Dictionnary of slang in English

abdabs Noun. Terror, the frights, nerves. Often heard as the screaming abdabs. Also very occasionally 'habdabs'. [1940s]

absobloodylutely Adv. Absolutely.

Abysinnia! Exclam. A jocular and intentional mispronunciation of "I'll be seeing you!"

accidentally-on-purpose Phrs. Seemingly accidental but with veiled malice or harm.

AC/DC Adj. Bisexual.

ace (!) Adj. Excellent, wonderful.

Exclam. Excellent!


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Adj. 1. Fantastic, excellent. [Orig. U.S.] 
2. Very, really. E.g."I got wicked drunk last night."
Verb. To urinate. Possibly a combination of the words 'wee' and 'piddle'. Cf. 'riddle' and 'piddle'. 
Noun. 1. Urine. Less coarse and offensive than 'piss.' 
2. An act of urination. 
Adj. Self-assured, clever, sharp.
Noun. A male characterized by his cocky charm, petty illicit dealings, and perceived stylish dress sense. Usually having a working class upbringing the wide-boy has replaced the now generally obsolete 'spiv'. Also wideboy. Cf 'spiv'.
Noun. An insensitive and objectionable person. [Scottish use]
Noun. The female equivalent of an erection of the penis. Cf. 'hard on'.
Noun. Affectionate term for the penis.
wierdo /wierdy 
Noun. A person perceived as objectionably unusual, an eccentric. Derog. {Informal}
Noun. Stella Artois lager. 
Noun. A white person who so admires Black culture, lifestyle and fashions, that they adopt aspects of it for themselves. Also wigger. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. Diarrhoea, a bout of diarrhoea. [Merseyside use]
William (Pitt) 
Noun. 1. An act of defecation.
2. Excrement.
* Both uses are from rhyming slang for 'shit'. William Pitt (1759-1806), the youngest Prime Minister of England on record.
Noun. Nerves, worries, frights. {Informal}
Noun. The penis. Generally humorous or affectionate usage. 
willy warmer 
Noun. An jokey item of clothing intended to keep the penis warm. 
Noun. A homosexual male. Cf. 'woofter' and 'woolly-woofter'. Derog. 
Noun. A feeble or ineffectual person. Derog. {Informal}
wimp out 
Verb. To lose courage. E.g."If you wimp out now, you'll lose all the money you invested."
Adj. Feeble, weak. Also applied to objects or places, e.g."The furnishings were a little wimpy for such bold decor." 
Verb. To court, to date. [Scottish use]
Noun. Courting, dating. [Scottish use]
Noun. Someone who talks incessantly. Derog. 
window licker
Noun. A mentally handicapped person. Derog.
Verb. 1. To infuriate. Pronounced as in wind up a clock.
2. To tell lies or joke at the expense of the recipient. 
Noun. An act of lying or joking. 
wind-up merchant 
Noun. A person who 'winds-up' regularly. 
Noun. Flatulence.
Verb. 1. To throw away. E.g."Come on, it's old fashioned, why don't you wing it and buy a new one." 
2. To improvise, take things as they happen. 
Noun. Affectionate name for a penis. 
Noun. Faecal remnants that adhere to the anal hairs. Also winnets.
Noun. A habitual and often destitute drunkard. Derog. [1920s] 
wiped out 
Adj. Exhausted. 
Adj. Stressed, nervy or anxious. Often with respect to having imbibed stimulants, such as cocaine or amphetamine.
Verb. To become aware. [Orig. U.S.] 
Noun. A despicable, nasty, or spiteful woman.
witch piss
Noun. Weak drink, usually referring to beer. E.g."I prefer stronger European lager, as most American lager is witch piss."
witter on 
Verb. To talk incessantly and superficially. {Informal}
Exclam. Excellent! Great! This expression is very dated, and often now associated with a stereotypical image of upper class schoolboys.
wizard's sleeve
Noun. A large or spacious vagina.
wobbly /wobbler
Noun. A fit of panic, nerves, anger. See 'throw a wobbly'.
wobbly pop
Noun. Beer or, more generally, any drink containing alcohol. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A black/asian person. Offens.
Noun. A portable stereo music system, a 'ghetto blaster'. Offens. See 'wog'.
Verb. To eat greedily or quickly. E.g."It's no wonder you have indigestion, wolfing your food that fast!" 
womb broom
Noun. The penis.
Adj. Very intoxicated, by drink or drugs.
women's trouble 
Noun. A euphemism for menstruation and its associated problems. 
Noun. Money. [Orig. Romany]
Adj. Unstable or misalligned. E.g."Watchout for that rear wheel, it's wonky and may fall off at any moment." 
wood / woody
Noun. An erect penis.
wooden hills
Noun. Stairs. Often heard in the expression up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire, meaning off to bed. See 'Bedfordshire'.
Noun. The goalposts in football (soccer). 
Noun. A homosexual, a variation on 'poofter'. Derog. Cf. 'woolly-woofter'. 
Noun. Woolworths, the store. 
Noun. A woollen jumper or cardigan. 
Noun. 1. A person from the provinces of Liverpool, but not from the city itself. Consequently covering a broad ill-defined area including such places as Birkenhead and Widnes. 
