Anh Văn du lịch 1
The elegant building you can see on your left with the lovely green lawns in front of it is, of
course, one of the most famous buildings in America. It is also one of the most powerful. It was
designed by James Hoban after the site had been chosen by George Washington. Building work
began in 1792, and althoght it was burned early on by the British in the war of 1814, it was
restored. John Adams was the first president to live here.
You are now standing in front of one of the most famous sightsin the whole world. It is without
doubt the finest example of Mughal architecture. The glorious white marble exterior stands as a
symbol of purity and love. It was built by the emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum – a burial place
– for his beloved wife Mumtaz, and ittook nearly twenty years to build.
The magnificent structure we are now passing is 300 metres high and has stood on this site for
over a century. It stands as a proud example of the technological and engineering achievements of
century France. It is said that the British planned to build a similar structure just a bit higher,
but they only got as far as the first stage when – so the story goes – the structure began to collapse.
But you can also get some good views from the Harbour Bridge – if you go up the Pylon Lookout – and the Opera House as well. I’d go for the Tower though, if you’ve got a good head for heights! 2. That’s MCA – it’s got some wonderful modern and contemorary art 3. You should go to the National Maritime Museum. You can visit twelve or so historic ships in the outdoor display and the indoor exhibitions are also well worth visiting. 4. you could go to Bondi Beach, or there’s some great beaches to the north. 5. you could try the Power house Museum – that’s got a lot of hands –on stuff- but if they’re interested in sea-life then it’s got to be the Aquarium 6. Yes, go down to Sydney harbour – I’ll show you where – and take any one of the cruises. There’s a lot to choose from I recommend one of the old squareriggers. 7. There’s always Chinatown if you like Chinese food. Or alternatively, I could give you the names and addresses of some good Thai restaurants – they’re my favourite 8. The place to go is Luna Park. It was restored and modernized a few years back and it’s great. You’ll love it, I guarantee it! 9. if I were you I’d go to the Botanical Gardens or the Chinese Garden. 10. I can recommend lots of places to go shopping, but I think the place you’re talking about is the Queen Victoria Building. Unit 10 Listening Guide commentaries 1 The elegant building you can see on your left with the lovely green lawns in front of it is, of course, one of the most famous buildings in America. It is also one of the most powerful. It was designed by James Hoban after the site had been chosen by George Washington. Building work began in 1792, and althoght it was burned early on by the British in the war of 1814, it was restored. John Adams was the first president to live here. 2 You are now standing in front of one of the most famous sights in the whole world. It is without doubt the finest example of Mughal architecture. The glorious white marble exterior stands as a symbol of purity and love. It was built by the emperor Shah Jahan as a mausoleum – a burial place – for his beloved wife Mumtaz, and it took nearly twenty years to build. 3 The magnificent structure we are now passing is 300 metres high and has stood on this site for over a century. It stands as a proud example of the technological and engineering achievements of 19th century France. It is said that the British planned to build a similar structure just a bit higher, but they only got as far as the first stage when – so the story goes – the structure began to collapse. 