Cấp so sánh và đại từ (bài tập tự luyện)

I. Áp dụng quy tắc so sánh bằng trong những câu sau ñây

1. The moon is not the sun (bright).

2. Is the moon the sun (bright)?

3. There are days in July as in August (many).

4. Are there days in July as in August (many).

5. Autumn is Summer (pleasant).

6. Is Autumn Summer (pleasant)?

7. Our teacher is he looks (severe).

8. It is today it was yesterday (hot).

9. Are you your friend (strong)?

10. Is she her sister (careful)?

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 c. lazier d. lazilier 
55. He feels ........... than last year because his study results are ..................... 
a. happy/ good b. happier/ gooder 
c. more happy/more good d. happier/better 
56. He is ............. at maths than at any other subjects. 
a. better b. more good c. goodlier d. gooder 
57. Phuong can speak English ........... than Minh. 
Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Cấp so sánh và ðại từ
 Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 5 -
a. more fluent b. fluently c. fluent d. more fluently 
58. Her voice is ................. than her sister’s/. 
a. beautiful b. more beautiful c. beautifully d. more beautifully 
59. Her literature result is much ................... than it was last year. 
a. good b. well c. more well d. better 
60. Cinderrella danced ............... than any other girls at the ball. 
a. more graceful b. gracefuler c. gracefully d. more gracefully 
61. Chemistry is ................. than physics. 
a. easy b. easily c. easier d. more easily 
62. Rabbits run.................. than tortoises. 
a. fast b . fastly c. fastlier d. faster 
63.Nam is bad at art but Minh is even .......................... 
a. badder b. bad c. worse d. worser 
63. Lan is her.................... sister. 
a. old b. elderly c. elder d. oldly 
64. She can pronounce English words ............. than she could last term. 
a. correctlier b . more correct c. more correctly d. correcter 
65. The country is .............. than the city. 
a. quieter b . more quiet c. more quietly d. quietlier 
66. In this class , the students are talking ............... than the teacher. 
a. loudly b. more loud c. loudlier d. louder. 
67. We shouldn’t be..................... on any subjects. 
a. lazy b. lazier c. lazily d. lazilier 
68. I can learn a subject ............... if I like it and ............ if I don’t like it. 
a. good/ bad b. better/ worse c. better/ badlier d. gooder/worse 
69 . I will take these shoes. What’s the .................? 
a. price b. fare b. cost d. fee 
70.My Dinh is the national ................. of Viet Nam . 
a. city b. theatre c . stadium d. cinema 
71. She is the most ................. girl in our class. 
a. intelligent b. intelligentest c. tall d. tallest 
72. That T-shirt is the ............... we have in stock. 
a. big b.bigger c. small d. smallest 
73. I think Smatcafe is ............... than other kinds of coffee. 
a. best b. better c. badder d. worst 
74. This hat is the .................. of all. 
a. expensivest b. more expensive c. cheapest d. cheaper 
75. Of all the stories I have, this is the most .............. one. 
a. better b. best c.interesting d. interestingest 
76. That is the most ................ bed in the shop. 
a. wide b. widest c. comfortable d. comfortables 
77. Food becomes .............. during the time of the flood. 
a. more scarcer b. most scarce c. scarcest d. scarce 
78. Have you got any ................... shirt? 
a. cheapest b. cheaper c. expensiver d. expensivest 
Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Cấp so sánh và ðại từ
 Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 6 -
79. The shop faces its most ............. time of the year when sales have fallen by half. 
a. difficult b. difficultest c. easy d. easiest 
80.Lan is the most ................ student in my class. 
a. hard-work b. hard-working c. good d. best 
81. The blue shirt is as ............... as the red one. 
a. long b. longer c. more long d. longest 
82. Mai dances as ................. as Lan. 
a. gracefully b. gracefuly c. graceful d. graceless 
83. This book is the ..................... of all 
a. bored b.boring c. more boring d. most boring 
84. Mary speaks English very ...................... 
a. fluent b. fluently c. more fluently d. most fluently 
85. Tom runs faster than John and David runs the ............ in the group. 
a. fast b. most fast c. fastest d. most fastly 
86. She has ........... books than I do. 
a. least b. fewer c. more few d. fewest 
87. I work as ................. as you do. 
a. hard b .hardly c. harder d. more hard 
88. She looks ........... than me. 
a. thinner b. thin c. thinnest d. thinly 
89. He is one of the .............. men in the world. 
a. rich b. richer c. richest d. more rich. 
90. A train is not so .............. as a bus. 
a. quick b. quicker c. quickest d. more quick 
91.The economic conditions today are .............. they were in the past. 
a. much more good b. much better than 
c. much better d. the best than 
92. Peter is the ............. student in my class. 
a. taller than b. so tall as c. the tallest d. tallest 