2. A yokel, bumpkin. 
Noun. A homosexual. Derog. Cf. 'woofter' and 'willy woofter'.
Noun. An Italian, or of Italy. Offens/Derog.
workie ticket
Noun. A trouble maker. [Tyneside use]
workman's bum
Noun. The area of the buttocks (bum) made visible when trousers slip down, usually when bending over or crouching. Often seen on workmen or builders. Cf. 'builders bum'.
work one's arse/ass/butt off 
Vrb phrs. To work hard. E.g."She worked her butt off for 3 years and still failed her exams."
Noun. The equipment necessary for an addict to inject drugs. 
(the) World Wide Wait 
Noun. A jocular term for the World Wide Web, due to the often slow and faltering web site connections experienced by users. 
worm out of 
Verb. To evade or escape an unpleasant situation by undignified behaviour. E.g."She attempted to worm out of the arrangement by saying she had to wash her hair." 
worship at the porcelain altar
Vrb phrs. To vomit, in the toilet bowl (the porcelain altar). Cf. 'pray to the porcelain god'
worth a squirt 
Phrs. Worthy of having sexual intercourse with. A favourable announcement on the sexual qualities of a woman. [London use / late 1990s] 
Exclam. A greeting. A shortening of what cheer! Also spelt wotcher. [Mainly London use] 
Verb. To impress or excite. E.g."I've made up my mind to wow her with a bunch of flowers and an expensive meal." 
Noun. A tiny paper envelope for holding a quantity of illicit powdered drug. 
Verb. To hurt. E.g."My arm's wrecking - I think I fell badly last night when we were drunk and dancing." [North-west use]
Adj. Very intoxicated with alcohol or drugs. 
Noun. An elderly person. Cf. 'crinkly'. 
wrong'un *
Noun. 1. A bad person.
2. The anus, usually in the expression 'up the wrong'un'. 
* From wrong one.
Verb. To thoroughly beat. E.g."I'm going to wupp his ass if he tries that again." 
Noun. An inneffectual, feeble person. It has been suggested that this is a derivative of 'wimp' and 'pussy'. The term become very fashionable in Britain during the mid 1990s. [Orig. U.S.] 
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
Adj. Lewd, obscene, pornographic. Taken from the now obsolete film classification rating. {Informal}.
X-ray eyes
Noun. Having the apparent ability to see through things.
Noun. Abb. of ecstasy (the pronunciation of), the drug MDMA. See 'ecstasy'.
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z 
yack (!) 
Exclam. An exclamation of disgust. A variation on 'yuck!'. 
Verb. To talk incessantly and boringly. Also spelt yak and often extended to yack on, meaning the same. 
yack up
Verb. To vomit. E.g."That was the worst meal ever; I feel like yacking up."
Adj. Disgusting, vile. 
Noun. Home. Also 'yem'. [North-east/Cumbrian use. Dialect?]
Adj. Crazy, mad, insane. [Birmingham/ W. Midlands use]
yam yam
Noun. A person from the Black Country, an area of England encompassing Wolverhampton, Dudley, and Stourbridge. From the way in which people from this locality speak. Derog. [Birmingham use] 
Noun. An act of masturbation. Male usage. E.g."Oh God! I just walked in on Martin having a yank." 
Verb. To masturbate. E.g."He looks like he's been up all night yanking." 
Verb. To talk incessantly. {Informal}
Noun. One's home. [London use]
Noun. A member of a Jamaican criminal gang. Usually operating internationally and in the distribution of illicit drugs. [Jamaica]
Noun. Something that is very boring. E.g."Amanda's boyfriend is obsessed with football, he's such a yawn." {Informal}
y-bone steak
Noun. The female genitals. 
Noun. See 'yam'.
Exclam. An expression of surprise or astonishment. 
Exclam. A greeting or an attention seeking call. [Orig. U.S.] 
Noun. A lout or hooligan. Derived from the backslang of boy. 
Noun. Meaning the same as 'yob'. 
Verb. To walk hard and with vigour. [1900s] 
Noun. An age, a long time. 
you're having a laugh (!)
Phrs./Exclam. See 'having a laugh'.
Pron. Yourself. [Northern use/Dialect]
yo-yo knickers
Noun. A promiscuous woman, a sexually loose woman. From the frequency of her underwear going up and down. Derog.
yuck (!) 
Noun. A thing that is vile or distasteful. E.g."Don't eat that, it's yuck and tastes mouldy." 
Exclam. Expressing extreme distaste. 
Adj. Very unpleasant or distasteful. 
Noun. A TV remote control unit.
Noun. Women's breasts, usually implying of a large size. Probably abbreviated from a 'like a dead heat in a Zeppelin race'.
Noun. Nothing, zero. [Orig. U.S.] 
zip it
Verb. Stop talking, shut up. Usually in the imperative. [Orig. U.S.]
Noun. A spot, pimple or boil on the skin. [Orig. U.S.] 
Adj. Worn out, tired. Also followed by out. E.g."Any chance we can have a rest? I can't go any further, I'm totally zonked." 
Noun. A marijuana/cannabis cigarette, a 'joint'.
Noun. Sleep, a nap. Pronounced zeds. E.g."I think I'll get some z's before we leave." 

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