Đáp án tham khảo Ielts writing task 2 2015 - 2016
(25/07/2015) As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities. Do you agree or
disagree? . 7
(07/11/2015) Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?.13
(12/12/2015) People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new
country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? .18
(19/09/2015) Everyone should become vegetarian because they do not need to eat meat to have a
healthy diet. Do you agree or disagree?.24
(21/11/2015): Many people go to university for academic study. More people should be encouraged to
do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified workers such as electricians and plumbers.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?.29
(31/01/2015) Some people say that too much attention and too many resources are given in the
protection of wild animals and birds. Do you agree or disagree about this opinion? .34
are the reasons? What are the effects on society and family life? ANSWER: In recent years, the decision of parents to start a family later in life has become an increasingly popular trend. There are a number of reasons for this trend, which is having a significant impact on both family life and on the community as a whole.” There are two important reasons why more people nowadays are deciding against having children when they are young. Firstly, rather than embarking on parenthood, many individuals consider that building their own successful careers is top-priority. If they had to split their time between working and bringing up their offspring when they were in the early stages of their careers, their performance at work and promotion prospects could be negatively affected. Secondly, delaying childbirth could give young people countless opportunities to enjoy their lives. For example, this choice may let young couples have a richer social life, pursue their interests and hobbies or even to travel the world. However, this tendency could have negative consequences in terms of both family life and society. An important concern for a family is that raising children could be a huge challenge for older parents. Even though they might have a high socioeconomic status, as well as great experience and knowledge, it may not be easy for them to communicate with and relate to their children, due to the generation gap. Another negative factor is that getting pregnant after 35 years of age oftentimes carries more potential health risks. Specifically, this could increase the danger of having a miscarriage or stillbirth for older mothers, and babies might be at greater risk of having Down’s syndrome. Consequently, this could negatively affect the quality of the future workforce. In conclusion, there are a number of reasons why more and more people prefer giving birth later in life. As a result, there could be negative influences on individual families and the society at large. 312 words COMMENT This is an excellent essay with a lot of strong points. I have never seen this topic before. It is a very interesting one. I hope that you don‟t mind if I e-mail Simon with this topic question [not your essay, of course]. Let me know. In paragraph 2, you suggested two very relevant reasons for this trend. You explained both of them fully and you supported your second point with an example. In paragraph 3, you focused exclusively on negative impacts. You argued both point convincingly and at length, again giving real-life examples to support your ideas. Written by Ngoc Bach Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/ Page 88 The topic sentences were ideal. You identified your arguments perfectly in paragraph 2. In paragraph 3, you referred first to ‘the first impact’. I think that the identification of your second argument will be clearer if you write: ‘Another impact is....‟ This would be more effective than ‘Furthermore, ....’ As your sentences were also linked very smoothly, my score for task response is 9 and for coherence/cohesion my score is 9. VOCABULARY to start a family later in life (lập gia đình muộn): to begin a family later rather than earlier; in the past couples used to start their families at younger ages, like 22, 23 or 24; nowadays they are having babies, which is how you start a family, in their late 20s or even 30s and 40s; “They decided to start a family later in life, preferring to work on their careers during their 20s and early 30s. They finally had their first baby when they were both 38 years old.” increasingly popular trend (xu hướng phổ biến ngày càng gia tăng): increasingly means more and more so, as in something is happening more often, popular means that a lot of people are doing it; and a trend is something that a lot of people do at once, like a fad or a style; in this case it means that something is being done by more and more people at this time; “Taking a gap year before going to university is an increasingly popular trend among young people.” having a significant impact on (có ảnh hưởng sâu sắc/lớn tới): significant means to be important or notable; to have an impact on means to affect something in some way, either positively or negatively; “This heat is having a significant impact on our ability to work outside. It‟s just too hot!” community as a whole (cộng đồng chung): a community is a group of people, can refer to a small or large group of people, like a neighborhood, school or church community or as a large group of people, like a city, a culture, a nation of people; “The mayor wants to work with the community as a whole, rather than with just a few special interest groups here and there.” deciding against (quyết định không): to decide means to make a decision or a choice about something; against means to make a decision not in favor of something; “They are deciding against going to Europe this summer. Instead, they are going to stay home and take summer school classes.” embarking on parenthood (bắt đầu trở thành bậc cha mẹ): to embark on something means to start something; in this case it means to become a parent; parenthood is what you call the role of being a parent; you are always a parent once you have children, but this refers to the time you spend raising them; childhood is they time period when you Written by Ngoc Bach Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/ Page 89 were a child; “They will be embarking on parenthood this summer, when their new baby is born.” top-priority (ưu tiên số 1): top means the highest point and priority means something that you want to do more than other things, so top-priority means the thing you want to do the most, above everything else; “They think that making money is the top-priority in their lives right now.” to split their time between (chia sẻ thời gian cho): to split means to break into parts; in this case it means to spend some of your time doing one thing and some of your time doing another thing, splitting your time into parts; “They split their time between New York and Los Angeles.” bringing up their offspring (nuôi nấng/chăm sóc con cái): to bring up means to raise; this is what you do as a parent with your children; you educate them, nurture them, etc.; offspring refers to your children; “They are bringing up their offspring in a very strict household.” huge challeng (thách thức lớn): huge means large or giant in this case; the challenge is very big; it‟s difficult or tough; “Raising children and working is a huge challenge that not everyone wants to undertake.” high socioeconomic status (tình trạng tài chính tốt, vững chắc): your socioeconomic status refers to how much money you have and therefore your status or place in society; if it‟s high, it means you have a lot of money: “Even though they have a high socioeconomic status, they really aren‟t that smart.” generation gap (khoảng cách thế hệ): the experience of not understanding your parents or grandparents and them not understanding you due to being raised during different time periods, in a different cultural setting; “They were able to bridge the generation gap by watching old and new movies together and discussing them.” negative factor (nhân tố tiêu cực): negative meaning not good; factor is something that affects something else; a negative factor is like something that you have to consider because it might not be good; “The one negative factor about this job is that I have to get up so early.” oftentimes carries more potential health risks (luôn mang tới những rủi ro sức khỏe tiềm ẩn): oftentimes just means often or many times; to carry more potential risk means that it is possible to have health problems because of something; in this case, it is possible that a woman can suffer a health problem if she has a baby later in life, like after 35; “Undergoing certain procedures oftentimes carries more potential health risks than doing nothing.” Specifically (đặc biệt): used when you want to provide something specific, certain details about something or you want to say something very clearly; “She specifically said she did not want to work full time, just part time.” having a miscarriag (sẩy thai): this is what happens when a woman does not carry the fetus to full term (a baby), it usually happens early on in the pregnancy; “She isn‟t worried about having a miscarriage.” Written by Ngoc Bach Website: www.ngocbach.com Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0/ Page 90 Down’s syndrome (Hội chứng Down): a genetic chromosome 21 disorder causing developmental and intellectual delays; “Even though their child has Down‟s syndrome, they are so happy to be parents and they love her very much.” Consequently (Vì vậy, do đó): used to say something that happens because of something else; something is a consequence or result of something else; “She didn‟t study for her test; consequently, she failed.” future workforce (lực lượng lao động tương lai): refers to the fact that young people will be workers in the future; “The future workforce will face new challenges never experienced before.” negative influences on individual families (ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới các tế bào gia đình): negative meaning bad; influences meaning effects; on individual families refers to each nuclear family - a couple and their children, rather than families in general; “Based on the research, the negative influences on individual families could be lessened with more support from the government.” the society at large (toàn xã hội): people in general; the community as a whole; “Violating human rights doesn‟t just affect individuals, it affects the society at large.”
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