4 xvi Now, standing in the middle of this square we have a splendid view of the largest and most important church in the Christian world. The church was started in the early 16th century and took over a hundred years to complete. Bramante, Raffaello, and Michelangelo all worked on it. The centerpiece of the church is the magnificent dome standing over 120 metres high. We shall now go into the church and climb to the top for some wonderful view of the city – so I hope you are feeling fit! 5 The building in front of you is nearly two-and-a-half thousand years old. It is a masterpiece of architecture, reflecting the advanced development of the culture which producted it. It wa built as a temple to the goddess Athena, but in its long history it has also been used as a Christian church and as a mosque. Over the years much of it has been destroyed, indeed a lot of the sculptures are held in the British Museum in London. 6 We’re now approaching a very famous sight indeed. It has a main span of 1,280 metres, with a total length of 2,824 metres, making it one of the world’s longest suspension bridges. As we cross, look to your left for some superb views of the city and the bay, and to your right you’ll be able to gaze out to the blue horizon of the Pacific Ocean. 7 Soon we’ll be entering one of the most famous ancient buildings in the world. Most of what you can see is original. Imagine the blood and the death, the cruelty, and the peculiar pleasures of the declining empire. It was here also the Christians are said to have been thrown to the wild beasts. 1WORDLIST Accessibility(n) tính deã ñeán gaàn , tính deã bò aûnh höôûng Accommodation(n) söï thích nghi, phoøng ôû ñuû tieän nghi Agency (n) ñaïi lyù, nhi nhaùnh coâng ty, haõng thoâng taán Agrarian adj: thuoäc veà ruoäng ñaát, troàng troït Allergic (adj) dò öùng Amenity (n) tính nhaõ nhaën, hoøa nhaõ, tieän nghi Archaeological(adj) thuoäc veà khaûo coå Autobahn (n) xa loä ( ôù Ñöùc) Autostrada : ñöôøng daønh rieâng cho xe oâto, xa loä Awe-inspiring( adj) gaây kinh hoaøng Bake (v ) boû loø,nöôùng baèng loø Banquet (n),(V) ñaïi yeán, tieäc lôùn, theát ñaõi tieäc Bartender (n) ngöôøi pha cheá röôïu Bellhop/porter (n) ngöôøi khuaân vaùc, tröïc taàng ôû khaùch saïn Brochure (n) taäp saùch moûng ñeå quaûng caùo Bulk(adj) lôùn Bustling adj hoái haû, voäi vaøng Canal (n) keânh, soâng ñaøo Canyon (n) heõm nuùi Captivating (adj) laøm say ñaém, quyeán ruõ Castle (n) laâu ñaøi, thaønh trì, thaønh quaùch Cathedral (n) nhaø thôø Cauliflower (n) boâng caûi Cave-dwelling(n) vieäc ôû hang ñoäng cuûa ngöôøi thöôïng coå Challenges (n) thöû thaùch Channel (n) eo bieån , keânh Charter (n)(v ) thueâ taøu xe, maùy bay Citadel (n) thaønh luõy,thaønh quaùch Civilization (n) neàn vaên minh Coast (n) : ñöôøng bôø bieån Community (n) khu phoá, coäng ñoàng Complimentary(adj) ca ngôïi, ca tuïng,môøi 2Concession (n) nhöôïng boä, giaøm giaù Concierge (n) ngöôøi giöõ cöûa, tö vaán thoâng tin veà giaûi trí ôû khaùch saïn Condiments (n) ñoà gia vò Congress (n) cuoäc hoïp chính thöùc, ñaïi hoäi Coral reefs. (n) daûi san hoâ ngaàm Credit card (n) theû tín duïng Crisis (n) cuoäc khuûng hoaûng Cruise (n) cuoäc ñi chôi treân bieån Crystalline (adj) keát tinh, baèng pha leâ Curator(n) ngöôøi phuï traùch , höôùng daãn ôû baûo taøng Currency (n) tieàn teä Deface (v ) laøm maát uy tín Delve (n),(v ) choã truõng , ñaøo bôùi Destination (n) ñieåm ñeán, nôi ñeán Diabetic: (adj) maéc beänh tieåu ñöôøng