Các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến dạy và học phát âm Tiếng Anh
Phát âm giống như người bản ngữ là một trong những nhiệm vụ rất quan trọng nhưng cũng khá
phức tạp đối với cả người dạy và người học. Do đặc tính phức tạp của ngôn ngữ, phát âm đang
được xem là một kỹ năng cần được chú trọng nhiều hơn trong việc giảng dạy ngôn ngữ ở các
trường học và cơ sở đào tạo. Trong phạm vi bài báo này, người viết sẽ nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng
của phát âm tiếng Anh. Bên cạnh đó, dựa trên một số nghiên cứu cũng như lý thuyết liên quan về
phát âm, người viết sẽ phân loại các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến quá trình dạy và học phát âm tiếng Anh,
đồng thời đưa ra một số đề xuất nhằm cải thiện chất lượng dạy và học phát âm hiện nay.
d conditions for students to practise. On the other hand, teachers should encourage students to practise and create opportunities for them to practise (Cele-Murcia, Briton, and Goodwin (1996). In EFL settings, especially where students have little opportunity to surround themselves with native input in the target language, the 84 KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰSố 14 - 7/2018 v LÝ LUẬN CHUYÊN NGÀNH burden will fall more on the teachers to provide an adequate model of the target language, and to ascertain that students have opportunities outside the class (e.g, in the language laboratory or foreign language learning centers) to experience samples of the authentic oral discourse of native speakers (Cele-Murcia, Briton, and Goodwin, 1996, p.17). Teachers’ teaching methods have a big influence on learners’ capability to absorb knowledge from the teachers (Kenworthy, 1997). Good teaching methods can inspire learners greatly during their learning process. They seem to be excited to take lessons rather than do them reluctantly. On the contrary, poor teaching methods may discourage or depress learners. That is to say, teachers’ performance in class plays a decisive part in learners’ learning. Many EFL teachers think pronunciation is too complicated and difficult to teach and ignore the importance of teaching students good pronunciation. There is a fact that, however, the students’ pronunciation mostly depends on the teachers’ pronunciation. Therefore, it is important and necessary that teachers should improve their pronunciation first. Apart from teacher-related elements, other objectives ones such as classroom facilities, curriculum, etc. may affect pronunciation teaching and learning (Brown, 2007). Indeed, teachers find hard to deliver their lectures if the teaching- supported facilities do not work properly and learners might feel depressed as a result of this interruption. Furthermore, learners may get confused if the curriculum is not suitable for their levels which might be too difficult or too easy. 5. SUGGESTION FOR ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION TEACHING AND LEARNING It is very necessary for teachers and learners of English to identify and deal with the elements affecting the English pronunciation teaching and learning. In reality, teachers play a crucial role in students’ learning because pronunciation is one of the significant aspects of foreign language teaching. It must be also borne in mind that teachers are the models for their students. Thus, first of all, they should have good pronunciation; otherwise they can mislead their students. That is to say, the teachers should spend more time on teaching pronunciation. Besides, during the pronunciation teaching, teachers should always come up with different teaching methods that are suitable for different groups of students who might differ in age, aptitude, personality, and motivation. Also, teachers should take much notice of how to help learners overcome the influences of their mother tongue which may take a long time to be improved. Creating opportunities for learners to increase their exposure to English pronunciation should be teachers’ regular job. In the overall process of pronunciation teaching, it is difficult to teach without practice, but students may feel bored and depressed for drilling an individual sound for a long time. Therefore, it is important to combine practice pronunciation exercises with more interesting ones. Apart from equipping learners with knowledge, teachers should help students establish an appropriate goal of pronunciation and try to improve their learning motivation, which are important parts in language teaching. Learners should find the most suitable learning method for themselves under the guidance of teachers and have enough exposure to the target language. Moreover, learners can learn from each other, outside the class or without teachers’ presence. So as to make learners become more efficient at learning pronunciation, they should set themselves specific goals and have definite motivation in learning as well. 85KHOA HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ QUÂN SỰSố 14 - 7/2018 LÝ LUẬN CHUYÊN NGÀNH v 6. CONCLUSION This article emphasized some important elements influencing the English pronunciation teaching and learning from a comprehensive perspective. In the case of internal elements, the writer believes that the younger the learners start to learn L2, the better they can master the language, and this also relates to the brain development, ear perception, and innate phonetic ability. Many researchers suggest that, positive attitudes and opened-mind will promote learners’ pronunciation development and let them have a native-like accent. Also, if learners have high motivation to learn pronunciation and set up an appropriate goal for pronunciation, they will master the target language pronunciation much better. For external elements, native language is seen as the key factor which has a big influence on the acquisition of English pronunciation. The learners will more easily pronounce the target language sounds if their native language has the similar sounds with the target language. Exposure is another important affecting element that includes the attitude the learners respond to opportunities to use the target language. Excelling at pronunciation benefits us loads in communication, particularly intelligibility. The better we pronounce the better people understand us. It is unquestionable that these affecting elements have different influences in pronunciation. Some of these elements are unchangeable, for example, it is impossible for us to change the age and phonetic ability of the learners. It is apparent that the influence of age is undeniable in language learning process. However, some elements are changeable such as some educational factors./. References: Avery, P. & Ehrlich, S. (1997), Preliminary Considerations in the Teaching of Pronunciation, TESL Center, London, England. Brown, H. D. (2007), Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, Pearson Education, White Plains, New York. Buranavityawut, N. (2000), Factors which Affect Pronunciation Learning, Retrieved September 10, 2009, from < ngb_kt1/00000010.htm>. Carroll, J. B. (1992), The prediction of success in intensive foreign language training. InR. Glaser (Ed.), Training, Research, and Education (p.87-136), University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. Celce-Murcia, N., Briton, M. D., & Goodwin, J. M. (1996), Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Cenoz, J. & Garcia Lecumberri, M. L. 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