Danh sách tất cả những từ tận cùng bằng PHOBIA
Một “ phobia” là một chứng sợ hãi thái quá về điều gì (hoặc cái gì, con gì) đó.
Thường thì người bản xứ có học cũng chỉ biết tên một số “phobia” thông dụng. Nếu bạn nhớ được hết tất cả những "phobia” trong danh sách này, chắc chắn bạn là siêu nhân!
Sau đây là toàn bộ những “phobia” . Thứ tự ABC được dựa vào từ mang tên "cái được sợ" trong chữ ".phobia".
homosexual- Homophobia. Horses- Equinophobia or Hippophobia. Hospitals- Nosocomephobia. House or home surroundings- Oikophobia. Houses or being in a house- Domatophobia. Hurricanes and tornadoes- Lilapsophobia. Hypnotized, being or of sleep- Hypnophobia. I- Ice or frost- Pagophobia. Ice, frost or extreme cold- Cryophobia. Ideas- Ideophobia. Ignored, being- Athazagoraphobia. Imperfection- Atelophobia. Inability to stand- Basiphobia or Basophobia. Infection, contamination or dirt- Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia. Infinity- Apeirophobia. Injections- Trypanophobia. Injury- Traumatophobia. Insanity, dealing with- Lyssophobia. Insanity- Dementophobia or Maniaphobia. Insects- Acarophobia or Entomophobia or Insectophobia. Insects that eat wood- Isopterophobia. Insects that cause itching- Acarophobia. Itching- Acarophobia. J- Japanese or Japanese culture- Japanophobia. Jealousy- Zelophobia. Jews- Judeophobia. Joint immobility- Ankylophobia. Jumping from high and low places- Catapedaphobia. Justice- Dikephobia. K- L- Lakes- Limnophobia. Large things- Megalophobia. Laughter- Geliophobia. Lawsuits- Liticaphobia. Learning- Sophophobia. Left-handed; objects at the left side of the body- Sinistrophobia. Leprosy- Leprophobia or Lepraphobia. Lice- Pediculophobia or Phthiriophobia. Light- Photophobia. Light flashes- Selaphobia. Lightning and thunder- Brontophobia or Karaunophobia. Lights, glaring- Photoaugliaphobia. Liquids, dampness or moisture- Hygrophobia. Locked in an enclosed place- Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia. Lockjaw or tetanus- Tetanophobia. Loneliness or of being oneself- Eremophobia or Eremiphobia. Looking up- Anablephobia or Anablepophobia. Loud noises- Ligyrophobia. Love, sexual love- Erotophobia. Love play- Malaxophobia or Sarmassophobia. Love, falling or being in- Philophobia. M- Machines- Mechanophobia. Mad, becoming- Lyssophobia. Many things- Polyphobia. Marriage- Gamophobia. Materialism- Hylephobia. Matter, decaying- Seplophobia. Meat- Carnophobia. Medicine, taking; or drugs- Pharmacophobia. Medicines, mercurial- Hydrargyophobia. Medicine, prescribing by a doctor- Opiophobia. Memories- Mnemophobia. Men, bad or burglars or being harmed by wicked persons- Scelerophobia. Men- Androphobia or Arrhenphobia or Hominophobia. Menstruation- Menophobia. Mercurial medicines- Hydrargyophobia. Metal- Metallophobia. Meteors- Meteorophobia. Mice- Musophobia, Murophobia or Suriphobia. Microbes- Bacillophobia or Microbiophobia. Mind- Psychophobia. Mirrors or seeing oneself in a mirror- Eisoptrophobia. Mirrors- Catoptrophobia. Missiles- Ballistophobia. Mobs or crowds- Demophobia, Enochlophobia or Ochlophobia. Moisture, dampness or liquids- Hygrophobia. Money- Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia. Moon- Selenophobia. Mother-in-law- Pentheraphobia. Moths- Mottephobia. Motion or movement- Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia. Moving or making changes- Tropophobia. Moving automobile or vehicle, being