Chinh phục 600 từ vựng Toeic



Lessons 1 – 5 General Business

1. Contracts.1

2. Marketing .3

3. Warranties.5

4. Business Planning.7

5. Conferences .9

Lessons 6 – 10 Office Issues

6. Computers.11

7. Office Technology.13

8. Office Procedures .15

9. Electronics .17

10. Correspondence .19

Lessons 11 – 15 Personel

11. Job Advertising and Recruiting.21

12. Applying and Interviewing.23

13. Hiring and Training .25

14. Salaries and Benefits .27

15. Promotions, Pensions, and Awards .29

Lessons 16 – 20 Purchasing

16. Shopping.31

17. Ordering Supplies.33

18. Shipping.35

19. Invoices.37

20. Inventory.39

Lessons 21 – 25 Financing and Budgeting

21. Banking.41

22. Accounting .43

23. Investments.45

24. Taxes.47

25. Financial Statements.49

Lessons 26 – 30 Management Issues

26. Property and Department.51

27. Board Meetings and Committees .53

28. Quality Control.55

29. Product Development .57

30. Renting and Leasing.59

Lessons 31 – 35 Restaurants and Events

31. Selecting a Restaurant .61

32. Eating Out.63

33. Ordering Lunch .65

34. Cooking as a Career.67

35. Events .69

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ing; a part of a whole 
(phân chia, khẩu phần) 
Ex: a portion of my benefits is my health insurance 
10. Regardless /ri'gɑ:dlis/ adv., in spite of (Bất chấp, không đếm xỉa tới, không chú 
ý tới) 
Ex: Regardless of the cost, we all need health insurance 
11. Salary ['sælərɪ] n., a fixed compensation paid regularly for work done; one’s pay 
Ex: The receptionist believed that he worked too hard for such a small salary 
12. Suitable /'sju:təbl/ adj., appropriate to a purpose or an occasion (thích hợp với) 
Suit v. Hợp với, suitably adv., 
Ex: I have finally found a health plan that suits my needs 
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Lesson 49 Hospitals (tổ chức từ thiện, tổ chức cứu tế) 
1. Admit /əd'mit/ v., to permit to enter (hứa được, nhận được, có đủ chỗ cho 
Admittance n., admission n., 
Ex: The staff refused to admit the patient until he had proof of insurance. 
2. Authorization /,ɔ:θərai'zeiʃn/ n., the act of sanctioning (sự cho quyền, sự cho phép) 
Ex: The doctor suggested that she check with her insurance company to make sure it 
would authorize a lengthened hospital stay. 
3. Designate /'dezignit/ v., to indicate or specify (chỉ rõ, định rõ) 
Designation n., designator n., 
Ex: The labels on the bags designated the type of blood they contained. 
4. Escort /eskɔ:k - is'kɔ:t/ n., a person accompanying another to guide or protect (người 
bảo vệ; người dẫn đường; người đi theo) 
Ex: Let’s see if there is an escort available to take you to the parking garage. 
5. Identify /ai'dentifai/ v., to ascertain the name or belongings of (đồng nhất hoá, coi 
như nhau) 
Identifiable adj., identification n., 
Ex : The tiny bracelets identifield each baby in the nusery. 
6. Mission n., an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service (the missing 
(quân sự) những người mất tích) 
Ex: The hospital chaplain took as his mission to visit every patient admitted each day. 
7. Permit /'pə:mit/ v., to allow (cho phép) 
Permissible adj., permission n., 
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Ex : Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the hospital. 
8. Pertinent /'pɔ:tinənt/ adj., having relevance to the matter at hand (thích hợp, thích 
đáng, đúng chỗ; đi thẳng vào (vấn đề...) 
Ex : The patient’s health record contained pertinent information, likes the dates admited 
for surgery. 
9. Procedure /procedure/ n., a series of steps taken to accomplish an end (thủ tục) 
Ex: Call the hospital to schedule this procedure for tomorrow. 
10. Result /ri'zʌlt/ n., an outcome (kết quả) 
Ex: Your lab results won’t be ready for us. 
11. Statement /'steitmənt/ n., an accounting showing an amount due; a bill (sự bày tỏ, sự 
trình bày, sự phát biểu) 
Ex: The billing statement was filed with the insurance company last month. 
12. Usual /'ju: u l/ adj., ordinary, expected (thường, thông thường, thường lệ, thường 
dùng, dùng quen) 
 Ex: That kind of surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis. 
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Lesson 50 Pharmacy ('fɑ:məsi) Dược khoa 
1. Consult /kən'sʌlt/ v., to seek advice or information of (hỏi ý kiến, tham khảo) 
Consultation n., consultative adj., 
Ex: May I consult with you about a drug interaction case I have? 
2. Control /kən'troul/ v., to exercise authoritative or dominating influence (kiểm tra, 
kiểm soát, thử lại) 
Ex: To control the cost of this medication, you may get the generic version. 
3. Convenient /kən'vi:njənt/ adj., suited or favorable to one’s purpose; easy to reach 
(tiện lợi, thuận lợi; thích hợp) 
Convenience n., conveniently adv., 
Ex: Is this a convenient location for you to pick up your prescription? 
4. Detect /di'tekt/ v., to discover or ascertain (dò ra, tìm ra, khám phá ra, phát hiện ra) 
Detection n., detectable adj., 
Ex: My doctor put me throught some simple tests to detect If I have asthma. 
5. Factor /'fæktə/n., a contribution to an accomplishment, a result, or a process (nhân tố) 
Ex: Could my cat be a factor contributing to my asthma. 
6. Interaction /,intər'ækʃn/ n., an influence; a mutual activity (tác động qua lại) 
Ex: My pharmacist was concerned about the interaction of the two medications I was 
