Các mẫu văn bản bằng tiếng Anh
• You will have 3 hours and 45 minutes to work on this test.
• There are ten separately timed sections:
One 25-minute essay
Six other 25-minute sections
Two 20-minute sections
One 10-minute section
• You may work on only one section at a time.
• The supervisor will tell you when to begin and end each section.
• If you finish a section before time is called, check your work on that section.
You may NOT turn to any other section.
• Work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Don’t waste time on
questions that seem too diffi cult for you.
n of grandiose cultural centers. (D) The demolition of a historic landmark is tantamount to the destruction of an invaluable cultural legacy. (E) The restoration of intimate old theaters will speed the demise of large new arenas. 17. In lines 49-56, the description of the building primarily serves to (A) convey an appreciation for the technical complexities of renovating theaters (B) illustrate how nineteenth-century architecture directly influenced modern building design (C) highlight some unique aspects of an example of fine architecture (D) explain why some people disdain innovative architecture (E) show how restoration can strip a building of its unique character 18. In lines 56-60, the author’s comment about micro- phones implies that (A) the near-perfect acoustics in a new theater divert attention from the building’s aesthetic flaws (B) audience members seated in the theater’s balcony cannot fully appreciate the nuances of the performers’ intonations (C) the performances of modern-day actors tend to be overly dependent on technology (D) the absence of technically sophisticated equipment has jeopardized the sound quality of performances (E) old theaters can remain viable because they readily accommodate the new sound technology that enhances a performance 19. Which challenge is emphasized by the author in the final paragraph (lines 73-77) ? (A) Designating theaters as historical landmarks (B) Renewing a respect for architecture (C) Providing opportunities for new artists (D) Reviving classical plays (E) Attracting appreciative audiences S T O P If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test. For more material and information, please visit www.tailieuduhoc.org -52- SECTION 10 Time — 10 minutes 14 Questions Turn to Section 10 (page 7) of your answer sheet to answer the questions in this section. Directions: For each question in this section, select the best answer from among the choices given and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. The following sentences test correctness and effectiveness of expression. Part of each sentence or the entire sentence is underlined; beneath each sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Choice A repeats the original phrasing; the other four choices are different. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A; if not, select one of the other choices. In making your selection, follow the requirements of standard written English; that is, pay attention to grammar, choice of words, sentence construction, and punctuation. Your selection should result in the most effective sentence—clear and precise, without awkwardness or ambiguity. EXAMPLE: Laura Ingalls Wilder published her first book and she was sixty-five years old then. (A) and she was sixty-five years old then (B) when she was sixty-five (C) at age sixty-five years old (D) upon the reaching of sixty-five years (E) at the time when she was sixty-five 1. People were unprepared for the sinking of the Titanic simply because of believing that the ship was unsinkable. (A) of believing that the ship was unsinkable (B) of having a belief in the ship as unsinkable (C) they believed that the ship was unsinkable (D) they believed the unsinkable nature of the ship (E) of a belief on their part of an unsinkable ship 2. When the weather forecaster predicts a severe storm, this is when people usually rush to the supermarket to stock up on groceries. (A) storm, this is when people usually rush (B) storm is usually when people are rushing (C) storm is why people usually rush (D) storm, people usually rush (E) storm, it usually rushes people 3. When, after bleak and lonely years in an English public school, he returned to India, there was suddenly perceived by himself a strong desire to write about the people and land he loved. (A) there was suddenly perceived by himself (B) he suddenly was perceived (C) suddenly the feeling that came to him being (D) he suddenly felt (E) suddenly he had the feeling of 4. Curiosity about other people, about the ways they think and act, has caused Jeff to meet some fascinating characters as well as people which also really bore him. (A) people which also really bore him (B) he encountered really boring people (C) very boring people are also met (D) some very boring people (E) very boring people also 5. During seasons when ticks carrying Lyme disease are most prevalent, signs could be posted to deter hikers about their venturing into tick-infested areas. (A) about their venturing (B) from their venturing (C) from venturing (D) by not venturing (E) not to venture For more material and information, please visit www.tailieuduhoc.org -53- 6. After Morris had spent ten minutes giving an answer, Claudette found he had given her only one item of information beyond what she already knew. (A) beyond what she already knew (B) beyond what she knows already (C) beyond her knowledge at the current time (D) to add to what she knew already presently (E) in addition to her present knowledge then 7. Although the kings and queens of England are considered Canada’s monarchs, true political power lies with the prime minister, that person is elected by the Canadian citizenry. (A) true political power lies with the prime minister, that person is elected (B) the person who holds true political power is the prime minister, which is elected (C) true political power lies with the prime minister, who is elected (D) the prime minister, the source of true political power, elected (E) true political power is with the prime minister and is elected 8. Led by vocalist Marlena McGhee Smalls, Gullah tradition is preserved by the help of the Hallelujah Singers of South Carolina through songs and stories. (A) Gullah tradition is preserved by the help of the Hallelujah Singers of South Carolina through songs and stories (B) the Hallelujah Singers of South Carolina help to preserve Gullah tradition through songs and stories (C) the songs and stories of Gullah tradition are preserved through the Hallelujah Singers of South Carolina (D) it is the Hallelujah Singers that help to preserve the songs and stories of Gullah tradition in South Carolina (E) South Carolina’s Gullah tradition is preserved through songs and stories by the Hallelujah Singers 9. Astronomy is the study of celestial bodies in outer space, especially their positions, dimensions, movements, and composition. (A) especially their positions, dimensions, move- ments, and composition (B) and especially they are concerned with their positions, dimensions, movements, and composition (C) especially studying their positions, dimensions, movements, and composition (D) especially their positions, dimensions, move- ments, and with their composition (E) with special study of their positions, dimensions, movements, and including composition 10. All the talk about controlling noise, keeping rivers clean, and planting trees have not impressed people enough to be bringing about major changes in laws and lifestyles. (A) have not impressed people enough to be bringing (B) have not made enough of an impression on people to bring (C) have not made people impressed enough to bring (D) has not impressed people enough to bring (E) has not made enough people impressed for bringing 11. The furnace exploded, blowing off the door, spraying greasy soot all over the basement floor, and it would rattle furniture and windowpanes throughout the building. (A) it would rattle (B) it rattled (C) causing the rattling of (D) the result was to rattle (E) rattling For more material and information, please visit www.tailieuduhoc.org -54- 12. The adaptation of a novel for the screen often requires major adjustments in plot because the one art form differs from the other in having other character- revelation techniques. (A) because the one art form differs from the other in having other character-revelation techniques (B) because the two art forms reveal character in different ways (C) because of the differing ways the two may use for revealing a character (D) inasmuch as there are different ways in the two art forms for character revelation (E) insofar as the two differ in how to reveal character 13. The opposing opinions expressed were that the school should be torn down and, on the other hand, to keep it as a historical landmark. (A) were that the school should be torn down and, on the other hand, to keep it (B) was that the school should be torn down or kept (C) were that the school should be torn down and that it should be kept (D) were about them tearing the school down and them keeping the school (E) were if they should tear the school down and keeping it 14. Feeling, perhaps, that their votes do not matter, the number of young people going to the polls are becoming increasingly smaller. (A) the number of young people going to the polls are becoming increasingly smaller (B) the number of young people going to the polls is increasingly smaller (C) increasingly smaller numbers of young people are going to the polls (D) young people are going to the polls in increasingly smaller numbers (E) young people, who in increasingly smaller numbers are going to the polls S T O P If you finish before time is called, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section in the test. For more material and information, please visit www.tailieuduhoc.org
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