Diverse (adj) phong phuù, ña daïng Domestic (adj) noäi ñòa, trong nhaø Emerald (n) ngoïc luïc baûo, maøu xanh ngoïc Enterprise (n) doanh nghieäp Evolution (n) söï tieán hoùa, phaùt trieån Excursion (n) cuoäc du ngoaïn, chuyeán tham quan ngaén Executive chefs ñaàu beáp tröôûng Exhibitions (n) vieäc tröng baøy, trieån laõm Exotic (adj) ngoaïi lai, ñeïp laï thöôøng Explore (v: khaùm phaù Facilities(n) ñieàu kieän thuaän lôïi, tieän nghi Felucca (n) moät loaïi taøu nhoû ôû Ñòa trung haûi Ferry (n) phaø, beán phaø Festival (n) leã hoäi, lieân hoan ( toân giaùo, aâm nhaïc, ngheä thuaät) Flexible (adj) uyeãn chuyeån , linh hoaït Flight attendant (n) ngöôøi phuïc vuï, tieáp vieân haøng khoâng Flock (n) (v ) nhoùm, tuïm, tuï taäp Freelance (n) haønh ngheà töï do Game (n) thòt röøng 3Glimpse (n),(v.) Nhìn thoaùng qua Glorious(adj) vinh quang, loãng laãy Gondola: thuyeàn ñaùy baèng, khinh khí caàu Grill (v ) : nöôùng væ Grotto (n) hang, ñoäng Guesthouse (n) nhaø khaùch Gulf (n) vònh Handicraft village laøng ngheà thuû coâng Harem : haäu cung Helm (n) maây tuï, laùi taøu Heritage (n) di saûn, taøi saûn thöøa keá Hub: truïc baùnh xe, trung taâm Incredibly (adv) ñaùng kinh ngaïc Inhabitants: daân cö Itinerary (n) keá hoaïch moät haønh trình Kidney (n) thaän Lagoons (n) phaù, vònh Limestone(n) ñaù voâi Liver (n) gan Maneuverability(n) kheùo leùo Maze of islets (n) meâ cung cuûa nhöõng hoøn ñaûo nhoû Metropolis (n) thuû ñoâ, thuû phuû, maãu quoác Monorail (n) ñöôøng xe löûa (1ray) Monuments: ñaøi töôûng nieäm Museum (n) nhaø baûo taøng Muslim : ngöôøi theo ñaïo Hoài Mustard (n) muø taïc Negotiation (n) thöông löôïng,ñaøm phaùn Offal (n) ñoà loøng, ruoät Paddle (n), (v ) maùi cheøo, cheøo xuoàng Pagoda (n) chuøa,thaùp Palace (n) cung ñieän Patronize (V: ) haï coá, ñôõ ñaâu Peaks (n) ñænh 4Penthouse (n) taàng thöôïng nhaø cao taàng Picturesque (adj) ñeïp, gaây aán töôïng maïnh Promotion(n) khuyeán maõi, thaêng tieán Rack (n) giaù, keä ñeä ñoà Receptionist (n) ngöôøi tieáp taân Referral system giôùi thieäu nhaø haøng ,khaùch saïn khaùc Reservation and counter staff: nhaân vieân nhaän ñaët phoøng Resort (n) (v ) khu nghæ döôõng, thöôøng xuyeân lui tôùi, la caø Rituals (adj)(n) theo leã nghi, trình töï Roast (v ) roti, quay Safari(N) cuoäc ñi saên hoaëc haønh trình töông töï ñi saên Sauteù : aùp chaûo, xaøo Self-catering (adj) töï phuïc vuï ( quaùn aên, kyø nghæ) Soaring (adj) bay vuùt leân Splendour: söï traùng leä, loäng laãy Stew: haàm, ninh Stunning (adj. Tuyeät voøi, loäng laãy, gaây aán töôïng maïnh ( kieán truùc) Suite (n) daõy phoøng, loaïi phoøng coù phoøng khaùch,taém,nguû rieâng Survive (v ) soáng soùt Teak : moät loaïi goã Temple (n): ñeàn, mieáu, ñieän , thaùnh ñöôøng Terraced vineyards: vöôøn nho coù baäc thang Terrorism(n) söï khuûng boá, chính saùch khuûng boá Theme park (n) coâng vieân giaûi trí Tombs n) laêng, moä Tour guide (n) ngöôøi höôùng daãn vieân du lòch Tour operator (n) ngöôøi ñieàu haønh chuyeán du lòch Tower(n) thaùp ( nhaø thoø, phaùo ñaøi,laâu ñaøi) Traffic Assistance (n) trôï lyù veà xe coä Tram (n) xe ñieän ( chaïy ñöôøng ray) Travel agent (n) ngöôøi laøm ngheà ñaïi lyù du lòch Treasures (n) chaâu baùu, kho taøng Trekking (n) ñi boä leo nuùi , ñöôøng daøi Tributaries (adj)(n) nhaùnh, phuï ( soâng) 5Trout (n) caù hoài Trove : vaät tìm ra Ultimate (adj) taân tieán, thöôïng haïng, toät baät Valleys : thung luõng Venison (n) thòt nai Vibrant (adj) röïc rôõ, ñaày suùc soáng, rung ñoäng maïnh Visa (n) (V ) thò thöïc, ñoùng daáu thò thöïc Walnut trees, n: caây oùc-choù Wane (V ) taøn yeáu, heát thôøi
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