7. Limit n., the point beyond which something cannot proceed (giới hạn, hạn độ) 
Ex: My prescription has a limit of three refills. 
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8. Monitor v., to keep track of (giám sát) 
Ex: The patient had weekly appointments so that the doctor could monitor her progress. 
9. Potential /pə'tenʃəl/ adj., capable of being but not ye in existence; possible (tiềm 
Ex: To avoid any potential side effects from the medication, be sure to tell your doctor all 
the drugs you are currently talking. 
10. Sample /'sɑ:mpl/ n., a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a 
whole (mẫu, mẫu hàng) 
Ex: The pharmacist gave Myra a few free samples of the allegry medication. 
11. Sense /sens/n., a judgment; an intellectual interpretation (khả năng phán đoán) 
Ex: The doctor had a good sense about what the problem was but wanted to get a second 
12. Volunteer /,vɔlən'tiə/ n., one who performs a service without pay; v., to perform as 
a volunteer (người tình nguyện, người xung phong) 
Volunteerism n., voluntary adj., 
Ex: Since Tom was felling so unwell, his son volunteered to pick up his prescription at 
the pharmacy for him. 
****************************** THE END ******************************** 
• It + be + time + S + V (-ed, cột 2) / It’s +time +for someone +to do something (đã đến 
lúc ai đóphải làm gì...) 
• It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something(làm gì... mất bao nhiêu 
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• To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing(ngăn cản ai/cái gì... không làm 
• S + find+ it+ adj to do something(thấy ... để làm gì...) 
• To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing.(Thích cái gì/làm gì hơn cái gì/ làm gì) 
• Would rather + V¬ (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive)(thích làm gì hơn làm gì) 
• To be/get Used to + V-ing(quen làm gì) 
• Used to + V (infinitive)(Thường làm gì trong qk và bây giờ không làm nữa) 
• to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing( ngạc nhiên về....) 
• to be angry at + N/V-ing(tức giận về) 
• to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing(giỏi về.../ kém về...) 
• by chance = by accident (adv)(tình cờ) 
• to be/get tired of + N/V-ing(mệt mỏi về...) 
• can’t stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing(không nhịn được làm gì...) 
• to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing(thích làm gì đó...) 
• to be interested in + N/V-ing(quan tâm đến...) 
• to waste + time/ money + V-ing(tốn tiền hoặc tg làm gì) 
• To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing(dành bao nhiêu thời gian làm gì) 
• To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something(dành thời gian vào việc gì...) 
• to give up + V-ing/ N(từ bỏ làm gì/ cái gì...) 
• would like/ want/wish + to do something(thích làm gì...) 
• have + (something) to + Verb(có cái gì đó để làm) 
• It + be + something/ someone + that/ who(chính...mà...) 
• Had better + V(infinitive)(nên làm gì....) 
• hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ 
suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, 
• It’s + adj + to + V-infinitive(quá gì ..để làm gì) 
• Take place = happen = occur(xảy ra) 
• to be excited about(thích thú) 
• to be bored with/ fed up with(chán cái gì/làm gì) 
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• There is + N-số ít, there are + N-số nhiều(có cái gì...) 
• feel like + V-ing(cảm thấy thích làm gì...) 
• expect someone to do something(mong đợi ai làm gì...) 
• advise someone to do something(khuyên ai làm gì...) 
• go + V-ing(chỉ các trỏ tiêu khiển..)(go camping...) 
• leave someone alone(để ai yên...) 
• By + V-ing(bằng cách làm...) 
• want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ 
happen/hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ 
seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive 
• for a long time = for years = for ages(đã nhiều năm rồi)(dùng trong thì hiện tại hoàn 
• when + S + V(QkĐ), S + was/were + V-ing. 
• When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 
• Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 
• After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) 
• to be crowded with(rất đông cài gì đó...) 
• to be full of(đầy cài gì đó...) 
• To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj(đây là các động từ 
tri giác có nghĩa là: có vẻ như/ là/ dường như/ trở nên... sau chúng nếu có 
adj và adv thì chúng ta phải chọn adj) 
• except for/ apart from(ngoài, trừ...) 
• as soon as(ngay sau khi) 
• to be afraid of(sợ cái gì..) 
• could hardly(hầu như không)( chú ý: hard khác hardly) 
• Have difficulty + V-ing(gặp khó khăn làm gì...) 
• Chú ý phân biệt 2 loại tính từ V-ed và V-ing: dùng -ed để miêu tả về người, -ing cho 
vật. và khi muốn nói vềbản chất của cả người và vật ta dùng –ing 
• in which = where; on/at which = when 
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• Put + up + with + V-ing(chịu đựng...) 
• Make use of + N/ V-ing(tận dụng cái gì đó...) 
• Get + adj/ Pii 
• Make progress(tiến bộ...) 
• take over + N(đảm nhiệm cái gì...) 
• Bring about(mang lại) 
• Chú ý: so + adj còn such + N 
• At the end of và In the end(cuối cái gì đó và kết cục) 

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