Chapter 10: Criteria and Test Types
Validity the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure & nothing else (content)
Face validity
Content validity
Construct validity
Empirical validity
Chapter 10:Criteria and Test TypesA. CriteriaValidityReliabilityDiscriminationAdministrationTest instructions to candidatesBackwash effects1. ValidityValidity the extent to which it measures what it is supposed to measure & nothing else (content) Face validityContent validityConstruct validityEmpirical validity Face validityIf a test item looks right to other testers, teachers, moderators & testees described as having face validityIn the past, regarded by test writers simply as a public relations exerciseNow, designers of communicative tests: face validity- the most important of all types of validity Content validityDepending on a careful analysis of the language being tested & of the particular course objectiveWhen constructing tests, writers should first draw up a table of test specifications (language skills, areas included) Construct validityA test having construct validity is capable of measuring specific characteristics in accordance with a theory of language behavior and learning For example, a test consisting of multiple choice items will lack construct validity if the communicative approach is adopted during the language course Empirical /statistical validity This kind of validity obtained as a result of comparing the results of the test with the results of some criterion measure such as:An existing test, known to be valid and given at the same timeThe teacher’s ratings or any other such form of independent assessment given at the same time Empirical /statistical validityThe subsequent (later) performance of the testees on a certain task measured by some valid testThe teacher’s ratings or any other such form of independent assessment given later Summary (Validity)The test situationThe technique used important factor in determining the overall validity of any test2. Reliability (definitions)A test administrated to the same candidates on different occasions produces the same results reliable Reliability denotes the extent to which the same marks /grades awarded if the same test papers marked by (i) 2 or more ≠ examiners (ii) the same examiner on ≠ occasions2. Reliability (affecting factors)Reliability affected by the size of the sample & the administration of the test Other factors:(1) test instructions (rubrics)(2) personal factors like motivation & illness(3) scoring of the test (the most important factor- objective tests overcome this problem of marker reliability) 2. Reliability (measuring methods)Re-administering the same test (the same group of candidates) after a lapse timeAdministering parallel forms of the test to the same group (tests must be identical in the nature of sampling, difficulty, length & rubrics). If the correlation between 2 tests is high, the test can be termed reliable. 3. Reliability versus Validity2 chief criteria for evaluating any test ( an ideal test should be valid & reliable)The greater the reliability of a test, the less validity it usually has.4. DiscriminationAn important feature of a test is its capacity: (1) To discriminate among ≠ candidates (2) To reflect the differences in the performances of individuals in a group The extent of the need to discriminate will vary depending on the purpose of the test5. Administration/PracticalityA test must be practicable, i.e. fairly straight forward to administrate or able to administrate (the length of time for administrating, collecting answer sheets, reading instructions).Another practical consideration concerns the answer sheets and the stationery used. 6. Test instructions to the candidatesAll instructions are clearly written.Samples are given.Grammatical terminology should be avoided.7. Backwash effectsDef.: the influences of testing on teaching & learningPositive backwash effect (reading tests development of reading skills) Negative backwash effect (objective tests reducing learners’ motivationImplications: influences of tests on the compilation of syllabus & language teaching programmes B. Types of testsAchievement /attainment testsProficiency testsAptitude testsDiagnostic tests1. Achievement /attainment testsClass progress tests, the most widely used types of testsAchievement tests, formal tests Class progress tests Designed to measure the extent to which Ss have mastered the material taught in the classroom, allowing Ss to show what they have masteredUsed as a teaching device: backwash effects on teaching & motivation Good tests encouraging Ss to perform well & gain confidence Achievement testsIntended to measure achievement on a large scale, to show mastery of a particular syllabusStandardized tests: pre-tested, items are analysed & revised where necessaryA good achievement test should reflect the particular approach to learning & teaching adopted2. Proficiency testsDefining a student’s language proficiency with reference to a particular task which he/she will be required to perform (TOEFL, TOEIC) In no way related to any syllabus or teaching programme3. Aptitude testsDesigned to measure the Ss’ probable performance in a foreign language which he/she has not started to learnGenerally, seeking to predict Ss’ probable strengths & weaknesses in learning a foreign language by measuring performance in an artificial language 4. Diagnostic testsAchievement & proficiency tests: frequently used for diagnostic purposes such as diagnosing areas of difficulty Ss may have so that appropriate remedial action can be taken later.Diagnostic testing: frequently carried out for groups of Ss rather than for individuals
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