in- Ochophobia. Muscular incoordination (Ataxia)- Ataxiophobia. Mushrooms- Mycophobia. Music- Melophobia. Myths or stories or false statements- Mythophobia. N- Names or hearing a certain name- Onomatophobia. Names- Nomatophobia. Narrow things or places- Stenophobia. Narrowness- Anginophobia. Needles- Aichmophobia or Belonephobia. New, anything or novel- Kainophobia, Kainolophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Neophobia. Newness- Cainophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, or Cainotophobia. News: hearing good news- Euphobia. Night or dark- Nyctophobia. Night- Noctiphobia. Noise- Acousticophobia. Noises, loud- Ligyrophobia. Noises or voices, speaking aloud, or telephones- Phonophobia. Northern lights- Auroraphobia. Nosebleeds- Epistaxiophobia. Novelty or anything new- Kainophobia or Kainolophobia. Novelty- Cainophobia or Cainotophobia. Nuclear weapons- Nucleomituphobia. Nudity- Gymnophobia or Nudophobia. Number 8- Octophobia. Number 13- Triskadekaphobia. Numbers- Arithmophobia or Numerophobia. O- P- Pain- Algiophobia, Ponophobia, Odynophobia or Odynephobia. Paper- Papyrophobia. Parasites- Parasitophobia. Parents-in-law- Soceraphobia. Peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth- Arachibutyrophobia. Pellagra- Pellagrophobia. Penis, erect- Medorthophobia. Penis, esp erect- Phallophobia. Penis, erect: seeing, thinking about or having- Ithyphallophobia. Penis, losing an erection- Medomalacuphobia. People- Anthropophobia. People in general or society- Sociophobia. People, deformed or bearing a deformed child- Teratophobia. Philosophy- Philsosphobia. Phobias- Phobophobia. Phobic prefering fearful situations- Counterphobia. Pins and needles- Belonephobia. Pins- Enetophobia. Place: locked in an enclosed place- Cleithrophobia, Cleisiophobia, or Clithrophobia. Place, being in a dark or gloomy- Lygophobia. Places, certain- Topophobia. Places, crowded public- Agoraphobia. Places, open high- Aeroacrophobia. Places or things, narrow- Stenophobia. Plants- Botanophobia. Pleasure, feeling- Hedonophobia. Poetry- Metrophobia. Pointed objects- Aichmophobia. Poison- Iophobia. Poisoned, being- Toxiphobia, Toxophobia, or Toxicophobia. Poliomyelitis, contracting- Poliosophobia. Politicians- Politicophobia. Pope- Papaphobia. Poverty- Peniaphobia. Praise, receiving- doxophobia. Precipices- Cremnophobia. Prescribing medicine for patients by a doctor- Opiophobia. Priests or sacred things- Hierophobia. Progress- Prosophobia. Property- Orthophobia. Prostitutes or venereal disease- Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia. Punishment or flogging- Mastigophobia. Punishment by a rod or other instrument, or of being severely criticized- Rhabdophobia. Punishment- Poinephobia. Puppets- Pupaphobia. Purple, color- Porphyrophobia. Q- R- Rabies- Cynophobia, Hydrophobophobia, Hydrophobia, Kynophobia, or Lyssophobia. Radiation or x-rays- Radiophobia. Railroads or train travel- Siderodromophobia. Rain- Ombrophobia or Pluviophobia. Rape- Virginitiphobia. Razors- Xyrophobia. Rat, great mole- Zemmiphobia. Rectum or rectal diseases- Proctophobia or Rectophobia. Red color or blushing- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia. Relatives- Syngenesophobia. Religion or gods- Theophobia. Religious ceremonies- Teleophobia. Reptiles- Herpetophobia. Responsibility or duty, neglecting- Paralipophobia. Responsibility- Hypengyophobia or