English discussion group
According to International Labour Organization ( ILO ): “ Unemployment occours when a person is available and willing to work but currently without work with prevailing wages.”
1. Trần Thị Minh Tõm (Group leader) 2. Nguyễn Thị Tỡnh 3. Nguyễn Thị Thựy Linh 4. Đỗ Thị Hải Yến The worker haven’t an income Reduce economic => Part 1 : The difinition of unemployment Part 2 : The kinds of unemployment Part 3 : The main features of the unemployment in Viet Nam. Part 4 : Some solutions to reduce unemployment in Viet Nam Part 1 : The difinition of unemployment Unemployment is the condition of being without a job and the resulting income that is necessary to meet economic needs independently. The term is usually applied by economists and goverment statisticians only to those people without jobs who want to and able to work. According to International Labour Organization ( ILO ): “ Unemployment occours when a person is available and willing to work but currently without work with prevailing wages.” Part 2 : The kinds of unemployment 1. Natural unemployment This term implies unemployment is expeet or not affected by economic policy . That simply mean is they couldn’t take removed. Temporary unemployment Structure unemployment -Unemployment has increase is a family funeral will speed up structural his labour or may decline due to adaptation with changes. Unemployment according classis theory 1. Unemploymet Natural Temporary unemployment . Structure unemployment . Unemployment according classic theory. Unemployment occurs when demand not enough to buy the full out put potencial of the economy causing . 2. Cycle unemployment Part 3 :The main features of the unemployment in Viet Nam On the whole economy, unemployment has a close relationship with economic growth. 9.5 5.8 6.7 4.8 8.5 4.2 6.2 4.6 Year % The main features of the unemployment in Viet Nam Unemployment in urban areas higher than rural areas. Urban 4.66 % Rural 1.82 % Males unemployed more than women Unemployment rate of labour force in the working age in urban areas (2007) The main features of the unemployment in Viet Nam % The main features of the unemployment in viet nam In many which have higher economic growth territories, invested with large amount of capital investmend, unemploymend rate of labour force. Unemployment rate by age : The main features of the unemployment in Viet Nam Economic crisis of the countries in the world affects growth economy and increase unemployment in our country. Part 4 : Some solutions to reduce unemployment in Viet Nam 2. Economic development in rural areas and urban areas. 3. Develop and improve the quality of human resources. 3. Develop and improve the quality of human resources. Research the policies promulgated distribution of students after graduation from senior secondary school, defined objects permitted examination universities, colleges, vocational training, encourage participation. 4. Labor export 5. Support jobs for the unemployed and lack of jobs. Thank you !
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