Dialogues for beginners
Dialogue 82
- Can I get a cup of coffee? I'm so cold and tired.
- Just a moment. Sorry, there's no coffee.
- Can't I have a glass of milk, then?
- There's no milk either, but you can have a cup oftea.
- With pleasure, if it's hot.
Dialogue 83
- What does that sign say?
- Can't you read English?
- Why would I ask if I could?
- Shall I read it to you?
- That's what I want you to do.
ou know it's our mother's birthday soon. - Isn't it about time to think of a good present for her? - Well, I've a little surprise for her. - How nice! What? - This drawing. - Wonderful! She'll be delighted. Dialogue 40 - Believe it or not! I've got three tickets for today's football match! - You don't say! That's wonderful! - Will you come with us? - Well, you see ... I ... - Why are you hesitating? - Well, I'd like to, but I'd better ask my mother first. Dialogue 41 - This is my new dress. What do you think of it? - It's a very pretty one. I'll bet it cost a lot. - It certainly did. - Where did you get it? - In London. - Really? Dialogue 42 - Can I see you for a minute, please? - What's up? - Don't you know the news? - What do you mean by this? - There'll be no classes tomorrow! Dialogue 43 - What are you doing? Eating? Jam? - What difference does it make to you? - Well, you shouldn't eat in between meals. - Why not? I wonder why? - It's dinner - time soon. - All right, then. Dialogue 44 - I wonder, where my book is? - Why don't you ask your sister? - Has she ever touched my things? - How should I know? Dialogue 45 - How are you feeling today? - A bit better, thank you. - But did you call a doctor. - No. - Why not, I wonder? - Well, I didn't think it was necessary. But I'm going to bed now. - That's the best place for you at the moment. Dialogue 46 - What's the matter with you? - I'm not feeling very well, doctor. - What exactly is the trouble? - I've got an awful headache. - Are you working hard and getting too little rest? - Yes, I think so. - Now, you stay in bed until you're well. Dialogue 47 - Sorry, I'm a bit late, am I? - That's all right, darling. Take off your coat, wash your hands and sit down at table. - Dinner's ready, isn't it? - Yes, it is. Dialogue 48 - Well, I think that's all the reading for today. - Is it getting late? What time is it now? - Time for bed, I think. - O.K. Coming, Mummy. - Now, hurry up! Dialogue 49 - I don't want you fighting. Stop it once and for all. - Sorry, but I had to. He started it. - I don't care what the reasons are. I forbid you to fight. Dialogue 50 - Where're you going? I'd like to know. - To the playground. - What for? - To play football for a while. Will you come with me? - I'm sorry, but I can't. I'm busy now. - What a shame! Good-bye, then. - So long. Dialogue 51 - Excuse me. Do you have a ball? - Certainly. Here, help yourself . - Thanks . - Not at all . Dialogue 52 - Well, do you have anything arranged for tomorrow? - Nothing definite. - How would you like to go on an excursion? - Where to? - To Ostankino Tower. - Oh, yes, I'd be glad to! Dialogue 53 - Shall we go for a walk? - Good idea! Where to? - Let's go to the park. - Don't you think we'd better go to the fields? - Let me see... It's 10 o'clock now. We've got plenty of time. Dialogue 54 - Are you going out? - Yes, to the playground. Do you want to come? - Yes, I do. But I can't. - Can't you? Why not? - Because I have to do my homework now. - Oh, you can do it tomorrow. - Oh, no! There'll be no time for that tomorrow. I've got to do it today. - Well, in that case I'll stay at home and help you. - Thanks. That's very nice of you. Dialogue 55 - I've got to go to the Railway station. - What for? - To meet a friend of mine. How do I get there from here? - Catch a bus. It's the quickest way, I think. Dialogue 56 - I beg your pardon. Is this the right way to Hyde Park? - I'm sorry, I can't tell you. - Oh, what a nuisance! Why not? - You see, I'm stranger in these parts myself. - What shall I do, then? - Well, ask somebody else or, even better, ask a policeman. - Thank you. Much obliged. Dialogue 57 - Anything I can show you? - Oh, yes, please. I want some shoes. - What size, colour? - 35, brown, please. - Here you are. - Thanks. May I try them on? - Do, please. - They're all right. How much are they? - 10 roubles. Dialogue 58 - Can I help you? - Yes, I want a large box of chocolates for a present, please. It's Mummy's birthday tomorrow. - What about this one? - Oh, yes. It'll do. How much is it? - 75 pence, please. Anything else? - Nothing else. Thank you. Dialogue 59 - Will you be going shopping today? - Why do you ask? - I'd like to ask you a favour. - What can I do for you? - Would you get me some sugar and bread? - Certainly, if you give me some money. I'm very short. Dialogue 60 - It's raining hard at the moment. - And we're both carrying parcels. - I'm afraid of getting wet. - Why not get a bus? - That's a good idea. Dialogue 