Hypegiaphobia. Ridiculed, being- Catagelophobia or Katagelophobia. Riding in a car- Amaxophobia. Right side, things on the right side of the body- Dextrophobia. Rivers- Potamphobia or Potamophobia. Road travel or travel- Hodophobia. Robbers or being robbed- Harpaxophobia. Rooms, empty- Cenophobia or Centophobia. Rooms- Koinoniphobia. Ruin- Atephobia. Running water- Potamophobia. Russians- Russophobia. S- T- Tapeworms- Taeniophobia. Taste- Geumaphobia or Geumophobia. Technology- Technophobia. Teenagers- Ephebiphobia. Teeth- Odontophobia. Telephones, noises or voices, or speaking aloud- Phonophobia. Telephones- Telephonophobia. Termites- Isopterophobia. Tests, taking- Testophobia. Tetanus or lockjaw- Tetanophobia. Theaters- Theatrophobia. Theology- Theologicophobia. Things, many- Polyphobia. Things, large- Megalophobia. Things or places, narrow- Stenophobia. Things, small- Microphobia or Mycrophobia. Thinking- Phronemophobia. Thunder- Ceraunophobia. Thunder and lightning- Astraphobia, Astrapophobia, Brontophobia or Keraunophobia. Tickled by feathers or feathers- Pteronophobia. Tied or bound up- Merinthophobia. Time or clocks- Chronophobia. Toads- Bufonophobia. Tombstones- Placophobia. Tornadoes and hurricanes- Lilapsophobia. Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia. Trains, railroads or train travel- Siderodromophobia. Travel or road travel- Hodophobia. Trees- Dendrophobia. Trembling- Ttremophobia. Trichinosis- Trichinophobia. Tuberculosis- Phthisiophobia or Tuberculophobia. Tyrants- Tyrannophobia. U- Ugliness- Cacophobia. Undressing in front of someone- Dishabillophobia. Urine or urinating- Urophobia. V- Vaccination- Vaccinophobia. Vegetables- Lachanophobia. Venereal disease or prostitutes- Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia, or Cyprinophobia. Ventriloquist's dummy- Automatonophobia. Vertigo or dizziness when looking down- Illyngophobia. Virginity, losing one's- Primeisodophobia. Virgins or young girls- Parthenophobia. Vision: double vision- Diplophobia. Voices or noises, speaking aloud or telephones- Phonophobia. Voids or empty spaces- Kenophobia. Vomiting secondary to airsickness- Aeronausiphobia. Vomiting- Emetophobia. W- Waits, long- Macrophobia. Walking, standing up and- Stasibasiphobia. Walking- Ambulophobia, Basistasiphobia or Basostasophobia. Washing- Ablutophobia. Wasps- Spheksophobia. Water- Hydrophobia. Waves or wave like motions- Cymophobia or Kymophobia. Wax statues- Automatonophobia. Weakness- Asthenophobia. Wealth- Plutophobia. Weapons, nuclear- Nucleomituphobia. Weight, gaining- Obesophobia or Pocrescophobia. Wet dreams- Oneirogmophobia. Whirlpools or dizzyness- Dinophobia. White, the color- Leukophobia. Wild animals- Agrizoophobia. Wind- Ancraophobia or Anemophobia. Wine- Oenophobia. Witches and Witchcraft- Wiccaphobia. Women- Gynephobia or Gynophobia. Women, beautiful- Caligynephobia or Venstraphobia. Wooden objects or forests- Xylophobia. Words- Logophobia or Verbophobia. Words, long- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia or Sesquipedalophobia. Work or functioning; surgeon's fear of operating- Ergasiophobia. Work- Ergophobia or Ponophobia. Worms- Scoleciphobia. Worms, being infested with- Helminthophobia. Wrinkles, getting- Rhytiphobia. Writing- Graphophobia. Writing in public- Scriptophobia. X- X-rays or radiation- Radiophobia. Y- Yellow color- Xanthophobia. Z-
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