An investigation into the use of menus and billboards in sapa town, Lao Cai
In today’s global world, English which is used as a global means of communication, has been
playing an important role in many sectors including science, education, medicine, engineering,
economy, etc. English is extremely essential to the field of tourism business in many nations
especially in Vietnam. With the increasing number of international visitors, the use of foreign
languages plays an important role in tourism, particularly in supporting international travelers to
travel. In fact, English is used widely in Sapa; however, the locals have made a number of
mistakes in using English in menus and billboards. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out
the current state of using English in menus and billboards here to design a menus and billboards’
guidebook using English for shop owners in this area. Through the field investigation using
checklist method, the study has collected the errors that menus and billboards have such as
grammar, semantics, vocabulary selection issues, etc. in order to analyze and resolve them. The
product of the study will be useful for menus and billboards in Sapa.
as that of spelling errors. In terms of heterogeneous translationerrors, there are with the figure of 70 errors accounted for roughly 12.3% of the total. Table 1. Total errors in menus and billboards in Sapa Errors Number Frequency Spelling errors 259 45.52% Not Parallelerrors 20 3.51% Heterogeneous translationerrors 70 12.3% Grammatical errors 220 38.66% Total 569 100% Secondly, table 2 shows the errors’ data of 20 restaurants and 1 spa. The authors also divided these mistakes into 4 main groups in order to have an overview as well as compare each one with others. There are 511 errors in total. The rate of spelling errors is highest, at 226 mistakes accounted for approximately 44.23%, which are over seventeen times as high as that of not parallel errors, just 13 errors with roughly 2.54% of the total, whereas heterogeneous translation errors are with 69 errors, only about 3 times lower than that of spelling ones, just 13.5%. The last one is grammatical errors slightly lower percentage of spelling errors, at 203 errors accounted for around 39.73%. Vu Dinh Bac et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 73 - 78 Email: 76 Table 2. Total errors in menus in Sapa Errors Number Frequency Spelling errors 226 44.23% Not Parallel errors 13 2.54% Heterogeneous translation errors 69 13.5% Grammatical errors 203 39.73% Total 511 100% In addition, in 569 errors, the authors also separated the errors of 45 billboards for analyzing. Spelling errors, not parallel errors, heterogeneous translation and grammatical errors with the figure is 33, 7, 1 and 17 respectively. According to table 3, the rate of errors among 4 groups has relatively large difference. Going into details, the proportion of both heterogeneous translation errors and not parallel errors was a mere, only around 1.72% and 12.07%, respectively. The highest rate of errors is spelling errors, which accounted for over a half of the total, are 56.9%, followed by grammartical errors with the figure are 29.31%. Table 3. Total errors in billboards in Sapa Errors Number Frequency Spelling errors 33 56.9% Not Parallel errors 7 12.07% Heterogeneous translation errors 1 1.72% Grammatical errors 17 29.31% Total 58 100% Table 4. Some typical restaurants having mistakes in menus Restaurant Number of mistakes Frequency H’mong BBQ 77 15.1% Fansipan 52 10.2% Bar - restaurant 3 0.6% The rest restaurants 379 74.1% Total 511 100% As shown in table 4, in 21 restaurants and spa, H’mong BBQ restaurant’s menu has the highest errors of 77 mistakes accounted for approximately 15.1%, followed by Fansipan restaurant with the figure being lower, at 52 errors accounted for around 10.2%. The errors in Bar – restaurant’s menu is the lowest, at only 3 mistakes with roughly 0.6% of the total. When analyzing errors in groups, it was found that the restaurants had the most errors in spelling errors, with 226 errors. In it, the menu of H’mong BBQ restaurant has the most spelling errors: 33 errors. The menu of Phuoc Lan and Viet restaurants has the second highest number of errors with 26 errors about spelling. Behind the spelling error groups, the grammar error group has all 203 errors. The menu of the H’mong BBQ restaurant still has the most grammatical errors with 41 errors Error groups with heterogeneous translation has 69 errors. Fansipan restaurant has the most errors and their menu has 10 errors. The error groups with not parallel only has 13 errors. Of those 13, Sky restaurant has 6 errors, another restaurant has 1-2 errors, and some restaurants do not make mistakes in this error group. In terms of grammatical errors, there are several different kinds of mistakes, for instance the locals can not distinguish which nouns are countable or uncountable (meats, salads, breads, wines, ...). Next, they make errors on word order, in fact some words are reversed their positions (fried rice Duong Chau, corn fried, pork spinning,pork stir- fried, cucumber young, beef stir fried,). Besides, a number of phrases not only have no accompanying preposition but also are used in erroneous way (Hot pot vegetable Sapa mushroom, fried rice vegetable, steamed chicken lemon