Common errors in writing journals of the englishmajor students at ho chi minh city open university
Students’ writing problems are always a primary concern of instructors in writing
classrooms, and to know the common errors which frequently occur on students’ writing papers
is usually what the writing instructors have conducted in the classrooms. However, no research
study has been conducted at the Faculty of Foreign languages at HCMC Open University to
investigate into this aspect. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the common written
errors on students’ writing journals and to see whether the extensive writing helps enhance
students’ writing fluency. 115 first year English-major students participated in this study. They
composed five writing journals every week during the course of 15 weeks. Each student
composed 62 writing journals in total. The study found that four most common errors frequently
occur in students’ writing journals are relating to tenses, collocations, spellings, and verb forms.
Also, the current study confirms that the extensive writing practices effect the students’ writing
fluency in terms of length of writing. The results of the study help the writing instructors at the
local setting with the facts of their students’ writing problems in order to improve the writing
practices in the writing classrooms. Particularly, the finding of this study confirms the effects of
extensive writing so that the instructors and students could take this issue into their practices
beyond the classrooms.
8 79 Journal 57 98 44 66 Journal of Science Ho Chi Minh City Open University – No. 2(14) 2015 – June/2015 N1 Mean S.D. N2 Mean S.D. Journal 6 90 58 Journal 58 100 52 Journal 7 88 51 Journal 59 97 46 Journal 8 86 45 Journal 60 96 43 Journal 9 84 42 Journal 61 99 53 Journal 10 83 37 Journal 62 101 53 * N1 refers to the first 10 journals * N2 refers to the last 10 journals * Descriptive statistics As can be seen in the table 3, the means of journals 1 to 10 were between 79 and 90 while those of the journals 53 to 62 were between 96 and 102. Table 4 presents the students’ differences in writing fluency. Table 4. Students’ differences in writing fluency Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair 1 first 846.83 115.00 352.26 32.85 last 985.90 115.00 356.35 33.23 Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 first & last 115 .478 .000 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Pair 1 first-last -139.07 362.13 33.77 -205.97 -72.17 -4.12 114.00 0.00 As can be seen from the table 4, the mean scores of the students’ first 10 writing journals was of 846.83 and that of the last 10 journals was of 985.90. The correlation was of .478. The Sig. (2-tailed) reached at .00. This indicates that the students’ writing journals affect students’ writing fluency in term the numbers of words in their writing. The length of their journals improved by numbers of journals that the students committed to their writing activities. In other words, the more the students write, the more fluent in writing skills they become. According to Heder and King (2012), giving students extensive writing during the writing course will help students improve their confidence, speed, fluency and interest in learning English. Hyland (2002) states that teaching writing is a process and the instructors should let the students write and encourage them to write as much as possible. This might help students’ improve their writing fluency and quality. Common Errors In Writing Journals Of The English-Major Students 67 The findings of the present study correspond to Luu Trong Tuan (2010) who found that journal writing as an extensive activity is to foster learners' writing motivation and enhance their writing skill as well as to build a close bonding between teachers and learners. Furthermore, Homstad and Thorson (1996) confirm the importance of writing journals when stating that weekly writing journals strengthen writing skills and may also enhance critical thinking and cultural interaction. The findings of the present study and the literature discussed above indicate that the writing journals are beneficial activity and should take into account to encourage students to writing English. As a saying goes, “practice makes perfect”. The writing journal activities may bring EFL students no longer frustrating and difficult attitudes towards writing a foreign language (Homstad & Thorson, 1996). Bacha (2002) suggests that the writing lecturers should give the opportunities for students to practice writing regularly because the experience in writing practice was not only a very highly motivating basis for developing students’ writing skills but also a valuable one for students in acquiring necessary academic research know-how. 5. Conclusion Firstly, the study reveals the most frequent types of errors the students made in both lexical errors and syntactic error. The results of the study help clarify what the students’ learning difficulties are for the writing instructors. Secondly, the study also indicates that the students’ writing journals affect students’ writing fluency. The length of their journals improved by numbers of journals that the students wrote during course. In other words, the more the students write, the more fluent in expressing ideas they become. Making errors is inevitable in language learning process. Clarifying errors keeps the teachers informed what aspects need further attention in the training process. The results of this study highlight certain issues regarding teaching and learning writing in English as a second/foreign language. Teachers/educators in similar situations may utilize those results to enhance the teaching and learning of L2 writing. Firstly, language interference should be taken into consideration during writing classes as the use of L1 which might affect writing performance in L2. Teacher/peer feedback should be applied during the writing activities to help students learn from each other to enhance writing quality. Teachers should offer students opportunities for sufficient amount of writing practice. Although the researcher has made great efforts to carry out the study, the study has got certain restrictions. Firstly, the study just collected papers from 115 students of Writing- 1 courses out of 363 in HCMC Open University for error analysis. There should be further investigation to most of the students in three writing levels such as Writings 1, 2, & 3 so that the findings will be strengthened for generalization. Secondly, the data for analyses were journals which were collected from students’ writing assigned by only one instructor for 3 classes. This seems not to be in the normal curriculum. Moreover, the instructor didn’t correct students’ journals so the quality was not measured. There should be research investigating the quality of students writing in the control of peer/teacher feedback to see if the students’ writing quality improves in the extensive writing practice. REFERENCES Bacha, N. N. (2002). Developing Learners’ Academic Writing Skills in Higher Education: A Study for Educational Reform. Language and Education, 16(3), 161-177. Belhaj, A. M. (1997). 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