Các cụm động từ hay trong Tiếng Anh

 Abide by - Accept or follow a decision or rule

Account for - To explain

Ache for - Want something or someone a lot

Act on - To take action because of something like information received - Affect

Act out - Perform something with actions and gestures.

 - Express an emotion in your behaviour

Act up - Behave badly or strangely

Act upon -To take action because of something like information received - Affect

Add on - Include in a calculation


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Toy with - Not eat much of a meal
 - Consider something, but not very seriously
 - Move or play with something to occupy your hands
 - Treat insincerely
Track down - Find after a long search
Trade down - Sell something and replace it with something cheaper
Trade in - Exchange something old as part of the price of something new
 - Leave your wife or husband to marry someone younger
Trade off - Bargain, make a deal or compromise
 - Accept something you don't really want to get something you do want
Trade on - Exploit, use something to your advantage
Trade up - Buy larger or more expensive items
 - Leave your wife or husband and marry someone better looking, richer, etc
Trade upon - Exploit, use to your advantage
Train up - Teach someone the specific skills they will need to carry out a job or task
Trickle down - Pass benefits from economic expansion through the economy to the less fortunate
Trip out - Be under the influence of psychoactive drugs
Trip over - Fall - Fall because you hit an obstacle
Trip up - Make a mistake
Trot off - Leave
Trot off to - Go somewhere
Trot out - Make a statement (meant negatively)
Trump up - Charge or accuse someone falsely
Try back - Phone back
Try for - Make an attempt to get something
Try it on - Provoke someone by being annoying or behaving badly
 - Attempt to get something, usually by deceit, without great hopes of success
Try on - Put clothes on to see if they fit
Try out - Test - Test something to see if you like it or want to buy it
Try out for - Be tested for a sports team
Tuck away - Put something in a safe place - Eat a lot
Tuck in - Tidy the ends of items of clothing by placing them inside something
 - Start eating enthusiastically
 - Arrange the sheets, duvet or blankets to make someone, usually a child, comfortable in bed
Tuck into - Start eating something
Tuck up - Arrange the sheets, duvet or blankets to make someone, usually a child, 
 comfortable in bed
Tune in - Watch or listen to a TV or radio show
Tune in to - Watch or listen to a TV or radio programme
Tune out - Ignore, not pay attention
Tune up - Improve the performance of a machine or engine
 - Tune a musical instrument before playing
Turn against - Stop liking and start disliking
Turn away - Not allow someone to enter a place
Turn down - Reduce volume, temperature, etc. - Reject an offer, invitation, etc.
 - Fold the top covers of a bed down to make it ready for someone to go to sleep
Turn in - Go to bed - Hand in, submit
Turn into - Become
Turn off - Stop a machine
Turn on - Cause someone to feel attraction or pleasure
 - Start a machine - Attack
Turn out - Produce - Produce an unexpected result - Stop a light - Attend
Turn over - Give to the authorities
Turn to - Try to get help - Take up a habit
Turn up - Appear - Increase volume, temperature, etc.
Type in - Enter computer data or text
Type out - Write a full or finished version of a text on a computer
Type up - Type a finished version
Urge on - Encourage - Persuade or pressure to accept something
Urge upon - Persuade or pressure to accept something
Use up - Finish or consume all of something
Usher in - Be at, mark or celebrate an important point in time
 - Make important changes happen
Vacuum up - Consume
Vamp up - Make something more exciting, attractive, etc
 - Invent, maker up, improvise
Veg out - Relax, do nothing
Venture forth - Leave somewhere safe or comfortable
Wade in - Start something or get involved, often without thinking or to forcefully
 - Attack
Wade into - Become embroiled or involved in a situation, without thinking or planning usually
Wade through
- Get to the end of something with difficulty
Wait about - Wait somewhere doing nothing
Wait around - Wait somewhere doing nothing
Wait behind - Stay somewhere after other people have left
Wait in - Stay at home because someone is going to visit
Wait on - Serve people in a restaurant - Sell goods in a shop
 - Provide someone with everything they need or want
 - Wait for a result before being able to make a decision
Wait out - Wait till something has finished, usually something unpleasant
Wait up - Not go to bed because you are waiting
Wait up! - Stop (imperative)
Wait upon - Provide someone with what they require
 - Wait for a result before being able to make a decision
Wake up - Stop sleeping
Walk away from - Leave something you don't like
Walk away with - Win easily
Walk back from - Retract a statement
Walk in on - Enter somewhere unexpectedly and see something
Walk into - Get work without effort
 - Be unaware of the presence of something and either enter it (a trap) or bump into it (an obstruction)
Walk off - Go for a walk to reduce the effects of an illness or bad feeling