93. The deep oceans contain some of the .................. of all living creatures. 
a. strangest b. strange c. as strange as d. stranger 
94. Jane is not ..her brother. 
a. more intelligent as b. intelligent as 
c. so intelligent as d. so intelligent that. 
95. He drives as .his father does. 
a. careful as b. more carefully c. the most careful d. carefully as 
96. What’s the .film you’ve ever seen? 
a. good b. best c. better d. the best 
97. Jane is age as Marry/. 
a. as same b. the most same c. the same d. more same 
98. I’ll be there .. I can. 
a. sooner as b . no sooner as c. as soon as d. soonest as 
99. The shirt and that one 
a. alike b. are alike c. as alike as d. the same 
100. I want to buy some shoes.the ones you have on. 
Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Cấp so sánh và ðại từ
 Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 7 -
a. like b. are like c. are alike d. likely 
101. Mary and her mother do not. 
a. alike b. look like c. look alike d.like 
102. Sharon.from other women I know. 
a. different b. as different c. differs d. more different 
103. This one is prettier, but it costs.. as the other one. 
a. as much as b. twice as much c. as many d. twice as many 
104. You can take..books as you want. 
a. as many b. as much c. so much d. too many 
105. Of the two sisters, Linda  
a. is beautiful b. the most beautiful c. is more beautiful d. is so beautiful 
as . 
106. The ..accident in the history of the city occurred last night on the Freeway. 
a. badest b. most bad c. worse d. worst. 
107. He finished the test ..of all. 
a. rapidly b. the most rapidly c. most rapidly d. more rapidly 
108. Many chemicals react ..in acid solutions. 
a. more quick b. more quickly c. quicklier d. as quickly 
109. The younger you are, it is to learn. 
a. easier b. you are easier c. the easier d. the easy 
110. It’s becoming ..to find a job. 
a. more difficult and more b. more and more difficult 
c. most and more difficult d. more difficult than. 
112. electricity you use, .your bill will be. 
a. The more..the higher b. The most..the higher 
c. The morethe high d. More..higher 
113. The more I got to know Tom, .I liked him. 
a. least b. the less c. the least d. the fewer 
114. The rooms in the front .noisier than those in the back. 
a. are more .b . are little c. are very d. are much. 
115. ..you are, you concentrate. 
a. Tired..the least hard b. The more tired..the harder 
c.The tirederthe harder d. The tired..the harder 
116. Of all the candidates, Peter is probably 
a. the less qualified b. the qualified less 
c. the most little qualified d. the least qualified. 
117. The CDs here are more expensive over there. 
a. those b. than those c. than that d. than this. 
118. These two girls .. that I can’t tell them apart. 
a. are so like b. are so alike c. are too alike d. alike enough 
119. I don’t think our daughter is .to understand this matter. 
a. too young b. is such young c. not enough old d. not age enough 
120. Mrs Harrison is .he owns many palaces. 
a. so a rich man that b. such an rich man that 
Khóa học LTðH môn Tiếng Anh – Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương Cấp so sánh và ðại từ
 Hocmai.vn – Ngôi trường chung của học trò Việt Tổng ñài tư vấn: 1900 58-58-12 - Trang | 8 -
c. such a rich man that d. that os rich a man. 
121. The ceiling is  
a. too high for me to reach b. too high for me to reach it. 
c. so high for me reaching d. enough high of me reaching 
122. The woman was so beautiful 
a. that I couldn’t help looking at b. that I couldn’t help looking at her 
c. for me looking at her d. that for me to look at. 
123.It is that I would like to go to the beach. 
a. such a nice weather b. too nice weather 
c. such nice weather d. such weather nice. 
124. These are .tht I can’t finish them. 
a. a such long assignments b. such long assignments 
c. such a long assignments d. too long assignments. 
125. It is .that I have read it twice. 
a. such an interesting book b. so interesting a book. 
c. too interesting a book d. A and B. 
126. She dances ..everybody adores her. 
a. such beautifully that b. so beautiful that 
c. so beautiful that d. too beautifully that 
127.It is to go swimming. 
a. too cold b.so cold c. such a cold d. enough cold that 
128. Jane is .. to do this exercise. 
a. no intelligence enough b. not intelligent enough 
c. not enough intelligent d. so intelligent enough 
129. I am a car. 
a. not rich enough to buy b. too rich enough to buy 
c. too poor to buy d. a and c. 
130. It’s ..home from here. 
a. too far walking b. too far for walking c. far to walk too d. too far to walk 
131. The bed is not clean enough 
a. to lie in it b. to lie in c. for lying in d. in which to lie 
132. The piano was too heavy .. 
a. for nobody to move b. for nobody moving 
c. for anyone to move d. for anyone to moving 
 133. to go to the cinema. 
 a. It was late so that b. That it was late 
 c. It was too late d. such too late. 
 134. We don’t .to go there now. 
 a. have time enough b. enough time c. have too time d. have enough time 
Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Mai Phương 
Nguồn : Hocmai.vn 

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