the wind?d) What covers the car engine?e) Where can you put your suitcases/ luggage in the car? f) What helps the driver see that the front car is turning left or right?g) What can you see on a car so that you know where you sign the car?Answer the following questions:*What lets some air into the car?What can you open and close on a car?What can absorb small impacts from the rear of your car?What is the part/ item on a car to help you see everything clearly when you drive a car at night?What is the part on the car door?What lets exhaust gases out?What keeps wheel tightly?*What helps you see everything at the rear of the car?What can you see on a car so that you know what model the car is?What lets sun into the car?What can retract on a car?What is the part/ item on a car to make a sign when you turn left or right?What is the part below the car doors to you enter the car?*Practice 2Air vent Car headrestDashboard Door trayAirbagCigarette lighterCup holderNumber plateSeat beltHornClutch pedal AcceleratorSun visorRear-view mirrorHands-free telephoneBrake pedalGear stickGlove compartment Door handle Hand brake Ignition Ashtray *Practice 5clutch [klʌt∫] Accelerator [ək'seləreitə] Absorb [əb'sɔ:b] Crankshaft ['krænk∫ɑ:ft] clutch pedal [klʌt∫ 'pedl]Hand brake [hænd breik] Brake pedalGear-stick ['giəstik] Disc typeSteering arm Drum typeFinal drive/differential *Practice 5
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