Walk off with - Win easily
 - Take something without permission or steal
Walk on - Continue walking
Walk out - Leave work because of a dispute with the management 
 - Leave a place angrily or because you are not satisfied
Walk out on - Leave somebody angrily
Walk through - Explain or demonstrate something carefully to someone
Walk up - Go to someone
Waltz through - Pass or succeed easily
Wander off - Leave a place, usually without telling other people
 - Stop paying attention
Want out - Want to leave a relationship or arrangement
Warm up - Do exercises before a sport
Wash away - When floods or waves completely remove a structure, building, etc.
Wash down - Drink in order to swallow something solid
Wash out - Rain so heavily that an event has to be cancelled
Wash over - Suddenly experience a strong emotion
Wash up - Clean everything used to prepare food and eat it
- When something in the sea or river is left on the shore or bank - Wash face and hands
Waste away - Become very thin and weak, usually due to illness
Watch out - Be careful (imperative)
Watch out for - Be careful of something
Watch over - Keep an eye on something or someone to check that there's no trouble
Water down - Make something weaker and less effective
Wave aside - Ignore or refuse to consider what someone says
Wave down - Make a hand signal to stop a vehicle
Wave off - Go to a place where someone is leaving to wave goodbye
Wave on - Make a hand signal to tell someone to keep moving
Wean off - Slowly stop a dependency on something
Wear away - Erode, remove gradually
Wear down - Make something weaker
Wear off - Stop having an effect
Wear out - Use something until it stops working
Weed out - Remove, get rid of
Weigh down on - Burden with responsibilities, duties, etc
Weigh in - Have a certain weight (in sports like boxing)
 - Enter an argument forcefully
Weigh in on - Enter an argument or discussion to express a strongly felt idea
Weigh on - Make someone consider carefully
Weigh out - Measure a certain amount of something by weight
Weigh up - Assess
Weird out - Disturb, cause concern or worry
Well up - Feel tears starting - Feel an emotion strongly
 - Experience an emotion or feeling, start to cry
Wheel around - Turn quickly and face in the opposite direction
Wheel out - Use something like an explanation that has been used many times before and has lost its impact
Wheel round - Turn quickly and face in the opposite direction
While away - Spend time doing something because you have nothing better to do
Whip into - Enter rapidly (as for a brief errand)
Whip out - Remove quickly
Whip out of - Exit rapidly
Whip through - Do something quickly
Whip up - Make food quickly
 - Mix liquid food quickly to make it thick and creamy
 - Make people feel more strongly about something
Whisk away - Take to another place quickly
White out - Use correction fluid to cover a mistake in a written text
Wig out - Become excited and lose control
Wiggle out - Avoid doing
Wiggle out of - Avoid doing something
Wimp out - Not be brave enough to do something
Wind down - Relax - Slowly close a business or organisation
Wind on - Forward a film or tape to a certain point
Wind up - Close a company because it's unprofitable
 - Tighten the spring in a watch or clock to make it work
 - Irritate someone or increase their stress level, especially if done deliberately
Winkle out - Find or get something that takes a great deal of effort
Wipe out - Make someone very tired
 - Kill all of a population, make extinct
Wire up - Make electrical connections
Wise up - Stop being stupid
Word up - Give someone information, advice
Word up! - A phrase that was used a greeting
Work off - Exercise to remove stress or weight
Work on - Improve or develop
Work out - End nicely
 - Find the answer or solution
Work over - Assault, beat up
 - Repeat, do again
 - Examine carefully
Work through - Deal with, resolve a problem, often emotional
Wrap around - Cover with clothing, usually to keep warm
 - Cover or encircle with part of your body
Wrap round - Cover with clothing, usually to keep warm
 - Cover or encircle with part of your body
Wrap up - Cover in paper
 - Dress warmly
 - Finish
Wriggle out of - Avoid doing something in a way other people don't like
Write down - Make notes
Write in - Send a letter to a TV station, etc.
Write off - Destroy a car in an accident
Write out - Write something completely
Write up - Make complete written version
Yack on - Talk continuously, especially if it is an annoying way
Yammer on - Talk continuously, especially if it is an annoying way
Zero in on - Direct or focus attention on
 - Head for, move towards
Zero out - Cut off funding for a project
 - Reduce to zero, cancel, remove
Zip around - Move quickly
Zip by - Pass quickly
Zip it - Keep quiet, say nothing
Zip up - Keep quiet
Zone in - Pay attention after not doing so
Zone in on - Pay attention after not doing so
Zone out - Not pay attention
 - Dissociate yourself from a situation
Zonk out - Fall asleep
Zoom in - Focus more closely
Zoom in on - Focus more closely
Zoom off - Go somewhere quickly
Zoom out - Focus less closely

File đính kèm:

  • doccac_cum_dong_tu_hay_trong_tieng_anh_4671.doc