leaves, steam rice, mix fruit, mix salad, sauted mix vegetables, ). Moreover, the locals are mistaken between plural nouns and singular nouns (2 person, 3 or more person, two egg, ). Furthermore, they use wrong grammatical structures, sentences do not have verbs or the verbs are nouns used as verbs (sour and sweet pork Vu Dinh Bac et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 73 - 78 Email: 77 chops, “A very refreshing, easy drinking champagne style pale straw in color, showing an attractive, lifted her baceousness on the nose and fresh fruit flavours, finishing clean with delicate, creamy mouth feel and a crisp finish. The perfect wine for any celebration, slightly drier the dB Classique”, you choice one of the types of fried rice or noodle, ). Besides, spelling errors are also divided into three main groups: wrong words (fist, coffe, sweer and sour, foof, bufflo, passiion, mustrrooms, cappucino, chesee, stawberry, eeg, galic,pinaple ), devided or combined words by space (sand wiches, water melon, lemon grass, choco late, sea food, pine apple juice, milk shake, hotpot, Aglass), the authors have to identify these words by checking dictionary, pictures or search the Internet. In addition, principle error of not parallel is unbalanced between plural nouns and singular nouns (fried rice with eggs and vegetable, mix fruit/seasonal fruits, chicken/sandwiches/Club sandwich, bacon/eggs/onion/mushroom/olive, fried rice with vegetable/fried noodles with vegetables, ). In heterogeneous translation errors, they do not have equivalent meaning between English and Vietnamese (egg: trứng vịt lộn, egg: trứng nướng, bitter melon: mướp đắng nhồi thịt, sauted Sapa mushroom with pork: thịt xào hành nấm Sapa, boiled vegetable: ngồng xu hào luộc, boild chayote: quả su su hấp vừng, orange with milk: sinh tố cam, ...). Moreover, there are several other errors like: writing miscellaneous capital letters (sapa), using a half English and a half Vietnamese (Ba con, xà lách, cà chua, dưa chuột Mayonaise sauce, cheese. Therefore, foreigners misunderstand the ingredients having in the dishes. In order to have more information about the current state of English used in menus and billboards in Sapa, the authors interviewed one shop owner and six foreigners. The shop owner said that her restaurant’s menu was based on other restaurants’ menus or translated by Google Translation. Besides, the authors begged foreigners for commenting on English used in menus and billboards they saw. The result was these foreigners said that they could understand the content of menus and billboards by general way; nevertheless, they sometimes did not understand completely what were the meaning of some English words. Particulaly, the authors showed foreigners some pictures of restaurants’ menus and billboards, they found down many errors related to spelling and grammar of these. This problem affects more or less to owners’ business. There are a lot of previous researches studied about English used in menus and billboards; however, no researches carried out this field in Sapa; therefore, this study will contribute extra document for menus and billboards in Vietnam. Furthermore, it can be used as reference not only for Sapa but also for other tourist attractions. 5. Conclusion This research bases from many menus and billboards in Sapa which still have many errors. From the collected data, there are 569 mistakes in 21 restaurants, one spa and 45 billboards. Especially, spelling errors account for approximately 45.52%. Not parallel are the lowest errors at only about 20 errors related making up 3.15%. The result of this issue is that foreigners sometimes can not understand completely the meaning of some English words. The researchers found that English language have a significant effect on customers intention in Sapa. Therefore, the study proposes a guidebook affected customers’ purchase intention, which no previous researches have done before. The restauranteurs can base on this English guidebook to correct all mistakes in their menus and billboards or design high quality ones easily. Vu Dinh Bac et al TNU Journal of Science and Technology 199(06): 73 - 78 Email: 78 Base on the results of this study, it is hoped that the guidebook will be applied in most of restaurants and spa in Sapa. This product improves menus and billboards’ quality with the hope of bettering service’s quality. This research also wants to help restauranteurs avoid some common errors while using English in menus and billboards. This study was conducted in Sapa but it is hoped that it will be useful for other tourist attractions in Vietnam. REFERENCES [1]. Kincaid, C. S., Corsun, D. L., “Are consultants blowing smoke? Anempirical test of the impact of menu layout on item sales”. Int. J. Contemp.Hosp. Manag. 15, 226–231, 2003. [2]. Antun, J. M., Gustafson, C. M., “Menu analysis: design, merchandisingand pricing strategies used by successful restaurants and private clubs”. J. Nutr. Recipe Menu Dev. 3, 81–101, 2005. [3]. Iveson, K. “Branded cities: Outdoor advertising, urban governance, and the outdoor media landscape”. Antipode, 44(1), 151-174, 2011. [4]. Williams, D., The Arbitron National In-Car Study, 2009 Edition. Arbitron Inc, 1- 18. Retrieved from downloads/InCarStudy2009.pdf, 2009.
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