61 - What would you do if you had a lot of money? - I'd buy a scooter. - But if you can't buy a scooter? - Then, I'd buy a bicycle. Dialogue 62 - Hello! Is that nice? I hope you enjoy your breakfast, don't you? - Oh, yes, very. Thanks. - May I sit at your table, please? - You're very welcome. - Thank you. Dialogue 63 - Oh, dear, call your little brother, please. - He's up in the tree. - Well, let him come down. - He says he won't until you agree to play football with him. - Oh, no. I can't do that. I'm too old to do that. Dialogue 64 - What's his telephone number? - It slipped my memory. I know it, but I can't think of it. - Neither can I. - Well, it'll come back to me in a minute. Dialogue 65 - What's that girl's name? - Do you mean the one in the blue coat? - Oh, yes, that's the one. - Let me see... It'll come back to me in a moment. - Don't tell me you've forgotten it. - It's just slipped my mind. - Think hard, will you? - It's just on the tip of my tongue. - You must remember. - I've got it at last! Caroline! Dialogue 66 - Do you come to school by bus? - Yes, because I live a long way from school. And you? - Oh, I always walk to school. I live nearby. Dialogue 67 - What luck running into you! How are you getting on? - Thanks. Everything's all right. I'm quite well. - You see, I was ill last week. - What was the matter with you? - I had a cold, high temperature and a headache. - Poor you! You had an awful time I should think. - You're right. Dialogue 68 - The weather's fine today, isn't it? - Yes it is. The sun's shining brightly in the blue sky. - Is it warm in the street, I wonder? - I shouldn't think so. It's November now. - Shall I put a coat on? - As you like. Are you afraid of catching cold? - Certainly. - All right, then. Dialogue 69 - Do you like going to the pictures? - Not specially. I prefer the theatre. - Do you often go to the theatre? - Yes, I do. - How often? - Once or twice a month. It depends. - Not so bad, I think. Dialogue 70 - I'm going to have a party on Sunday. Can you come? - Yes, thank you for the invitation. What time shall I come? - At 6 o'clock, please. - O. K. That suits me. Dialogue 71 - How long shall we have to wait for him? - I am afraid I've no idea. - Well, I hope he won't be too long? - I hope so, too. - How about ringing him up? - That's a good idea! Let's. Dialogue 72 - How do we get to the theatre? By bus or tram? - Either. But the tram takes much longer. - Look, there's a number 3 bus over there. Hurry up! - Oh, no. I simply can't. Let's catch the next one. Dialogue 73 - What bus are you catching? - Number 2 to the stadium. - Sorry to trouble you, but should I catch the same bus for the Post-Office? - Yes, you can catch any bus to get there. Dialogue 74 - Can I get to the museum by bus? - Let me see...Why, yes. - What bus shall I take? - First you get a number 5 bus. - And then? - Then, you … you walk the rest of the way. - How long will it take me to get there, do you think? - About twenty minutes. Dialogue 75 - Excuse me. - What is it? - Can you tell me how to get to the circus? - Certainly. You need a number 4 trolley-bus or a number 11 bus. - Which is the best way to get there? - By trolley-bus, I think. - Thanks a lot. Dialogue 76 - Excuse me. Please let me by. - Are you getting off at the next stop? - I've got to get off at Fleet Street. - But that's the next stop but one, I think. - Sorry, I didn't know that. Dialogue 77 - Where to? - The Railway station. - You're going the wrong way. You're going away from it. - Oh, dear. What'll I do, then? - Get off at the next stop, cross the road and take the same tram going the other way. - Thanks. Do I have to change? - No, not for the Railway station. Dialogue 78 - I've bought the tickets! - Have you really? Splendid! How did you manage it? - With the help of a friend of mine. - Well done! It's a good thing you were able to. Dialogue 79 - How much is an ice-cream? - Well, what sort of ice-cream do you want? - This one, a choc-ice. - 15 pence, please. - I'll have one, please. - Here you are. - Thanks. Dialogue 80 - Could you give me some money? - How much do you want, I wonder? - Sixpence, if you can spare it. - All right. When do you want it. - Straight away, please. - Here you are. - Thanks. Dialogue 81 - Order what you like. I'll pay. - A couple of cheese sandwiches, please. - And what about a cup of coffee? - As you please. - Anything else? - Thanks. I don't think I'll have anything else. Dialogue 82 - Can I get a cup of coffee? I'm so cold and tired. - Just a moment... Sorry, there's no coffee. - Can't I have a glass of milk, then? - There's no milk either, but you can have a cup of tea. - With pleasure, if it's hot. Dialogue 83 - What does that sign say? - Can't you read English? - Why would I ask if I could? - Shall I read it to you? - That's what I want you to do. Editor: thankyou
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