Common phrases
To break off: stop, give up
To bring up: point out
To call on: drop by, ask
To care for: like, have interest in, take care of
To check out (of/from) a library
To check out
To check out (of)
To check up (on): investigate
To close in (on): get close
To come along with: accompany
To count on =to depend on= to rely on
To come down with: have a disease
To away with= get rid of
To draw up = to draft
To drop out of = to withdraw from
To figure out:
To find out:
To get by: survive
To get through with: end
To get through to: communicate something to somebody, call someone, explain
To get up: organize
To give up: to get rid of
To go along with: agree with
To hold on to: hold fast to something, maintain
To keep on doing something
To look after
To look into: pore into, scrutinize
To pass out = to faint
To pick out
To put off: postpone, delay
To point out
To run across: discover, find out (accidentally)
To run into somebody: see someone quite by chance
To see about to: look after, take care of someone
To take off # to land
To take over for
To talk over: discuss
To try out: experience, try something on
To try out for: audition
To turn in: to hand in, submit, go to sleep
To watch out for: to keep an eye on
he restaurant where dirty dishes are placed Dishwasher The staff member/ machine that washes the dirty dishes Doggie bag Unfinished food that is packed up for the customer to take home I can’t finish my steak, but I’ ll take a doggie bag Double Two shots of alcohol in one drink Make that double in a tall glass, plz Draft Beer from keg that pours out of a tap We have a selection of local beers on draft Dressing Liquid topping for salads Would you like Italian of French dressing Dry No sauce I’ll have dry toast with 2 eggs Entrée, main course The largest part of a meal (after appetizer, before dessert) The entrée are after the lunch specials on page 6 of the menu Fast-food An eatery that offers quick inexpensive food We don’t provide table service. This is a fast-food restaurant Fine dining A very expensive eating establishment The waiters wear bowties because this is a fine dining restaurant Float Small amount of cash used to make change at the beginning of a server or bartender’s shift I need a rood of quarters for my float Free refills Beverages that can be filled again without any cost Have all of the soda you want; it’s free refills here Fry Cook over an element in oil Garnish Food that is added to a plate for appearance or colour (i.e parley or fruit) Glassware Group of drinking glasses Make sure the glassware does not have any spots Gratuity/ tip Extra money given as a thank you for service When we have a large party we’re allowed to add a 15% gratuity to the bill Grill Cooking over iron slats that allow for oil and fat to drop down Hairnet A covering worn on the head while preparing food Don’t forget to wear the hairnet before preparing food Happy hour Short amount of time when alcoholic drinks are on sale Happy hour is about to start in 30 minute Highball Alcohol served with soda I need two glasses of highball for me and my friend Highchair A tall chair with a plastic tray designed for a baby Hold Leave off/ without I will take the hamburger, hold the bun Take the bun Win the first position Homemade Made from a recipe at home We serve the best homemade soup in town Host, hostess Staff member in charge of greeting and seating customers in a restaurant Please wait and the hostess will seat you Kettle Pot for boiling water for tea Last call The last chance for a person to get an alcoholic drinks before the establishment closes We’ll have two more screwdrivers for last call Lemon, lime wedge A small segment of lemon or lime put on the rim of a glass Lineup A number of people waiting for something Is this the lineup to pay or get seated Liqueur Alcohol that has a syrupy/sweet taste Can I offer you a coffee liqueur to go with your dessert? Make change (verb + noun) Give customers money back from a payment We can make change if all you have a large notes Melt Menu Microwave Mild Not spicy I’d like a half dozen mild chicken wings Nightclub Establishment where adults go to dance and drink alcoholic beverages If you work at nightclub you have to stay until 2 am Non alcoholic beverage A drink that resembles a certain drink without the alcohol Can I order a non alcoholic beer? Notepad Paper that a server uses to write down orders Just let me grap my notepad and I’ll take your order. On the rocks Prep+noun On ice I’ll take a whiskey on the rocks. On the side Prep+noun Request for food item to not be put on top of another food item Fro the nachos, can we have the sour cream on the side? Order Make a request to a server A request for food/ drink Is everyone ready to order lunch now? Over charge Give a customer a bill that is too high (by mistake) I think you over charged us for our drinks; we only had one each. Pack up Put in a take-out container for the customer to bring home Would you like me to pack up the rest of that pizza? Party Group of people at or waiting for a table A party of twelve just walked in without a reservation. Patio Outdoor seating We closed the patio because it looks Paycheque Money given to the staff every week or two You’ll get the paycheque every other Monday Pitcher, jug A container with a spout to pour water, peer, or other beverages out of We’ll take a pitcher of beer with our glasses Portion (n, v) A separate amount of food The chicken fingers are already portioned in the freezer. Pub Establishment that specializes in casual food and alcoholic beverage Shall we go to the pub tonight? Punch clock and punch card A machine that staff members lace a card into when the begin and finish a work shift I do not want staff members hanging around the punch clock Punch in, out Put a card in the punch clock to mark the time you start and end a shift You can punch out as soon as you finish sweeping the floor Punch something in Enter an order into a computer system I’m going to punch in a large of order now, so get ready. Rare Cooked meat that is pink inside This steak is too rare for me too eat Recipe List of ingredient and instructions for preparing a certain type of food Our chef never bothers with a recipe. Regulars People who comes into an establishment so often You can give the regulars a complimentary drink from time to time. Reservation A request to have a table saved from a certain amount of people We don’t have a reservation Roll-up A set of cutlery wrapped in a napkin Before we punch out we have to prepare enough roll-ups for the night shift. Rush A large amount of customers arriving at the same time We always have a rush after church on Sunday. Rush Prepare quickly for a certain reason Can you put a rush after church on this spaghetti; I forgot to punch it in. Sauce Liquid flavouring added to food What kind of sauce would you like on yor ice scream butterscotch of chocolate? Schedule (n,v) A notice of the time and dte each staff member has to work in a certain period of time If you want to book off a day, let me know before I make the schedule Seasoning Dry flavouring added to food He wants the chicken plain without any seasoning. Self-sever The customers bring their own food items to the table and do not pay for service We have a buffet on. So it’s self-serve for lunch. Senior’s discount A reduced price for people over a certain age (i.e. over 65) We have a senior’s discount of 25% off on Monday. Separate cheques (adj, n, v) A different bill for each member/ group sitting at a table We asked for separate cheques but It all came on one bill. Serve Look after a customer, bring items to a customer Is there in charge of serving out of the patio? Set Get a table ready with items such as cutlery and glassware I need you to clear and set table five for a party of eight. Shade Lace outside that is not in the sun We’d like to sit on the patio if there’s any shade. Shot One ounce of alcohol served in a amall glass (shot glass) Let’s do a shot to get this party started. Shooter An ounce of alcohol and juice combined Is there a shooter that has orange juice in it? Side dish Choice of food that goes with a main meal The 2 side dishes are mashed potatoes or French fried. Sour Acid of fermented taste I think this milk has gone sour from sitting out of the freezer to long Sous chef Staff member who works under and assist the main chef Our sous chef is leaving to become the head chef at another restaurant. Specials Items that were prepared particularly for a certain day Would you like to hear the specials before you decide on lunch Specialty Food item that a restaurant is popular for Homemade fish and chips is our specialty Spicy Hot flavour Any item with 3 chilli beside it means that the dish is very spicy Stay Te eat in the restaurant Are these coffees to go or to stay? Stir, mix Spin round and round Stir the soup for a few minutes before you serve it. Straw Long hollow plastic stick for drinking out of Can I please get a straw for my ice tea? Straight up Alcoholic drink without any mix or ice He always has a straight up glass of rum after meal Substitute Replace one item for another Can I substitute the carrots for corn? Supervisor Staff member in charge of watching over thing and dealing with problems When I am not here Bill will be your supervisor Sweet Taste with a lot of sugar This cake is too sweet to eat Take-out (adj, v) Food that is packed up and eaten at home You can either eat in order food to take-out Two-minute check A visit to a table approximately two minutes after the food has been served to check for satisfaction Don’t forget to do your two-minute check to make sure the steak is cooked properly Terminal Computer system for punching in food orders There’s one terminal in the kitchen and one on the bar. Till Drawer of a cash register that money is kept in You need a key to open the till and make change To go To take out of the restaurant We’re just going to order a pizza to go. Toppings Food items that go on top of other food items to add flavour What kind of toppings would you like to have on your pizza? Waiter, waitress Staff member in charge of taking order and serving food and beverages When I got promotion form a hostess to a waiter, I began making tips Waiting list List of groups who want a table We have a 20 minutes waiting list tonight? Warm up Heat food to an enjoyable temperature for eating Would you mind warming up the baby’s bottle for me? Well-done Cooked for longer than average The meat was so well-done it ahd no flavour Wine list A menu of all the wine you can order from the glass, litre, or bottle We have a lot of local wine on the wine list Winery A place where wine is made, tasted, and sold There is another winery up the hill that you might enjoy stopping at Wine tasting Sampling different types of wine If you are interested in trying some wines you should go on a wine tasting tour.
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